EDP Laboratorio Creación De Documentos en Procesador De Palabras


creación de documentos en procesador de palabras


Continuamos con la aplicación MS Word. En este ejercicio usted debe trabajar con un “template” de MS Word. Es una actividad muy simple, solo debe hacer los cambios propuestos en el documento. Cuando la plantilla se descarga desde los “templates” de MS Word, los usuarios que tienen instalado MS Word en español, su plantilla aparecerá en español. Si el usuario tiene instalado en inglés la aplicación MS Word, su plantilla aparecerá en inglés.

¿Cómo vamos a hacer el trabajo?

  • Abrir un documento en MS Word.
  • En File, seleccione New
  • Aparecerán una variedad de “templates” o plantillas. Seleccione Welcome to Word (Take a Tour).
  • Descargue la plantilla a su computadora; presione “Create”.
  • Realice los cambios propuestos. Los mismos aparecerán en rojo Try it. En el siguiente documento hay algunas recomendaciones y ejemplos. M4_Envío de archivo_Laboratorio creación de documentos en procesador de palabras.pdf Descargar M4_Envío de archivo_Laboratorio creación de documentos en procesador de palabras.pdf
  • Al finalizar el ejercicio, guarde su trabajo con el nombre Bienvenido a Word_su nombre. Por ejemplo: Bienvenido a Word_Maria Oliveros
  • Entregue su trabajo en formato Word.

Si tiene alguna duda de cómo hacer el trabajo, repase el material en el libro de texto, los tutoriales y las simulaciones dadas. Si no encuentra cómo hacer el proceso, publique su duda en el foro Dudas y Preguntas.


La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Entregar en un documento de Word, letra Times New Roman, tamaño 12.

Continuamos con la aplicación MS Word.En esta ocasión (Laboratorio) usted debe trabajar con
propone el documento.Cuando se descarga desde los “templates” de MS Word, los usuarios que
instalado la aplicación en inglés, su plantilla aparecerá en inglés.
Pasos a seguir para cumplir con la destreza de Manejo de Template:
1. Abrir un documento en MS Word.
2. En File, seleccione New
3. Aparecerán una variedad de “templates” o plantillas.Seleccione Welcome to Word (Take
a Tour).

4. Descargue la plantilla a su computadora; presione “Create.

Para los que tienen dificultad, en el ejercicio Laboratorio le adjuntan una plantilla en
5. Realice los cambios propuestos. Los mismos le aparecerán con el texto en rojo Try it.En
el siguiente enlace hay una breve explicación.
En las recomendaciones siguientes, la contestación del estudiante está encerrado en
recuadro; es solo para que usted logre identificar de manera rápida el ejemplo; usted no
tiene que encerrar en recuadros sus contestaciones.
• En la sección Write eloquently, with a little help escriba (y ennegrezca) el texto
con errores y debajo escriba (y ennegrezca) el texto con las correcciones.A
continuación, un ejemplo:


• En la sección Count on Word to count your words, escriba el texto (y ennegrezca).
Tome una captura de pantalla con la imagen donde se aprecia el número de
página y cantidad de palabras en el documento. A continuación, un ejemplo:

• En la sección Save this for later, Access it anywhere, siga las instrucciones para
guardar el documento en su área de onedrive.

• En la sección Share and collaborate siga las instrucciones para compartir el
documento previamente guardado en onedrive.


• En la sección Add visuals with pictures from the web siga las instrucciones para añadir
una imagen desde el web.

• En la sección Make your meaning more visual by formatting text siga las instrucciones


• En Make magic: use Heading styles, siga las instrucciones para aplicar el estilo.El
profesor podrá evaluar esta destreza al colocar el cursor sobre el título ya que se
marcará el estilo seleccionado.

• En la sección Give your doc an instant makeover siga las instrucciones para
seleccionar un tema/Themes.El profesor podrá evaluar esta destreza al cotejar
el tema/themes seleccionado.
• En Just for fun, siga las instrucciones para reemplazar el texto Try it por I tried it.
• Por último, en la sección Get help with Word siga las instrucciones.Añada un
• Guarde el documento con el nombre Bienvenido a Word_su nombre. Por
ejemplo: Bienvenido a Word_Maria Oliveros
• Entregue en formato Word.

Generate a Report in Excel Lab Project


**Autopsy for Windows (a free digital forensics tool) is available on Sleuth Kit download website. Download the Autopsy Version 4.3.0 (autopsy-4.3.0-64bit.msi) and then install it.

For detailed information on installing and using Autopsy, you may visit the Autopsy User’s Guide the Autopsy User Documentation. You can find an instruction forinstalling Autopsy.

You are required to submit two Excel files in D2L Assignments Dropbox by the given deadline.

The Digital Lab 2 assignment is Hands-On Project 8-1, 8-2 in the pages 373 to 374 of “Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations” by Nelson et al. 

Before beginning this exercise, create a C:WorkChap08Project folder. Download Ch08.zip file contains c08frag.exe and c08carve.exe to this work folder from Module 6, Digital Lab Project # 2 folder. Double-click the “c08frag.exe” file in File Explorer to uncompress it into “c08frag.dd”. Double-click the “c08carve.exe” file to extract “C08carve.dd”. Start Autopsy.

Hands-On Project 8-1 

In this project, you use Autopsy for Windows to locate and extract JPEG files with altered extensions. Some of these files are embedded in files with non-JPEG extensions. Find the C08frag.dd file in your work folder, and then follow these steps: 

1. Start Autopsy for Windows and click the Create New Case button. In the New Case Information window, type C08frag in the Case Name text box, (and clickBrowser next to the Base Directory text box. Navigate to and click your work Project folder. Make sure the Single-user option button is selected for Case Type,) and then click Next. Enter C08Frag for the case number and your name as the examiner, and then click Finish.

2. In Add Data Source window, click Disk Image or VM file in the Select Data Source Type. Next, click the Browse button. In the Open dialog box, navigate to your work Project folder, and click C08frag.dd. Click Open, and then click Next. Accept all the default selections in the Configure Ingest Modules window and click Next and then Finish.

3. Click the Keyword Search down arrow at the upper right. Type jfif in the text box, click the Substring Match option, and then click Search.

4. Click each file in the search results that doesn’t have a .jpg extension. Then examine the contents of each file to find any occurrences of a JFIF label. Right-click a file with a JFIF label, point to Tag Files, and click Tag and Comment. In the Comment text box, type Recovered hidden.jpg file, and then click OK. Repeat this procedure for each file with a JFIF label. 

For Lab Assignment, you have to generate a report in Excel.

5. Click Generate Report. Click the Results – Excel option button for the report format, and then click Next. Click All Results, and then click Finish. Click the report link and examine your report in the browser window that opens. 

6. Save this Excel report as your last name CYBR 4305 Lab 2-1.xlsx.

7. Exit Autopsy.

Hands-On Project 8-2 

In this project, you continue examining the files found by IT staff at Superior Bicycles. In the in-chapter activity, you recovered three files containing zzzz for the first 4 bytes of altered JPEG files. These altered files had different extensions to hide the fact that they’re graphics files. 

Find the C08carve.dd file in your work folder. This image file is a new drive acquisition the IT staff made. The CEO wants to know whether any similar files on this drive match the files you recovered from the first USB drive. Because you know that the files you recovered earlier have zzzz for the first 4 bytes, you can use it as your search string to see whether similar files are on this drive. 

1. Start Autopsy for Windows and click the Create New Case button. In the New Case Information window, type C08carve in the Case Name text box, and click Next. In the Additional Information window, type the date in the Case Number text box and your name in the Examiner text box. Click Finish.

2. In the Select Data Source window, make sure the select data source type is Disk Image or VM File and then click the Browse button, navigate to your work folder, click c08carve.dd, and then click Open. Then click Next. In the configure Ingest Modules window, click Next, and click Finish in the Add Data Source window.

3. Next, click the Keyword Search down arrow. In the text box, type zzzz, click the Exact Match option button, and then click Search.

4. Click each file in the search results to display its contents. If the file contains zzzz at the beginning of the sector, right-click the file, point to Tag File, and click Tag and Comment. In the Comment text box, type Similar file, and then click OK.

5. Click the gametour5.exe file. Ctrl+click to select gametour2.exe, gametour3.exe, gametour4.exe, and gametour6.exe. Right-click the selection, point to Tag Files, and click Tag and Comment. In the Comment text box, type Additional similar files, and then click OK.

6. Click Generate Report. Click the Results – Excel option button for the report format, and then click Next. Click All Results, and then click Finish. Click the report link and examine your report in the browser window that opens. 


EDP University of Puerto Rico Ensayo Sobre Las Personalidades en La Evolución De Las Computadoras


Objetivo de la actividad

No basta con escribir en un procesador de palabras. Conocer las funciones del procesador de palabras y el uso adecuado de ellas, resultan en un documento con apariencia profesional, que invita y facilita su lectura. En esta actividad cada estudiante desarrollará un documento en un procesador de palabras utilizando las funciones que se le solicitan.


La meta académica de esta tarea consiste en conocer tres de las personalidades contemporáneas de mayor importancia en la evolución de las computadoras. Los nombres que verás a continuación pueden ser conocidos:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Michael Dell
  • Bill Gates

Adicional, incluirá una cuarta persona, la cual su trayectoria lo haga merecedor de estar a la par de los personajes que se mencionan anteriormente.

Para realizar esta actividad deberá hacer una investigación mediante el uso de recursos como las bases de datos o el Internet. Las fuentes de información consultadas deben ser fuentes confiables (no monografías.com, Wikipedia.org, buenas tareas, rincón del vago… entre otras).

Entregará un documento electrónico correctamente escrito en sus propias palabras en el que resumirá los aspectos más importantes de estas personalidades: origen, algo de su niñez; educación, su incursión en el mundo de las computadoras y su aportación o aportaciones más importantes. El documento no debe ser tan corto como la mitad de una página, pero tampoco se pretende algo extenso. Se espera una página por cada individuo investigado.

Descargar el documento para la actividad: Download Esquema para el Examen MS Word_Personalidades.pdf

¿Qué vamos a hacer?

Luego de haber recopilado, analizado y parafraseado la información, entregará un (1) documento creado con un procesador de palabra, siguiendo el esquema para el trabajo escrito. El trabajo deberá tener:

  • Portada
  • Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents de la pestaña Reference)
  • Introducción
  • Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente en orden alfabético por el apellido)
  • Michael Dell
  • Bill Gates
  • Steve Jobs
  • _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado por el estudiante)
  • Conclusión
  • Referencias
  • Index
  • Apéndice (Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
  • Apéndice A – Michael Dell
  • Apéndice B – Bill Gates
  • Apéndice C – Steve Jobs
  • Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el estudiante.

A través de su trabajo, el estudiante pondrá en práctica las siguientes destrezas:

  • Crear y guardar documentos en word
  • dar atributos tales como:
    • Ennegrecer e itálico
    • Alinear verticalmente
    • Alinear horizontalmente
    • Aplicar los estilos (Style)
  • hacer
    • “Page break (cortes de páginas)
    • Enumeración de páginas
    • “Header (encabezados) & footer” (pie de páginas)
    • Spacing (interlineado)
      • sencillo y doble
      • “before & after”
  • Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents)
  • Index (utilizando la función Index)

¿Cómo vamos a hacer el trabajo?

  • Estudie los recursos de la unidad.
  • Realice la búsqueda de información en fuentes confiables.
  • En un documento del procesador de palabras, redacte el trabajo. Es importante que resuma y utilice técnicas de parafraseo al redactar su trabajo.
  • De estructura a su trabajo para que cumpla con las partes a desarrollar. Consulte el documento Esquema para el trabajo escrito.
  • Realice las funciones requeridas y aplique los atributos requeridos.
  • Guarde el documento con el nombre Personalidades en la evolución de las computadoras_su nombre . Por ejemplo, Personalidades en la evolución de las computadoras_Maria Olivero
  • Suba su trabajo a la plataforma. La actividad permite subir un solo archivos.
  • Si tiene alguna duda de cómo hacer el trabajo, repase los tutoriales y las simulaciones. Si no encuentra cómo hacer el proceso, publique su duda en el foro Dudas y Preguntas.


Cada estudiante debe entregar un documento escrito en un procesador de palabras. La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund).

El documento debe tener las siguientes características:

  • La letra debe ser Times New Roman, tamaño 12, color negro.
  • El margen debe ser 1” en todos los lados.
  • Los párrafos deben tener sangría.
  • Los títulos deben estar centralizados horizontalmente en “bold”.
  • El contenido debe estar alineado horizontalmente en “justify”.
  • La Portada y la página divisoria del apéndice deben estar alineadas horizontal y verticalmente en “center”.

El trabajo deberá tener las siguientes partes:

  • Portada
  • Tabla de Contenido
  • Introducción (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
  • Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente en orden alfabético por el apellido)
  • Michael Dell
  • Bill Gates
  • Steve Jobs
  • _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado por el estudiante)
  • Conclusión (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
  • Referencias
  • Index
  • Apéndice (Página divisoria del apéndice)
  • Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
    • Apéndice A – Steve Jobs
    • Apéndice B – Michael Dell
    • Apéndice C – Bill Gates
    • Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el estudiante.

PC Computer Science Home Text Adventure Game Project


Easy money, I already have the code just need some help getting it to be fully functional. I am designing a text based game that moves player from room to room to collect items. I have attached a map of my game

Code below:

#Sample function showing the goal of the game and move commandsdef show_instructions():   #print a main menu and the commands   print("Home Text Adventure Game")   print("Collect 6 items to win the game, or be found by the intruder")   print("Move commands: go South, go North, go East, go West")   print("Add to Inventory: get 'item name'")def show_state(inventory, rooms, state):      print('Inventory: ', inventory)      print('You see a ', rooms[state][0])      print("--------------------------------")      cmd, direction = input('Enter your move: ').split()  # cmd is go or get, ignoring it      return direction   #Dictionaryrooms = {   'Master Bedroom': {'item': 'Cellphone', 'East': 'Closet', 'South': 'The Family Room'},   'The Closet': {'item': 'Coat', 'West': 'Master Bedroom'},   'Foyer': {'item': 'Shoes', 'East': "Family Room"},   'Family Room': {'item': 'Charger', 'East': 'Kitchen', 'South': 'Study Room'},   'Dining Room': {'South': 'Kitchen'},   'Kitchen': {'item': 'Car Keys', 'North': 'Dining Room', 'West':'Family Room'},   'Study Room': {'item': 'Gloves','North': 'Family room', 'East': 'Basement'},   'Basement': {'Intruder'}   }state = 'Master Bedroom'inventory = []# functiondef get_new_state(state, direction):    new_state = state  # declaring    for i in rooms:  # loop        if i == state:  # if            if direction in rooms[i][1]:  # if                new_state = rooms[i][1][direction]  # assigning new_state    return new_state  # returnshow_instructions()while 1:  # gameplay loop   print('You are in the ', state)  # printing state   break   if state == 'Basement':      print('Battling with the intruder', end='')      for i in range(50):         for j in range(1000000):            pass         print(".", end='', flush=True)      print()      if len(inventory) == 4:         print("Congratulations! You have collected all items and defeated the intruder!")      else:         print('GAME OVER!')      print("Thanks for playing the game. Hope you enjoyed it. ")      break      direction = show_state(inventory, rooms, state)      # print ('Inventory: ', inventory)      # print ('You see a ', items[state])      # print ("--------------------------------")      # cmd, direction = input('Enter your move: ').split()  # cmd is go or get, ignoring it      if direction.lower() == rooms[state][0].lower():         if rooms[state][0] not in inventory:            inventory.append(rooms[state][0])         continue      direction = direction.capitalize()  # making first character capital remaining lower      if direction == 'Exit':  # if         exit(0)  # exit function      if direction == 'East' or direction == 'West' or direction == 'North' or direction == 'South':  # if         new_state = get_new_state(state, direction)  # calling function         if new_state == state:  # if            print('There is an intruder in that direction quickly enter other direction!')  # print         else:            state = new_state  # changing state value to new_state      else:         print('Invalid direction!!')  # print

University of London Data Breach Incident Analysis


Padgett-Beale Inc.’s (PBI) insurance company, CyberOne Business and Casualty Insurance Ltd, sent an audit team to review the company’s security policies, processes, and plans. The auditors found that the majority of PBI’s operating units did not have specific plans in place to address data breaches and, in general, the company was deemed “not ready” to effectively prevent and/or respond to a major data breach. The insurance company has indicated that it will not renew PBI’s cyber insurance policy if PBI does not address this deficiency by putting an effective data breach response policy and plan in place. PBI’s executive leadership team has established an internal task force to address these problems and close the gaps because they know that the company cannot afford to have its cyber insurance policy cancelled.

Unfortunately, due to the sensitivity of the issues, no management interns will be allowed to shadow the task force members as they work on this high priority initiative. The Chief of Staff (CoS), however, is not one to let a good learning opportunity go to waste … especially for the management interns. Your assignment from the CoS is to review a set of news articles, legal opinions, and court documents for multiple data breaches that affected a competitor, Marriott International (Starwood Hotels division). After you have done so, the CoS has asked that you write a research report that can be shared with middle managers and senior staff to help them understand the problems and issues arising from legal actions taken against Marriott International in response to this data breach in one of its subsidiaries (Starwood Hotels).


1. Read / Review the readings for Weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4.

2. Research the types of insurance coverage that apply to data breaches. Pay attention to the security measures required by the insurance companies before they will grant coverage (“underwriting requirements”) and provisions for technical support from the insurer in the event of a breach. Here are three resources to help you get started.

a.  https://woodruffsawyer.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/40842_Woodruff-Sawyer-Cyber-Buying-Guide_Final.pdf 

b. https://www.travelers.com/cyber-insurance

c. https://wsandco.com/cyber-liability/cyber-basics/ 

3. Read / Review at least 3 of the following documents about the Marriott International / Starwood Hotels data breach and liability lawsuits.

a. https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2018/12/03/510811.htm 

b. https://ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/news-and-events/news-and-blogs/2019/07/statement-intention-to-fine-marriott-international-inc-more-than-99-million-under-gdpr-for-data-breach/ 

c. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54748843

d. http://starwoodstag.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/us-en_First-Response.pdf 

e. https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/2018/12/marriott-data-breach 

f. https://news.marriott.com/2019/07/marriott-international-update-on-starwood-reservation-database-security-incident/ 

4. Find and review at least one additional resource on your own that provides information about data breaches and/or best practices for preventing and responding to such incidents. 

5. Using all of your readings, identify at least 5 best practices that you identify at least 5 best practices that you can recommend to Padgett-Beale’s leadership team as it works to improve its data breach response policy and plans. 


Write a three to four(3-4) page report using your research. At a minimum, your report must include the following:

1. An introduction or overview of the problem (cyber insurance company’s audit findings regarding the company’s lack of readiness to respond to data breaches). This introduction should be suitable for an executive audience and should explain what cyber insurance is and why the company needs it.

2. An analysis section in which you discuss the following:

a. Specific types of data involved in the Starwood Hotels data breaches and the harm 

b. Findings by government agencies / courts regarding actions Starwood Hotels / Marriott International should have taken 

c. Findings by government agencies / courts regarding liability and penalties (fines) assessed against Marriott International.

3. A review of best practices which includes 5 or more specific recommendations that should be implemented as part of Padgett-Beale’s updated data breach response policy and plans. Your review should identify and discuss at least one best practice for each of the following areas: people, processes, policies and technologies. (This means that one of the four areas will have two recommendations for a total of 5.)

4. A closing section (summary) in which you summarize the issues and your recommendations for policies, processes, and/or technologies that Padgett-Beale, Inc. should implement.

APUS Computer Science Python project



This assignment must be done in a standalone Python environment, not the textbook. See the Textbooks and Materials page for instructions on installing the compiler on your local computer or using Park’s virtual desktop.

Download the following all to the same folder:

The program Lab9-start.py Download Lab9-start.py 

The data files health-no-head-sample.csv Download health-no-head-sample.csvand health-no-head.csv Download health-no-head.csv
The big data file contains records of some infectious diseases from 1928 to 2011. The  small one only includes data from 3 years from 5 states. Run the python program. It should print something like this MEASLES,206.98,COLORADO,2099,1014000,1928

[‘MEASLES’, ‘206.98’, ‘COLORADO’, ‘2099’, ‘1014000’, ‘1928n’]

[‘MEASLES’, ‘634.95’, ‘CONNECTICUT’, ‘10014’, ‘1577000’, ‘1928n’]

[‘MEASLES’, ‘256.02’, ‘DELAWARE’, ‘597’, ‘233000’, ‘1928n’]

  1. Make sure that you get output like this before starting the assignment or writing any additional code.


  1. Modify the program in the following ways:

Write each line as part of a table, include a header before the table, and a summary line at the end. Use a fixed width for each column (don’t try to find the largest width like you did in the previous unit). You should end up with something like State                 Disease        Number      Year

COLORADO              MEASLES         2,099      1928
CONNECTICUT           MEASLES        10,014      1928
DELAWARE              MEASLES           597      1928
DELAWARE              SMALLPOX            0      1930
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA  SMALLPOX            0      1930
FLORIDA               SMALLPOX           28      1930
                     Total          52,307  
Not every field of the original line is used in the output. You will have to do some research about the .format() function to print the number of cases with a comma. If you can’t get the comma in the number column, move on and come back to that once you have more of the program written. The key is to have all the columns line up.  

Use some if statements to add three filters to your program that let the user select exactly one state, disease and year to include in the report. Prompt the user to enter these values. Enter state: Colorado
Enter disease: smallpox
Enter year: 1928
State                 Disease        Number      Year

COLORADO              SMALLPOX          340      1928
                     Total             340   
Unfortunately, this isn’t very flexible.

Change your program so that if the user just hits return for a prompt, the program includes all the data for that field. For example:
Enter state (Empty means all): Colorado
Enter disease (Empty means all):
Enter year (Empty means all): 1928
State                 Disease        Number      Year

COLORADO              MEASLES         2,099      1928
COLORADO              POLIO              71      1928
COLORADO              SMALLPOX          340      1928
                     Total           2,510    
Your program should run as expected using this small data set

Change the open statement in the program to use the full data set, health-no-head.csv.

Write down the answers to the following queries:

How many cases of Hepatitis A were reported in Utah in 2001?

How many cases of polio have been reported in California?

How many cases of all diseases were reported in 1956?

  1. Add another feature to your program.
    This could be something like printing the highest and lowest numbers for each query, or allowing the user to just type the first part of value, so that entering 20 for the year generates a table for years 2000, 2001, 2002, … 2011, or entering D for a state gives information on Delaware and the District of Columbia. Or maybe leverage your previous assignment and make the column only as wide as they need to be for the data. Try to make it something useful.

Comment your code.
Be sure to add a header comment to your program and any functions, and appropriate comments before other blocks of code.


Submit the file with .py extension.

Write a reflection in the comment box answering the following questions:

Show the answers from Step 5.

Describe your added feature from Step 6. Show the code that accomplishes this.

In a sentence or two, what did you learn?

In a sentence or two, what did you like about this project?

In a sentence or two, what did you find confusing or would like to see done differently regarding this project?

In a sentence or two, if you had another hour or two, what would you like to add to the project or how would you do things differently?

University of Maryland Global Campus Building The Decision Discussion




The purpose of this week’s discussions is to address the type of information HH needs to gather in coming up with creative alternatives to use in the MDQ decision making model. Useful information involves researching anything that the decision maker needs to know that might influence the decision making process. This includes experience from past or future situations as well as factual information. Even though the decision maker has no control over future events, information needs to be gathered to anticipate outcomes, consequences or actions when acting on Hannah’s Hats’ alternatives.


In Building the Decision, the decision maker will create FOUR viable alternatives. The case study mentions several obvious alternatives, such as: Partnering with the investors or increasing E-commerce sales. However, NONE of these alternatives are strong enough on their own to meet all the objectives HH would like from the decision. Harry must look for ways to combine them with other possibilities to make stronger alternatives. The expectation is to create alternatives that are creative, demonstrate critical thinking, use additional research, and meet as many of the objectives as possible. Remember: The alternatives must satisfy as many objectives as possible.

complete the following:

    • Discuss in one paragraph the type of information that Hannah’s Hats needs to gather to make a decision. Discuss the biases and traps that should be avoided in gathering, selecting, and interpreting information. Watch your predisposition to select information that is in your comfort zone or might lead to a problem solving approach rather than a decision making one.
    • Create FOUR possible alternatives for Hanna’s Hats. Discuss each of these alternatives in separate paragraphs by explaining the alternative in detail, pointing out the biases, and potential consequences. Additional research will be required to support their viability.
    • All conclusions, justifications, reasoning, and explanations must be supported with course material in the form of APA in-text citations (page/paragraph numbers required when quoting) and a reference list.
    • This week you will be gathering information about your objectives, evaluating the information, and then creating several plans of action(or alternatives) that meet as many of the objectives as possible. This is the process and the discussion needs to flow around the process NOT solving a problem. While your options will seek to meet the objectives and in that way seem to accomplish a solution for HH’s concerns, the alternatives are not solutions. If creatively formed they may seek to accomplish all the objectives and more. For instance, if an objective is to have HH increase e-commerce sales think of all the ways they can accomplish this objective. The research and information you gather should have multiple ideas and many can be put together to make an alternative that fits that objective. However, the object of the alternative is to meet all the objectives or as many as possible, or as many as constraints like budgets or resources will allow. Choices may even be accomplished by using stakeholders and outsiders to the decision to create or be included in the action of the choices created. (E.g. investors what do they want from the decision, staff etc.). This week we gather information, interpret it and put it together like a puzzle to form choices that meet the objectives.

SNHU The Implementation of Hardware and Software Technologies Plan



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Develop risk analysis and mitigation plans


You are the IT risk assessment lead at Health Network, Inc., a health services organization headquartered in Tampa, Florida. Health Network has over 700 employees throughout the organization and generates $500 million in revenue annually. The company has two additional locations in Seattle, Washington, and Arlington, Virginia. These locations support different aspects of corporate operations. Each facility is located near a data center, where production systems are located and managed by third-party data-center hosting vendors.

Health Network has three main products:

  1. HNetExchange is the primary source of revenue for the company. The service handles secure electronic medical messages that originate from its customers, such as large hospitals, which are then routed to receiving customers such as clinics.
  2. HNetPay is a web portal used by many of the company’s HNetExchange customers to support the management of secure payments and billing. The HNetPay web portal, hosted at Health Network production sites, accepts various forms of payments and interacts with credit-card processing organizations, much like a web commerce shopping cart.
  3. HNetConnect is an online directory that lists doctors, clinics, and other medical facilities to allow Health Network customers to find the right type of care at the right locations. It contains doctors’ personal information, work addresses, medical certifications, and types of services that the doctors and clinics offer. Doctors are given credentials and are able to update the information in their profiles. Health Network customers, which are hospitals and clinics, connect to all three of the company’s products using HTTPS connections. Doctors and potential patients are able to make payments and update their profiles using internet-accessible HTTPS websites.

Health Network operates in three production data centers that provide high availability across the company’s products. The data centers host about 1,000 production servers, and Health Network maintains 650 corporate laptops and company-issued mobile devices for its employees.

A previous risk assessment identified the following threats:

  • Potential loss of data due to inappropriate hardware decommission
  • Potential loss of protected health information (PHI) from lost or stolen company-owned assets, such as mobile devices and laptops
  • Potential data loss due to corrupt production data resulting from a systems outage
  • Internet threats from hackers and other malicious actors
  • Insider threats due to social engineering, installation of malware and spyware
  • Changes in the regulatory landscape that may impact operations

Based on the findings of this risk assessment, Health Network administration has determined that the existing risk management plan does not take into account the above threats and is therefore out of date. You have been assigned to develop a new plan.


For this assignment, you will create a risk management plan for Health Network that contains the following objectives:

  1. Importance: Explain the plan’s purpose and importance for the key stakeholders of the organization.
  2. Scope: Define the scope and boundaries of the plan.
  3. Risks: Identify the organization’s primary internal and external risks based on the local environments where facilities are located.
  4. Safety: Describe physical and safety considerations associated with the identified risks.
  5. Business Impact: Conduct a business impact analysis (BIA) that determines the probability and significance of certain risky events and their potential impact on the various aspects of Health Network’s business.
  6. Mitigation: Identify strategies to mitigate these risks and to allow Health Network to continue operating (business continuity plan (BCP) and disaster recovery plan (DRP)) if these risks occur.

Glitch .com Project


Website Examples


We’re going to use everything we’ve learned over the last couple of weeks on coding and apply it to making our own websites! Last week we worked on mockups and these will be the basis of the website we’re creating! We will be using glitch to host our websites so that when they’re finished, the websites can be immediately searchable online!


  • Your one-page site should follow the specs from the mockups:
    • A way to navigate it
    • A layout of Projects
    • An about section
  • Each page should use media queries to be responsive on both desktop AND mobile.


  • Since we are building the site using the mockups from the previous week, all of our design requirements stay the same.
  • Have the following text styles
    • H1
    • H2
    • H3
    • List Items
    • Paragraph
  • A Color Scheme of at least three colors
    • Primary Color
    • Secondary Color
    • Accent Color
  • At least Two Fonts
    • Heading Font
    • Body Font


Note: During class on Friday, we will be setting community agreements about how to collaborate with one another.


Deciding On Your Approach

  1. With your mockups in mind, decide what your approach is going to be for coding your website.
  2. Here are some guiding questions to help you decide:
    • Are you coding desktop first? or mobile first?
    • Are you coding each page one-by-one before moving onto the next page?
    • Are you setting up the HTML first before adding in your CSS? or are you getting in all the basics of each style beforehand
  3. I won’t be dictating how you set up your website. How you manage your building your website will be up to you!

Translate Your Mockup into an Outline

  1. Getting right into it might get you started quicker but coding, like InDesign, is a process that benefits from planning and consideration before jumping into it.
  2. Look at your mockup and create an outline to help you prep and think through the following:
    • What styles am I going to need for my elements?
    • What is the HTML structure for the site?
    • Are there any things I’m going to have to figure out with Javascript? And what’s it going to have to do?
    • What will my breakpoints be for my media queries? and how will those styles change?
    • Are there any special features that I’m going to have to dedicate time to figuring out? (i.e Slider, Lightbox, etc)
  3. How you make this “outline” is up to you! It can be a drawing, you can write it out, it can be a set of comments posted in your Glitch files.
  4. In your plan, make a “Week 1 progress goal” to decide how far you want to get in the coding before the second week!

Start Coding!

  1. Implementing your plan, start coding your website!
  2. Use your “Week 1 progress goal” to help you keep on track for finishing the website.
  3. This is important for the W10 Working Session so you can ask any questions of me around any issues when coding!


Code, Code, Code!

  1. The second week of this project will be dedicated entirely to coding your website!
  2. We’ll be using Week 10 as a working session and Office hours session to talk about any issues you might be having with the project to this point.
  3. There won’t be an in-class exercise so it’s really dedicated to working!

NLC Computer Science Lab Report


Lab Assignment 27 (Hashing)

1.Write a program named Lab27A that will make a hash table of customer names and customer ID numbers. The customer ID number (integer) will be the key for each entry.

a.Create a class named Customer that will have

i.Two instance variables: the customer ID (int) and the customer name (String)

ii.A constructor that receives an int and a String parameter and fills in both instance variables.

iii.A void method to return the customer ID

iv.A toString method to print both variables (with labels as always)

b.Back in the main class, do the following:

i.Write an int method that receives an int parameter (the customer ID) and returns the result of performing the hash function on the parameter.

The hash function separates the key into digits and adds the digits together. If that sum has more than one digit, then the digits of the sum are added together. This will be repeated until the final result is only one digit long (hint: it must be < 10).

Example: hash(83945) = 8 + 3 + 9 + 4 + 5 = 29

But 29 has 2 digits so we do it again ? 2 + 9 = 11

11 still has 2 digits, so we do it one more time ? 1 + 1 = 2

Thus, hash(83045) = 2

ii.In the main method:

1.Create an array of 10 Customer objects.

2.Read the customer ID’s and names in from the text file (Lab27A.txt). (You don’t know how many customers there will be, but it will be < 10). For each one:

a. Calculate the hash code by sending the customer ID to your hashing function method

b.Write the customer’s name and hash function result

c.Create a Customer object

d.Add the object to your hash table array at the index returned by your hash function method. If there is a collision, then keep moving forward one array location at a time until you find an empty one (linear probing). Place the object there.

If you get to the end of the array, go back up to index 0 again.

3.After all customers have been added to the hash table, print the hash table array. (Don’t print the nulls, though.) Print the index number before each customer object’s info.
(You’ll probably need to write a for loop for this instead of using Arrays.toString.)

Hint: To check if an array named arr has an object at location i, you would write:

if (arr[i] != null)

2.Write a program named Lab27B where you will create a hash table of “gadgets” using a different hash function and quadratic probing.

a.Create a class named Gadget that you will make objects of. It should have the following:

i.Two instance variables: the gadget ID (int) and the gadget name (String)

ii.A constructor that receives an int and a String parameter and fills in both instance variables.

iii.A void method to return the gadget ID

iv.A toString method to print both variables (with labels)

b.In your main class do the same things you did for Lab27A, but with following changes.

i.The hash table array should have a length of 20.

ii.Read the data from Lab27B.txt

iii.The hash function will be key % 20

iv.You should use quadratic probing to find a new location for an entry if a collision occurs.