KSU The Stars in The Diagram Above Indicate Primary Keys Question


  • Any code for loading data; e.g., reads the file (pubmed22n1081.xml.gz) and creates nodes and relationships among them.
  • A visualization that validates your data import. (You can create any visualization using a simple query, and expand the graph by clicking one of the buttons for a node.

CSC 101 Lowell High School Visual Basic Coding Hotel Occupancy Application


For this assignment, you are required to use the WHILE LOOP only and use Visual Basic Coding. Please create and design an application like these Figures below and create a VB code base on the question in the images and use the WHILE LOOP only for this assignment.

CSN Wireshark Worksheet


Use Wireshark to analyze the pcap file and answer the following questions:

  1. What are the names of the three movies searched for?
  2. What are the 3 URLs (1 for each Movie) and what packets are they found in?
  3. How did you find everything?


NECBF Visualizations Customer and Employee Standpoint Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Discuss the importance of using annotations with the visualizations. What issues will we experience from a customer and employee standpoint? What strategies should we take to avoid these issues? 

The Network Scanning Techniques Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a cyber security discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Explain in your own words what type of information can be obtained by using network scanning techniques and why it is an important intelligence gathering process. 

Ajman University Face Recognition in YOLOV5 and Artificial Intelligence Paper


I want a paper explaining a project about face recognition in yolov5, using roboflow. I want some yolov5 code(available online) to be attached in the appendix.

I have a power point I’ll be attaching. Also, here are few links that can be used: https://blog.roboflow.com/how-to-train-yolov5-on-a…

ECOM 421 SEU Strategic Plan Noon Homegrown Plan Paper


Desig a business plan for the company

As a Project Intem, design a business plan business strategies to help the company in increasing its revenue either by suggesting the company to starting a new business unit or by launching a new product or services.

company noon.com

Network Security and Types of Attacks Report


A report in “Network Security and Types of Attacks” topic.

Need only the following:

1- Abstract: summary of problem statement presented in the papers. 250 words only 

2- Introduction: discuss the chosen papers proposed solution. These should be illustrated using text and diagrams. Follow the templet.

Barclay College Cyber Security Essay


(I need tutor who are really understand cyber security).

Researching Forensic Best Practices and Creating Procedures (using word)

Outlining Incident Response and Root Cause Analysis( using powerpoint)

for more detail the file will uploaded.

Information Technology & Computer Science Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me learn.

Could a business use information technology to increase switching costs and lock in its customers and suppliers? Use business examples based on cloud computing to support your answers