CYB 301 University of Arizona Global Campus Defensive Security Paper


Defensive security involves focusing on reactive measures to breaches and includes processes such as finding system vulnerabilities, patching security flaws, and retiring software that introduces excess risk into an environment. A networked information system example has been provided with an access control matrix. You need to conduct a risk assessment by evaluating network security threats, physical media vulnerabilities and auditing system security. Detail the types of risk discovered. Your report should also include the creation of a contingency plan for breach or failure.

The Book Blazer Publishing Company just found out they may have been hacked! They have been concerned for quite some time that a competitor has been stealing book ideas from their content management system (CMS). As the city’s premier security consultant, they retain you to verify whether this is true or not. You are given an architecture diagram of the CMS which consists of:

  1. Web server to house the web site front-end
  2. Application server to provide data processing functions
  3. SQL server to house content metadata
  4. File server on which content is stored
  5. Firewall to protect the system
  6. VPN appliance so employees can reach the CMS from the outside

You are also provided the following access control matrix showing each group and what access they have to each component:

Group Web Server App Server Database Server File Server Firewall VPN
Admin All All All All All All
Marketing Read/Write Read Only Read Only All None Read Only
Publishing Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write None Read Only
General Employee Read Only Read Only Read Only All None Read Only

After conducting a risk assessment by evaluating network security threats, physical media vulnerabilities and auditing system security, you are able to verify their worst fears! Help the CEO and CIO understand what is happening.

Campbellsville University Wk 14 Ethical Issues in Company Comparative Analysis


We are living in an age where technology is capturing and processing the details of everything we do through our interconnected devices in real time. 

Sustainability is another issue that affects all of us. Global warming is causing an increase in the density, strength, and location of ferocious tornadoes, uncontrollable wildfires, and sea level rise that can lead to catastrophic floods, tsunamis, and larger numbers of disastrous hurricanes. Lack of access to clean water, proper sanitation, and food security most directly affect those in developing countries. Technology can help alleviate and even remedy some of these concerns.

Ethics are particularly important in the use and administration of information systems since they deal with sensitive personal and corporate information and misuse can impact the lives and well-being of so many. Any discussion about data collection and digital devices raises ethical questions that might include:

Does the availability of data justify their use?

Should shoppers be able to keep their buying habits private?

Can people keep their entertainment, online gaming, and other legal activities confidential?

Do media have the right to publish or post highly private text messages of politicians and celebrities?

Tech Note 14.1 presents a comprehensive set of ethical principles widely used by organizations worldwide to govern ethical behavior in the workplace. Even though companies have ethic codes of conduct standards in place, often times we see bad behavior. For example, read in chapter 14 about unethical behavior such as Volkswagon and a former Goldman Sachs programmer, and all the things going on with Mobile Apps as shown in table 14-1.


Power point presentation


Please choose a company that has been hacked in the last two years. Any company will do, but please make sure it is a well known company.

It has been 14 days after the hack has been revealed to the public, it has exposed the personal data of a lot of the US population. You have been hired as an IT Security Consultant by a competitor of this company, to identify what went wrong with the hack and make recommendations to senior management to try and prevent similar incidents from happening to the company that hired you. Management also wants to ensure that the company responds appropriately should reasonable safeguards prove insufficient and a data breach does occur to them.

For the purposes of this exercise, assume that your company has no existing formalized Information Security Program. Include as much detail as you feel is required, but technical details of specific protocols or technologies are not required.


Slide Presentation Covering

  • Company that was Breached
  • Identify which company you’re consulting for; provide profile
  • What kind of attack took place against competitor?
  • Provide Timeline of Attack
  • What information was stolen?
  • How many people were impacted? How?
  • What Ramifications (if any) did the company suffer? Or you expect them to suffer?
  • What might the company have done differently to prevent this attack?
  • How can the company you’re consulting for protect itself? Include several suggestions and explain why they were selected and what impact it is likely to have.

Please be prepared as other students will be encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions.

CSIS 120 Penn Foster College Virtualization Discussion


Coming from decades of working with multiple O/S, the most striking difference to me is the hardware architecture Windows was designed for – Intel/AMD. By contrast Unix/Linux O/S runs on many more architectures – powerpc, x86-64 (as does Windows) MIPS, armel 3390x and more. This wide versatility is Linux’s strength; It’s an open design platform.

Unix/Linux supports more devices due to its modular nature than Windows does or can ever do. Satellites, TVs, cameras, washing machines, fighter planes, robots and more; The list is endless. In fairness it’s important to toot Windows horn for a moment and recognize its strength. That strength is backward compatibility and its Application Program Interface.

So how can anyone decide which operating system to purchase?  Now that virtualization is common and almost all operating systems and hardware support it, users can move about from one to the other without a commitment to any one O/S. Maybe that’s the best part – virtualization allows multiple O/S to run on a single PC host. Users can literally take it or leave it on demand.

Now that you have had an opportunity to explore Virtual Machines and multiple operating systems, do you have plans to use virtualization in future courses here at Grossmont College? In your post think about a future class, that is in your associates degree program (this course NOT included), where you see value in using virtualization. State the class name, subject and how you plan to use virtualization to help you complete it.

Your response 

University of Maryland Global Economic Summit Network Security Checklist


-Create a two- to three-page Network Security Checklist that will include the components to be used for multilevel security communications in a multilevel trusted environment.

In your checklist, address the severity of threats from a security and risk management aspect. . Those relationships have varying trust levels that translate into multilevel security in communications and information sharing, and are implemented technologically through policies for firewalls, public-key infrastructure (significance of public-key infrastructure), systems certification and accreditation, security vulnerability testing, SSL, IPSEC, and VPNs. Your network security checklist will encompass the levels of degrees of restrictions in these security components to defend against threats while allowing for communications and information sharing.

While developing your checklist, you should include (but you are not limited to) the following components:

  • communications and data-sharing policies and the network devices that will be used to implement these policies
  • firewalls and how the rule sets will be determined
  • systems certification and accreditation demonstrations as required by network administrators who are hosting the summit
  • secure communications protocols
  • digital authentication mechanisms—How will your nation team establish PKI systems and develop public/private key mechanisms as well as digital certificates? Will your nation team have a centralized key storage system? How else will you establish trust between the nations? You do not have to build an encrypted communications system for your nation team, but you should provide your plan for trusted communications in your Network Security Checklist.
  • SSL and IPSEC protocols
  • VPNs

University of Illinois at Chicago Risk Reduction and Quality Discussion


For this assignment, you will conduct a risk assessment and develop a quality management strategy for your project.

Conduct a risk assessment by completing the following steps:

Use the Risk Matrix Template in the weekly resources to develop a risk categorization matrix, sometimes referred to as a heat map, to determine the risk criteria and levels based on the frequency or likelihood of occurrence.

Develop a risk register to log and document all incidents and issues. Add at least 10 known or identified risks (both from the solution development process and project management activities) to the risk register.

  1. Develop a quality assessment strategy in a paper that includes the following:
  2. Discuss the importance of risk assessment, management, and control for your project or any IT project implementation. You should include in your discussion the operational and legal consequences or impact of not being risk-aware during strategic or project planning.
  3. Discuss the steps to follow during the risk assessment process and action items to take.

Discuss all data or elements that are needed to conduct a risk assessment and, risk management, once the project is in motion.

  1. Discuss legal considerations when implementing risk reduction strategies as part of your plan.
  2. Describe your strategies for quality assurance and control, considering the risks identified and managed.
  3. Recommend quality tools that can be used to validate project progress and performance, such as:
  4. Network connectivity and configuration parameter settings
  5. Security controls
  6. Data integrity and validity rules

Application coding standards


Risk matrix (heat map)

  • Risk register
  • Quality assessment strategy (with tool recommendations)

Arizona Christian University Movie Summary Essay


Despite the following movie to be considered an oldie now, watch the movie “The Italian Job” staring Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Edward Norton, Jason Staham, Donald Sutherland and more.

  • Provide an overview of what you thought to be real in this movie and what you feel is completely unrealistic from what you know about computers and cybersecurity and what you learned in this class.
  • Do crimes/instances like the one portrayed in the movie really happen in real life? What is the most recent breach that you can find that has been summarized on the Internet (somewhere) that did implement the various disciplines and/or skill sets utilzed in this movie to complete successful heists.

Make sure to include all the bullet points are addressed within your submission. There is no preference either way how you cite your sources, however they need to be included in your paper or you will be docked points. Also, do not do a copy and paste from the Internet sites that have a summary of this movie. I am looking for your own thoughts and summary of concepts learned from this exercise. The absolute minimum word count requirement for this extra credit opportunity is 350 words and that does not include your header or intro paper information or your sources used etc….core content is what will be counted and used for the word count you have written up and provided for the extra credit.

Silicon Valley University Visual Analytics R and R Studio Code


Part 1:

  1. produce a scatterplot of the by_country data with the points colored by consent_law
  2. Using facet_wrap() split the consent_law variable into two panels and rank the countries by donation rate within the panels
  3. Use geom_pointrange() to create a dot and whisker plot showing the mean of donors and a confidence interval. 
  4. Create a scatterplot of roads_mean v. donors_mean with the labels identifying the country sitting to the right or left of the point
  5. load the ggrepel() library
  6. using the elections_historic data, plot the presidents popular vote percentage v electoral college vote percentage. draw axes at 50% for each attribute and use geom_text_repel() to keep the labels from obscuring the points. 
  7. What is the electoral college?
  8. create a new binary value column in organdata called ‘ind’ populated by determining whether the ccode is “Spa” or “Ita” and the year is after than 1998.
  9. create an organdata plot of Roads v. Donors and map the ind attribute to the color aesthetic. Label those points with the ccode and suppress the legends.
  10. Add a label in a rectangle to the previous plot that says “Spa = Spain & Ita = Italy

Part 2:

  1. Return to the visualization for Presidential Elections: Popular and Electoral College margins, subset by party, and use that to add color to your points.
  2. Recreate figures 5.28 using functions from the dplyr library.
  3. Using gss_sm data, calculate the mean and median number of children by degree
  4. Using gapminder data, create a boxplot of life expectancy over time.

BIS 460 IWU Business Systems Analysis and Modeling Discussion


: Business Systems Analysis and Design

Getting Started

Join with other fellow students discussing aspects of systems analysis and design. This discussion will focus on development processes.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

Collect and analyze an organization’s needs for information and develop an appropriate strategy to address the need and to provide the required information service.

Discuss the importance of different user requirement collection techniques.

Describe the skills that are essential for effective analysis and design of information systems.

  • Explain the goals and objectives associated with system analysis and system design.
  • Transform organizational requirements for information into an appropriate system specification using a variety of system description documents and automated tools.
  • Discuss effective methods in determining complete and accurate information to meet user requirements.
  • Explain how to extract useful information gathered during an interview session.
  • Instructions

Many companies still use traditional structured techniques combined with some object-oriented development. In other companies, some projects are structured, whereas other projects are object-oriented. Explain the differences.

Search the internet for a software development company.

Identify the company and try to glean as much information from their website as possible.

Include customers they have listed, number of employees, and services they offer.

Create a list of questions you would use during the interview process.

  1. Post your list of potential questions you might ask the company during the interview process.
  2. Determine what kinds of modeling the company does for requirements specification.
  3. Determine how this company may help you in your own project.

Dorila Presentation


Objetivo de la actividad

Mediante esta actividad el estudiante logrará desarrollar una presentación con las siguientes características:

  • Utilizar diferentes “layouts” (adicional a Title Slide” y Title and Content”
  • Aplicar un “Theme”
  • Incluir imágenes e integre audio o video
  • Aplicar movimientos de transición a los “slides” y movimientos de animación en texto e imágenes


El propósito de esta actividad es que el estudiante desarrolle una presentación utilizando MS PowerPoint.

¿Qué vamos a hacer?

La meta consiste en construir una presentación de forma creativa que lleve el mensaje de forma atractiva.

Visite la página Ciudad Seva del escritor Luis López Nieves. En la sección de poemas, disponible en, seleccione el poema de su preferencia.

¿Cómo vamos a hacer la actividad?

Leer las instrucciones y los criterios de evaluación.

  • Acceder a la aplicación para crear presentaciones.
  • Crear las plantillas con el texto dado para cada una. Recuerde las reglas 10/20/30 y 1/7/7.
  • Aplicar “background” o fondo a toda la presentación.
  • Añadir gráficos (imágenes y/o fotos).
  • Aplicar movimientos de transición en los “slides” y movimiento de animación en texto y gráficos.

Una vez desarrollada la presentación, guarde el documento final en su computadora con el título del poema seleccionado. El nombre del documento debe incluir su nombre, por ejemplo: A mi hija – Maria Olivero.

Cotejar que su presentación cumple con los criterios de evaluación enunciados en la rúbrica.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio acceda a los recursos, incluyendo los tutoriales. Esta actividad se califica una sola vez.

