CUNY Hostos Community College Nursing Essay


Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to help me learn.

I am currently doing my preceptorship, and my professor want me to write about what i am learning and how am i going to use in my the future purposes in my nursing career. so just to give you an idea. I am on a med surg flow where we receive post op surgiry patient.

Purpose: This assignment provides the student with the opportunity to engage in reflective practice. Reflective practice requires that practitioners examine tacit knowledge and questions that arise within the practitioner during practice. Practitioners who engage in disciplined reflection develop critical thinking skill and refine tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. Development of leadership behaviors is a process that occurs over time through the use of observation, trial and error, experience and the application of leadership theory to circumstances requiring leadership.


1. Students are required to keep a Journal that reflects your thoughts and observations about

the leadership, management and followership that you observe in your clinical rotations,

read about in your weekly readings or reflect upon in the observations that you make about

leaders in the public eye. All students are required to make a minimum of 4 journal entries

throughout the semester

? What do you know about the _____________________ (add the name of specialty unit here, i.e. medical surgical,

? How would you handle conflicts that arise on the unit? Tell a short story (2-3 paragraphs) describing a situation, problem and solution, either made up or from your personal/clinical experience that demonstrates the process you would follow during a conflict.

? What are your professional/educational goals?

? Where do you see yourself in five years? How do you see yourself progressing here?

? One (1) scholarly reference required in APA format.

MN 569 Florida International University Sports Physicals Discussion


Please reply to discussion below using APA 7th edition. Please use 3 peer reviewed journal references dated less than 4 years.

Sports Physicals

In the sports medicine field, the sports physical exam is known as a preparticipation physical examination (PPE). The exam helps determine whether it is safe for you to participate in a certain sport. Most states actually require that kids and teens have a sports physical before they can start a new sport or begin a new competitive season. But even if a sports physical is not required, doctors still highly recommend getting one.

Case Study
The administration of the local critical access hospital has asked the practitioner to organize a community service program to conduct sports physicals for local junior high and high school athletes at no cost to the student. The practitioner has the use of the usual physician office space or the facility’s large meeting space and will recruit physicians, nurse practitioners, nursing staff, and medical technicians to conduct the sports physicals. Based on a survey of nearby school districts, the administration expects to serve 100 to 150 student athletes over the 2 days the physicals will be offered.

Case Questions

  1. Which format would most effectively serve the needs of the students in this program? Include consideration of the space chosen for conducting the program.
  2. Which space would be most appropriate to use for the program and why?
  3. What are the drawbacks to the assembly-line format?
  4. Which physical examination focus points could the nursing staff and medical technicians be assigned to complete?
  5. When the practitioner is preparing to advertise the program being offered, the local newspaper asks the practitioner to identify three of the main objectives of the sports physicals for an article. How would the practitioner respond?

HCM 565 Saudi Electronic University Healthcare Finance Essay


Module 12: Critical Thinking

Staffing Turnover (100 points)

Review the Corporate Strategic Plan for Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital

One of the Strategic Directives listed in “Invest in People & development” which is explained in detail on page 14.

Investing in people can be expensive but it can be argued it is less expensive than having a higher employee turnover.

There can also be many benefits from retaining staff as this article illustrates:

The COVID-19 Pandemic has placed a significant strain on many employees in the healthcare industry, with burnout and potentially PTSD becoming major issues going forward.

Write a paper that addresses:

  1. The financial issues relating to both retaining staff and those associated with recruiting and training new staff when there is high staff turnover.
  2. The non-financial costs associate with losing personnel who have many years of experience working in this institution.
  3. Recommendations as to what an institution should do to avoid such problems.
  4. The benefits associated with adopting those recommendations.

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Four-to-five pages in length, not including the cover sheet and reference page.
  • Formatted according to APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University writing standards
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the other two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references.

You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check Student Guide.

CT Rubric

LIU Healthcare Quality Improvements Trends in Saudi Arabia Presentation


Healthcare Quality Improvement Trends in Saudi Arabia

For this assignment, you will conduct a review on the implementation of the Saudi Vision 2030 goals of healthcare quality improvement in Saudi Arabia.

  • Identify three goals that have already been initiated.
  • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation detailing the following:
  • Discuss in detail the quality improvement goals that have been initiated and the intended outcomes to quality (identify 3 goals with explaining each one, and add example for clearfication and at the end discusse the intended outcomes to quality of each goal)
  • Identify and examine the health sectors that are most impacted by these initiatives (mention at lest 3 sectors for each initiatives and explain how it impacted its better to give examples)
  • Discuss any major opportunities that are still present in working towards the continuous improvement of these initiatives (identfiy two opportunities, explain them and add example for each)
  • Discuss what tools would be most useful in the quality improvement process of these initiatives (at lest 2 tools and explain how it will be useful with example for each)

Your PowerPoint presentation should meet the following requirements:

  • Include 10 slides, not including your title and reference slides.
  • Each slide must provide detailed speakers notes,
  • with a minimum of 100 words per slide.
  • Notes must draw from and cite from updated (2017-2022) scholarly articles not websites.
  • In-text citation should be stated in the Notes section of the slide in which they appear.
  • Provide support for your statements with citations from a minimum of nine updated (2017-2022) scholarly articles not websites.
  • Formatted per APA 7th edition and Saudi Arabia Electronic University formatting guidelines. Attached file no.1 APA
  • Utilize headings to organize the content of your work.
  • Professional design and transitions.
  • brief, logic, cohesive slide content and representative what included in the speaker note.
  • Charts, pictures or others should be citted

CNUAS HCA 425 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Paper


The paper should be about four to six pages — not counting any title  page, abstract, or your references. You may choose to provide “a fix”  for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as the  ACA or Obamacare), or you may propose a general replacement for the ACA.

You should likely focus on one or two broad policies (due to the  short length of the paper). You may look at what others have proposed  and incorporate their thoughts into your writing with appropriate  attribution and citation.

Do not paraphrase or quote any other work (including your own from  other classes) without appropriate attribution. Your paper will be  submitted to a plagiarism checker. Plagiarism is grounds for failing  this assignment and, depending on the severity, of failing the course.  If you paraphrase or quote any other work — from the internet, from  another paper, from any other source, you must properly provide  quotation marks (if a quote) and citations to the source that I can  find. Use APA style for your citations.

You should have at least four sections:

An Introduction – explaining what you are proposing  in general terms which should include identifying the problem you are  attempting to address with your fix or replacement.

Your Proposal – this is the details of your proposal – although, in 4 to 6 pages, you likely can’t be as detailed as you would like to be.

Difficulties you see in getting your proposal through the  policymaking process as we have discussed it in this class and as it is  outlined in the textbook.

  • A Conclusion – don’t just leave me hanging. Tie  everything together here and tell me again why you feel your proposal is  worthwhile and what the difficulties might be.

OU The Early Ambulation in A Healthcare Facility Near My Home Essay


Our Experiential Learning Project (ELP) required you to become a change agent. You selected a problem that was professionally or personally important to you, researched the problem, and developed a plan of action that included strategies for success, stakeholders and resources by linking a QSEN competency. Now it is time to put it all together.  You may use the information from your weeks 1-3 templates – but do not just copy and paste – synthesize all of your information.

For this assignment you will write a minimum of a 4-5 page paper (no more than 5 pages, not including the title page, abstract, or reference page) connecting all of your links. Your paper should be in strict APA format including citations and references, and an abstract is required for this paper. You may use first person, but limited use.

Your paper should include:

  1. An abstract.
  2. An introduction.
  3. The frame of your problem. Remember to include your framing information!
  4. Supportive organization.
  5. A second solution to your problem (see explanation below).
  6. An implementation and evaluation plan for your second solution including a discussion related to your stakeholders and resources.
  7. An overall evaluation of your ELP.
  8. Preceptor (mentor) experience.
  9. A conclusion.

The Second Solution:

The paper includes a discussion of a hypothetical second solution, implementation, and evaluation. (numbers 5 and 6 above).  A good nurse always has a back-up plan – or what are your next steps now that you implemented your ELP. This is where your second solution comes into play. Also, are there stakeholders or resources that might be available if there were a different solution? Is there a short term solution and a long term solution? Do you need to adjust your plan due to time or money constraints?

HCCS COVID 19 Pandemic Effects of A Vaccine Case Study Analysis


Assignment 1. Read and answer Case 16.2 from the text (pages 265-266) (ATTACHED THE CASE STUDY BELOW). While some answers may be more brief than others, complete sentences and discussion are required. Simply answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (or anything similar) will be considered a non-answer. Complete answers are required. Each of the ten questions carries a value of ten points. You will need to source additional references to provide adequate answers.

Note: This text and case were prepared prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your answers should reflect the longer time perspective. However, if you can also relate current goings-on to these questions, where appropriate, extra credit may be possible.

The following questions are from the text case.

  1. What are the external effects of a vaccine? (This does not mean rashes, fever, etc. Think in terms of the context of the material of the meaning of externalities, which affect others.)
  2. Are people who rely solely on herd effects free riders? (Consider who, and how defined, are free riders?)
  3. What are the scientifically verified potential harms of vaccines? (Identify at least one specific vaccine documented with potentially harmful results.)
  4. What are the possible health outcomes of chickenpox, polio, and measles? (Address each one individually and not as a group.)
  5. What are the external effects of these diseases? (Consider these diseases as a group and not individually.)
  6. Have vaccination rates risen or fallen in the United States?
  7. Would too few people be vaccinated if it were not mandatory? What evidence supports your conclusion? (Note there are two questions here.)
  8. Are vaccination rates lower in states with personal-belief exemptions?
  9. What steps do governments take to increase vaccination rates?
  10. What steps do private companies take to increase vaccination rates? Why? (There are two questions.)

KIN 3605 LSU Social media Service Learning Project


My Presentation is based on interviewing my great grandmother named Ruth who is 88 years old from Cottonplant, Arkansas. I want my project to be based off me teaching her how to use FaceTime on an iPhone. She just recently got an iPhone and she is not familiar with how to use it. The interview can be made up of course, fun and interactive. I’ll make any changes if need be but I’d be more than grateful for guidance. I have two other projects and assignments due so I am pretty crunched for time. Please let me know if you need any additional info. I am attaching example guidelines below. Don’t worry about the first part or the last powerpoint part. 

Part 2. Interview to establish knowledge, attitude, and perception of social media 

Interviewer can come up with 10 questions or use questions posted on Moodle; transcript style. Let the questions be a springboard for other questions or more conversation.

Part 3: Teaching the social media and follow up
1. Describe the technology you will be using – what is it? What does it do? The interface?
2. Describe the step-by-step instructions you used to teach this person – teaching modality?
3. Test out their knowledge and describe that experience.
4. Follow up a week later and describe their knowledge, attitude, and perception of the technology. Discuss comfort level.
6. Make the connection between the literature review and the knowledge you gained and this service learning experience. For example, you may want to talk about cognitive changes in older adults; crystal and fluid intelligence and learning

Part 4: Reflection on the experience
write a reflection of the experience – your experience. 

Psychiatric Emergencies Nursing Analysis


The diagnosis of psychiatric emergencies can include a wide range of problems—from serious drug reactions to abuse and suicidal ideation/behaviors. Regardless of care setting, the PMHNP must know how to address emergencies, coordinate care with other members of the health care team and law enforcement officials (when indicated), and effectively communicate with family members who are often overwhelmed in emergency situations. In their role, PMHNPs can ensure a smooth transition from emergency mental health care to follow-up care, and also bridge the physical–mental health divide in healthcare.

In this week’s Assignment, you explore legal and ethical issues surrounding psychiatric emergencies, and identify evidence-based suicide and violence risk assessments. 


  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about psychiatric emergencies and the ethical and legal issues surrounding these events.


In 2–3 pages, address the following:

  • Explain your state laws for involuntary psychiatric holds for child and adult psychiatric emergencies. Include who can hold a patient and for how long, who can release the emergency hold, and who can pick up the patient after a hold is released. 
  • Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state. 
  • Explain the difference between capacity and competency in mental health contexts. 
  • Select one of the following topics, and explain one legal issue and one ethical issue related to this topic that may apply within the context of treating psychiatric emergencies: patient autonomy, EMTALA, confidentiality, HIPAA privacy rule, HIPAA security rule, protected information, legal gun ownership, career obstacles (security clearances/background checks), and payer source. 
  • Identify one evidence-based suicide risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.
  • Identify one evidence-based violence risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.

FNU Magnetic Healing Discussion


Magnetic Healing

Magnetic healing or magnetic field therapy is a newly emerging practice that rapidly integrates as a supplemental or adjunct treatment for different diseases. The magnetic healing idea is since the human body has an electromagnetic field. It is believed that magnets can affect the biological electromagnetic field to treat, recover, and heal body parts (Fontaine, 2019). Although this treatment has gained popularity among conventional and alternative health care practitioners, the scientific community and research results emphasize such a method’s insufficiency.

Patient education and awareness about magnetic healing should consist of two parts. Foremost, patients should be explained how the electromagnetic field works in the human body. While it is an integral part of biological activity, the magnetic field has little to do with diseases and pathogens (Lv et al., 2021). Care practitioners should discuss how infections or diseases affect the human body and immune system.

The second part should consider evidence-based practices related to magnetic healing and magnetic field treatment. The patients should be informed that scientific medicine does not have significant, credible, and sufficient evidence that magnets support conventional treatment practices. For instance, Jiang et al. (2021) examined how magnets can assist depression treatment. Their findings state that magnets have little or even no impact on patients.

Under these conditions, health care practitioners should comply with the ethical code and alert patients about the magnetic healing placebo effect. While patients cannot be forced to restrain any activity, care providers may consider magnets as psychological relief. The prescription of magnetic healing should be withdrawn from any treatment process. It is imperative to ensure that patient receives high-quality, timely, and efficient treatment instead of placebo or pseudo-medical assistance.