Rasmussen College Romeoville Pharmachology Opiates Presentation


It is nearly impossible to learn EVERYTHING about EVERY SINGLE drug we encounter. While it is important for us to look up select information about unfamiliar medications we administer, we can know the general indications and nursing interventions related to a drug if we learn key information about the drug classifications. For this assignment, you will be collecting information about different groups of drugs, or drug classifications, found in your Pharmacology textbook and creating a PowerPoint presentation (At least 10 slides long including the reference slide).

Choose a drug classification (Examples: Typical or Atypical Antipsychotics, Anxiolytics, SSRI, Tricyclic Antidepressants, MAOI, mood stabilizers, opiates, NSAIDs, etc.) that is discussed in Unit Six or Unit Seven in Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach textbook and then use your Davis’s Drug Guide or another SCHOLARLY source to provide the following information:

  • Summary of the Drug Classification (what different medical conditions are these drugs used to treat?) and list the names of 2-4 drugs in your chosen drug classification
  • Typical routes of administration
  • Common side effects and adverse effects common for the drug classification
  • Special considerations (caution with renal or liver insufficiency, harmful drug-drug interactions, etc.)

EDP Ensayo de Análisis Metas Nacionales De Seguridad De La Comisión De Hospitales


Objetivo de la actividad

Con esta actividad se logrará comprender los aspectos de seguridad en la administración de medicamentos según la Comisión Conjunta de Hospitales. Podrá aplicar las metas nacionales de seguridad en la administración de medicamentos.


Para cumplir con la actividad debe:

  1. Leer el documento adjunto: Descargar Metas de Seguridad Nacional para pacientes.pdf
  2. Indicar cuáles son las metas nacionales de seguridad para hospitales.
  3. Indicar cuáles de estas metas aplican al proceso de administración de medicamentos y por qué. Debe incluir el racional de su respuesta.
  4. Explicar por qué es importante para enfermería cumplir con estas metas nacionales al administrar medicamentos.
  5. Incluir las referencias estilo APA.


La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund). Entregar las respuestas en un documento de Word, letra Times New Roman, tamaño 12. Debe incluir las referencias en formato APA, de tres años o menos.

AUST Community Hospital Compliance Plan Paper


Compliance planning is a major focus for healthcare organizations today. There are many laws, regulations and other factors that require compliance, so creating a compliance plan is key. Organizations that are not within the compliance guidelines can face many negative situations, from fines to possible loss of license and closure.


  • You are the office manager for a newly licensed and opened a small community hospital. You need to create a compliance plan for your organization to follow to ensure that all guidelines are met and no outstanding issues are present.
  • Visit the web links below for information on how to create a standard compliance plan.
  • Your plan needs to include the following guidelines:
    • Written Policies, Procedures and Standards of Conduct
    • Compliance Officer and Compliance Committee
    • Training and education plan
    • Lines of communication
    • Disciplinary standards
    • Reporting and monitoring system


CNU Human Resource Management Practices for An Effective Healthcare Organization Paper


Hide Assignment Information

In our course work we are learning some of the best practices in human resources management that are validated by research and practical outcomes.

In order to understand the practical aspects of these practices and how they have been applied by successful organizations in healthcare and other service industries, we will review a number of key practices and that have been identified in Fortune’s Best Companies to work for over time. 

  1. Read the attached article “What Makes It So Great?  An Analysis of Human Resources Practices among Fortune’s Best Companies to Work for.”
  2. Identify at least two of the practices presented that you, as a present or future healthcare leader believe are of most value.
  3. Choose one of the healthcare organizations presented in the article and provide an overview of how they have put one or more of the practices that you have chosen into place.
  4. Be sure to take into consideration the challenges facing healthcare leaders presented by the pandemic and why the practices that you chose are important to you; and, how they may affect you as a future leader.

EDP Historia De Pandemias E Epidemias Papel


Para esta actividad van a realizar una bibliografía anotada sobre el tema seleccionado en el módulo anterior.

  • Deben acceder a las bases de datos de EDP University a través de la Biblioteca Virtual  o Google Scholar, y allí identificar (5) cinco artículos del tema elegido.
  • Harán una bibliografía anotada de esos cinco recursos.

En esta bibliografía anotada deberán aplicar el formato APA en la referencia y lo que aprendieron de cómo parafrasear en la creación del resumen descriptivo del contenido del recurso identificado en la base de datos.


La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos. Entregar las respuestas en un documento de Word, letra Times New Roman, tamaño 12, el espaciado y alineado de acuerdo a lo requerido para cada parte, referencia, portada y resumen descriptivo . Debe incluir las referencias en formato APA, de tres años o menos.

De tener dudas o preguntas debe publicarlas en el Foro Dudas y Preguntas con tiempo para poderles ayudar de forma oportuna.

Grand Canyon University Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the importance of evidence-based interventions to the design of health promotion and disease prevention. In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, provide detailed descriptions of disease prevention and health promotion, as well as the role of evidence-based interventions in the success of this practice.

Refer to the assigned reading, “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Through Population-Based Interventions, Including Action to Address Social Determinants and Health Inequity,” to assist in completing the assignment.

Include the following:

A description of disease prevention.

An example of an existing disease prevention model at the three levels of practice (community, systems, and individual).

An analysis of the benefits and concerns with utilizing this model.

  1. A description of health promotion.
  2. An example of an existing health promotion model at the three levels of practice (community, systems, and individual).
  3. An analysis of the benefits and concerns with utilizing this model.
  4. A discussion of the role evidence-based practice plays in the success of disease prevention and health promotion.
  5. A discussion of the role of health teaching in disease prevention and health promotion.
  6. Cite two or three additional resources in your paper.

SEU Health Insurance Fraud in Saudi Arabia Presentation


Insurance Fraud and Abuse

Health insurance fraud is a problem globally, and Saudi Arabia is not immune. Assume you have been tasked with presenting this problem to your healthcare organization so employees can act appropriately when processing health insurance claims. Be sure to address:

Actions      that would be considered fraudulent;

Key      indicators that fraud is present;

The      impact of fraud on the medical community, health insurance companies, and      Saudi Arabia; and

How to      report health insurance fraud and penalties for those that participate in      such behavior.

  • Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

Be      organized, using professional themes and transitions.

  • Consist      of seven slides, plus the title and reference slides.

Each      slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes—a minimum of 100 words. Notes      must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.

  • Provide      support for your statements on the presentation slides, as well as in the      speaker’s notes, with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly      articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook,      or lectures, but the others must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is      a good place to find these references.

St Thomas University Weekly Clinical Experience Essay


Self-awareness within the context of a clinical situation is crucial for the ability to establish a therapeutic relationship with patients. One of the most valuable outcomes or goals for clinical is the recognition of one’s feelings, prejudices, and biases in a situation, appropriate management of them along with the ability to manage our anxiety and wellbeing. It is this self-awareness that allows us to “be with” our patients in an open and authentic way. This is done through listening, reflecting upon, and validating the existence of another. This is the essence of a therapeutic alliance.

Reflect on a clinical encounter as a Psychiatric mental Health Nurse Practitioner student  when you became emotionally charged during this semester with a patient experiencing Bipolar or Impulse Control Disorder.

Submission Instructions:

reference to at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) 

All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

  • null

Capella University Medication Administration Safety Improvement Plan Presentation


 develop an 8-14 slide PowerPoint presentation with thorough speaker’s notes designed for a hypothetical in-service session related to the safe medication administration improvement plan you developed in Assessment 2.As a practicing professional, you are likely to present educational in-services or training to staff pertaining to quality improvement (QI) measures of safety improvement interventions. Such in-services and training sessions should be presented in a creative and innovative manner to hold the audience’s attention and promote knowledge acquisition and skill application that changes practice for the better. The teaching sessions may include a presentation, audience participation via simulation or another interactive strategy, audiovisual media, and participant learning evaluation.The use of in-services and/or training sessions has positive implications for nursing practice by increasing staff confidence when providing care to specific patient populations. It also allows for a safe and nonthreatening environment where staff nurses can practice their skills prior to a real patient event. Participation in learning sessions fosters a team approach, collaboration, patient safety, and greater patient satisfaction rates in the health care environment (Patel & Wright, 2018 

UP Life Demonstrated Ethics Discussion


Question 1:

People develop a personal code of ethics and a definition of what is right and wrong based on early life experiences with role models, such as parents, teachers, and others. Reflect on the significant relationships in your life as a child, and develop a genogram or any pictorial image of those significant relationships. Search the internet for resources on how to create a genogram, such as How to Make a Genogram.

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

  • How did important people in your life demonstrate ethics and morality, and what did you learn from observing their approach to ethical and moral decision-making? How might your early experiences impact your ethical decision-making as a leader?

Question 2: Leaders are challenged to make high-stakes decisions that affect business results. Good leaders use both reason and emotion to make decisions that have an impact on employees and customers and often establish the ethical atmosphere of the organization.

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

  • What does it take for leaders to make sound and ethical business decisions?