Broward College Week 4 Physiology of Blood Pressure Control Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Initial Post: Describe the physiology of blood pressure control. Causes of Primary Hypertension may include overactivity of the SNS; overactivity of the RAAS; alterations in other neurohumoral mediators of blood volume and vasomotor tone such as ANP, BNP, and adrenomedullin; inflammation; a complex interaction involving insulin resistance and endothelial function; and obesity-related hormonal changes

Select 3 of the above potential causes and explain the pathophysiologic mechanisms of primary hypertension

Identify the organ damage that can occur as a result of Hypertension. Describe the pathophysiologic process of the organ damage.

Orthostatic hypotension can occur as an adverse effect of medications used to manage hypertension. Go back to your initial post and describe the pathophysiologic process that causes orthostatic hypotension.

UCLA SWOT Analysis Worksheet


selected organization: (planned Parent hood)

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct an external assessment to determine an appropriate strategic goal for an organization.

A SWOT analysis is part of strategy formulation that leads to goal setting and then progresses to the development of a business plan. Using the organization selected in Topic 1, complete the “SWOT Analysis Template.” Note that the results of the SWOT analysis should be used to develop the “Strategic Goal(s)” section of template. Strategic goals will be the focus of your proposed business plan. Each section of the SWOT analysis should contain a minimum of four bullet points, each supported with a credible source. The SWOT analysis bullet points should contain clear statements that make sense to those who are unfamiliar with the selected organization. (planned Parent hood)

Advanced Technical Centers Electronic Health Records Blog Post


Topic: Electronic Health Records
BLOG 2 closes at 11:59 PM on Saturday April 30, 2022

Read the article ““Electronic Health Records (EHRs) May Be Delaying Convid-19 Vaccinations”

Questions to organize your BLOG post.
Briefly review the article.

List and describe 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages EHRs

What are some ways that EHR have been utilized during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Do you think that all patient’s have equal access to their EHR? Explain.

Post an interesting live link relating to EHR.


Write a Minimum 500 words for your BLOG post

Post an interesting live link relating to EHR.
It must be peer reviewed. No YouTube videos, Buzzfeed, Wikipedia etc.

Write a full paragraph about the link that you are sharing.

Add 3 APA Peer reviewed references at the end of your BLOG post.

Use your APA references as APA in-text citations within your BLOG post

CNL 515 GCU Therapists & Counselors Play an Essential Role in Society Analysis


This video should be between 20-25 minutes in length. In this video, you will be practicing the skills learned throughout this course. This session will build upon previous skills demonstrated and assessed. In addition, you will brainstorm possible goals the client can achieve and then collaboratively identify one or two specific, measurable, and achievable goals for the client to work towards between sessions. Review commitment level of your client and reinforce commitment language if present. Complete and submit the “Counseling Skills Scale: Video 3” document by evaluating the skills you demonstrated in the video. Review each of the skills and provide a few specific examples of each skill in the comments section. Make sure to complete Part 2 of the Skills scale document to provide a narrative review of strengths and areas of growth

Florida International University COVID-19 & health disparities Essay


Topic: Effect of COVID-19 and how it affects health disparities.
Max: 2 pages (not including references)
Font: Times New Roman
Size: 11 pt
Spacing: Single Spaced
References: APA
Introduction – 1 paragraph
Briefly describe COVID-19
Briefly describe health disparities and select a health disparity research topic:
o Ex. COVID-19 effect on elderly, cancer treatments, etc.
Body – 2-3 paragraphs
Discuss how COVID-19 has influenced within your topic of interest
o Ex. Exposure, vulnerability, and consequences
? Think about the theoretical frameworks for health disparity Diderichsen
and Hallqvist – you can use these to guide your discussion.
Conclusion – 1 paragraph
Briefly summarize findings
Discuss any potential solutions
Minimum of 5 peer-reviewed articles

New England Institute of Technology Advocacy in Nursing Practice Paper


Students will select a leadership topic from the list below on which to write a simple informative paper. The paper should include a short overview of the leadership topic and how it applies to nursing practice.  Students should include more than one example of a specific application of the topic to nursing practice, include the 5 steps of the nursing process.

The paper should be between 3-and 5 pages (not including title and reference pages). This paper should be written as a formal paper in APA 7th edition format with an appropriate title and reference pages. Please have at least 2 valid references including at least 1 peer-reviewed nursing journal article from the United States that has been published within the last 5 years and your ATI Nursing Leadership and Management book.

Miami Dade College Meditation Reflective Discussion


  1. After reading the articles on meditation and viewing the videos, try out meditation. Here are the guidelines:
    1. Perform Self-Meditation for six (6) days.
    2. Monitor and record your heart rate before and after each meditation session.
  2. After you have experienced practicing meditation, report on the following:
    1. How did you feel about this assignment?
      • Were you comfortable or not performing the task on meditation? Explain why or why not.
    2. Describe the health benefits and different types of meditation therapies available?
    3. Describe the effects of meditation throughout your day-to-day activities and work.
    4. Do you believe mediation is a useful alternative and complimentary alternative to healthcare? Explain why or why not.
    5. Would you continue to use meditation?
  3. Find evidenced-based research article on meditation and attach to this post
  4. Remember to include your heart rate tracking before and after each meditation section to this post.

Northeastern Ohio Universities Abortion as A Health Issue Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a public health question and need support to help me learn.

  1. Prepare a 1-page, double-spaced Reflection about the documentary. Specifically, comment about how you feel it presented abortion as a health issue, and explain how you feel abortion is or is not of critical concern to the MCH practice community(choose one and explain)name the MCH you choose, the defintions are in the link below. Please feel free to be honest in your opinions and writing. Whether your opinions support or criticize the documentary, or support or reject abortion will not affect your grade.
    1. MCH Knowledge Base/Context
    2. Self-Reflection
    3. Ethics
    4. Critical Thinking


    1. Communication
    2. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
    3. Cultural Competency
    4. Family-Professional Partnerships
    5. Developing Others through Teaching, Coaching, and Mentoring
    6. Interdisciplinary/Interprofessional Team Building
    7. Working with Communities and Systems

12. Policy

Evidence Based Practice Project on Childhood Obesity Presentation


 develop a professional presentation that could be disseminated to a professional group of your peers.

Develop a 12-15 slide PowerPoint detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal. Create speaker notes of 100-250 words for each slide. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the topic Resources for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning and an additional slide for References at the end. Be sure to consider your personal demeanor and tone during the recorded presentation.

Picot Statement: For adolescents with obesity, how does education on physical engagement and reducing tv time, compared to the children who spend time on TV, reduce obesity over three months?

My EBP topic covers childhood obesity. 

SNHU Compliance Plan In Health Care Paper


Compliance planning is a major focus for healthcare organizations today. There are many laws, regulations and other factors that require compliance, so creating a compliance plan is key. Organizations that are not within the compliance guidelines can face many negative situations, from fines to possible loss of license and closure.


  • You are the office manager for a newly licensed and opened a small community hospital. You need to create a compliance plan for your organization to follow to ensure that all guidelines are met and no outstanding issues are present.
  • Visit the web links below for information on how to create a standard compliance plan.
  • Your plan needs to include the following guidelines:
    • Written Policies, Procedures and Standards of Conduct
    • Compliance Officer and Compliance Committee
    • Training and education plan
    • Lines of communication
    • Disciplinary standards
    • Reporting and monitoring system