Moraine Valley Community College High School Volleyball Case Study
High School Volleyball Case Study
- Gender: Female
- Age: 17
- Height: 61
- Weight: 155
- Injury History: Previous ankle sprain
- Sport: volleyball
- Position: Right Side
- Level: High School
- Current Season: Just finished HS season and is transitioning to club v-ball season
- Assessments:
- Good power: Vertical Reach 103, Vertical 26.3 R leg vert 13.4, left side vert 16.3 and broad jump 77 right broad jump 61, left broad jump 58
- Speed: 10 yard dash 2.1s, t drill 11.02
- Conditioning: 300 yard shuttle 77 seconds
- Relative strength is poor
- Background: Lifts on and off due to the demands of the sport. She is now at a new club in which lifting is mandatory
Complete the following:
Sport Analysis:
Training Objectives:
Periodization Model:
Injury risk of sport:
Metabolic Demands of sport:
Weakness of the athlete: