University of Central Florida Perinatal Grief and Loss Discussion


As hard as death is, each of us handles death differently. I think a lot of patients look to the nurse to help them with grief.  What do you say, what do you do?

After reading chapter 12 page 449 and watching the videos, discuss how you would handle your feelings with the death of a newborn?  Do you think you could be supportive to the parents? Do you think that the current resources that are being currently used are helpful to the parents?   Talk about the videos and how they made you feel.

Rasmussen College Nutritional Intake Worksheet


  1. People lead busy lives. Many individuals find it easy to lose track of just how much food and drink they have consumed throughout the day. This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to track and reflect on your nutritional intake. The results may surprise you!
    For this assignment, use the Nutritional Intake Worksheet (below) to:
    1. Familiarize yourself with the 2020 – 2025 USDA Dietary Guidelines for an adult.
    2. Track all of the food and beverages you consume for a 3-day period.
    3. Analyze your nutritional intake compared to the USDA Dietary Guidelines.
    4. Answer a series of self-evaluation questions.

PHIL 434 West Coast University Euthanasia at the end of life Paper


In this assignment, you will select a current medical ethics issue to research and write about for your research paper.

Select a topic related to one of the following current medical ethics issues:

  • End of Life

Complete and submit this template stating your specific issue (for instance, if you choose to write about End of Life, the particular case might be physician-assisted suicide) and explain why you have chosen this issue to research. Make sure there are competing positions on this issue that reflect differing ethical principles or interpretations.

NURS 4766 Southwestern Oklahoma State University Pneumonia Essay


I am needing help with rewording my paper that is being submitted. I have feedback from a writing center, and just needing help getting the paper in order. Also, needing help with the proper APA formatting style. I have all the references attached in the paper as well. The subject is over pneumonia, and has several components to it. My teacher has also made the statement in the rubric that my paper is cut off when i submit it, also about my headings. I will attach all the comments in the files.

Saudi Electronic University Medical Malpractice and Saudi Arabia Law PPT

Question Description

I’m working on a public health discussion question and need support to help me learn.

-Create a PowerPoint presentation examining the law in Saudi Arabia pertaining to litigation of physicians and healthcare organizations as shown in the Ministry of Health Law of practicing health professions (2005, December 6).  Be sure to include:

-An analysis of the purpose of the law;

-The ethical principles guiding this litigation;

-The definition of “tort reform”

-Discussion about how evidence-based care can lower the risk of litigation

-Recommendations that would improve the law to further meet the goals of its purpose.

Grand Canyon University The American Nursing Association Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need support to help me learn.

***Make a Comment***

The America Nursing Association supports public health nursing through policy, advocacy, and education, and empowers nurses to perform to the full extent of their scope and expertise. It’s important for public health nurses to get involved in health policy, through policy work nurses can influence healthcare for patients now and also in the future, nurses can advocate for patients’ information to be at an appropriate level in plain language using health literacy guidelines, (May 15, 2021).

SUNY at Buffalo Week 12 Covid 19 Pandemic Clinical Epidemiology Paper


  • This week’s topic is all about clinical epidemiology. One of the most obvious current screening tests is for COVID-19. Using a peer-reviewed paper to support your conclusions, discuss whether (or not) COVID-19 testing fits some or all of the WHO guidelines for a screening test. You may discuss the PCR-based tes, pooled testing, rapid testing, home testing, or any other type of applicable testing.
  • One of the subtopics this week is outcomes research and analysis in reference to epidemiologic studies. Where in your professional or personal lives do you see application of outcomes study?

Los Angeles Pierce College Nursing Shortages Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The United States and other countries are experiencing nursing shortages. To help ease the shortage, many resources are spent on recruiting foreign nurses.

What are the reasons for these shortages? If the United States and other industrial nations put their resources into increasing nurse retention, would the need to recruit foreign nurses decrease? Why or why not?

Choose one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and discuss how a community nurse can work toward achieving that goal.

CSU Insurance Fraud and Abuse Globally and in Saudi Arabia PPT


Health insurance fraud is a problem globally, and Saudi Arabia is not immune. Assume you have been tasked with presenting this problem to your healthcare organization so employees can act appropriately when processing health insurance claims. Be sure to address:

Actions that would be considered fraudulent;

Key indicators that fraud is present;

  • The impact of fraud on the medical community, health insurance companies, and Saudi Arabia; and
  • How to report health insurance fraud and penalties for those that participate in such behavior.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation should meet the following structural requirements:
  • Be organized, using professional themes and transitions.

Rutgers University Pharmacology Paper


You will be assigned to read and provide useful feedback to two other students’ research project second drafts. The peer review process is designed to provide constructive feedback, and should be given and taken with honesty, charity, and grace. Ideally, when preparing your peer reviews, you will recognize things you could improve in the next update of your own draft! Giving useful feedback to others will also be a part of your course grade, so be thoughtful and generous. See the assignment rubric on Canvas for grading criteria.

rubric of paper draft 2