St Thomas University Weekly Clinical Experience Discussion


reflect on a clinical encounter when you became emotionally charged during this semester with a patient experiencing psychosis or a schizophrenia-related disorder.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, with reference to at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) 

All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible

PHC 312 Saudi Electronic University Health Communications Worksheet



Communication planning is an evidence-based and research-driven process. An in-depth understanding of the health communication environment as well as the needs, preferences, and expectations of key audiences and stakeholders on a health issue may result in multifaceted and well-designed interventions that are far more effective than single, sporadic, and disconnected approaches to communication. Use reliable references (APA format)

Please choose any infectious disease and using Key steps of Health communication to effective strategic planning and reflect actual communication practice

Women in Sports Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a kinesiology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Answer the questions below in one paragraph. Minimum 150 words.

Opportunities for female athletic directors have not seen significant growth over the previous decade. What steps or strategies could be taken to ensure increased opportunities for women within high school athletic departments?

Think about the issues facing athletic directors today. Which one do you personally feel is the most concerning and why? How would you address this problem?

DeVry University What Baby Boomers Can Learn from Millennials at Work Discussion


Watch the “What Baby Boomers Can Learn from Millennials at Work – and Vice Versa” TED Talks by Chip Conley available at:

Research Cultural Diversity in the workplace from at least 3 additional professional resources.  Write a 3-page paper (title page and reference page are not counted as part of the total) examining the positive impact it has on the workplace.  Conversely, identify any negative effects on organizations who have resisted implementation. Consider your response from the legal, liability, and ethical perspectives.  


Saudi Electronic University Statistical Hypothesis Testing Discussion


“Statistical hypothesis testing is a procedure that allows researchers to evaluate hypotheses about population parameters based on sample statistics.”

Discuss the following points in light of the above-mentioned statement:

What exactly is the purpose of hypothesis testing in statistical analysis? What does hypothesis testing obtain that could not be obtained otherwise?

Explain the distinction between a Type-I error and a Type-II error. Is it easier to commit one type of error than it is to commit another? Is one type of error more detrimental than another?

SOCW 6215C WU School-Based Social Work – A Case Analysis Case Study


School social work is not always practiced in the school building. In fact, school social workers often work with a child at home and involve a variety of community resources to support the child and family.

In this Assignment, consider the work done by the school social worker with the Rodao family. How would you prepare the family for continued success once your role is complete?

Link to case study:                Document:  Working With Children and Families: The Case of the Rodao Family (PDF)  

RMC Analytics Business Intelligence and Clinical Intelligence Question


Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Clinical Intelligence.


1.     Read and review Chapter 11: Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Clinical Intelligence, including Figure 11.1 Relationship of Complexity for Content Use and Creation and Case Example: A Well-designed BI/CI Solution Multi-provider OBGYN Care.

2.     Describe and interpret Figure 11.1.

3.     What surprises you about this figure, and what does this tell you about the adoption of analytics, BI, and CI within healthcare organizations?

4.     Where does Case Example: A Well-designed BI/CI Solution for Multi-provider OBGYN Care fit within Figure 11.1? Why?

OU Early Ambulation for Post Op Patients in A Healthcare Facility Discussion


This discussion gives you a chance to present your ELP to other students.This discussion should introduce your ELP, explain why you selected this project, discuss your selected organization, and provide your proposed solution. Be sure to include:

  • Introduction to your ELP with QSEN competency.
  • Discussion related to how your selected organization (Not the facility where you implemented your project, the one you discussed in the templates which supported your project with references or resource information) supports your project.
  • Areas for further research.
  • Proposed solution.

Course Book : file:///C:/Users/Lois%20A/Downloads/473531788-Policy-Politics-in-Nursing-and-Health-Care.pdf

Saudi Electronic University Health & Medical Essay



  • Write about all five essays that are specific to you
  • Each topic is in a different paragraph, and a title must be written for each paragraph
  • 6 of the accompanying words should be used in each paragraph (Use highlighter)
  • Grammar rules must be used in at least three sentences per paragraph (Use highlighter)
  • Each paragraph should consist of 12 useful sentences (writing in the form of an article or paragraph)
  • Avoid plagiarism from any source and write from your imagination, taking into account the specified condition

LAPC Designing Public Policy Discussion Responses


Nurses can be an integral part of designing public policy as political leaders. As a registered nurse, you have a professional commitment to improve health care. However, many nurses are not politically active and do not lobby for important aspects of their profession.

  • What are the reasons many nurses do not actively engage in lobbying efforts?
  • What actions can nurses take to encourage themselves and their peers to get involved politically and lobby for specific issues such as healthcare policy changes? Provide a detailed example.