Breast Cancer Survival Rate Kaplan Meier Analysis


(TWO examples are attached )

Using the Clinical Trial on breast cancer dataset. Perform a Kaplan-Meier Analysis to determine the survival curve for the breast cancer survivors. 

H0 The risk of dying from breast cancer will occur within five years. (Null Hypothesis)

H1 The risk of dying from breast cancer does not occur within five years. (Alternative Hypothesis)

Ensure to submit the following requirements for the assignment:

Review the analysis from the standpoint of how many patients survive over the seven-year time period that the clinical trial covered. 



LAPC Designing Public Policy Discussion Responses


Nurses can be an integral part of designing public policy as political leaders. As a registered nurse, you have a professional commitment to improve health care. However, many nurses are not politically active and do not lobby for important aspects of their profession.

  • What are the reasons many nurses do not actively engage in lobbying efforts?
  • What actions can nurses take to encourage themselves and their peers to get involved politically and lobby for specific issues such as healthcare policy changes? Provide a detailed example.

Joliet Junior College Hypertensive Crisis in Adults Paper


You must use 2 scholarly nursing articles and 1 web resource to support your claims. 


1. A word-processed paper 

2. The paper must include:

a. describe the clinical problem or issue, 

b. state a purpose,

c. review the standards of care, 

d. overview the essential nursing interventions pertaining to the issue, and

e. explain how the interventions will be incorporated into one’s nursing practice

f. indicate the role of a another profession (one only and non-nursing) in the interdisciplinary care of the patient with the indicated clinical problem, and

LAVC Benefits and Consequences of Drinking Alcohol Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a nutrition discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this discussion board please read Controversy 3: Alcohol Use: Risks and Benefits at the end of Chapter 3 in our textbook Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 15th ed. After reading that section, please discuss the benefits and risks of alcohol consumption. Use only the information from the assigned reading to support your statements and be sure to cite the source properly using APA formatting.

University of California San Diego Eating Disorders in The Us and China Discussion


For your initial response to this week’s DQ, select a health-related condition and compare the risk of that condition in at least two countries. Describe:

Which measure(s) you chose to help evaluate the risk, and how you found the data

What those data say about how the selected countries compare

  • How comparable the data are from those countries (i.e., are they using the same case definition? the same measurement approaches?)
  • Your conclusion about how the countries compare and your level of confidence in that conclusion

ACC Public Health COPD Project Essay


This project is based on a cases study of indoor smoke exposures in Mekelle, Ethiopia. It consists
of parts 1, 2, and 3.
Team members will then submit a 5-7 page single-spaced report that summarizes their findings
and recommendations to the ministry of health, Ethiopia. The report should include the
a. Summary/Abstract—1 page
b. Background/Literature review—1 page
c. Method: What did you do? How did you do it? What role (s) did you play? — 1 page
d. Results and discussion—- 2 pages
e. References

The Healthcare Reimbursement Using Diagnosis Related Groupings Essay


Healthcare is reimbursed in a variety of ways. The prospective payment method is one of those ways. This paper will be about the prospective payment method where diagnosis-related groupings (DRGs) forms the basis for payment.

Research and explain the origin, purpose, and description of DRGs.

Include what payment is based on.

Identify the benefits and problems with reimbursement via this method.

  • Explain how you as a nurse-manager can help manage costs and maximize your facility’s reimbursement from DRGs.…… 

BIOL 1122 UP Biology Nursing Discussion


Discovering the Virus Responsible for Hepatitis C.


Story of Discovery: Hepatitis C: from non-A, non-B hepatitis to a cure. (2016, June 9). The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Health Information Center. Retrieved from


Describe the main point of the article?

Evaluate the process described in the article? Does the identification and treatment regimen developed for Hepatitis C align with the information in Biology Chapter 21?

What do you see as the biggest challenges for identifying and preventing viruses?

Healthcare Critical Thinking Medical Malpractice Presentation


Medical Malpractice ( Example attached)

Create a PowerPoint presentation examining the law in Saudi Arabia pertaining to litigation of physicians and healthcare organizations as shown in the Ministry of Health Law of practicing health professions (2005, December 6).  Be sure to include:

  • An analysis of the purpose of the law;
  • The ethical principles guiding this litigation;
  • The definition of “tort reform”
  • Discussion about how evidence-based care can lower the risk of litigation
  • Recommendations that would improve the law to further meet the goals of its purpose.

Chamberlain College of Nursing Nurse Executive Discussion


At the end of each discussion, you are asked to provide a summary of your learning for the week. This reflective summary should focus on one or two key takeaway points that you feel are valuable to you as a rising executive leader. Take some time to review your discussion summaries and choose one or two of the biggest “Aha!” moments of the course, then tell us about them and why they are important in your development as an executive leader.