FNU Nursing Health Promotion Health Maintenance Plan


Health Maintenance Plan for a Selected Disease in a Selected Population

 develop a health maintenance plan  for a selected Disease, such as asthma, hepatitis, hypo and hyperthyroidism, and coronary artery disease, in a selected Population.

Your paper should:

1. Assess, develop, and recommend health maintenance plans for clients in all developmental stages of life within the primary care practice.
2. Apply evidence-based guidelines to the identification and prevention of significant healthcare problems affecting populations at risk.

Alcorn State University Leaders Communication Skills Discussion Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1.Why is the diagnosis of the problem so important in the change management process?  What important purpose does the diagnosis serve, and what is the risk of skipping a careful diagnosis process. 

2. Describe how the values of the leader and the organization influence and affect each step of the rational decision-making process.

George Mason University Health Share of Oregon Case Study Analysis


Case Study – Health Share of Oregon: A Community Oriented Approach to Accountable Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries

Review the case study and prepare a paper that answers the following questions:

  • What is an accountable care organization (ACO’s)?
  • What makes Oregon unique in its approach to Coordinated Care Organization?
  • Why are states experimenting with different models of integrated care?
  • Are ACO’s a viable model to reduce the rate of growth in per-capita Medicaid spending? Why or why not?

NR 449 Chamberlain College of Nursing Week 7 RUA Care of Populations Presentation


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Interventions for Priority Diagnosis Required criteria:
1. Proposed interventions are specific to the identified priority diagnosis and assist in meeting the identified goals.
2. Proposed interventions are supported by scholarly, evidence-based sources.
3. Identifies the level of prevention for proposed interventions.
4. Identifies the category and level of practice
(community, systems, or individual/family) that best describes the proposed interventions from the
Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies, 2019, p. 14).

EDPU El Sistema Inmunologico Y El Sars Cov 2 Batalla De Titanes Bibliografia


Para esta actividad van a realizar una bibliografía anotada sobre el tema seleccionado para el Trabajo Grupal Final. (Es una tarea individual del mismo tema del proyecto final). 

Deben acceder a las bases de datos de EDP University a través de la Biblioteca Virtual (Enlaces a un sitio externo.)  o Google Scholar, y allí identificar (5) cinco artículos del tema elegido.

Harán una bibliografía anotada de esos cinco recursos.

LBCC School Adolescent Substance Use and Misuse Essay


Visit any Internet computer on-line source. Research an article related to an adolescent health issue. Read the article and write a brief summary of the content of the articles (approx. 2-3 pages). Then, discuss one way that a health education specialist or a health teacher might have a role in lower the incidence of that issue.

You must include the full citation of Internet source (example: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/ Commission on Teacher Credentialing).

AMU Medical Policy Is Developing and Implementing Laws Essay


Assignment: Planning, managing, and evaluating healthcare policies and programs (LO 1 and 2).

For this assignment, you will write a 4-6 page, APA-formatted paper that identifies and explores five key policies / procedures of the US healthcare system and applies principles for planning, managing, and evaluating healthcare policies and programs. You will need to specifically identify (by name) the five key policies / procedures you identified and apply each of them separately. 

Ovarian Cancer Presentation


Not more than 11 ppt slides including cover page slide with university logo; presentation title, group members names and students ID numbers (see attached cover page)

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this week’s activities, you will be able to:

  • Identify both risk factors and protective factors for ovarian cancer.
  • Discuss risk reduction strategies for ovarian cancer.
  • Explain the current state of prevention efforts for ovarian cancer.
  • Discuss the obstacles to developing screening strategies for ovarian cancer.

STC Substance Abuse as a key issue for Healthy People 2020 Paper


Identify disparities in health among populations for a Healthy People 2030 health issue. For this assignment:

  1. Describe the chosen Healthy People 2030 topic area and specific health issue.
  2. Contrast causes of disparities related to this health issue within populations.
  3. Propose a public health communication strategy to reduce disparity and promote health.
  4. Outline a plan for the communication.
  5. Describe an evaluation plan for the communication.
  6. Create targeted communication for each population.
  7. Reflect on learning through this project.

BSU Nursing Ethics for Advanced Nursing Practice Question


Write a 5-page paper reflecting on what you have learned in this ETHICS FOR ADVANCED NURSING PRACTICE Course . Make sure that you address the following prompts in your paper:

  • How do these topics apply to your DNP project?
  • What ethical issues might you encounter?
  • What are your thoughts regarding how ethics might impact your project?
  • What preventive measures can you take to avoid ethical pitfalls.
  • Use 4APA reference to support your reflection.