St Merys University Health Information Exchanges Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Course: Healthcare Nursing Informatics

Define Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and discuss what type of organizations might participate in these exchanges.

Discuss interoperability and HIEs in relation to the meaningful use of EHRs. What are the requirements for eligible providers and organizations? What are the requirements for 2022 regarding Promoting Interoperability?

Chronic Condition Worksheet


Guide for a Selected Chronic Condition

The purpose of this assignment is to design a study guide that will assist you and your peers to translate relevant clinical guidelines and evidence-based research into evidence-based practice to promote health and prevent chronic health problems.

You must choose one of the conditions below:

  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • COPD

Your study guide must include:

  • Definition, etiology
  • Occurrence/epidemiology
  • Clinical presentation
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Non-pharmacological and pharmacological management and follow up

Purdue Global University Job Search Essay


Identify and provide the listing for a hypothetical professional job opportunity for which you would like to apply. You may copy and paste the listing directly from an employment site such as Indeed, Simply Hired, or other types of job boards. Discuss in detail why you think this job is within your scope of practice. In response, write a cover letter

Nurse Practitioner Position Near Los angles, California.

Organ Transplants Literature Review


This is a refining process.1.  Find relative literature (if a search yeilds hundreds of items use MESH terms of other mechanism to reduce the topic).

Once you find several articles that addrres the topic in a way you want, use their reference list to find similar research.

  1. Read relavent articles and write down items like research questions ,method info (subjects, instruments, etc) to help refine your question and population.

University of Phoenix Marketing Challenges in Health Discussion


Think about marketing challenges in health care. 

  • How is economics in health care unique from other industries? 
  • How is marketing in health care unique from marketing in other industries? 
  • What marketing challenges might arise should a major health care provider stop offering a product or service that is socially popular but economically unprofitable? 
  • What marketing elements should be considered before a health care provider eliminates such a product or service? 

Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion Discusson

Question Description

I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Explain the role of health education in health promotion. How is the nursing process used in developing health education? Describe a contemporary issue, local or global, that a family may experience today. What steps would the nurse take to address these as part of a health education plan?

Saudi Electronic University Drones in Healthcare Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read Chapter 11 (Drones in Healthcare) in your text book and discuss the following point:

  • UAVs or Drones have generated great interest in recent years due to their industrial, commercial, and recreational potential. Discuss the ethical, legal and financial implications with respect to using drones in telemedicine/healthcare?

NSU Job justifications Paper


I have been chosen to create an outpatient immunization clinic. I have chosen to include the following job positions: Director of Outpatient Immunization, Business Manager, Clinical Manager, Nurses and Receptionists to be part of my organization. Please provide justification as to why these positions are vital to an outpatient immunization clinic. Make sure all sources are from 2017-present and are in APA format

LU Medical Malpractice Annotated Bibliography and Research Paper Discussion


The Malpractice ApologyAnnotated Bibliography Assignment and the Malpractice Apology Research PaperAssignment are related assignments that require you to research and write areview of the existing literature and then develop the information from yoursources into a research paper. Both your research of the literature and thepaper will focus on professional malpractice in healthcare, including the roleof recognition of error and apology in resolving malpractice claims.

HSM 497 Norfolk State University Globally Mental Health Problems Essay


the research question of whether removal of face-to-face interaction and opting for telehealth correlates to mental health status of patients with clinical depression. Need help with the following:

Introduction: (one paragraph), Statement of the Problem, and Purpose of the Study.

Attached is a link of the paper with the feedback received from professor in red (bottom of page) i also attached the rubric.