Utilizing Feedback in the Dissertation Process

It is essential that you remember to utilize the feedback that you receive from your Chair. The more you pay attention to and address the suggestions you receive, the more intuitive this process will become. Stay focused. Remember to set aside time each week to work (do not wait until the night before work is due). The dissertation is something that requires much more attention than a weekly assignment. 
Dropbox Assignment(s): In Week 3 Dropbox, submit a draft of Chapter 1 that now includes your problem statement and a section discussing the significance of your research to practice and the community of scholars.  Remember to add this section to your dissertation template. If you are already beyond this point, submit your revised draft of Chapter 1. Refer to your timeline and check off your accomplishments.

1. Importance of Utilizing Feedback
When approaching the task and responsibility of creating a high quality dissertation, receiving continuous feedback from those who have been through the process at the same level is invaluable. The greater the depth and extent of feedback can only result in a greater final product. It is becoming more and more evident that the form of feedback from the tutors in this scenario is insufficient due to the lack of experience of the supervisor in the topic area, with many only being a year or two ahead of the student in their career learning the same principles. Therefore, alternate methods of feedback are becoming more popular such as online forums and posting work for peer review, with students who find experienced professionals in the given area willing to provide feedback in their own time. This method involves much less stress and hassle compared to arranging meetings with supervisors, and it allows the student to consider a wider variety of suggestions and criticisms from people not involved in the dissertation process at their university. These outsiders are more likely to point out the flaws in logic in the work as they will not have the available knowledge to understand what the student is trying to get at if it is unclear. This feedback could be considered even more important than that from the supervisor, but in the case of all feedback, the more sources consulted, the greater the variety of suggestions. This process could take quite a long time, but it can be much less stressful and produce a better result working using only intuition and suggestions. Without the intuition to consider other people’s opinions is folly. This is especially true in the scenario where a student has to change topic far into the dissertation. If intuition told them the original idea was not good, then it is likely that this was the case, but no feedback was received to confirm this and a waste of time and effort ensued.
1.1. Addressing Suggestions from the Chair
These steps will increase the chance of the feedback being a positive experience for the student and will lead to a stronger dissertation.
A. Understand the feedback B. Organize a time to further understand the feedback and discuss possible alternatives C. Be appreciative of the Chair’s involvement and consideration of the student D. Make a decision whether or not this is a suggestion that aligns with the goals of the dissertation E. Keep open communication with the Chair about the suggestion and its outcomes F. Consider the best approach to implement the suggestion.
When a student submits a dissertation to a committee, and ultimately the Chair of the committee, he or she will receive feedback. Invariably, the Chair will present suggestions that the student will have to address. Many times these suggestions will alter the course of the dissertation. Addressing the feedback can be a difficult and frustrating process. The relationship with the Chair is important to the student’s success so it is critical to handle the suggestions in the most effective manner. Steps the student can take to handle the feedback that will foster a positive relationship with the Chair and result in the best possible outcome are as follows:
1.2. Enhancing the Intuitive Process
A parallel notion exists in the contrasting of two modes of thought, automatic and controlled cognitive processes. Automatic processes are those which are fast, intuitive, and non-conscious, while controlled processes are those which are deliberate, analytical, and reasoned. While much research and writing of the dissertation will involve controlled processing as the student seeks to develop the best possible document, automatic processing is nonetheless involved in many of the activities and products of the research. Automatic processing is important in reading, comprehension, idea generation, drawing inferences, and many other aspects of the research process. Moreover, research activities will often be driven by intuitive hunches about what might be interesting or important to look at; automatic cognitive processing can be an area of research to the degree that some intuitive hunches about a topic seem to cost too many cognitive resources. Stepkin and Greene (2005) suggest that utilizing feedback from colleagues can be the best way to share research findings at an informal level. Coming to understand how colleagues are understanding the topic can give an indication of the readability of one’s work or if it might need to be rewritten; it represents automatic processing. Given that automatic processing can take forms in a wide range of research activities, it is reasonable to assume that the quality of these activities can be enhanced by feedback in the same ways that the quality of the dissertation document itself might be improved. Feedback can be specifically utilized as a means of enhancing automatic or intuitive processing through asking for reactions to ideas and work in progress, as Green (2005) experienced with his own advisor who often called him to discuss new ideas. Feedback can also serve a reminding function about research directions that resulted from automatic hunches; in receiving feedback about the dissertation document itself, the student may gain insight on forgotten ideas or be reminded why a certain study was undertaken and not another. Dilmac (2009) has suggested that utilizing automatic and controlled cognitive processes is important for the dissertation student who often alternates between writing and reading over his own work.
A primary argument in favor of utilizing feedback from the chair and committee in the dissertation process is that doing so represents a concrete means of enhancing the intuitive process of research and writing. It has been pointed out by numerous authors that research itself is, or should be, an intuitive process relying on a sense of discovery and a search for understanding (Thornberg, 2012). Butkin and Green (2005) describe the role of intuition in research as a movement from seeing patterns to making inferences to the development of (or contemplation of) models or theories. Sidebar comments, queries, and suggestions from colleagues during research activities suggest that they also view the research process as a continuous interplay between hunches and hypotheses and that responding to feedback can often shake loose new and important hunches or directions in the research. Boone (2011) reflects a similar sentiment from his experience as an academic consultant, that the best ideas about research tend to emerge in conversation and by stepping back from the specifics of the study.
In-text citation omitted.
2. Staying Focused in the Dissertation Journey
2.1. Setting Aside Time for Weekly Work
2.2. Avoiding Last-Minute Approaches
3. The Dissertation vs Weekly Assignments
3.1. Understanding the Difference in Attention Required
4. Dropbox Assignment(s) in Week 3
4.1. Submitting a Draft of Chapter 1
4.1.1. Including the Problem Statement
4.1.2. Discussing the Significance of Research
4.2. Adding the Section to the Dissertation Template
4.3. Submitting a Revised Draft if Already Beyond Chapter 1
5. Referring to the Timeline and Accomplishments
5.1. Checking Off Completed Tasks

Technology and Informatics in Evidence-Based Practice

For this discussion, consider the ways in which technology and informatics are used to support evidence-based practice. Please address each of the following questions in your discussion response for this week:
Choose a specific evidence-based practice (examples: CAUTI reduction, sepsis protocol, SCIP protocol, bedside shift report, etc.).
Describe how technology and informatics are used to support the interventions used in practice?
Describe how employing evidence-based practice guidelines improve patient outcomes?
What benefits and challenges have you experienced with (the integration of) information technology in your practice?
What strategies did you, or could you, use to overcome these challenges?
1. Introduction
Informatics is any practice that involves the use of information. It involves using information and applying cognitive and practical skills for manipulating the information (knowing), and comparing this with the various health sciences aiming at a better understanding of health problems and evidence leading to decisions or actions (doing). Informatics has a broad application across health care including management data on service utilization, assessing population health needs, disease management, and consumers making informed decisions about their health. For EBP, informatics can provide enhanced access to and dissemination of information. It provides means to the management of vast volumes of information and presenting this at the right time in the right place to enable high-quality decisions. Today with the internet, the amount of information is huge, informatics can help break this down and provide the correct research for the right area in the instance of say a clinical encounter. For evidence-based clinical decisions, there are methods of decision analysis and modeling using probability to predict the best course of action and assess potential outcomes. Finally, informatics can provide monitoring and audit against best evidence through various means of information, to determine if practice is effective and to make improvements in areas of sub-optimal care. All of these methods are a vast improvement for integrating evidence into practice in contrast to the traditional methods of medical education which focus on retraining the facts to be recalled at a later time.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) involves making clinical decisions based on the best available evidence, using it alongside clinical expertise and patient values. Evidence-based practice is not new, but it is now receiving increasing attention in health care as medicine becomes more complex with more decisions and therapy options. There is some resistance to EBP which arises from the ‘art’ of medicine with its individualistic craft approach and its tradition of passing down information from mentor to protégé. We must stress, EBP is not about cookbook medicine. EBP is about integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. In ideological terms, it aims to keep the ‘art’ of medicine while emphasizing some of the science-based aspects in the ‘art’. For medical practitioners, it is applying a conscientious, explicit, and judicious process in making decisions. This will help to improve the quality of their clinical judgments and keep up to date with the new and relevant research. Evidence-based practice is patient-centered. It’s about providing care that is of the best quality with the understanding of the potential risks and benefits for treatment and non-treatment for the patient, with the use of informed consent. For the patient, it means receiving high-quality care which is up to date with minimal error in diagnosis and treatment with the view that will increase the length and quality of life. With the explosion of research, medicine has a struggle to change practice. Major barriers include problems with the volume and lack of awareness of new research, and the lack of resources and time, so changing practice can be quite slow. Measures need to be taken and doctors must come to understand the research and change their practice, and patients must understand that the quality of care is directly linked to the care that’s been proved to be effective through research.
1.1 Importance of Evidence-Based Practice
The practice of evidence-based medicine can be regarded as a systematic and disciplined way of evaluating clinical problems and practice. EBM is a lean, mean patient care providing machine. It allows the clinician to quickly, efficiently, and effectively weigh the pros and cons of a particular treatment. If there are no current RCTs suggesting the use of a particular medication, the clinician is able to use clinical experience, hierarchy of evidence, and patient values to make a very informed decision. Evidence-based medicine involves conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of EBM is very important, and in fact, it’s the backbone of our internal medicine residency program. Because many different treatments lead to similar outcomes, we want to ensure that we’re providing the most efficient and effective care for our patients. This residency program is going to teach us how we can acquire the best evidence, how to assess its validity and usefulness, and how to apply it when making medical decisions. The concept of EBM and steps involved are summarized in the article: “Evidence-Based Medicine: What It Is and What It Isn’t” (Sackett, 1996). The practice of EBM has proven successful in many surgical and medical specialties. It’s been shown to reduce costs, improve the quality of intervention, and lead to better patient outcomes. In a study conducted by David L. Berger, M.D., MS (2003) and colleagues, it was found that EBM is most successful when it involves the cooperation of clinical scientists, biostatisticians, and personnel in biomedical informatics. To be EBM practitioners, we must become efficient in avoiding outdated practice habits and to stay informed on recent developments and evidence across all areas of patient care. This is no easy task, but with practice and familiarity, it becomes second nature.
1.2 Role of Technology and Informatics
Technology has come a long way and has become more affordable and easier to use. In a recent survey of US adults, 72% of internet users said they looked online for health information within the past year. One of the many reasons why they are seeking health information online is that it has become easily available and convenient. The use of computers and mobile devices can now allow practitioners and patients to access health information from any location with internet wifi or cellular access. This is an important determinant as with EBP, it is not only important to access evidence, but it is also important to be able to apply and integrate it into clinical practice. This improved access to technology can dispel the restrictive view that evidence-based practice can be limited to only using research when it is available. In a clinical scenario, it is not uncommon to encounter situations where there is no clear evidence or evidence-based guideline to best manage a patient. Often without easy access to research materials, decisions are often defaulted to previous practice habits or even mere intuition. With improved access to information technology, such a situation can prompt the practitioner to search for evidence at the point of care, and thus, will close the gap between practice and research. As a matter of fact, it is suggested that the best method to promote evidence-based practice is to teach clinicians how to form questions about clinical practice and search for the answers. With the improved availability of research materials and evidence, technology can ultimately teach us how to think critically.
The concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) has created a substantial impact in the medical industry. Though its formulation has been a long and rough process, it has proven itself to be a critical player in improving the existing healthcare system, which is filled with outdated practices that are either flawed or have been rendered obsolete by newer and more effective interventions. According to the definition provided by Sackett and colleagues, EBP is “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of the individual patient. It means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.” The expected outcome of EBP is to improve the quality of clinical practice and ultimately improve patient outcomes. It is clear that the goals of EBP correspond with the needs of the healthcare system, and it’s important to recognize that technology and informatics is a key driver behind the success of EBP and the execution of its objectives.
2. Specific Evidence-Based Practice
2.1 Selection of a Practice
2.2 Overview of the Chosen Practice
3. Technology and Informatics in Practice Interventions
3.1 Integration of Technology in Practice
3.2 Informatics Support for Practice Interventions
3.3 Benefits of Technology in Practice Interventions
4. Improving Patient Outcomes through Evidence-Based Practice
4.1 Understanding the Impact of Evidence-Based Practice
4.2 Patient Outcomes and Evidence-Based Guidelines
5. Benefits and Challenges of Information Technology in Practice
5.1 Benefits of Information Technology
5.2 Challenges Faced in Integrating Information Technology
6. Strategies to Overcome Challenges
6.1 Identifying and Addressing Barriers
6.2 Training and Education for Information Technology
6.3 Collaboration and Support
7. Conclusion

The Benefits of Using ED Meds to Improve Sexual Performance

Many people use erectile dysfunction (ED) medications to improve their sexual performance and address issues related to ED for several reasons:
Improved Erection Quality: ED medications, such as   
[url=https://genericpillmall.com/product/vidalista-40-mg/]Vidalista 40[/url] Cenforce 150, work by increasing blood flow to the penis, which helps achieve and maintain a firm erection. This can lead to improved sexual satisfaction and confidence in men who experience difficulties with erections.
Enhanced Sexual Experience: By facilitating erections, ED medications can enhance the overall sexual experience for both partners. They can lead to longer-lasting and more satisfying sexual encounters, contributing to increased intimacy and pleasure.
Increased Confidence: For men who experience ED, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection can lead to feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, or anxiety. By successfully treating ED with medication, individuals may experience a boost in confidence and self-esteem, which can positively impact their sexual performance and relationships.

The Benefits of Using ED Meds to Improve Sexual Performance
1. Introduction
Sexual intercourse is a desire of every couple, be it human or animals. Sex connects two persons and the relation of couple gets stronger. If you look into the basis of sexual activities, the ultimate point is to get maximum pleasure and satisfaction during sex. But sometimes, various factors damage the sex activity and reduce the level of satisfaction. Sometimes, it is due to aging, sometimes due to mental stress and work load, sometimes due to hormonal changes and sometimes due to various medications of chronic diseases. The issue of impotency is also rising these days and it is a major hindrance in enjoying the sex. Impotency puts a person in a real tough situation and his confidence seems to fade away. He finds it difficult to get the same level of sexual satisfaction. High prevalence of impotency has brought various discoveries and new products are being designed to fight this problem. Same is the case with improved sex power. Many people lack behind due to lowered stamina and sex power. With discovery of new products, constant efforts are being made to find ways to improve sex power. Sex power is basically the ability to perform sexual activities and complete it with full satisfaction. It includes stamina, strength, quality and duration of sex. A person with higher sex power will have better chances to enjoy sex. It is also a part of competitive couples and has indirect influence on the relations. People having lower sex power often have inferiority complex. So they are always in search of ways to improve sex power. But up till now, there was no proper solution to this problem. Only this, impotency and sex power are very complex physiological processes and require a better understanding and new discoveries for an effective solution.
1.1. Understanding the Need for Improved Sex Power
Sexual dysfunction and inconsistency are more common in the present day due to the stressful hectic lifestyle. The most common problem dealt by men is Erectile Dysfunction (ED), causing failure to attain the mega power and due to this an inconsistent behavior pattern in response to sexual activities. It has been a silent problem for men as it affects their identity and masculinity. This problem in a way can be the cause for a man to attain different forms of sex power violation. There are many ways to restore the sex power. A good diet changing the unhealthy fast food with greens, regular exercise or just a simple 20 minutes’ walk and attempts to reduce mental stress using yoga and meditation are ways whereby persons with sexual dysfunction are trying to restore sex power. However, in the fast pacing society, we all expect rapid results so that we can cope with the present lifestyle and follow what is demanded. ED meds are alternative solution which is quick and effective.
Sex power is essential for all forms of sexual intents. Be it a common sexual activity with your partner or whether it is sexual harassment or molestation, sex has got a crucial role to play in all. Dating back to the history of human kind, since the primitive times, mega power has always been the super power and the most adored one. With the passage of time, people have been more and more conscious about their sexual life. This is an outcome of the fast pacing stressful life, where it is taking a toll on the mental and physical health leading to inconsistency, frustration, anxiety, guilt, and depression. A home to these negative traits pose as a severe difficulty to maintain sexual activity and to the worst, even various forms of sexual dysfunction. A study says, it is very much a fact, “To survive in this world, a person is compelled to have sex!” That’s the demanding situation of the most powerful tool in the entire human kind, “sex”.
1.2. Role of ED Meds in Enhancing Sexual Performance
Sexual intercourse between two individuals is a very personal experience. It is the main desire of every human being, and we are all aware of the need for a satisfying sexual experience. A great amount of sexual power is required to enjoy this aspect of life. Sometimes situations may arise when a person is unable to express himself sexually. This may be due to various reasons like impotence, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. These disorders may lead to impotence causing a person to be debarred from the sexual experience. Using ED meds can help in such conditions. Erectile dysfunction meds can be only considered effective if they enable a person to enhance his sex power rather than just allowing him to attain an erection. Erection of the penis is useless unless it is able to last and is followed by ejaculation to enhance sex power, fulfilling the sexual experience between partners. Erectile dysfunction can cause many problems to an individual because they put a strain on relationships. This often causes avoidance of the sexual experience which leads to tension, and can often make the problem worse through performance anxiety. Using ED meds to enhance sex power, and not solely for treating erectile dysfunction will help in relieving this problem. The use of modern medications in particular phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, can be effective in enhancing sex power. Usually PDE-5 inhibitors are taken orally before any sexual activity is due to take place. They act by enhancing the effects of nitric oxide, which generally acts by dilating blood vessels of the penis. This will then allow a better and longer lasting erection, as well as improving the duration of sexual intercourse and enhancing climax or ejaculation. This will enable a person to improve sexual experience usually more than what was occurring before the onset of erectile dysfunction. In a study of males with erectile dysfunction, 50% of the sample reported that their sexual function had improved after the onset of treatment with PDE-5 inhibitors.
2. Psychological Benefits
2.1. Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem
2.2. Reducing Anxiety and Performance Pressure
2.3. Strengthening Emotional Intimacy
3. Physical Benefits
3.1. Enhancing Erectile Function
3.2. Increasing Stamina and Endurance
3.3. Improving Blood Flow to the Genital Area
4. Relationship Benefits
4.1. Restoring Sexual Satisfaction
4.2. Revitalizing Intimate Connections
4.3. Strengthening Bond and Communication
5. Medical Considerations
5.1. Consulting a Healthcare Professional
5.2. Understanding Potential Side Effects
5.3. Proper Usage and Dosage Guidelines
6. Lifestyle Factors
6.1. Incorporating Exercise and Physical Activity
6.2. Maintaining a Balanced Diet
6.3. Managing Stress and Mental Well-being
7. Alternative Approaches
7.1. Natural Supplements and Remedies
7.2. Lifestyle Changes for Sexual Enhancement
7.3. Behavioral Therapy and Counseling
8. Conclusion

The Future of Care Coordination for Chronic Conditions

The Future of Care Coordination for Chronic Conditions:
Describe your vision for the future of care coordination for chronic conditions in light of technological advancements.
Discuss how collaboration between healthcare professionals, patients, and technology can lead to better disease management and improved quality of life.
Possible prompts:
What role will artificial intelligence (AI) play in care coordination and personalized medicine?
How can we leverage data sharing and patient portals to create a more patient-centered approach?
What policies and infrastructure changes are needed to ensure a sustainable and efficient care coordination system for chronic conditions?

1. Introduction
The modern world is filled with constant technological advancements. There are inventions and upgrades made on a daily basis to every piece of technology available on the market. The health care industry is no different. New technologies are constantly being introduced to the healthcare industry. With so many new technologies being introduced, it often becomes difficult to keep up with what is available and what may benefit a patient. This is especially true for patients who have chronic illnesses. It is important these patients are aware of all the resources available to them. With the recent Affordable Care Act, there is a newly found focus on chronic care management by both patients and the government. Section 1.1 of “The Future of Care Coordination for Chronic Conditions” by Jodi Gray and her associates says “the Internet, the increase in mobile phone use, and advancements in health information technology all offer new possibilities for managing care, and for patients to garner support in their self-management efforts.” These new technologies all present novel ways to aid patients with chronic diseases. 1.1 goes on to talk about how these resources can be used to better inform patients of their disease and the treatments available. This is crucial in improving the education of patients with chronic diseases, and this self-education is a huge part of chronic disease management. It is important to note that the technology itself does not provide better management, but it is the implementation of such resources. This involves collaboration between health care professionals, patients, and the technology itself. When considering these new technologies, there are many different ways to utilize them for chronic care management. The most apparent is through use of the internet and various programs aimed at educating patients and even simulating a virtual healthcare visit. However, a very recent and novel idea is to digitize patients’ medical records, making them easily accessible. Coordination between visits update by specialists and hospitals is vital in care for chronic diseases, and this is very often hindered by poor communication. Gray writes in 1.2 “an infrastructure to support information exchange between patients and providers should become a national priority. This would enable improvements in the coordination and quality of care, and promote evidence-based self-management.” This is suggesting creation of a unified network where records can be passed between treating physicians and also seen by the patient. This would be a very beneficial option for patients that have to frequently see several different specialists. Coming of technology advances also pertains to a research aspect, as described in the article. With technology, patient care data can now be more easily compiled and analyzed for improvements in care coordination strategies and to better predict outcomes for patients.
1.1 Technological advancements in care coordination
The improvement of technology in healthcare has resulted in a vital need for the reformation of care coordination. Individually, care coordination and technology have made considerable advancements; however, there has been no considerable effort to combine the two. Health information technology is a rapidly growing area worldwide, and its implementation is considered vital to improving the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, quality, and safety of medical care delivery. Health information technology is cited as a universally important tool in the management of care for chronic conditions, and the efforts to integrate technology with care coordination are becoming increasingly prevalent. These efforts are broad and vary widely from the use of personal health records, patient web-portals, or the utilization of telehealth and telemedicine. These technologies are seen to enable better-informed decision making for treatment and management of chronic conditions, offer more efficient communication between patients and healthcare providers, and offer potential for greater patient empowerment in self-management. An example is the use of telehealth interventions for patients with congestive heart failure; a study showed that it helped reduce the rate of hospitalization and length of hospital stay. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 has the potential to steer care coordination towards technology as it placed 3 billion dollars in an effort to create Accountable Care Organizations as well as incentives for improving coordinated care in Medicare/Medicaid with a focus on using health information technology. With the rate and prevalence of chronic conditions being at an all-time high, there are high hopes that further research and implementation of technology in care coordination will yield substantial improvements in patient outcomes.
1.2 Importance of collaboration between healthcare professionals, patients, and technology
Although the chronic care model seems effective for care coordination, it is an overarching framework and does not clearly identify the technology that can be used today for facilitating care coordination.
A prepared team will make use of registry functions in the electronic medical record to track patients and ensure that they are receiving the care that they need. This interaction will involve productive interactions and informed decision making as patients’ needs will be assessed. Self-management support includes client and server applications that help patients learn more about their condition and possibly improve their behavior. The prepared team and the informed and activated consumer will coordinate to ensure patients are receiving the right resources that will help to improve their quality of life.
Coordination can be improved across multiple providers and settings using modern information technology like electronic medical records. Coordination of care is complex and involves many organizations, individuals, and functions. The chronic care model alone is useful for considering how to improve care coordination for patients with chronic diseases. The model describes the organization of healthcare and the self-management support that provides the interactions between the informed and activated patient and the prepared proactive team.
The rapid advancement in technological innovations, combined with the complex healthcare system over the years, has generated a multitude of challenges in the coordination of patient care. With an increasing number of chronically ill patients, it is essential to invest the time and effort in developing more advanced methods for care coordination. An effective and efficient care management program is going to be vital to the health of patients with chronic diseases.
2. Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in care coordination and personalized medicine
2.1 AI-driven disease management
2.2 AI-enabled personalized treatment plans
3. Leveraging data sharing for a patient-centered approach
3.1 Benefits of data sharing in chronic disease management
3.2 Patient portals for improved communication and engagement
4. Policies and infrastructure changes for a sustainable care coordination system
4.1 Policy considerations for effective care coordination
4.2 Infrastructure improvements for efficient information exchange
5. Conclusion

The Impact of Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Personal Development

scroll to How Self Efficacy Beliefs Are Created 
Describe how each of the four sources has affected your life now and in the past.  The sources are:
Mastery Experience
Vicarious Experience
Social Influences
Somatic Influences

1. Introduction
Self-efficacy beliefs affect the choices we make, the effort we put in, and our persistence at a task. It also determines how we feel and think about a task. If a person has high efficacy of a task, they will view it as a challenge to be mastered, whereas low efficacy will make a person see the task as something to be avoided. People with high efficacy will set themselves challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to them. They heighten and sustain their effort in the face of failure. This, in effect, brings about better performances, which in turn reinforces the beliefs in their capabilities, as does not completing the task. Self-efficacy can impact many areas in a person’s life, and this essay will be looking into how it affects a person academically and their career choices.
Self-efficacy beliefs can be seen as one of the major points of learning in social cognitive theory. They are an individual’s belief in their ability to perform and succeed at a specific task. This belief has been conceptualized as self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is an individual judgment of their capability to complete a task. This judgment can be applied to a specific task, such as public speaking or global measures of efficacy. The theory was proposed by Albert Bandura in a 1977 publication and has had a large impact on cognition and social psychology, as well as clinical psychology. Bandura’s theory has been thought of as a reversal of the more common stimulus-response theory. He stresses the importance of observational learning, as he believes that when we see other people succeeding, it raises our beliefs that we too can master the task. Bandura also believes that a large part of learning is not trial and error, as the cost of errors is often too great. Instead, he believes that it is less costly to instill belief in a person that they have the capabilities to master the task.
1.1. Definition of Self-Efficacy Beliefs
This indicates that self-efficacy beliefs are a crucial determinant of behavioral change. A later study by Scholz et al. (2005) on adherence to exercise interventions found similar results. Both the studies done on exercising by Scholz et al. provide evidence that high self-efficacy can lead to behavior change. This is determined through the extent of the change such as trying to maintain or improve their level of exercise in the first study on cardiac patients and in the other study on men and women trying to increase their level of exercise. Behavior change is an essential aspect of personal development as improving and learning behaviors assist in achieving desired goals and outcomes. By connecting these studies to personal development, it can be said that people with confidence in their ability to perform exercise are more likely to implement the necessary behavioral changes to help them improve their health and prevent relapse. These studies, in addition, indicate that self-efficacy is a strong predictor of exercising behavior and it’s quite clear that behavior change can only occur if the individual has confidence in their abilities. So if we deduce a stronger meaning from this, a person with high self-efficacy belief in their ability to exercise will change their behavior to perform exercise with the confident belief that they can succeed and manage to keep that behavior with minimal chances of relapse. This compared to someone with little confidence will either not attempt any behavior change or not put in a wholehearted effort into it with a higher chance of relapse. So in terms of exercising, these individuals are at different levels but correspond to the same concept in that confidence or lack of it in their abilities will guide their level of effort and persistence.
1.2. Importance of Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Personal Development
Self-efficacy beliefs influence the choices people make and the courses of action they pursue. This, in turn, determines the goals they set and the extent to which they persevere in the face of difficulty. These, in turn, affect the level of accomplishment reached. The process of personal development is considered a cycle in which self-regulatory systems function. In other words, people set themselves challenges in order to alter their current functioning and reach a more desirable level. This is achieved through intention and planning. If the goal is achieved at a satisfactory level, then this will have a positive effect on the person’s perception of their efficacy in that area and raise their perceived self-efficacy. Alternatively, failure results in lowered perceived self-efficacy. Changing levels of self-efficacy is a mediating process between goal and outcome. In personality development, successful mastery of tasks in any given area of functioning is the best predictor of increased self-efficacy in that area. Mastery is achieved through the combination of behavioral change and cognitive processing, including vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and interpretation of physiological states. These are also the processes involved in self-efficacy change. Since accomplishment is usually tied to a sense of well-being and a reduction in stress, the enhancement of perceived self-efficacy produces corresponding improvement in psychological functioning. A strong sense of self-efficacy also helps people to prevent developing stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms during times of adversity. This plays an important preventative role in the stress of depression. The self-efficacy beliefs that affect coping with trauma and adversity are those revolving around the belief of being able to manage and prevent negative experiences from occurring. Persistent use of maladaptive coping and perceived inefficacy often results in altered self-efficacy and long-term negative effects on psychological health. High perceived self-efficacy has beneficial effects on every level of personality development and psychological functioning. High levels of it will promote an adventurous approach to life and a strong sense of commitment to goals, tasks, and activities. This, in turn, leads to a healthy and productive lifestyle. Changing undesirable or inefficient behavior is an attempt to better oneself, and self-efficacy is the belief that these changes can be accomplished. High perceived self-efficacy will, on more occasions, lead to successful mastery and behavior changes.
2. Mastery Experience
2.1. Gaining Confidence through Personal Achievements
2.2. Overcoming Challenges and Building Competence
2.3. Reflecting on Past Mastery Experiences
3. Vicarious Experience
3.1. Learning from Observing Others’ Success
3.2. Role Models and Their Influence
3.3. Identifying with Successful Individuals
4. Social Influences
4.1. Peer Support and Encouragement
4.2. Feedback and Validation from Others
4.3. Cultural and Societal Factors
5. Somatic Influences
5.1. Understanding the Role of Physical Sensations
5.2. Managing Anxiety and Stress
5.3. Utilizing Body Language and Nonverbal Communication
6. Personal Reflection
6.1. Analyzing the Impact of Mastery, Vicarious, Social, and Somatic Experiences
6.2. Identifying Patterns and Trends in Self-Efficacy Beliefs
6.3. Setting Personal Goals for Enhancing Self-Efficacy
7. Conclusion
7.1. Summary of the Importance of Self-Efficacy Beliefs
7.2. Strategies for Cultivating and Strengthening Self-Efficacy

The Impact of the Israel-Hamas Conflict on the World Economy and the US

Read the following NEWS item and share your perspective on the current war between Israel and  Hamas. Be respectful of each other’s opinions and try not to be political. How will this war affect the world economy and the US? (200+ words)

1. Introduction
The two most prominent groups in this conflict between Israel and Palestine are the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority (PA). The PA is comprised of two separate political entities, Fatah, which controls the West Bank of Palestine, and Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip is a narrow piece of land on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, which is separated from Israel by a wall built by Israelis. It is important to understand that this conflict does not just affect Israel and Palestine, but other nations around the region. According to the Council on Foreign Relations, facilitation of peace between Israel and Palestine would benefit the Middle East and North Africa regional GDP by $2.4 trillion over the next decade. This would potentially increase growth by 3-5% of GDP per annum, or 1.5 to 2.6 million new jobs per year. This would also lead to development of human and physical capital as a result of preparatory investment. High productivity led by peace and stability could possibly raise the level of annual GDP growth by 6-10% per annum in some countries. This is saying that if peace would result in a better quality of life over time for a multitude of countries surrounding Israel and Palestine. The future of the conflict is unclear, so it is important to analyze the most recent conflict and its effect on Israel and Palestine, as well as the rest of the world.
1.1 Background of the Israel-Hamas Conflict
Hamas is an Arabic acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement and is Palestine’s predominant fundamentalist Islamic organization. It was established in 1987 at the beginning of the first Intifada, an uprising against Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, which began in December 1987. Sparked by a visit by then Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, it led to increased Israeli security measures and resulted in more violence. In its beginning, Hamas’ main goal was to destroy the state of Israel, a goal they still maintain today. The movement’s founders pulled together various religious, charity, and political organizations, and in 1989 created Dawah, an underground network that provided health, education, and welfare services. These were seen as an alternative to the various Israeli sponsored institutions and sometimes as a means to gain support for Hamas’ activities. Due to the violent nature of the Intifada, Israel detained and deported a large number of Palestinians, mostly activists of the PLO and leftist groups, who were leaders in the first Intifada. With the added effect of the Gulf War and the subsequent peace conferences, this left a huge political void in the Occupied territories and Hamas gained a lot of support and popularity. During its years in operation, Hamas has been involved in countless violent and more recently, political activities.
In the simplest terms, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is over territory. Israel currently holds a lot of the land that is also claimed by Palestine. This has led to wars and many peace talks. As of recent, the main powers of Palestine, Hamas, and the state of Israel agreed to a ceasefire. This was a later development and escalation in the situation had severe impact on not just the surrounding countries, but much of the world. To gain a full understanding of the context of this ceasefire and the conflict at the present time, a situational analysis of the conflict is necessary. This analysis will be explained using various tools and frameworks learnt throughout the Strategic Management course.
1.2 Purpose of the Analysis
This analysis was initiated with the purpose to provide a detailed informative study on the impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict on the world economy and the US. The great expansions in monetary terms affect the political decisions. The impact can be considered minor, but in the detailed aspects, economy plays a huge role in every decision of the political authority. The impact clarifies the strength of political and economic decisions. War and conflict can shake and be a cause of a broken economy. Every decision of political authority is based on the strength of the nation, and the budget available. The decisions are based to act tough and firm or soft and apologetic? The stance with the world economy decides the decision. If the impact is great, then decisions will be adapted to recover and to regain the status of the nation. If the impact is minor, no relevant steps will be taken to change the decisions.
2. Economic Implications
2.1 Global Trade Disruptions
2.2 Stock Market Volatility
2.3 Impact on Oil Prices
2.4 Tourism and Travel Industry
2.5 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
3. Regional and Global Security Concerns
3.1 Escalation of Regional Tensions
3.2 Threats to International Peace
3.3 Implications for Diplomatic Relations
4. Humanitarian Crisis and Aid Efforts
4.1 Displacement of Civilians
4.2 Humanitarian Assistance
4.3 Role of International Organizations
5. US Involvement and Policy Considerations
5.1 Historical US-Israel Relations
5.2 US Diplomatic Efforts
5.3 Military Assistance and Arms Sales
5.4 Impact on US Foreign Policy
6. Long-Term Economic and Political Consequences
6.1 Rebuilding and Reconstruction Costs
6.2 Socioeconomic Impacts on Israel and Gaza
6.3 Political Dynamics in the Middle East
6.4 Potential for Future Conflicts
7. Conclusion

The Influence of Leadership in Developing Quality Capacity

Develop a tri-fold brochure about the influence of leadership in developing quality capacity. The brochure will also focus on what leaders do to enhance the development of quality and sustaining capacity. Search the peer-reviewed databases for current studies of how leadership style relates to growing and sustaining quality capacity. Develop the brochure as a manager of an organization for top executives.
The tri-fold brochure needs to include the following:
· A discussion to illustrate the relationship between the leadership style of a leader, and the growth and sustainability of an organization’s capacity.
· A description that explains how and why leadership style provides influence upon capacity.
· Examples of how leaders can enhance the development of quality and sustaining capacity. 

1. Introduction
The key to providing tangible results of this research lies in a mixed method approach. In order to effectively evaluate the success of leadership development programs, one must measure the changes in those expected to display the recently acquired skills and competencies. TDR leaders have agreed that the best way to measure effectiveness at the individual and team levels is through studies of those who have taken part in TDR development programs. This will be done by following a cohort of program participants within the Neglected Infectious Diseases research teams. By assessing this group, we can more effectively gather quantitative data on changes in team leadership and use the control teams for comparative studies to assess changes in the quality of health research. A qualitative comparison will be made through interviews of program participants from various research teams in an attempt to better understand how and why changes in leadership occurred at the individual, team, and of course, organizational level. We will also be evaluating the effects of general leadership and research team management on research capacity within the above-mentioned cohort study and through case studies of differing disease research teams. By unearthing the successes of various leaders and how they improve the effectiveness of their differing research teams, we will gain important insight into the complex interactions between leaders, team members, and how various leadership styles can best develop research capacity in a multitude of differing contexts.
Overall, we are interested in researching capacity change at the individual and organizational level. Leadership is the key to most change efforts, and if successful, we can show that TDR has developed the leaders of health research in their respective countries, we will have demonstrated an important pathway to well-articulated change. By assessing the changes in leadership at the individual and team levels, research carried out in this project will greatly increase understanding of the complex relationship between leadership and capacity and provide useful insight to policymakers and research program managers in both TDR and the broader international health field.
Like other organizations, the World Health Organization has a distinct leadership hierarchy with directors, supervisors, and front line managers. In many cases, especially in developing countries, health workers are also looked to as community leaders. Leadership opportunities within their own health organizations and communities are often the driving force behind their professional development. In terms of health, it is fast becoming evident that the quality of health care is highly affected by the quality of leadership at and below the policy-making level. For this reason, the Department of Organization of Health Services has decided to assess the effects of the Tropical Disease Research (TDR) leadership development programs on health research capacity.
1.1. Importance of Leadership in Capacity Development
In the study of capacity development, leadership is identified as one of the key thematic areas influencing the quality of capacity improvement within an organization, and it is stressed that without proper leadership, capacity development initiatives tend to have limited impact. This is due to most leaders circumventing the leadership development process and very often, leapfrog to launching capacity development initiatives. The irony lies in that leaders are drivers of change, and if leadership is not changed with clear direction citing reasons for the change, followers would not be aligned and would likely carry out tasks as how they have perceived to be the old way and leadership to change the new tasks. This uncovers the issue of the quality of capacity development and reiterates that leadership is a key factor influencing it.
Leadership is important when it comes to increasing the quality of an organization’s capacity due to the guidance, assistance, and support of a leader providing direction to an organization’s followers in order to achieve performance beyond expectations. With effective leadership, it will increase the old way of doing things within an organization to do it in a new and better way. The change in working methods will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the work being done. Effective leaders make a real difference when it comes to increasing the quality of an organization’s capacity by influencing the followers and aligning their goals to work towards an achievable future in improving the organization.
1.2. Purpose of the Brochure
This brochure is a concise and informative guide designed for policy-makers and practitioners, as well as researchers. The primary aim of the package is to provide a knowledge base for leaders and leadership development, which is directly and indirectly linked with the more effective public sector and thus better service to the public. The guide will also help to deliberate various options and learn from the practices in developed and successful nations in terms of their investment in leadership and the benefits they received. This can also help them enable a leadership succession strategy. The analysis of the political economy of reforms will help them understand the constraints and enabling factors to change the quality of public institutions. The brochure is designed keeping in view the paucity of time with the widespread audience it is targeted to. The language of the brochure is simple and avoids using jargon. The numerous case studies have come from a variety of nations to help readers understand by relating to their situations. The easy accessibility of the content will persuade readers to use the guide as a starting point every time they wish to initiate a reform. At many places, links have been provided to the tools to be used, and the reader can visit the site to learn the tool.
2. Relationship between Leadership Style and Capacity Growth
2.1. Impact of Leadership Style on Organizational Capacity
2.2. Case Studies on Leadership Style and Capacity Growth
2.3. Factors Influencing the Relationship
3. Sustainability of Organizational Capacity
3.1. Role of Leadership in Sustaining Capacity
3.2. Strategies for Long-term Capacity Sustainability
4. Influence of Leadership Style on Capacity
4.1. Direct and Indirect Influence of Leadership Style
4.2. Examples of Effective Leadership Styles
4.3. Case Studies on Leadership Style and Capacity Influence
5. Enhancing the Development of Quality and Sustaining Capacity
5.1. Leadership Practices for Quality Capacity Development
5.2. Strategies for Enhancing Sustaining Capacity
5.3. Promoting a Culture of Continuous Improvement
6. Conclusion
6.1. Summary of Key Findings
6.2. Recommendations for Leaders

The Influence of Stress on the Development of Depressive Disorders

1. Introduction
Since the sequence current stress state and past stressful life events have been assessed with life history technique considerations of the large timelines involved in the inducement of depression by stress would be required. Measures of severe and chronic stresses have been taken in various forms including interview and questionnaire on it of recent life events. Measures of life difficulties involve the assessment of the degree of stress in various areas of life, the length of time the problems have lasted, and the impact of events on the individual. The onset and recurrences of depressive episodes are often assessed with follow-up interviews. Measures of depressive symptoms and diagnoses span a wide range and the effects of stress on these may vary.
Furthermore, much of the extremity concerning the type of stress and its duration that lead to depression relates to the exact kind of depressive disorder and the causative background. For example, there is data showing that post-traumatic stress disorder and dysthymic pathology often have childhood adversities as antecedents. This suggests that the effects of stress dependent on its timing in relation to development and other life events or the affect on cognitive patterns and interpersonal functions can vary in leading to different depressive diagnoses. Therefore, in researching stress and depression, the potential focus to specific types of stress and depression should greatly improve the understanding of mechanisms involved.
Depressions are the complex and interactive compounds of genes and life events and do some effects on adapts various behaviors to cope with stress. Facing a prolonged and chronic stress may lead to development of symptoms of depressive episode and thus it becomes depressive disorder. The diathesis-stress model emphasizes that depression results from the interaction of a predispositional vulnerability liability and life events or experiences that the vulnerability more likely will lead to depression. Stressful life events are associated with the onset and the recurrences of depressive episodes life difficulties and low social support predict a more persistent course of major depression. Vulnerability to depression results from complex interplay of genetic biological personality and environmental factors.
1.1. Definition of Stress
According to the Prepared For Future (PFF) theory of depression, stress generally involves an actual or potential loss, challenge to self-worth or safety, or failure to secure an expected gain (Brown, 2002). At this point, stress evokes a response, depending on the severity of the stressor and the individual’s own resources, that may lead to depression (Brown, 1998). High levels of stress are known to reduce serotonin levels in the brain, whilst also increasing the release of corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), a hormone that has been found to be at excess levels in patients with major depression and thus constitutes a model for the etiology of stress-induced depression (Holsboer 2000).
The “demand” that causes stress can take many forms i.e. work, major life events, trauma. Edwards, Cooper & Sadhotra (2000) used fine-grained measures of daily stress in a study that focused on the relationship between acute stress and mood. Maintaining a daily diary for five days and nights, participants recorded the frequency of occurrence and the severity of each type of stress that had taken place in the previous 24 hours. The overall severity of stress was scored in the diary twice daily.
The Selye (1956) definition of stress “the non-specific response of the body to any demand” is by far the mostly widely quoted (Gould, Dye & Cale, 2006). Bouteyre, Paquet, Sejourn and Vernet (2007) recommend this definition, a well-documented and widely accepted theory of stress, as the best to use in their empirical research study of stress and its relationship to depression in French medical students. However, what constitutes these demands that lead to the nonspecific response of stress, and how is stress adequately measured in order to understand its relationship with health and illness?
1.2. Definition of Depressive Disorders
Depressive disorders encompass an array of mood disorders that vary in severity, yet they are all linked by the presence of a sad, empty, or irritable mood along with other symptoms that affect a person’s ability to function (Parker et al., 2005). Depressive disorders are most commonly identified by dysphoria, anhedonia, feelings of worthlessness, weight change, and sleep disturbance. The DSM-IV TR emphasizes that in order to be diagnosed with a depressive disorder, one must experience a minimum of a two-week period of either depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure, and at least four additional symptoms. If one is experiencing depressed mood and loss of interest with less than four other symptoms, they are said to have an “adjustment disorder with depressed mood” (APA, 1994). Adjustment disorders with depressed mood are conceptually viewed as being similar to depressive disorders in that they are both reactions to psychosocial stressors, however for the purpose of this essay, references to depressive disorders are to mood disorders separate from adjustment disorders. The DSM-IV TR has specific categories for depressive disorders in which symptoms need to meet different specifications for a duration of time and order of onset, including Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder. An even more severe form of depressive disorder is the mood disturbance associated with disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Despite the differing severity and duration of symptoms, all depressive disorders are conceptually viewed as responses to stressful life events. This essay focuses on Major Depressive Disorder and the path from stressful life events to its onset and chronicity.
1.3. Importance of Understanding the Relationship between Stress and Depressive Disorders
Understanding the relationship between stress and depressive disorders is of crucial importance, as it has significant bearing on the prevention and treatment of depressive disorders. One of the reasons for this is the high prevalence of stress in the modern world. If a strong link can be established between stress and the development of depressive disorders, it may be possible to reduce the number of people who suffer from depression through reducing the amount of stress that they experience. This will not only result in fewer people suffering from depressive disorders, but also lead to a healthier society and a reduced burden on health services. Another reason that it is important to understand the relationship between stress and depression is that it may give us a better understanding of the etiology of depression. There is still much debate as to what causes depression and a variety of depressive disorders. If it can be established that certain types of stress lead to different depressive disorders, this may lead to a reclassification of depressive disorders based on causes, rather than the current method of classification based on symptoms. This may then lead to more appropriate and individualized treatment of different depressive disorders. A more in-depth understanding of the etiology of depression may also lead to the development of preventative measures for depressive disorders.
2. The Role of Stress in the Development of Depressive Disorders
2.1. Impact of Chronic Stress on Mental Health
2.2. Biological Mechanisms Linking Stress and Depressive Disorders
2.3. Psychological Factors Influencing the Relationship between Stress and Depressive Disorders
3. Types of Stressors and their Effects on Depressive Disorders
3.1. Major Life Events and Depressive Disorders
3.2. Daily Hassles and Depressive Disorders
3.3. Work-related Stress and Depressive Disorders
4. Vulnerability Factors and Stress-Depression Relationship
4.1. Genetic Predisposition to Depressive Disorders
4.2. Childhood Trauma and its Impact on Stress-Depression Link
4.3. Personality Traits and their Influence on Stress-Depression Relationship
5. Coping Mechanisms and Resilience against Stress-Related Depression
5.1. Adaptive Coping Strategies for Managing Stress
5.2. Social Support Systems and their Role in Preventing Depression
5.3. Building Resilience to Protect Against Stress-Related Depression
6. Treatment Approaches for Stress-Related Depressive Disorders
6.1. Psychotherapy as a Primary Treatment Option
6.2. Medications for Stress-Related Depression
6.3. Lifestyle Changes and Self-Care Practices to Manage Stress and Depression
7. Prevention and Early Intervention Strategies
7.1. Stress Reduction Techniques for Preventing Depressive Disorders
7.2. Early Identification of Stress Symptoms and Prompt Intervention
7.3. Promoting Mental Health and Well-being to Counteract Stress-Related Depression
8. Conclusion

The Role of Human Informatics in Chronic Disease Management

The Role of Human Informatics in Chronic Disease Management:
Explain how human informatics can be used to improve chronic disease management.
Focus on how data collection, analysis, and visualization can contribute to better care coordination.
Utilizing patient-generated data (PGD) from wearable devices to track health metrics and identify potential issues.
Applying data analytics to personalize treatment plans and predict potential complications.
Using data visualization tools to create comprehensive patient profiles for informed decision-making.
Discuss the ethical considerations involved in using patient data for chronic disease management.

1. Introduction
Today, chronic diseases represent a major global health burden. The WHO has estimated that 60% of all deaths worldwide will be the result of chronic diseases by 2020. The treatment of such diseases is increasingly dependent upon the active involvement of the patient, with patient-centered healthcare and a focus on prevention being at the core of modern-day healthcare practice. Patient-centered healthcare is an approach to planning and delivering healthcare that is grounded on mutually beneficial relationships among patients, families, and healthcare practitioners. This represents an attempt to shift the general focus of healthcare practice from the traditional approach towards an approach where the patient is an informed and empowered decision-maker in their care. This is particularly relevant to developmental disorders such as Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy, where medical interventions cannot increase functioning, and preventive management is critical. A great example of the focus on prevention is the American Down’s Syndrome Preventive Healthcare Guidelines. This is an incredibly detailed guideline that is aimed at preventing further decline of function resulting from complications of associated health problems, such as hypothyroidism or leukemia. This guideline assumes that regular monitoring and treatment of associated conditions will prevent decline in function. An informed patient or, in the case of childhood disorders, the informed parents, can regularly monitor these conditions, and so it can be said that current and future methods of chronic disease management will rely on the availability of health information to the informed patient.
1.1. Overview of chronic disease management
Summary Chronic diseases are currently the dominant form of health problem in the world. A non-communicable condition is defined as lasting for 3 months or more and generally cannot be prevented by a vaccine or rapidly cured. Chronic diseases can have a major impact on an individual by not only being a major cause of premature death but by affecting the person’s quality of life as they can be disabling, which can result in an inability to perform an activity, thus affecting the quality of life. Activity limitation can be common for people with chronic diseases and can have potential effects on the participation of work and, in some cases, be a reason for cessation of work. The level of severity of a chronic disease can vary from mild to severe and generally people spend a lot of time attempting to manage the disease. The management of chronic diseases will often involve attempts to prevent the condition from worsening, potentially resulting in complications which can lead to an urgent need for medical care. Symptoms or the condition itself can be the cause of a bio-psychosocial state that can be distressing for affected individuals (Murray and Lopez et al, 1996). This ongoing management of the chronic conditions is what would be classified as a complex continuing care case, where an individual would have a health issue that is non-curable and would require long-term assistance. This can vary from attempting to repair an activity limitation state to preventing major complications of the diseases. Often, the more complex cases will require an interprofessional team and can involve monitoring and changes to a person’s health regimen to determine what is the most effective form of long-term management of the condition, in turn attempting to prevent further progression of the disease. This may involve the person changing various aspects of their life in an attempt to find an approach to improve their health (Adams et al, 963). This approach to the assessment of the effectiveness of self-management of chronic diseases is known as the clinical assessment phase. This process must be done in a safe manner with minimum harm to the patient. All of the phases of continually attempting to improve a person’s health status with chronic disease are what is attempted to change the natural history of a disease into a more favorable outcome. This type of care is what is attempting to perform improvement illness care on the illness level, as opposed to acute care which generally aims to perform a cure or prevention of a disease.
1.2. Importance of human informatics
Another reason human informatics is vital to chronic disease management is because of the patient centered care and disease management philosophy of today’s health care organizations. Patient centered care is care designed to involve the patient in the process of medical treatment. It is a highly individualized care system with the goal of changing the patient’s health behavior. This is consistent with the coping process described earlier and is something that is best guided by information. The sinew of patient centered care is the frequent interaction between provider and patient aimed at making the best health decision for the patient. This is an interaction rich in information and the failure to provide the correct information at the right time can lead to a decrease in functional health for the patient and/or wasted time and money for the health care provider. Disease management is a more recent philosophy within the healthcare system. It is less a scheme or a distinct program and more an approach to how health care should be delivered to persons with chronic health issues. The aim of disease management is to increase the general health of those with chronic disease so as to avoid any decline in health and functional ability. This is to be attained through treatment and various health interventions. The first step is to understand the nature of the specific disease and what are the best interventions to improve health. Disease management is highly dependent on clinical research and it is there where evidence based medicine is often cited as a tool for making the best health decisions. Evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.
The importance of human informatics can be pegged to the basic need of a chronic disease sufferer to cope with their disease. Coping is an interactive process involving the person and their environment. Information helps the person modify their environment and/or their interaction with that environment in a manner that better suits their needs. In the case of the chronic disease sufferer, they are seeking to cope with their disease in a manner that allows them to attain their level of desired function whilst minimizing the effects of the disease. Usually they are needing to adapt to a new set of bodily limitations and/or changes to their social and physical environment. This kind of coping process is highly dependent on information and a lack of appropriate information can lead to self-mismanagement and a decline in health. An acute care patient is seeking a fast and effective cure to their ailment. The treatment decision process for acute care is less dependent on information. Fast forward to today’s world of an exploding chronic disease population where 1 in 3 people in the US are dealing with one or more chronic health issues. The decisions chronic disease sufferers make regarding their health and treatment are more complex and involve weighing the costs and benefits of various outcomes over an extended time period.
There are tremendous human and financial costs that result from the mismanagement of chronic diseases. In the past twenty years, the information age has presented us with a variety of tools that can be employed to better manage chronic disease. These “information age” tools are varied and highly sophisticated ranging from telecommunications and the internet to an array of new diagnostics using DNA/RNA and advanced imaging. The common thread with all of these tools is that they are information based. The rise of these information age tools in many ways mirrors the rise of human informatics. Essentially, human informatics is the science of how best to use information to improve human health.
2. Data Collection in Chronic Disease Management
2.1. Utilizing patient-generated data (PGD)
2.2. Wearable devices for health metric tracking
2.3. Identifying potential issues through data collection
3. Data Analysis in Chronic Disease Management
3.1. Data analytics for personalized treatment plans
3.2. Predicting potential complications through analysis
3.3. Benefits of data-driven decision-making
4. Data Visualization in Chronic Disease Management
4.1. Importance of data visualization tools
4.2. Creating comprehensive patient profiles
4.3. Enhancing care coordination through visualization
5. Ethical Considerations in Chronic Disease Management
5.1. Privacy and security of patient data
5.2. Informed consent for data usage
5.3. Ensuring data confidentiality and integrity
6. Conclusion

The Struggle for Freedom among African Americans Today

 Does the struggle for freedom still exist today for African Americans? If so, how? 
1. Introduction
Today, African American freedom is a controversial and a very colossal topic. I say controversial because if you ask five different people their views on African American freedom, you’ll most likely get five different answers. Almost every African American will think of the time when his people were released from the bondages of slavery. But that was just the beginning of what Afro Americans today know as freedom. Some will say freedom is when blacks were allowed to vote. Then there were those who said it was when the famous words “separate but equal” were outlawed and school integration began. In today’s society some will argue that they still do not have their freedom because of the way they are viewed in the eyes of our Anglo American society. So now I will take you into the struggle for freedom among African Americans and why it is so controversial. The way in which African Americans struggled to claim their rights is through your typical social movement. This is known as collective action or a battle to gain what is viewed as a valued thing in the eyes of the people who are being denied. This valued thing is what is viewed as a resource towards the end to their given treatment. In other words, these resources can vary from political power to economic security. Normally, a movement takes place when an existing status that provides these resources is terminated. This is what happened when slavery was abolished and equal rights was given for the first time. Something that many do not realize is that a movement can also occur should these people be trading a current status for a new one that is viewed as more beneficial. An example of such would be the great migration when African Americans moved from the south to seek better economic opportunity. However, the movement itself may also lead to a backlash. This was seen after school integration took place and can still be very evident to this date. During these social movements, decisions are typically made by the people in power. These decisions can often have a great effect on how the movement will turn out and sometimes whether or not it will end abruptly dispersed. This was the case when Marcus Garvey’s vision to give African Americans a sense of pride took a blow when he was wrongfully charged with male fraud and imprisoned. Often the movement will cease when the group of people feel that everything has been achieved. An example of such was affirmative action, the method of helping minority groups is the case of economic or educational discrimination.
2. Historical Background
2.1. Slavery and Emancipation
2.2. Civil Rights Movement
2.3. Post-Civil Rights Era
3. Socioeconomic Challenges
3.1. Income Disparity
3.2. Education Gap
3.3. Employment Discrimination
4. Criminal Justice System
4.1. Racial Profiling
4.2. Mass Incarceration
4.3. Police Brutality
5. Voting Rights
5.1. Voter Suppression
5.2. Gerrymandering
5.3. Felony Disenfranchisement
6. Systemic Racism
6.1. Institutional Bias
6.2. Implicit Bias
6.3. White Privilege
7. Social Movements and Activism
7.1. Black Lives Matter
7.2. Grassroots Organizing
7.3. Advocacy and Protests
8. Cultural Representation
8.1. Media Portrayal
8.2. Arts and Entertainment
8.3. Literature and Writing
9. Achievements and Progress
9.1. Political Representation
9.2. Civil Rights Legislation
9.3. Educational Advancements
10. Conclusion