Anthropology Rite of Passage Tattoo Discussion


Choose a topic of interest that we have covered in class and 1) Conduct an observation for at least 30 minutes of it. For example, it can be of a rite of passage (such as a Bar Mitzvah, wedding, milestone birthday, graduation, etc.), food (such as going to an international restaurant and observing the ambiance and menu, ordering an unfamiliar dish, etc.), economics (such as going to a department store and seeing how ‘commodities’ are turned into ‘gifts’, observing the layout and other ways that items are displayed to the consumer, etc.), or any other topic. Please write at least 300 words describing the event and your opinions of it.

Then, 2) Come up with at least 3 questions and interview someone based on that same topic. For example, you can ask a roommate, friend, or family member what their favorite rite of passage has been in their life. Do they consider tattoos and other body modifications to be rites of passages? What is the most unusual rite of passage that they have heard of? Would they ever participate in it? Please write at least 300 words summarizing the interview.

Then, 3) Look up a scholarly article pertaining to your topic. For example, you can look up a specific rite of passage (such as a wedding ceremony, Bar Mitzvah, other initiations into adulthood) in any country of interest. Briefly describe it and explain how it connects with the course lectures and/or observation/interview. What are your thoughts on the article? Please write at least 300 words (using no more than one short direct quote if at all) and include a full citation (author, date, title of article, title of journal, page range) at the bottom. The citation is not included in the word count.

Then, 4) Provide a short reflection of this assignment in at least 300 words. Did you enjoy it? Did you notice anything surprising or interesting? How has your understanding of diversity and social justice changed through this project (or even broader course)? What was your favorite topic/case study that we went over in class? Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Are you interested in taking similar courses in the future? How can you apply this course to your major?

However, I have attached the class schedule which has all the topics we covered in the class so you can choose a topic from there to work on for this assignment.

LAVC The Business of Being Born Discussion


Research La Leche League.

1. Write in your own words it’s purpose as an Organization. (one paragraph, do not copy from their page)

2. How does it help mothers with breastfeeding?

3. How does a mother get in touch with a La Leche League leader?

4. What is the URL of the organization?


From your textbook choose 1 (one) of the Ten Principles Based on a Philosophy of Respect that are in Chapter 1 and also on the powerpoint (but you need to read them in the book to understand them.)

1. After you choose one, explain in 3 or 4 sentences your understanding of the principle, then…..

2. Write a short role play of how this principle would be used with a child in real life.Like a 2 minute play of what would be happening with an infant ortoddler as an example of this principle in action. (not one from thebook or lecture)

Show me with words a short scenario.


Discussion on Business of Being Born Video

22 unread replies.22 replies.

Watchthe video The Business of Being Born in this Module. The quality is notgreat but I can no longer find it and it is worth watching.

Watchthe Video and then Join in the Discussion. It is 58 minutes long butvery informative if you believe in empowerment for women and nature! Italso makes you aware that you have choices as a woman and don’t have tolet the medical institutions control your birth.

Go to the place on Module that says Business of Being Born Video and left click on the blue link and then Open in a New Window..

Since1987 until 2006 our maternal death rate doubled. This is not goodnews. One thing that we know has changed is more and more medicalinterventions are performed on women before and during birth, hmmm?

After watching The Business of Being Born video answer these questions:

1. What are at least three ideas or facts you learned in watching the video?

2. How do you think you might educate yourself if you were pregnant or the partner of a pregnant woman about birth?

3. What is one question you have about the video?

Remember you post your thoughts and then within the next days, react to 2 other people’s posts, #3total posts in all, and must be over at least 3 different days. Thesecriteria will be considered in your grade. I know when you post. Thedates show up for me. You will not get full credit unless you follow theguidelines.

UL Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Discussion


& Satish, K. P. (2019). Enhancing customer satisfaction through total quality management practices – an empirical examination. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 30(13-14), 1528–1548.

The empirical methodology is used to gather information on Indian manufacturing methods in this research. Percurrent research, the degree to which consumers are satisfied with a company’s overall quality management system may serve as the foundation for a model. According to the journal Quality Management Systems, more than a thousand studies have been published on the issue of the effect of quality management systems on corporate performance around the globe, including in the United States. However, there is little information available on the influence of quality management systems on company performance worldwide. As a result, the focus of the present inquiry is limited to the impact of quality management systems in general on company performance in India. The current research will be focused on the influence of quality management systems on the performance of Indian companies in the marketplace. Customers’ happiness as a performance metric was the major focus of this study, which examined the link between different TQM methodologies and this performance measure. As a result of the findings of this research, a technique for acquiring empirical data on 260 Indian manufacturing enterprises was published as a result of the findings of this study. Participants in the study were required to complete and submit a questionnaire outlining their respective firms’ activities and basic business practices to participate. According to the researchers, the model they developed, which consists of 10 quality management components, has made a substantial contribution to quality management research and development. In monetary terms, this indicates a significant quantity of money. With multiple regression analyses, we determined the effectiveness of numerous TQM methodologies. After doing a comprehensive review of the data, we decided whether or not our original assumptions were correct. This study used structural equation modelling to evaluate the link between overall quality management and customer happiness in the workplace (SEM). The findings of this study demonstrated a connection between the overall satisfaction of the sample with quality management and the scores obtained throughout the study. It was observed that the two variables had a statistically significant association with one another, respectively. Following the poll’s findings, it was determined that customer-centricity and knowledge management were essential in obtaining high levels of customer satisfaction.

PATTS Gender Studies Books Question


The WGS 145 Take Home essay consists of three sections of essay questions in which you must answer one essay from each section for a satisfactory evaluation. An acceptable WGS 145 short essay answer must has a minimum of three complete paragraphs (A complete paragraph has a minimum of three sentences) to a maximum of six paragraphs that demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the essay question, incorporation of the assigned readings and visual material, clarity and coherence. A total of 3 essays.

These essays must be typed, double-spaced, paginated and contain in-text citations, footnotes or endnotes when citing material from the assigned readings, films and television episodes. You must use the MLA (Modern Language Association) In-text, footnotes or endnotes citation format for this Take Home Final Exam. You cannot cite nor quote material (e.g., quotations, statistics, interviews and descriptions of films) from the Internet, dictionaries, biographies, newspapers, magazines, and scholarly articles from journals. Moreover, you cannot cite nor quote from any other books or articles that are not part of the WGS 145 assigned texts:


Khalida Brohi. I Should Have Honor 2018

Andrea Elliott. Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival and Hope in an American City 2021

Daisy Hernández. A Cup of Water Under My Bed 2014

Here is a list of YouTube videos, plus one Power Point presentation on Daisy Hernández, that provide appropriate references for the WGS 145 Take Home Final Exam.

WGS 145 Power Point Presentation: This is posted on the course Moodle website.

“I Want My Words to Matter”: Daisy Hernández’s A Cup of Water Under My Bed

YouTube Videos: All required YouTube videos are posted on the course Moodle website.

Khalida Brohi. I Should Have Honor

“Redefining Honor to Fight Honor Killings/Khalida Brohi” Uploaded by TEDxBoulder 9 October 2018

Daisy Hernández. A Cup of Water Under My Bed (2014) These YouTube videos are posted on the course Moodle website.

“My identity is a superpower—not an obstacle” America Ferrera” Uploaded by TED 21 June 2019

“A Conversation with Latinos on Race/Op-Docs” Uploaded by The New York Times 7 March 2016

“Daisy Hernández Discusses Her Memoir.” Uploaded by NPR Uprising with Sonali Kolhatkar 9-15-2014

Andrea Elliott. Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City

“This Week: New York’s Invisible Child” Uploaded by ABC News 15 December 2013

“Invisible Child” Tells the Story of Struggling with Poverty in New York City” Uploaded by MSNBC 21 November 2021

WU Professional Identity Statement Discussion


Learning Resources

Using Self-Care Strategies and Preventing Burnout

Schram, B., Mandell, B.R., Dann, P.L., & Peterson, L. (2020). An introduction to human services: Policy and practice (9th ed.). Pearson.

  • Chapter 14, “Avoiding Burnout” (pp. 349–371)

Lee, K., Pang, Y. C., Lee, J. A. L., & Melby, J. N. (2017). A study of adverse childhood experiences, coping strategies, work stress, and self-care in the child welfare profession. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership and Governance, 41(4), 389–402.

Mavridis, C., Harkness, S., Super, C. M., & Liu, J. L. (2019). Family workers, stress, and the limits of self-care. Children and Youth Services Review, 103, 236–246.

Writing Concisely

Walden University Writing Center. (2020). Scholarly voice: Writing concisely [Multimedia file].…

To Prepare

  • Review your Course Announcements for possible information related to this week’s Discussions and Assignment.
  • Read the Learning Resource on how to write concisely. Consider how you could apply the strategies discussed in the resource to revise your professional identity statement to be more concise.
  • Revise the initial draft of your professional identity statement from Week 2, based on what you have learned about the roles and practice of an advanced human services professional practitioner. This is an opportunity to correct any inaccuracies in your statement and to practice writing concisely. Your final professional identity statement should be no longer than 1 paragraph.

By Day 3

Post your revised advanced human services professional practitioner professional identity statement. In your statement, be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the values and beliefs that influence you as an advanced human services professional practitioner concerned with leading change efforts to benefit individuals and communities and create a more just society.
  • Explain how you define yourself as a practitioner working in a leadership position.
  • Identification of special interests (e.g., specific issues and populations of interest to you, including those that speak to a social justice passion).

By Day 5

Respond to two of your colleagues’ postings. Respectfully critique their professional identity statement, noting both the strengths of their statements and specific areas that could be improved.

PHI 220 VWCC Abortion Debate Discussion


For most conservatives the fetus is alive, a human organism, of a person from conception, that is why they believe that abortion is morally wrong unless the mother’s life is at stake.  Textbook raises serious objections against the arguments in defense of conservativism.  It suggests that there is nothing wrong with abortions beyond those accepted by conservatives if these abortions occur before viability.  After describing the most powerful arguments or reasons in defense of a much more liberal position on abortion,  take a stance and tell the reader whether you agree or disagree.  Do you agree of disagree with this most liberal position on abortion?   Whatever your answers, give reasons connected to what you learned from our discussion of abortion, and defend your answer against objections to your position.

General Instructions (Make Sure that You Follow These Instructions):

The essay must be between 2.5 and 3.5 pages maximum ( or between 700-900 words), typed, doubled-spaced, written in a 12-point font, and properly referenced. You can use any of the ideas of the philosophers to construct or defend your position. However, I EXPECT you to show some originality, at least in the examples or evidence you decide to use in support of your position.

The essay should contain the following essential parts:

1. An introduction: The introduction should provide the reader with background information for your topic, state your main thesis, as well as the reasons you intend to give in support or in defense of your thesis. In an essay of this size, it should be no more than one paragraph.

2. The main body of the essay: 

2.1. Should develop in detail—using relevant examples, illustrations, etc.—the reasons you gave in the introduction in support of your thesis.

2.2. Should include an assessment of objections—an honest effort to take into account any objections that readers are likely to raise about your thesis statement or the reasons you gave in defense of it. It isn’t necessary to consider every possible objection, just the strongest or more common ones. 

3. Conclusion: it should reiterate the thesis statement (though usually not in exactly the same words), perhaps a summary of the argument, or explore interesting or unexpected implications of a claim defended in the body of the essay. It can also ask new questions or reassert the importance of the thesis statement.

American Intercontinential University Lola Interactive Media Activity Case Study


View the Case Study: Lola interactive media activity, which you will use throughout the course. As you look through the case study, become familiar with Lola and her personality, as well as her successes and struggles. You will be asked to look at Lola from two different perspectives: from a traits perspective in this week’s assignment and from a motives perspective in the Week 4 assignment. Note that information for each assignment is on a different tab within the presentation.

n this course, as in all of the psychology courses, you are expected to write your assignments in current APA style, as applicable. This activity is useful in finding resources that will help you improve your writing and use of proper APA style. Listed below are some resources that will help you in your writing. Many of these also can be found in the assignments within this course:

Assignment Instructions


Personality psychology is the focus of some of the best-known psychology theories. To illustrate the discipline’s different theories and approaches to individuality, you will examine the application of several theories to the case of a young woman we call Lola. In this case study assignment, you will hear from Lola, as well as from some of the significant people in her life.


CSP 460 SDSU Sociology LGBTQ Community and their Mental Health Struggle Capstone


You are asked to develop a final Capstone paper with the following components:

1. You will conduct a scholarly literature review of acontemporary topic in counseling or related area that is of particularinterest to you. The objective of this type of paper is to explore aquestion in-depth through research and scholarly work. This work will bedriven by a critical research question of the student’s own design; itmay be population-focused or issue specific. You are being asked to identify a social justice issue or a marginalized cultural group that you would like to learn more about and/or advocate for. Write an 8-11 page paper on your chosen topic.

***Very important Note: The topic I am interested in writing about is the LGBTQ community in the middle east and their struggle with mental health. As well as the struggles they go through with family/partner/community/culture due to their sexuality. How can we help them? We want to advocate that issue and educate the older generation about it. Also, focus on tying the topic to mental health counseling/ therapy techniques.

*The 8 pages do not include the cover page or reference page, and an abstract is not required.

At least 8-11 academic references are expected (besides thecourse texts). APA format in your citations and reference list. Everycitation in your paper must have the source listed on your referencepage, and vice versa, all sources listed on the reference page must becited at least once within the text. The site ( is really helpful in providing guidance in APA format.

Section 1 (1-2 pages): Introduction. Succinctly describe yourown positioning and your theoretical framework. Describe how yourbackground influences your interest and engagement in the topic. Youare encouraged to reflect upon and synthesize learnings from previousCSC courses and then go deeper into one area of particular interest.

Section 2 (5-7 pages): State your research question and succinctly describe the literature review findings.

Section 3 (2-3 pages): Proposed Application (Future Plans and/or Recommendations). Youshould also being to articulate and investigate a field or context ofinterest related to future practice and imagine what you would like tocontribute. Research literature on the work being done in thosecontexts; describe what kinds of interventions are they using, why arethose interventions being used and your own analysis and hopes. Forthose students moving onto graduate school, this could lay thegroundwork for a future paper or research proposal.

The Artificial Intelligence and The Concept of Consciousness Analysis


One of  our major objectives this semester is to apply the theories we’ve been  discussing and our own ethical thinking to issues in engineering  practice. For your final assignment, you will be doing exactly that.  Building on materials that you have already submitted earlier in the  semester (your identification of an ethical issue in your field and  explanation of what makes a centrally ethical issues, as well as your  earlier introduction and argument outline), you will submit a first  draft of a final paper in which you do the following:

  1. Introduce your topic,  explaining in language accessible to the educated layperson, what is  involved—i.e., what you are talking about, what the issue is, what  practice or technology or process is under discussion—at the technical  level and what makes it a matter of ethical concern—here you might want  to distinguish it from merely legal or customary or social  concerns—including why your reader should be concerned;
  2. Choose and identify at  least two perspectives—these can be from ethicists, engineers, or  theorists we have discussed or they can be from any other professionals  who have views bearing on your topic—and, for each of them, lay out the  general picture of their view, making clear how they distinguish between  right and wrong actions or good and bad people or good and bad design  or practice—for this, you should cite your sources (APA, MLA, Vancouver,  and Chicago are all acceptable formats);
  3. For each of the  perspectives you have chosen, explain how you believe they would apply  to your chosen topic—here you should explain how the general picture you  have provided works in the specific case you are discussing—argue from  their views to their application;
  4. For each of these perspectives, analyze their answers, telling your reader what you think they got right and wrong and why;
  5. Explain what you  believe the correct approach to your topic is—what we ought to do, how  we ought to limit or expand the practice, etc.—and defend your view—you  should do your best to convince your educated lay reader of the  correctness of your view, starting from reasonable premises about the  rightness or wrongness of action to your conclusion; and,
  6. Finally, conclude,  summing up your argument and view and comparing and contrasting it to  the other views you have considered, highlighting your and their  strengths and weaknesses.

Auburn University Film Dont Look up Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a film discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Choose a film to be the subject of your essay. There are no constraints to your film choice other than it should be class appropriate (if you are unclear as to what this means, please contact me). Watch the entire film, preferably taking notes to aid in your analysis. You may need to watch the film more than once (or at least repeatedly study a few scenes) to complete this assignment. If you are having difficulty choosing a film or have any questions about the appropriateness of your choice, email me and I will help you make the best decision for the assignment.

Review the four film conventions covered in class (sound, camera, color, and narrative) and choose at least two to analyze in the film. Review your film notes and possibly re-watch some scenes to properly analyze the conventions. Your convention analysis should answer the following questions:

How is this convention used in the film?

How does the use of the convention help with the storytelling?

Is the use of the convention effective? (Example: How does the sound (music, etc.) impact your experience watching the film? Does it effectively add to the story or aid in communicating a theme, emotion, setting, etc.?)

Write your essay. DO NOT refer to any outside resources other than your textbook, class notes and PowerPoint, and your chosen film (you may also visit the Academic Success Center to meet with a tutor). Consulting outside sources can lead to plagiarism and/or confusion. If you quote the film or use texts outside of the class textbook, you will need to include citations. As you write, remember that this essay is NOT simply a summary. Though you may briefly summarize the film, particularly scenes on which you are focusing, the bulk of your paper should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis. Considering the following questions may assist you with approaching film analytically:

  • What is the general message/moral/resolution/lesson of the movie, if any?
  • Is the movie attempting to make any statements about other works, society, specific people, etc.?
  • How does the sound/camera/color/narrative serve the movie? Does it move the plot along, give the audience information, or provide critique? How does it influence your experience as the viewer?