CC Cyberspace Technology is a Disruption of Normalcy and Democracy Paper


Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Your first step will be to choose a particular controversy within your theme/topic that you believe is ripe for such an analysis. The key will be to find a topic that you are already quite knowledgeable about and that you believe demonstrates rhetorical concepts that you are. comfortable in explicating. Once you have chosen your approach, you will need to have it approved by me; while I am open to controversy, I do reserve the right to veto any topic that I believe may cause significant issues. That being said, I will do my best not to censor you in anyway.

After you have chosen an approach, you will need to select artifacts from the various perspectives on the issue to demonstrate your points. It is not enough to claim how each side uses liaisons to their advantage—you need to show your readers this through analysis of artifacts (e.g. speeches, essays, articles, interviews, visual imagery, film clips, podcasts, etc.). Make sure you can back up your claims with actual evidence! You will probably only want one to two artifacts (probably one a piece) for each perspective; furthermore, it usually works best if both artifacts are of the same medium and/or genre (e.g. speech compared to speech, essay compared to essay, podcast compared to podcast, etc.).

Next, you will need to decide which rhetorical theories and concepts you will discuss. You may choose to address the manner in which the various sides of the debate employ ethos, pathos, and logos; you could examine how different sides create liaisons and what assumptions of the audience(s) drive these liaisons; you could demonstrate how various rhetors make certain aspects of the issue more salient (or present) for the audience(s); you may choose to focus on where the presumption lies in the debate and how the side opposite the presumption attempts to shift the burden of proof; you could address epistemological differences in the types of evidence each side presents. The possibilities are endless, yet you should discuss at least two of the theories we have discussed in class.

Schafer Elementary School School Improvement Plan Analysis


  • The focus of this course is school improvement, the process by which schools ensure that all students are achieving at high levels. According to author and education consultant Mike Schmoker, the combination of three concepts constitutes the foundation for positive improvement results: Meaningful teamwork; clear, measurable goals, and the regular collection and analysis of performance data. How can you determine whether these variables are in place and effective in a school?In this analysis assignment, you will review an example School Improvement Plan (SIP). You may access the example SIP via the link below. You will analyze how well the example school has established a critical relationship among its problem areas or weaknesses, the presumed causes of these weaknesses, and the plan for improved student achievement.For your Module 2 Application, you will use a similar process to analyze your school’s SIP and select an area of improvement. Be sure to locate and have your SIP available for use in Module 2. If your school does not have a SIP, locate an SIP from another school in your district or state.
  • (PDF) and the Template TablesWord document for use in this assignment.

Note: This assignment’s rubric is specifically designed to assess specific skills and knowledge related to your program. Please review all rubrics carefully prior to submission.

You will assess the extent to which a current School Improvement Plan (SIP) aligns to shared vision, mission, and goals; meets specified local, state, and national criteria; objectives for improved student achievement; key factors affecting achievement; strategies and activities in the action plan; technology integration, and the effectiveness of the overall plan. You will also demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the ongoing nature of school improvement planning by selecting an opportunity for improvement from the existing plan.

Step 1. Access the example SIP using the link above.

Step 2. Assume the role of an SIP monitor, and carefully review the plan.

Step 3. Create and complete a School Improvement Plan Report chart. You may re-create the table yourself, or use the template provided in the Template Tables document. Include the original questions in your completed chart.

GCCCD Unethical Behaviors of Amazon Paper


Project 3: Proposal Project

Length: Your Proposal should be 3-4 pg. in length.

Due dates: Refer to the class schedule for Peer Mark Draft and Revision dates.

Format: Follow MLA format and include a Works Cited page. Below the heading, include the following information:

To: (The individual/s at the business/organization who have the authority to approve your proposal)

From: (Your name)

Subject: (Proposal Title)

Audience: The individual/s at the business/organization who have the authority to approve your proposal

Purpose: To define a problem, recommend solutions, and persuade your audience to implement the recommendations.

For this assignment, you will be writing a proposal in which youdefine a problem and recommend a solution. Your goal is to persuadeyour audience that your solution should be implemented. The problemcould be a campus or work-related, political, social, environmental, oreconomic problem. You might be proposing a service, the purchase ofequipment, or a policy change. See Lunsford Everyone’s an Author pg. 391-395 for help with choosing a topic, prewriting, and organizing your ideas.

Choose a problem that is narrow enough that your proposal can bedescribed in some depth in 3-4 pages. For instance, “How to SolvePoverty in America” would not be an appropriate topic; however, youcould address the issue of hungry students by proposing theestablishment of a campus food co-op. Your proposal should include thefollowing sections (label each section):

  1. To, From, Subject as described above.
  2. Definition of the Problem—explain the scope and significance of the problem.
  3. Solution and Recommendations—a detailed descriptionof your solution to the problem, which could include costs, informationfrom experts in the field or other interested parties, plans forimplementation, etc.
  4. Conclusion—a persuasive paragraph which will explain why your proposal will solve this particular problem.
  5. Works Cited page—include at least 2 sources thatprovide additional support for your proposal. Sources could includeinterviews, government documents, cost information, statistics, expertsin the field, and so on.

Here are some questions that will help you write the Proposal:

  • What is the significance of this problem? Why should the audience be concerned about this?
  • Who is the audience—Level of interest? Educational level? Familiarity with the topic? Pre-existing bias?
  • Is the language of my Proposal clear and appropriate to the purpose and audience?
  • What research information will best support my ideas? Statistics? Trend analysis? Quotations from experts?

WCU The Gender Inequality in Workplaces and Sociology Essay


You should begin your “research paper” immediately.
? You will need to use peer reviewed articles to appropriately complete this assignment.
o Peer review articles are available through the Hunter Library website
? (
? You should be able to easily find articles through homepage search box.
? Use a variety of keywords in order to define and redefine your search
? This can be a time consuming process, take your time
? Many sociological issues are researched through the aspects of RCGS
? (Race/Class/Gender/Sexuality)
? Try refining your search by including these categories
o While you will likely get by with 5 peer reviewed sources, the best papers will have more
? You will be graded on the following components
o Correct style:
? 12 pt. New Times Roman font
? 1 inch margins (make sure you check)
? Double spaced
? Reference page with appropriate citation format (APA and ASA only)
? The data base will provide this for you but use Purdue Owl if needed

In-text citations (reference the Owl if needed)
? I need to know where you are getting your information
o Usually takes (Author Year) format, such as (Mwaniki 2019)
? Limited use of quotes, I want your interpretation, not someone else’s
? Watch for long paragraphs, break up your ideas
o Introduction and Conclusion
? The introduction should tell me where your paper is going, what you will cover
? Also why you are covering your chosen topic
? The conclusion should briefly summarize your paper
? Also where you feel things should go into the future
o For example, what policies might alleviate global poverty?
o Body
? Use headers to break up thoughts and transitions
? Academic writing is not always about smooth transitions
? Reference the Owl to see how headings are formatted
? Cite, cite, cite
? Unless you have actually done research on your topic you are building on the
work of someone else
? Proofread
? Comma use, grammar, spelling, etc.
? Interpretation and making connections
? Perhaps most important. This class is not about issues that somehow stand in
isolation from each other. I want to see that you recognize how different
social problems are related and intersect. You should also try to synthesize
your sources into a coherent argument, meaning that I do not want a paper
of individual article summaries. 

PAD 3003 The Public Administration in The American Society Essay


Students will be required to complete a concise, well-articulated essay that incorporates one of the following documents to a minimum of three concepts covered in the course:

• The Declaration of Independence

• Any article or amendment to the Constitution

• One of the Federalist Papers

• Historical Speech

• Federal Commission Report

Essays should be between 5 pages in length, not including references, tables, graphs, etc. Essays should be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with standard one-inch margins. All references should be cited according to the American Psychology Association (APA) (6th ed.) style in author-date format with a separate reference section located at the end of the essay. It is highly recommended that you consult the citation guides provided online (

(Links to an external site.)

Essay Assignment Sample Outline

1. Introduction

• Explain the content of the document and give a historical context (what was going on in the U.S. when it was written); list and briefly define the concept you are going to relate to the document

2. Class Concept 1 (i.e., ethics)

• Go into a deeper explanation of the concept; point out parts of the document where this concept is addressed (use quotes if you want, but not extensively, and make sure you cite them)

3. Class Concept 2 (i.e., motivation)

• Go into a deeper explanation of the concept; point out parts of the document where this concept is addressed (use quotes if you want, but not extensively, and make sure you cite them)

4. Class Concept 3 (i.e., organizational culture)

• Go into a deeper explanation of the concept; point out parts of the document where this concept is addressed (use quotes if you want, but not extensively, and make sure you cite them)

5. Conclusion

• Recap why you chose the concepts you did (no 1st person, though); recap historical implications of the document and the specific implications of the concepts you chose.

**Note: If you write one page per section, you will hit 5 pages easily.

Class Concepts (examples):



Organizational culture

Public administration/administrator

Machiavellian leader

Public values

Public sector

Human resources

Social equity


Government/Intergovernmental relations

Democratic society

Palm Beach State Collage Trifles Comprehension Essay


Trifles by Susan Glaspell

Choose 10 of the 12 prompts below to respond to for this assignment. Each question is worth 10 points. Please respond in two sentences or more for each prompt. YOU MAY RESPOND DIRECTLY IN CANVAS. I PREFER YOU DO NOT UPLOAD ANY FILES.

Trifles Comprehension Questions

  1. Explain the significance of the title “Trifles.” What does “trifles” really mean? Who uses the term, or a similar one, to describe what? In what sense do trifles relate to the “evidence” the men are after?
  2. Triflesis ostensibly dominated or controlled by the men in the play (even though, on a different level, the women are really calling the shots. Identify the gender assumptions of the male characters in the play and describe their “maleness.”
  3. Trace in detail the relationship between the (three) women in the play, beginning with the opening stage description. What inferences can you make about the relationship between Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters? How do they relate to one another at the beginning, in the middle, and toward the end? How does Minnie Wright fit into all this?
  4. The symbols in Triflesare particularly suggestive. What symbols can you identify in the play (such as the obvious bird for example)? What might they suggest about the events in the play and about the social expectations of women and men at the time? Why would Glaspell choose these symbols over others?
  5. How does Glaspell establish the frontier setting in Trifles? Why does she set the play in the West rather than, say, metropolitan New York?
  6. Describe the inner conflicts of Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, and explain how they resolve these conflicts.
  7. Are the women justified in their choice to hide the evidence? (Please take a side
  8. Discuss Glaspell’s use of foreshadowing in Trifles.
  9. How does Glaspell undermine the attitude of the men toward the women over the course of the play?
  10. How does Henderson and Mrs. Hale’s clash over the meaning of Mrs. Wright’s dirty kitchen encapsulate their opposing views of the world?
  11. Explain how Glaspell develops Minnie Wright’s character with objects in her household.
  12. What does Minnie Wright’s absence contribute to the plot?

PSY 452 GCU Psychology Project Presentation


In 10-12 slides, including the title and reference slides, outline your research proposal to present to your classmates. Speaker notes are required to provide additional information for your bullet points. Please see the attached document, “PowerPoint Instructions,” for further tips.

The PowerPoint will need to include:

  1. Introductory section: including your problem statement and your hypothesis.
  2. Method section: including your description of the participants, apparatus/materials/instruments, procedure, and design you anticipate using.
  3. Results: discuss how results would be gathered for which statistic was used, the alpha level (.05), critical value, and degrees of freedom. (Do not create fake results.)
  4. Discussion: requires 4 paragraphs that include:
    1. Describe what it would mean if you obtained significant results. Then describe what it would mean to obtain nonsignificant results.
    2. Discuss how your study followed APA ethical guidelines, by discussing the use of an informed consent form, debriefing statement, deception, and obtaining IRB permission.
    3. Discuss any limitations in your study (e.g., possible confounding, lack of random assignment or random sampling, etc.)
    4. Conclude with a discussion of future studies that could arise from your study.
  5. Appendices: two figures, OR two tables, OR a table and a figure. For example, set up a table focusing on participants, include your individually created survey, use/cite tables from a previous study, refer to Chapter 14 summary table, include Informed Consent figure and/or Debriefing Form figure. If unsure, contact your instructor for confirmation of appendices.
  6. Reference Slide: APA-formatted reference slide.

Be prepared to present your proposal information to your colleagues.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Read “What Learning Professionals Should Know About Color,” located in the topic Resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You must provide in-text citations within your writing, as well as a properly formatted reference slide.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

PSY 328 SNHU Personality Theory Reflection Paper


For this project, you will create a professional blog post highlighting what you have learned about personality theory applied to yourself in the workplace. The purpose of the post is to promote and encourage similar reflection from peers.

Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Insert 3 to 5 sentences for each bullet. Delete the bullets when you are done so your finished product will resemble a blog post.

[Insert title]

[Optional: Insert image]

Personality and the Individual

• [Describe how the results from your Big Five personality assessment provide insights into how you work or the type of work that interests you most.]

• [Describe a type of work setting that may be a good fit for your personality (remote, group, hospital, private practice, open setting, privacy). Justify your answer.]

• [Describe the traits that you would seek in your ideal manager. Justify your response.]

Personality and Teams

• [Describe how your behavior could shift as a result of the type of work you are doing (group work, individual work, etc.).]

• [Describe which traits may be viewed as strengths in a team setting, and how those traits may be a strength in one situation and not in another.]

• [Describe an example of the person-situation debate in the workplace.]

• [Describe how you would handle potential conflict with a coworker and how your personality traits play a role in this situation.]

Personality, Stress, and Coping

• [Describe how you could approach differentiating between a team member’s personality traits and personality statesespecially when it relates to stress.]

• [Describe an approach you could take to reduce a peer’s stress at work. Justify your response.]

• [Explain how you would determine if your own stress in the workplace is too high and the steps you would take to reduce it. Justify your response.]

San Diego State University Wildfire Discussion


Each journal should fully answer the provided prompt and consist of a minimum of one typed page, no more than two (double the page requirement if handwritten). All journals must be formatted to MLA guidelines. You must include specific examples and details from the text to support your ideas and claims in each journal. In-text citations and a Works Cited page must be included with each journal. Please do not compose a full-length essay.

Journal 17: So What? Who Cares? (Chapter 7) In his article, “Choking the Oceans with Plastic,” how does Moore make clear to his readers why his topic matters? Or, if you don’t think he does, how might he do so?

Journal 18: The article, “Should We Be More Optimistic about Fighting Climate Change,” by Chen and Murthy describes a number of climate-related disasters that would seem to offer strong reasons or pessimism, but the authors believe that an “optimistic” narrative about fighting climate change needs to be told more often. Why do you think they are so adamant about the importance of staying optimistic that the problems they discuss can be solved? In your view, is this an effective way to persuade an audience to work “together with as much speed and thoughtfulness as we can”? (paragraph 20). Why or why not?

Journal 19: In her article, “We Are the Wildfire,” Naomi Klein discusses her beliefs that countries throughout the world must work together to combat the climate change crisis. She begins her essay with examples of student protests, followed by descriptions of cyclones in Africa caused by climate change, before presenting her own arguments in subsequent paragraphs. How would you summarize her “they say” and “I say” arguments? Does she make a convincing argument? Why or why not?

Journal 20: In his essay, “It’s Time for Conservatives to Own the Climate-Change Issue,” Dan Crenshaw accuses liberals of “alarmism” in their calls to combat climate change. He says in paragraph 2 that conservatives can fight back with solutions “based on reason, science, and the free market.” Read through the essay again and consider how effectively he uses these three categories, particularly science, in proposing conservative solutions.

LAVC Child Development Discussion


  1. Interview a Mother 25 points

Talk with a woman who has had a baby within the last year. If the baby is older you will not get credit.

Ask her:

  1. What was the birth like for you? (satisfied w/the experience, treatment, preparation etc.)
  2. Any birth complications? (interventions, medicine, surprises)
  3. Did you take a prenatal class? (If yes, where, what kind)
  4. Were you encouraged to breastfeed? How?
  5. How is your child developing? What does she base her assessment of her child’s development on? How does she know her child is developing properly?
  6. Would you do anything differently now if you could go back to the birth?

7. End with a one paragraph summary of what you learned from this interview.

Type a 1-2 page paper with her answers to these questions and your summary.


Link (Links to an external site.)

After watching the video, answer these questions:

1. Name two things You learned about toddler play from watching the video.

2. Name two things the little boy in the blue shirt learned through his play. Where did you see it? Be specific.

3. Where did you see persistence in this toddler? Be specific.

4. Name two of the roles of the caregiver ( below) that you saw in the video and where you saw it.

Caregiver Roles

1. Encourage interactions and step back

2. Practice selective intervention

3. Providing space, time and materials (don’t choose this is obvious here in the video)

4. Remaining available but not interrupting.

5. Support problem solving

6. Provide scaffolding


After watching this video, name at least three principles of the RIE philosophy from the lecture or RIE pdf file, you learned, that show the RIE philosophy in action.

Number them 1, 2, 3 and where in the video you saw it.

For example, this principle,(tell children what you are going to do with them before you do it) I saw when the toddler or teacher was doing blank, blank, blank.

So state the principle and exactly what was happening in the movie that reflects that principle.

Link (Links to an external site.)