HIST 20 MCCD Amerasian Children and Vietnam War Discussion


Assignment Directions

Make an initial post to the following questions below. You will not be able to see your classmate’s work until you have posted. Please complete this post by Friday.

Engage with at least two of your classmate’s posts with a substantial response that does more than just like or agree with his or her post. Ask questions, pose new possibilities, or add to what was written. Please complete this part by Monday of next week as well.


  1. The decision to help the Amerasian Children was unpopular when it was decided. Some people felt that it was absolutely necessary while some felt that these children were Vietnam’s problem. Do you believe it was necessay for America to help the Amerasian children?

please reply to the following 2

tou long Xiong-

It was definitely necessary for America to help the Amerasian children. Amerasian children, as a product of war, were abandoned by their fathers. By not taking accountability for their own actions, this shows how irresponsible, how ignorant, and how naive American fathers were. They had the power to completely neglect and abandon their children and their Vietnamese significant other and they abused every bit of it. If the tables were turned and GIs from other countries came to America and fathered biracial American children, American mothers and the US government would definitely hold these fathers accountable. This demonstrates the power and privilege white American men hold and when given the opportunity, they will definitely abuse it.


Gabriela –

I believe it was necessary for America to help the Amerasian children because American soldiers were the reason why Amerasians came into this world. American soldiers often left the children they had with Vietnamese women in Vietnam rather than taking them back with them to the United States. Amerasian children experienced violence, abandonment, and were in danger in Vietnam. It was necessary for American to help these children because many were put in dangerous situations and often killed due to their American blood.


BRCC Performance Based Model & Membership Based Type of Compensation Program Discussion


Step One

Read the following from your text: Compensation (pp. 248-250)

Read the following from the Louisiana Department of Education’s website: Recognizing and Rewarding Great Results in the Classroom: Act 1 Compensation Training, October 2012 (slides 5-9)

Locate the teacher salary schedule that your district uses

Step Two

Respond to the following…

  • From your text, describe the difference(s) between a performance-based model and a membership-based type of compensation program.  Additionally, list at least two concrete things that would be different in regard to a salary schedule for teachers when comparing these two types of compensation plans.
  • On the state department’s website, you will see that since 2012, compensation for teachers should be based on demand, effectiveness, and experience.  Describe and define each of these categories.
  • Locate the salary schedule for teachers in your district.  Provide examples of how teachers in your district are compensated based on each category of demand, effectiveness, and experience.
  • Much of the focus for raising salaries for teachers is on recruiting, recognizing, and retaining effective teachers.  As a result, many would say that the following should receive higher salaries than other teachers:
    • Those rated highly effective for professional practice and for having the best student value-added data.
    • Those who teach in high demand, low supply subjects like science, math, and special education.
    • Those who meet the above criteria and who serve in schools where the supply of teachers is often low (rural areas, urban areas, schools with low performance scores).
  • Where do you stand in regard to the aforementioned categories (effectiveness, subject area, and geography) when it comes to paying those teachers more than others?  Should they receive significantly more pay?  Should all teachers be compensated the same?  Justify your responses.
  • Does your response change when it comes to thinking about this from a principal’s or human resource director’s perspective, as opposed to your current position and perspective?  Have you considered being the leader of a school or district in which effective teachers are very difficult to recruit, recognize, and retain?  Explain your answer.

Idaho State University Sociology Paper


Final Paper:

For your final paper you should choose a real world social problem. It can be anything that you would like but possible choices include

·       The January 6th riot and the storming of the Capitol.

·       QAnon

·       Riots during the summer of 2020

·       Municipalities’ use court fines and fees to generate income in the face of losses in state and federal funding. (Think of Ferguson, MO).

·       Spread of far-right wing movements in US and internationally (Golden Dawn in Greece, British National Party in England, the National Front Party in France, BJP in India).

·       The increase in the rate of mass shootings.

·       Rising social inequality within the United States

·       The increase in student loan debt.

·       The refugee crisis in Europe.

·       The refugee crisis in Mexico and Central America.

·       If you choose another topic, please run it by me so that you will be able to find enough information.

1.     You need to describe the problem and provide some background on the problem.

2.     You should apply at least 2 modern theoretical perspectives to the problem. How would the theorist explain what is happening?

3.     Describe the strengths and weaknesses of each of the theoretical approaches.


In the description of the problem, you should have at least 5 sources. Please be sure that these are high quality sources (Raw Story, Brietbart News and the Dudge Report don’t qualify.). Please ask me if you aren’t sure about the quality of a source.

For your source on the application of theory, you can use the textbook as one source. You should also seek out works by the theorists and critical analyses of the theorists’ work. Let me know if you are having any issues finding this material.


This paper should be at least 6 pages in length. It should be written in 11 point Arial or Helvetica and double spaced with normal 1 inch margins. Please refer to https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/asa_style/references_page_formatting.html and https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/asa_style/in_text_citation_references.html for information on reference page formatting and citing references.

for guidance in formatting your paper.

Ambria College of Nursing Social Science Essay



Welcome to this online course. Online courses are conducted differently by each Professor, just as regular classroom/lecture courses are. In this course, you will have to respond to five Essay Questions. No exams will be given.

Use your textbook, any related websites and videos and powerpoints with each Essay Question, to respond to all five essay questions. Responses should be thorough, include definitions, examples, and demonstrate clear understanding of conceptual objectives listed on the Syllabus. Each response should be 3-4 pages in length, double spaced. Use APA citations but NO ABSTRACT.


Question 4. Please read the chapter on drug abuse/addictions and related PowerPoint Presentation on Addictions and Eating Disorders on the Course Homepage, videos, and any other relevant information from course homepage to address the following: What do you understand drug and alcohol abuse/addiction to be? What are the various explanations for addiction and how does sociology account for its cause? What are the consequences of addiction on the individual, their families, and society? What is binge drinking and who is most likely to binge drink? What do you see as the most effective solutions for drug and alcohol abuse?

Moderation Management, Audrey Kishline



4. Please read the chapter on Health and Medicine, related posted websites, and powerpoint on mental illness on the course homepage to address the following: Outline the history of mental illness in the U.S. how the mentally ill have been perceived and treatment solutions. Discuss how social class, race, and gender affect our perceptions of the those with mental health issues? Give a brief summary of the major causal/etiological theories regarding mental illness and how those theories shape diagnosis, treatment, societal acceptance or intolerance, social policy, and intervention/support services by our health care industry.







here is the book we were to use.


Transfer to Probation Victim Services Discussion


Did the subjects we discussed and read about in the textbook challenge your perceptions, or at best influence the way you perceive social issues, crime and social inequality?

Since it is very difficult to cover everything in our class subject, and our discussion may have inadvertently omitted a related topic of your interest, perhaps, a subject matter that you would have liked to discuss, tell us about it?

What subject or topic resonated with you the most after taking this class and reading the textbook?

What have you learned after taking this class and reading the textbook?

  1. What would you do differently after taking this class and reading the textbook?
  2. How would you use what you learned in this class to help others, if you ever had the opportunity?
  3. For some folks who may need it, here is further breakdown of how to participate on the discussion for the six days/dates (or more) required to earn full points for the class online discussion:
  4. Day/Date 1: Answer some of the questions that I have presented to the class, preferably 1, 2 or 3 questions.
  5. Day/Date 2:  Read over your classmates’ comments and chime in on their postings or reply to classmates who may have commented on your postings.
  6. Day/Date 3: Answer more of the questions that I have presented to the class.

Day/Date4: Read over your classmates’ comments and chime in on their postings or reply to others who may have commented on your postings.

Day/Date5: Answer more of the questions that I have presented or read over your classmates’ comments and chime in on their postings or reply to others who may have commented on your postings.

Day/Date 6: Read over your classmates’ comments and chime in on their postings or reply to others who may have commented on your postings.

  • Day/Date 7, 8, 9….etc. is optional: just repeat the above (Day/Date 6) by reading over your classmates’ comments and chime in on their postings or reply to classmates who may have commented on your postings.

ASU Ethics and The Practice of Anthropology Discussion



The central topic for this discussion is ethics and the practice of anthropology. To complete this discussion you must read  Chapter 5 of the textbook and the assigned article by Burr: 

http://www.anthropologymatters.com/index.php/anth_matters/article/view/133/260 (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)Please post and share your ideas about issues raised in this article .

  • A quick overview of anthropological fieldwork practices and how they have changed.
  • An overview of the article.
  • A more detailed explanation of Burr’s field situation and the main challenges she faced.
  • Describe some of the major actions she took (or did not take), and their consequences.
  • Regarding ethics and the practice of anthropology, do you agree with the decisions she made then? Do you agree with her concerns now? Why or why not?
  • Also address current technology and how that might effect fieldwork today.
    • One of the assigned videos praises the use of “unobtrusive” cell phones and recorders, now in the hands of almost everyone, not just anthropologists or videographers. How do you think this will affect the fieldwork practices of contemporary and future anthropologists? With everyone possibly recording everyone else, and perhaps most of them doing it without anyone’s consent, should anthropologists no longer have to get informed consent, or will this put even more emphasis on ethical practices?
  • Draw upon your own experience: What ethical challenges have you faced?  and are you satisfied with the results? A simple example: Have you ever recorded someone without their permission and posted your recording in a public format (e.g. Facebook)? Even if you meant no harm, and did not name that person, what if some person with an old grudge, someone this person thought had been safely left behind, recognizes the person from your photo? Would you refuse to take down a post if asked to?
  • Where do you think the ethics lie in these personal situations? How might that relate to professional fieldwork situations?

AU The Social Skills Intervention for Students with ADHD Discussion


Discussion 2: Effective Social Skills Interventions

Effective social interactions among students with exceptionalities are essential to communicative and cognitive development. Students must be taught both verbal and non-verbal communication skills that enhance their social interaction and development of social skills. Special education teachers provide guidance and instruction to enhance social skills by teaching students how to resolve conflicts, exercise self-control and manage their emotions in a variety of settings. Through classroom lessons and activities, teachers play a critical role in shaping positive character traits and developing independence in students with exceptionalities. For this Discussion, you will develop a draft of a brochure that includes evidence-based practices that promote effective social skills instruction for students with exceptionalities. You will then have time to implement feedback and new ideas before submitting the brochure as part of your Assignment.

To prepare:

·Reflect on your experiences teaching social skills to students with exceptionalities.

·Review the Learning Resources and conduct additional research on social skills instructional strategies for students with exceptionalities.

·Create a social skills intervention brochure using the peer-reviewed articles and evidence-based practices that could be used at your current school site or for future groups of staff/students that you would like to work with. The purpose of this brochure is for you to provide information to staff, families, and/or peers to help them better understand how to support students with exceptionalities who struggle with social skills. You can select the age level and disability area to focus on, as well as who should receive this brochure (i.e., staff, families, community members, peers, etc.). Your brochure should include the following information:

oIdentity of the age group and/or disability type for whom the social skills interventions brochure is designed

oA brief overview of the characteristics of students with exceptionalities who struggle with social skills and the impact they have on their learning and/or communication with others

oEvidence-based strategies that can be used to increase their social skills

oHelpful tips for school staff, parents, and/or peers

PHIL 101 American Military University Immanuel Kants Moral Philosophy Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please pick one of the following questions to answer 

Jeremy Bentham argued that when we think about whether someone/something ought to count morally that ” The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?” a.) Why would it make sense for a utilitarian like Bentham to make such a statement? b.) Do you think that he’s right about the ability to suffer as what we ought to look at when we’re thinking about whether someone/something counts morally? c.) If we took this seriously what would it mean for our treatment of non-human animals?

Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy is extremely strict about what we ought and ought not do. So strict that he argued that it is always and everywhere wrong to lie. a.) Explain why Kant thought that lying was always wrong using the categorical imperative as a guide. b.) Explain whether you think Kant was right or wrong about this lying business and make sure to use clear examples to help your explanation along. If he was wrong, what’s an example of when it’s morally ok to lie, and if he was right, what’s an example where it looks ok to lie but it really isn’t ok?

Kant focused on the intentions behind your actions when assessing the morality of the act, while Bentham and Mill focused on the consequences of your act when assessing its moral worth. Of the two, consequences and intentions, which do you think is more important when it comes time to assess the morality of actions? Do good intentions save a bad outcome, or vice versa? Make sure to provide some clear and specific examples in your explanation. Also note that while it’s possible to look at both intentions and consequences, for any act it looks like we can only really prioritize one of those.

Nova Southeastern University College Curriculum Development Question


The purpose of this assignment is to create a curriculum development, design, implementation, and evaluation process for your content area in an educational setting. Your written assignment should be in the form of a proposal which you might submit to a school board as your proposal for the plan. All aspects of the proposal should align with each other in philosophy and approach. You must use APA level 1 headings for each of the aspects listed below. This paper should be between 2100-3000 words in length.

The final document must explicitly and fully address (explain) and exemplify the following aspects:

· Context – description of the school or district including information about the number of students and teachers, size of community, and other demographic information.

· Educational philosophy statement, the organization’s beliefs about the teaching/learning process.

· Vision, mission, statement of purpose (rationale) for curriculum development/renewal.

· Describe the curriculum design you will follow. What will work best in your setting? Explain why you have chosen this design (how it fits in with your philosophy and rationale). Include a discussion of technology in the design process.

· Describe the curriculum development process. Is it technical or non-technical? Who determines or develops the curriculum? What model will you use and why? What types of aims, goals, and objectives will be included (cognitive, behavioral, etc. Make sure it is consistent with your philosophy and purpose. You need only provide a few examples of each).

· Describe the implementation process. Is it a technical or non-technical model? What is

the culture of the school? How will it affect the implementation? What type of communication plan will be utilized? What support and resources will be included? How

will the plan address resistances to change, at all levels? Who will be the key players?

· Describe the evaluation process. What evaluation model will you use and why? How

does it fit in with the design and implementation models you chose?

TSU Urban Geography Paper


For this assignment, you will write a short paper that will describe a possible scenario for the cities in the future. Your time period should be 2050, 2075, or 2100. You might wish to devise different models for a developed-world and a Third World city. The models of the future urban form discussed in readings of chapter 30 of Pacione text from this module may offer some guidance on trends you might wish to extrapolate into the future. You should also think about recent changes and problems in cities with which you are familiar. How are these likely to develop? Your vision of a future city might be built up by considering trends in relation to particular land uses or urban activities. You can attach degrees of probability to the likelihood of your prognoses being realized by a particular date. Above all, give your mind free rein.

For some examples, consider the following future urban scenarios:

1. In order to halt urban sprawl, a government directive requires all new urban buildings to provide as much useful space below ground as is occupied on the surface. Might this lead to the development of the ‘troglodyte city’?

2. The problems of growing urban traffic congestion result in the creation of a satellite-guided automated road management system in which vehicles are controlled centrally to maximize the use of urban road (and air) space. What might happen if the system crashed owing to a computer virus?

3. Shopping centers lie derelict owing to the switch to virtual shopping on the World Wide Web. Could this, in turn, lead to the revival of local supply networks comprising ‘market stalls’ selling organic non-genetically modified foods?

4. Might grow atmospheric pollution and increasing social polarisation drive the rich to abandon conventional cities in favor of enclosed climatically controlled domed cities segregated from the mass of urban society by a security system and ability to pay the annual ‘residence fee’?