University of Kentucky Social Work Child Abuse Prevention Question


All students will develop a Prevention Plan for the safety of the Jacob’s family. Address the risk and safety factors found in the scenario and follow the general guidelines learned through SOP and PPT provided under the Readings and Supplementary Materials tab. In real life these plans are developed while meeting with the family and discussing the immediate safety needs; however, applying what you have learned to the given scenario will show your critical thinking and application skills. Try and put yourself into the shoes of the CPS worker. The interviews with the victim, sibling, NOC, and perpetrator have all been completed. As the CPS worker, you are to put the children first and ensure they are protected moving forward. Even though the perpetrator did not confess, does not mean the abuse didn’t happen, or that a CPS worker wouldn’t have enough information/evidence to file a petition in court and substantiate the abuse. What would you do next to ensure the children’s safety? You may list the tasks (Word Document) you come up with, including a solution once discussed with the family (refer to PPT). Be sure to address anything that came up within any of the interviews that were red flags of being a safety or risk factor. You can take liberty with what the solution to certain topics should/could be. Example: there could be many ways in which the family and the worker come up with how finances will be handled during the investigative process if the alleged perpetrator is to leave the home. You decide how it is handled.

University of Phoenix Psychology Social Inequality in Roma Film Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need support to help me learn.

  1. Social stratification is the categorization of people based on a number of socioeconomic factors. Social stratification may lead to social inequality because some groups of people have more access to resources, power, and status than others. We can see examples of social stratification and inequality in many television shows, movies, or documentaries.
    In this assignment, you will watch a production and describe the social stratification and inequality that you observe.
    Watch 30–60 minutes of a production from current media that illustrates examples of social stratification and inequalities, such as a recent sitcom, drama, movie, or documentary.
    Note: Contact your instructor for approval if you are unsure if a certain media production fits the assignment.
    Take notes while you watch to record examples of the behavior patterns that reflect social stratification and inequality.
    Write a paper in which you discuss the show or film as it relates to race, gender, and social class stratification. Do the following:
    • Describe the show or film you selected, including a brief summary of the plot and setting of the story.
    • Describe at least 2 examples of social inequalities that you observed. Which social structures or norms could have contributed to these inequalities?
    • Explain the theoretical perspective—functionalism, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism—that you used to explain the social inequalities. Explain your reasons for choosing this perspective.
    • Describe the connections between the social stratification of class, race, and gender you observed in the show or film and the ways that it represents inequality in our society.

Cuyamaca College Unemployment Rate Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Using the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Links to an external site.) (BLS) website: 1. find and record the national seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for April 2016, and April 2020.  2. Find and record the California state seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for April 2016, and April 2020 (Hint: start with “Subjects” in the blue bar at the top of the page). 3. According to “Industry at a Glance” (hint: one of the “Data Tools”) find and record the unemployment rate for the Leisure and Hospitality supersector for February 2021. 4. Find and record the definition, including the “Note:”, for “Unemployed” in the Glossary (Hint drill down under “Home”). 5. Locate the BLS report A Profile of the Working Poor, 2019 (Hint: use the BLS search box or look under “Publications” and then drill down to “Reports”) and record how many individuals, described as the “working poor” in the first paragraph of that report, fell below the “official poverty level” in 2019.  6. Using Table 2 (not Chart 2) of this same report, which racial/ethnic group of people in the labor force “16 years and older” had the largest number (not rate) “Below poverty level”: a) White, b) Black or African American, c) Asian, or d)Hispanic or Latino? 7. Finally, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) what is “projected” to be the “Fastest Growing” (by “growth rate”) occupation between 2020-2030? 

UWA The Programs Offered to Non English Speaking Students Analysis


1. Go to and request the following video: Becoming a culturally responsive teacher ( 

The video following that one, Seven Principals of Culturally Responsive Teaching 

is even better, but you may select a video that interests you from the several titles presented. View a video and discuss key ideas and techniques that you can use in your future classroom to become a more responsive teacher. One page to two will suffice. 

2. Use the internet and other sources, such as teachers, current articles, to gain information, and then write a one-page description of various programs offered to non-English speaking students. (Use some specific examples).

3. Google information concerning the roles and responsibilities of para-educators and other paraprofessionals. Write a one-page summary including information on the various roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of para-educators.

4.Write a response to 3 assigned youtube videos on classroom management.  You will find specific instructions in the Assignment section for selecting the videos and for writing the response (attached to this question). After you read your instructions, go to www. and view “classroom management strategies to take control of noisy students” by Rob Plevin. He has 3 videos there.   

5. Write a one-page summary of how you will address motivation in your classroom. (Include intrinsic & extrinsic motivation).

6. Go to YouTube, select and view a discussion of “The Characteristics of  Highly Effective Teachers.” Write a summary of the presentation and identify some characteristics that you think are important to emulate as a future teacher. Do you feel that these characteristics will increase student achievement?

University of California Irvine Laborer Love 1922 Response Paper

Description… (This is the film you need analysis)

please write a response paper of two pages double spaced (about 500 words in Times
New Roman 12 Font) in which you present a critical reading of one film of your choice
that we studied in this class so far. Also called a précis, this is an opportunity for you to
write a brief, clearly-focused short essay to present a well thought-out, structured
argument and analysis in concise style.  

You may choose to focus on any one of the films we have covered in this course. Study
and analyze that visual text carefully, decide what you want to say about it, and then
create a close reading of the film. In your discussion, you should elucidate the subject
matter, key themes and significance of the film, as well as the literary-cinematic
technique(s) the film-maker used to create this work of visual art. It is important to
understand the historical cultural context within which the film was created, and you may
consider the impact of specific scenes and cinematic techniques upon the viewer. You
must also engage and cite at least one relevant secondary scholarly source in your
discussion of the film.  

When submitting your paper, be sure to include a title page featuring your name and the
title of your paper, which should encapsulate the key focus of your analysis. You should
also include a correctly-formatted list of works cited at the end of your essay, which may
be on the third page.

Global Citizen Essay


This assignment is designed to help students become familiar with aspects of

socioeconomic inequality and the role social institutions and social structures play in
perpetuating these inequalities. It addresses the FKL dimensions of Critical Thinking,
Inquiry-based Learning, Human and Cultural Diversity, and Ethical Perspectives.

Step 1: Think critically about the readings, notes, and class discussions about
stratification and structures of inequality.  
Step 2: Explore the website , an interactive web-based game that
simulates the experiences of individuals trying to live “paycheck-to-paycheck.”
Step 3: Reflect on the experience. Be sure to not only discuss the outcome of your
game but also include the scenarios presented to you as well as the decisions that you
made as you navigated the simulation. Here, it is crucial to include discussions of social
institutions and social structures in their role in perpetuating socioeconomic
Step 4: Reflect on your experience in light of your understanding of relative versus
absolute poverty. Compare and contrast the ways in which local poverty differs from
global poverty.
Step 5: Generate a report or creative presentation summarizing your findings. The
report must be 2 pages (no more, no less—12 pt font with 1 inch margins on all
sides) in which:
(1) the first page uses sociological concepts to explain social stratification expressly
discussing AT LEAST 2 of the three sociological schools of thought and
(2) the second page offers STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONS to social stratification (ie, not
“teach the children well” or “I will make better decisions”). 

Add a half page with third sociological school of though

Ethnic Studies Discussion Question

Question Description

I’m working on a ethnic studies writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1.Explain the term “racial project” in your own words. Describe either a historical or contemporary example of a racial project— explain/ narrate how and why it works in the example that you have chosen.  Make sure to provide details of  “who, what, when where, why, and how” in your example. ( at least 250 words) It needs to be thoroughly, clearly, correctly, and concisely defined racial project; provided explicit, accurate, and clear historical and political context in your definition & its origins; and provided historical and political context in your chosen example, explaining how this example functions as a racial project. You can use files that I provide, and outside resources.

2.Provide an  “intersectional” analysis of the early 1900s suffragist movement, 1960-1970s mainstream feminism, or the 1960s-1970s mainstream civil rights movement.  Make sure to provide details of “who, what, when where, why, and how” in your example. (at least 250 words) It needs to be thoroughly, clearly, correctly, and concisely defined intersectionality correctly in your analysis; provided explicit, accurate, and clear historical and political context in your definition of the term & its origins; provided historical and political context in your chosen example, explaining how this example functions as an example of intersectional analysis. You can also use the tedtalk and files that I provide, and outside resources Here is the Tedtalk link: The urgency of intersectionality Kimberlé Crenshaw:…Thank you so much!!!

Immigrants Discussion


* please do not copy from any websites. it should be unique (own words)

Write 3 paragraphs answering the following question:

  • What are the benefits US society receives from immigrants?
  • What are the social problems created by immigration?
  • Does the USA need more immigrants?

Be sure that in your answers you demonstrate that you have read some of the following articles:

Essential Workers (Links to an external site.)

Does the USA need more immigrants? (Links to an external site.)

US Immigration Policy (Links to an external site.)

The Children of Immigrants (Links to an external site.)

Language and Immigrants (Links to an external site.)

The economic case for immigrants (Links to an external site.)

Grading criteria:

  • Student can gain up to 5 points per paragraph written, and 5 points for the bibliography (list of sources consulted).
  • Each paragraph must answer one of the questions.
  • Each paragraph must demonstrate that the student completed the required readings and videos. Each paragraph must contain a direct reference or quotation to some of the required readings.
  • Each paragraph must be original, using the student’s own work or ideas.
  • A complete list of used sources must be included after the 3 paragraphs. Sources must be listed using APA (Links to an external site.) or ASA (Links to an external site.) format.

Brain Research Paper


Below choose a topic about the brain that you would like to work on.

Explore the topic, brainstorm, and cluster the ideas, read the scientific articles.

Create a formal outline. Formal outline includes: Introduction,

a thesis statement/claim

and three topic sentences.


Write five sentences:

1. a problem you are trying to solve in your project

2. a purpose of your project (to inform, to argue, or to pursuade)

3. explain why this topic is significant for the targeted audience

4. explain who your audienceis; who may be interested in reading your essay

5. your thesis statement/ claim (claim of value, of policy, of fact)

Write three topic sentences.

Use the credible articles with facts, statistics, and opinions of experts when you work on your topic. Your articles should contain a title, an author’s name, and the title of the journal. Do not use the sources without tities and the authors’ names.

Use the Inductive approach!

You can write about one of the following topics (or two topics or three topics. If you write about three topics, use one topic per a body paragraph:

1. How the knowledge of the brain helps us understand ourselves.

2. What makes human brain unique in the animal world.

3. Language and thinking

4. Conscious and subconscious minds.

5. The brain and humor.

6. Neurological links between stress and anxiety,

7. The brain and social media

8. The brain and the internet.

9. The brain and addictions.

10. Children’s brain

11. Male and female brain.

12. Personality disorder and the brain.

13. Positive/negative emotions and the brain.

14. Meditation and the brain.

15. Memory.

16. Sleeping disorder, depression, anxiety, emotions and the brain

APK3110 Predicting One Repetition Maximum Discussion


Select an article of your choice from Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (published by ACSM) or the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (published by NSCA). The article must be relatively current (i.e. published within last 5 years) and not a position stand, systematic review or meta-analysis. Write a one-page maximum summary of the article with a title page and reference page in APA format. (Information on APA formatting can be found in the “Additional Information” section of this Course and here (Links to an external site.).)


Citation: McBurnie, A. , Allen, K. , Garry, M. , Martin, M. , Thomas, D. , Jones, P. , Comfort, P. & McMahon, J. (2019). The Benefits and Limitations of Predicting One Repetition Maximum Using the Load-Velocity Relationship. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 41 (6), 28-40. doi: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000496.

Once you have selected your article, please write the article’s title in the Discussion board on Canvas. The same article is not to be summarized by students. Be sure to view the Discussion board before writing your summary to ensure that the article has not been listed by another student. 

Please review “Example Research Summary” located in Module 4 for writing instructions. Your assignment should follow the instructions located in the example provided (i.e. title page, one-page summary, reference page, and the first page of the article). You must download the article as a pdf to get the first page. Do not screenshot a webpage showing the article. The assignment should be submitted as one document.