SNHSU Social Science Developing a Logic Model Outline Handout Discussion


Assignment: Outlining a Logic Model

A logic model is a tool that can be used in planning a program. Using a logic model, social workers can systematically analyze a proposed new program and how the various elements involved in a program relate to each other. At the program level, social workers consider the range of problems and needs that members of a particular population present. Furthermore, at the program level, the logic model establishes the connection between the resources needed for the program, the planned interventions, the anticipated outcomes, and ways of measuring success. The logic model provides a clear picture of the program for all stakeholders involved.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the case study of the Petrakis family, located in this week’s resources. Conduct research to locate information on an evidence-based program for caregivers like Helen Petrakis that will help you understand her needs as someone who is a caregiver for multiple generations of her family. You can use the NREPP registry. Use this information to generate two logic models for a support group that might help Helen manage her stress and anxiety.

First, consider the practice level. Focus on Helen’s needs and interventions that would address those needs and lead to improved outcomes. Then consider the support group on a new program level. Think about the resources that would be required to implement such a program (inputs) and about how you can measure the outcomes.

SDSU John Updikes Portray the Youth Culture of The 1960s Discussion


Many social scientists and historians view the 1960s as one of the most turbulent and genuinely revolutionary time periods that has seriously – and perhaps forever – changed the social and ideological fabric of the American society. What specifically does “A&P” show about the 1960s’ American youth and their role in the social change? Conduct some extensive research on the fundamental changes that occurred in America the 1960s and, more specifically, on the social activism of the young people. Analyze the evidence from your research and directly from the text of “A&P”


1000 words.
You must use appropriate college-level vocabulary.
Must be written in 3rd-person (no I, me, or my and no you, your, yourself), 5 points off each.
Make your thesis focus on the question in the prompt.
Make your thesis the last sentence of your intro.
Must cite lines from the story or poem (your primary source) in EACH BODY PARAGRAPH.
Must cite at least THREE peer-reviewed articles (your secondary sources) from our library’s online databases IN THE BODY OF YOUR PAPER.
Must use MLA format for the entire paper: heading, page numbers, title, line spacing, in-text citations and works cited page.
Must have a Works Cited page. Include database names in your citations! No database = no credit for the source. It is not my job to track incomplete citations. If your citations are missing vital info: author, article title, journal title, database, they will not count as sources.

Florida National University Impacts of Exercise on Health Risks Paper


Exercise Content

  1. How exercise reduces health risks
    People who take regular exercise could reduce their risk of developing around two dozen physical and mental health conditions — including some cancers and dementia — and slow down how quickly their body deteriorates as they age.People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing many long-term (chronic) conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.
    People are less active nowadays, partly because technology has made our lives easier. We drive cars or take public transport. Machines wash our clothes. We entertain ourselves in front of a TV or computer screen. Fewer people are doing manual work, and most of us have jobs that involve little physical effort. Work, household chores, shopping and other necessary activities are far less demanding than for previous generations.
    We move around less and burn off less energy than people used to. Research suggests that many adults spend more than 7 hours a day sitting down, at work, on transport or in their leisure time. People aged over 65 spend 10 hours or more each day sitting or lying down, making them the most sedentary age group.
    In this assignment use the articles you researched last week in you annotated bibliography to support your position on how exercise reduces health risks.
    This is your course paper so it should be comprehensive to the exercise topic you choose.

SOC 1010 UMCP The Content in Growing up Poor in America Video Chart


Choose 1 video out of the 3 and write critical reading


May 28, 2019 / 54m

Season 2019: Episode 15

PRODUCED BY:Jezza Neumann

Lauren Mucciolo

Rowan College at Gloucester County Sociology Discussion


Imagine you are the director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States’ primary development organization that uses U.S. government funds to design and carry out development projects in LDC’s (lesser developed countries). Your annual testimony to Congress is approaching where you outline for the Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee on the accomplishments of the previous year and USAID’s plan and areas of focus for the coming year. Given the ideas and lessons you have taken from our materials under the topic of “international development”, what would you recommend be the foci for USAID in the upcoming year? USAID has a multi-million dollar budget annually, so you can fund a wide range of projects and ideas. You are not expected to address specific LDC’s, but rather outline at least three specific types of projects, innovations, and/or technologies that you would focus on funding across multiple LDC’s and the evidence supporting these decisions. You can also address areas or projects that you would avoid.

Your writing should begin with an overview of your opinion and summary of data supporting it and rely on evidence from this week’s readings and any other pertinent course materials (e.g. lecture video) from this week, stated in a clear and organized manner. The writing should be approximately the equivalent of one page double-spaced with citations of our relevant sources to provide evidence for your argument.

FIU Psychopharmacology Discussion


Homework #5

Jamie is a 12-year-old student at your middle school who has had behavioral problems for 3 years. He has currently been diagnosed with Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD). Jamie was diagnosed after experiencing a highly irritable mood and outbursts for 8 days last month which was a marked change from his “normal” mood based upon reports from his teacher. He also had a depressive episode last year which was diagnosed as Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode and he carries a diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder from a prior school therapist. The latest diagnosis was given by his Pediatrician who is a MD but not a psychiatrist. You have a release to speak with her and she reports Jamie’s symptoms are “subthreshold” but illustrate Bipolar Spectrum Disorder. She has put Jamie on a combination of Divalproex, Clonidine and Zoloft.

1) Assume you are responsible for coordinating care for Jamie. Where would you start with this client and his family and what are the top two things you believe should be addressed. Be specific as-related to advocacy questions.

2) The parents ask you what the “black box” warning on Zoloft means – how would you answer them?

3) Jamie’s parents want to know what you can do to ensure medication compliance and efficacy for Jamie. Explain your role, scope and strategies.

Read Ingersoll & Rak (I & R) – Ch. 9

Sommers-Flanagan – Ch. 13

Political Science Law Worksheet

Question Description

I’m working on a political science test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. What are some examples of natural law in our legal system or system of governance?

2 .Is it more important for you to follow the letter of the law or to follow the spirit of the law? In what

circumstance would you believe the opposite to be true?  

3 Can you think of any examples of law in which the threat of force or power is not


4.Do you believe that morals are a part of our law, or do you believe that morality and law

are separate concepts?

5. Identify an action that would violate social norms but would not violate any laws. Can

you identify any violations of law that would not violate any social norms?

6. What are three specific powers of Congress? What are three specific powers of the

executive branch? Do you think that the powers of the judicial branch are well defined?

Why or why not?

7. What areas of law have been reserved to the states to regulate? How do you know?

8 .Identify a bill in either the House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate. What stage(s) of

the bill process has it passed through? To be passed into law, what stages must it still pass


9. What problems would exist without a rule of law?

10. How does the rule of law affect business?

University of Maryland Role of Physical Exercises on Mental Health Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a psychology project and need support to help me learn.

Part 2: Annotated bibliography due in week 5

Annotated bibliographies provide you with the opportunity to cite, summarize, and compare and contrast resources you will use in a project. You will cite each resource in APA style, write an approximately 150-word description that summarizes the central theme and scope of the resource, and compare and contrast it with other resources. For more information on annotated bibliographies, consult UMGC’s How to Write an Annotated Bibliography…

For this project, you are to identify at least 10 original sources of research from scholarly sources. At least 3-4 of your sources must have been published within the past 3 years.  

Depending on the assignment, the annotated bibliography may serve a number of purposes, including but not limited to reviewing the literature on a particular subject, illustrating the quality of research you have done, providing examples of the types of resources available, describing other items on a topic that may be of interest to the reader, and/or exploring the subject for further research.

Annotated Bibliography, specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

  • Summarize the central theme of the resource.

  • Include a paragraph in which you do the following:

        o Evaluate the author’s authority or background.

        o Explain how this resource will work in conjunction with other cited works to illuminate the topic of interest.

Anthropology Culture Sketches Essay


Using the assignedchapters: The Roma (ch. 11); The Samoans (ch. 12); The Tiwi (ch. 13); TheTrobriand Islanders (ch. 14); The Yanomami (ch. 15) (Link to PDF of book can be found here file:///C:/Users/mburk/Downloads/culture-sketches-case-studies-in-anthropology_compress.pdf) Must use book as a reference

Consider the different ways in which these groups have become part of the larger global community.

a. What are some of the global phenomena that play a part in these chapters?

b. How do global phenomena act on these different groups? How do they respond? What causes the group to respond in that way?

c. What elements of their social and cultural structures caused them to interact with the broader global community?

I will grade the assignments on a basis of 100% using the following criteria:

1. The mechanics of writing, such as correct spelling and grammar and organization of ideas. How well is the paper written and proofed? Are there grammatical and other errors? Do you use formal language? Is the paper properly formatted?(20%)

2. Articulating the connections between cultural group knowledge and global phenomena: Do you demonstrate an understanding of global phenomena? Do you consider the ways that global phenomena affect local/daily lives? Do you consider the different cultural structures that cause or enable a group to respond to global phenomena in a particular way? Do you discuss each of the five groups to some extent, demonstrating your knowledge of them as a cultural group? (80%)

Ashford University Philosophy Professional Development Brochure and Presentation


When you are complete you should have 3 components: 2 page paper, PowerPoint presentation, and final brochure 

Assignment: Improving Social Skills in a Variety of Settings: Creating a Professional Development Plan

For this Assignment, you will assume the role of the special education leader responsible for designing and implementing a professional development plan for the district to support the development of social-emotional skills for students with varying exceptionalities.

To prepare:

·Review the module’s Learning Resources, as well as the Appendix B Checklist and CEC evidence-based practice standards from Module 1’s Learning Resources.

·Conduct a search to identify at least five current (published within the last 3 years), peer-reviewed articles relating to social skills specifically for students with exceptionalities. Note: You can use the same articles that you used in Discussion 1 in this module.

·Conduct a search to identify at least 10 evidence-based social skills interventions. Note: You will create a brochure incorporating these interventions for this Assignment and post a draft to the Module 5 Discussion 2 Forum for feedback from your colleagues. Consider how you would incorporate both the peer-reviewed articles and evidence-based interventions to create a professional development session overview, presentation, and brochure on social-emotional interventions.

Create a professional development overview, a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation identifying your professional development plan to implement social skills interventions for students with exceptionalities at your school, and a brochure on evidence-based social skills interventions.