Sociology LGBTQ Fairy Godmother Discussion


A Visit from the LGBTQ Fairy Godmother

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning and discover that, while you are the same person inside, your physical body has been transformed into that of the opposite sex.

  1. Visualize your new body, and imagine how you would feel. 
  2. What do you foresee as being the biggest advantages or most exciting possibilities associated with this physical transformation?
  3. What do you foresee as the biggest disadvantages or sources of distress?
  4. Remember that your personality, your sexual preferences and desires remain the same as they were the night before, but now you must live in the    world with a different sexual body.  So, if you identified as heterosexual before, you now fit the criteria for a homosexual person.  However, if you  identified as homosexual before, you now fit the criteria for a heterosexual person.  If you identify as bisexual, you are now bisexual of a different sex/gender.
  5. How would others perceive you?  Think about significant others, acquaintances and strangers.
  6. How would you feel about yourself?
  7. If your gender identity matched your sex before this change(female identifying as woman; male identifying as man), then you are now transgendered.  If you were transgendered before, then your sex now matches your gender identity.
  8. How would you cope with this aspect of your new reality?
  9. What does your answer to this question reveal about how gender identity may be experienced?

LAVC Identify the Qualities of Leadership Discussion


What you will learn

How do you identify the qualities of leadership? How do you know if you are one?


  1. State qualities of a leader you see in 2 people.
    • One in your everyday personal life and the other at work. If you are not working you have to be creative here.
    • List the 5-8 qualities of a leader both separately and identify what is similar.
    • Compare the two personalities in columns for easy reference.
    • Prepare a point form to make your list. There is no need to write in paragraphs.
  2. Are these leaders defined by the work they do, the environment they are in, or the people around them? Can they also call managers? (State in 2 paragraphs)
  3. In summary, explain how a leader is made and how do you know if you can be an influential leader/ manager? (State in 2 paragraphs)

is not who you thought he/she is;

  • is a bully, rude and unpersonable;
  • is making decisions I don’t agree with;
  • is hurting my feelings
  • is not one I like to work with


This is an assignment to engage students in a deeper discussion on WHAT IF… There will be times when we can not agree with our bosses. Being the trained leader/administrator, you are going to be

  • How will you address this knowing that you will be watched by your staff and parents?
  • How can you maintain your integrity?

CU Psychology Legal and Ethical Aspect of Professional Psychology Essay


Exam Content

Accurate documentation and record keeping are vital to the profession. Documenting that the research subject (client/patient) has read and understood both 1) informed consent to research participation (treatment), and 2) the legal ramifications of mandated instances in which treatment-related information must be released are ethically imperative. In the workplace, it is critical to apply due diligence by continually monitoring, reviewing, and investigating current practices performed, to confirm that they adhere to the APA code of ethics and standards of the profession.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the legal aspects of record keeping and provide expert testimony. As part of your examination, address the following items: 

Analyze the ethical issues related to documenting informed consent and ethical release of treatment and assessment records.

  1. Which enforceable standards are relevant to the release of treatment-related materials and disclosure of information arising out of treatment? 

Provide specific examples of what each enforceable standard requires or prohibits. 

Provide a rationale for your proposed actions in your example and why they are consistent with ethical guidelines. 

Evaluate the legal issues associated with assessment, testing, and diagnosis documentation in professional psychology. 

What specific legal issues can arise in documenting assessment, testing, and diagnosis? 

Provide specific examples that support your evaluation.

Provide a rationale for your proposed actions in your example and why they are consistent with legal requirements. 

DMCM The Verbal and The Non Verbal Communication Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Part I

Integrated communication refers to the energy public speakers bring to their presentation through the excitement of their voice, the sincerity of their face, their body language and gestures, and the intensity of their connection with listeners. When used together, these dimensions of integrated communication can create a powerful public speech. When communication is not integrated, a public speaker’s verbal communication often does not match his or her nonverbal signals. For example, imagine a news anchor who smiles while talking about an accident caused by a drunk driver or a speaker persuading an audience to travel to Hawaii with a monotone voice and lackluster appearance.

Part II

Respond to the following questions, and if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:  

  • Think about how you feel when your communication partner’s verbal statements clearly don’t match his/her nonverbal communication? What message does the audience receive when this happens with a speaker?
  • Give an example of when you experienced this, and explain what could have been done to improve the speaker’s communication integration. If you have never experienced this, think about the examples provided here and explain the steps public speakers in general should take to ensure their verbal communication matches their nonverbal signals.

PHL 282 Indiana Wesleyan University Concept of Life Balance Discussion


Getting Started

Socrates proclaimed that…

“The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living”

. . . and while no one really rejoices at the prospect of self-examination, Socrates was on to something. The benefits of a little reflection on one’s past and present choices and actions can go a long way toward reinforcing the good traits and correcting those that are less than should be expected.

Authors who write books about leadership tell us that less than 3% of CEO’s actually have written their overall goals. Yet, those men and women have the highest paying jobs in the country! Do you not think they could perform more effectively if they had spent more time thinking about their destinations and the routes they were taking to reach them? Although you may not run a multi-million dollar business, you do make significant decisions that affect you and others. Do you have written goals for your life?

In this workshop, you will begin to develop your Personal Integrity Plan. You will begin by “taking stock” of things that have become your life priorities in the present. This can be a fascinating process. Students who have traveled this course before you sing the praises of this activity and its benefits.

As you get started, you will begin to understand Socrates’ endorsement of the “examined” life. 

SOC 1010 UMCP Marriage and Divorce Discussion


“About 57 percent of those who divorce will eventually marry other people (Livingston 2014). There is a gender gap in remarriage patterns, with 64 percent of previously married men having remarried compared to 52 percent of previously married women. This gender gap may be explained by the fact that married women are less happy than single women and their married male husbands. According to sociologist Lisa Wade (2017), women are more likely to file for divorce, and when they do, they are happier as divorcees than they were when married (while the opposite is true for men).” (Ferris and Stein, 2020)


Saint Cloud State University Local Cultural Geography Paper


Write a “research” paper dealing with some topical (current) aspect of the cultural geography of Minnesota or the British Isles not specifically covered in class (i.e. not Mall of America or Belfast murals). You will need to consult relevant sources including local newspapers, magazines, websites and connect the information found in those sources to theoretical approaches discussed in class and/or in the readings. You might write about an issue or topic concerning landscape, popular culture, class, gender, sexuality, homeplace, globalization, but you must write about it/them in the context of a specific local place. You may address topics with a broad regional scope but be sure through your analysis to justify how and why your topic is a state-wide one (perhaps related to regional/state tourism or cultural initiatives carried out at the state or local level by government). Don’t succumb to over-generalization.

Your paper must contain at least 5 relevant sources, at least 3 of which should be scholarly articles or books in cultural geography (scholarly articles refers to peer reviewed papers that appear in journals found on sites like Science Direct in the library’s article database; D2L readings and the textbook count, though note that the textbook only counts as one source, not each of the chapters). See syllabus for further guidelines.

Reconstructing Neo Confucianism History Essay


Topic #3: Reconstructing Neo-Confucianism

For this topic, you should articulate the Neo-Confucian views of human nature, and explain how Zhu Xi (1130-1200) developed his social and political programs in Neo-Confucian perspective.

Required readings:

Chapters 20 and 21 in Sources of Chinese tradition

-Peter K. Bol, Neo-Confucianism in History, chapters 5 and 6.

II. Title: Like in the first essay, it is required that you come up with a title that encapsulates your own thesis.

This time you should give a running header (condensed title) and a full title. The title is especially important as it defines the direction of your research.

<Example I: Title>: “Taxing Less for the Public Good: Implications of Lu Zhi’s Critique of Yang Yan’s Twice-a-Year Taxation in Late Tang (618-907)”

As you can see, the running header, “Taxing Less for the Public Good,” is the key idea of this essay, and the sub-title will define your approach to this issue. This title suggests that the author writes on the general issue of taxation by using the tax debate in late Tang. As to the sub-title, you must be as specific as possible, articulating both the case of your choice and its historical context.

III. Thesis:

At the beginning of your essay, you should articulate your own thesis succinctly in one paragraph: what you intend to say and achieve in the essay.

William Rainey Harper College Modern World From Modern to Post Modern Essay


Complete an essay reflecting upon the significance that the learning activities for this week have had on your personal, professional, intellectual, or spiritual growth. The content-related topic of these writings will be determined by the author, however the sincerity and quality of the content will be of the greatest importance. Give examples and find relations between what you’ve learned and current events and/or modern life, for example. Please compose your writing as a separate document and proofread it carefully before submitting it. Copying and pasting your prepared text into the appropriate text window is more efficient for the reader than accessing attached documents. You may edit your work after posting. The essay should be no less than 250 words.

learning activities for this week

21 The Modern World: 1800-1945

Neoclassicism and Romanticism
Manet and Impressionism
Bridging the Atlantic: American in the 19th Century
Into the 20th Century: The Avant-Garde
World War I and After: Dada and Surrealism
Between the Wars: Building New Societies
THINKING ABOUT ART: Presenting the Past
ARTISTS: Henri Matisse
ARTISTS: Pablo Picasso

22 From Modern to Postmodern
The New York School
Into the Sixties: Assemblage and Happenings
Art of the Sixties and Seventies
Art since the Eighties: Postmodern World?
ARTISTS: Jackson Pollock
ARTISTS: Andy Warhol
ARTISTS: Alice Neel
THINKING ABOUT ART: The Guerrilla Girls

23 Opening Up to the World

Bethune Cookman University Brain Games Pay Attention Reaction Report


Reaction Report Assignment Instructions

These reports are your thoughts on an assigned video within each unit.  There will be more than one video to choose from, and all videos will cover a topic or concept contained in the unit.  You are only required to watch one video to write about, however you are more than welcome to watch (and write about) more than one of the assigned videos for a given unit. The videos assigned for the reactions reports can be found within the Content section of the class, within the individual units.  They are located under the header ”reaction report video links”.  These videos are separate from those required for the video discussions. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any trouble locating or accessing one of the videos.Video is below

1. Was the material understandable? 

2. Did the information from the video help you to better understand some of the concepts covered within the unit? 

3. Are there ways you can relate the information to everyday life? 

4. What are the implications of the information?  

5. How did you feel about the topic – agree or disagree? 

6. Do you have any critiques regarding the topic or information presented in the video?

       7. Do you have any questions regarding the information presented in the video?