UCI Education & Teaching Research Statistics & Variables Questions


1.A psychology instructor surveys three sections of a first-year psychology course totaling 1000 students. The psychology instructor finds that SAT scores and the amount of money the students were currently carrying had a correlation of r=.07 with a p-value of 0.001. The psychology instructor claims the results were statistically significant but were not practically significant. Explain the difference between these two concepts using the results from the psychology instructor’s survey.

2. A researcher examined the relationship between violent video games and bullying. She found that adolescents who played more violent video games exhibited more bullying behavior. The researcher would like to say that the violent video games caused this increase in behavior. Is this appropriate based on the current information and if not, what other step(s) would the researcher need to take for this statement to be plausible?

3. Regarding mixed methods research, some theorists support a position of pragmatism. Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint? Be sure to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mixed methods research in your answer.

4. Use the following table to interpret the relationship between the variables showing the strongest relationship

5.Compare and contrast the researcher’s role in qualitative and quantitative research. Be sure to include (1) philosophical differences that drive these differences and (2) differences in data types.

Diablo Valley College Geography of Race and Ethnicity Discussion


In my view, pg. 179’s last sentence is one of the most eye-opening parts of the book: “Studies of genetic variation have demonstrated that there is far more variability within so-called racial groups than between them, which has led scholars to believe that all human beings are members of only one race: Homo sapiens sapiens.”

1) What are your perspectives on that statement and what comes up for you with it in relation to our other course concepts, themes, and processes? (200-250 words)

2) See page 173 and Figure 5.22: an “ethnic flag” as the maize granary. What are three ethnic flags you see in your communities and elsewhere? To be clear, I’m not asking about actual flags (although those are neat too), but rather metaphorical, ethnic flags, such as:

this chorten Tibet (from a research trip I took there in 2009)

and certain Dai (Thai) villages in southwestern China’s Yunnan Province display large unity knots made from threaded bamboo reeds, similar in design to the knot that Tibetans display as a large banner in homes and at temples:

which interestingly is similar to the Celtic knot, another ethnic flag of sorts, stylized and shown here inlaid in a guitar neck (not mine, but I wish it was):

What are other examples in your eyes?

WU Policy and Change Social Problem Issue Poverty Essay


The social problem/issue  (Poverty)

Identify a social problem/issue you would like to address.

Describe the context—historical and/or contemporary—of society’s perception and approach to this social problem/issue.

What current research (including facts and statistics) supports the need to address the social problem/issue?

The policy

  • Identify a specific policy that addresses the selected social problem/issue.
  • Describe the historical context of the policy.
  • Briefly provide enough detail about the social, economic, and political circumstances that inspired action.

Include reputable references/resources to support current updates, implementation, and/or changes related to the policy.

The population and programs

Identify the population served by the policy.

  • What qualifies a client for inclusion in the policy?
  • What successful or widely accepted programs have come out of the policy?

In practice

  • What role(s) do social workers play in the success of the program?
  • Does the policy work in practice as intended? Why or why not?

Does the policy achieve its goals?    

Social change

Does the policy contribute to social justice? How? If not, explain how or why it does not contribute to social justice.

  • Identify opportunities for improvement in the policy.
  • Explain how you would go about improving the policy.
  • Sources

You must reference a minimum of eight scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites.

Your reference list should appear on a separate page, and it is not included in the 5- to 8-page requirement.

CC The Implication of Rebellion & Forgiveness of Main Character Destiny Outline


I need someone to help me write my outline for my essay. It is about Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and read Gods of Jade and Shadow. 

Now that you’ve had some time to watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and read Gods of Jade and Shadow, and shared ideas about similarities between the texts in the Week 8 Discussion Board, I’d like you to identify a theme you intend to explore in the Unit 3 Essay, and draft and upload a preliminary outline–just the basic structure–of your essay.

What are the authors saying about the theme, and how is it demonstrated in the text? What can we take away from this?


  • Without limiting yourself to the main characters, how do three of the characters from the various texts forge their own paths to become heroes?
  • What role does patan play in helping or hindering the success of the hero?
  • Does rebellion help or hurt the success of the hero?
  • What roles do mentors (or family) play in the development of the hero?
  • How does forgiveness allow the characters to reach their full potential?
  • How do the obstacles in the stories help the characters to transform or become more than they thought they were capable of?

William Rainey Harper College Art Reflection Essay


Complete an essay reflecting upon the significance that the learning activities for this week have had on your personal, professional, intellectual, or spiritual growth. The content-related topic of these writings will be determined by the author, however the sincerity and quality of the content will be of the greatest importance. Give examples and find relations between what you’ve learned and current events and/or modern life, for example. Please compose your writing as a separate document and proofread it carefully before submitting it. Copying and pasting your prepared text into the appropriate text window is more efficient for the reader than accessing attached documents. You may edit your work after posting. The essay should be no less than 250 words.

learning activities for this week

21 The Modern World: 1800-1945

Neoclassicism and Romanticism
Manet and Impressionism
Bridging the Atlantic: American in the 19th Century
Into the 20th Century: The Avant-Garde
World War I and After: Dada and Surrealism
Between the Wars: Building New Societies
THINKING ABOUT ART: Presenting the Past
ARTISTS: Henri Matisse
ARTISTS: Pablo Picasso

22 From Modern to Postmodern
The New York School
Into the Sixties: Assemblage and Happenings
Art of the Sixties and Seventies
Art since the Eighties: Postmodern World?
ARTISTS: Jackson Pollock
ARTISTS: Andy Warhol
ARTISTS: Alice Neel
THINKING ABOUT ART: The Guerrilla Girls

23 Opening Up to the World

York St John University What Is Age Based Rationing of Care Discussion Questions


While it may be a dreary note to end on, it’s one developmental phase that we will all go through at one point or another! For this last discussion, use the material from Chapter 15 to inform your answers. Feel free to include additional sources. We are going to explore a few main ideas from this chapter on death and dying.

Discussion questions:

  1. What is age-based rationing of care? As asked in your book, should we rely on markers such as life expectancy or the quality of life to allocate who does and doesn’t receive medical care?
  2. Examine the chart on page 454 that shows increases in the number of patients served by hospice care in the United States. Give reasons for this trend and why someone might prefer hospice care over other options.
  3. The author of your book discusses the idea of a “good death.” What is meant by that? Consider the concepts in Table 15.1. If you could plan for a good death, what would that look like?
  4. Physician-assisted suicide has received a lot of attention in recent years and the laws vary from state-to-state. What you your thoughts on this? Should it be legal? Why or why not? If legal, what kinds of parameters should be in place?

SVA The Way to Hone the Connection Between Their Mind and Eye Analysis



Still Lives have been used for centuries by painters from the novice to the advance as a way to hone the connection between their mind, their eye, their arms and the canvas in front of them. As this will be our first time working with Cinema4D, taking inspiration from the world around us makes the most sense.  


  • There are no hard specs for this assignment as we will not be animating anything just yet.

Design Requirements

  • Only requirement is that the shape of the object should be more complex than just a primitive 
    • (i.e  do not select a ball as your object of choice) 


  1. Find an object in your living space that you’d like to 3D model. Because we won’t be creating any textures, the shape of the object should be complex! Not how it’s colored or painted.
    • Good examples include like a teddy bear, a rubber ducky or a game controller
  2. Set it in front of yourself and take a good look at it.
    • Think about how you can use the primitives within C4D to build out this object out. 
    • Open up Cinema4D and look at the primitive objects list just in case!
  3. After building a mental model in your head of how the object can be built, proceed to build it using Cinema4D! 

The Study of Human Diversity Due Academic Reasons Analysis


For this assignment, you should review chapter 13 of the Explorations book, especially its  discussion of the problems with race and racial categorization from a biological and anthropological perspectives.  You should also view the documentary “The Difference Between Us: Race—the Power of An Illusion”  (Links to an external site.)which is available at that link through PCC’s Shatford Library website (you may be required to sign in to view it).  The site hosting the film has a transcript and offers subtitles.  Additionally, for a different but related perspective, please read Clarence Gravelee’s article “How Race Becomes Biology: Embodiment of Social Inequality.”


Once you have reviewed the chapter, watched the film, and read Gravelee’s article, write up a discussion post that does the following:

Using the film, our textbook, and the article, make an argument against racial categorization on the basis of biological science (including genetics, population genetics, inheritance, or medical science).  Your answer should discuss at least three distinct problems with the race concept and correct the problems based on our current understandings of biological science. Your post should include at least one specific example from each of the three sources (the film, the article, and the textbook).

LAVC How Babies Explore their Environment in Different Cultures and How it Changes with Age Paper


Watch the attached segment of the film “Babies” and analyze the film “Babies” from a scientific, observational lens. Please focus on the babies’ behaviors and their interactions with their environments. Below are some prompts to guide your response and organize these observations, which should be no more than one page (1′ margins, 11pt Times New Roman, single spaced). Please pick one or two of the following questions to respond to: 

-What kinds of information are the babies paying attention to and have access to?

-How do babies explore their environment differently in different cultures? In what ways does that change with age?

-How is the caregiving structure and social environment different for these babies and what are the effects of this on their behavior?

-What is most similar across cultures about infant behavior and most different between cultures about the babies’ lives?

-Pick one type of infant behavior for an in-depth comparison across the different families? (e.g., eating, playing, sleeping)

PLEASE INCLUDE references to one or two of the 7 themes of DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY LIKE:

1. Nature vs Nurture

2. The Active Child 

3. Continuity vs Discontinuity

4. Mechanism of Change

5. sociocultural context (preferably reference this one since we compare different babies from diff environmental settings)

6. Individual differences 

7. Research and child welfare.

American Military University Philosophy The Theory of Empiricism Paper



While some assignments can be a bit more creative, learning how to improve your skills with written communication is also a good thing. Toward that end, the goal here is to write a paper  on one of the three options below:

Use one or more moral theories from weeks 6 and 7 to justify what you believe is the right thing to do concerning some contemporary situation.

Define and describe the theories you use.

  • Describe the contemporary moral situation and why it is a moral situation.

Describe how the theory provides the reasoning/justification to demonstrate your proposed solution is the best one.

  • Use one or more theories from epistemology and/or metaphysics to discuss how you know you are not or are not a simulation, matrix, or hologram.
  • Pick one (simulation, matrix, or hologram) and briefly describe the theory indicating we are in one and name one or more supporters of the theory.
  • Define and describe the theories you will use (skepticism, empiricism, dualism, constructivism, etc) to address the claims.
  • Use the theory to refute the claims or explain how we can never be sure.

Use one or more theories from weeks 3-5 and 8 to demonstrate humans have a purpose.

  • Define and describe the theory or theories you use to make your claim.