Los Angeles Valley College Stress Health Management Essay


The Managing Your Stress Reflective Essay allows you to create a short, reflective essay which will allow you to demonstrate the variety of skills you have learned throughout this unit!


  • Examine current stressors and how to effectively cope with or eliminate the sources of stress.
  • Describe healthy ways of managing stress that fit your current lifestyle.
  • Apply your knowledge of effective stress management techniques.


Follow the steps below:

  • Identify at least three things you currently do to cope with stress that aren’t working or aren’t good for you.
  • Identify healthy replacements for each of them, and write yourself a “stress-relief prescription” that you plan to follow for one week. Try to include one stress management technique to use every day. At the end of the week, respond to the following prompts in a short, reflective essay (1–2 pages):
    • Which ineffective or unhealthy coping strategies did you set out to change and why?
    • Which stress-relief techniques did you try during the week? Were any of them new for you? Which ones were most effective?
    • How much do you think stress affects you in your current life at college? Do you feel like you have it under control or not? If not, what else might you do to reduce your stress level?

MU Problem in Schools Discussion


Initial Post

What does Anyon say is the problem in schools, particularly urban schools? (p. 5) What support does she provide for this claim? What does she say we need to do to fix these problems (students not achieving)? (p. 5-6)

How can you use the Iceland video to support or understand Anyon’s perspective?

How can you use political ideology (neoliberal vs. progressive democracy) to interpret our current approach to education (or teen drinking, or other issues) and Anyon or the Iceland texts.

You can also use ideas from the Ravitch reading as well as the two lectures from this week. The Finland article(Week 5) might be a useful connection, also.

This is overall a very different way to view these problems, and a very different way to approach solving these complex problems, than the dominant narrative in America today. Reflect on all the learning this week!

Your post should clearly show evidence of having read/watched the texts, demonstrate understanding of the course terms, provide specific detail (usually quotes) from the authors, and briefly provide appropriate personal examples when relevant. This is not an opinion piece, but should focus on the authors’ arguments to help you understand the questions and concepts.

Reality TV production Paper


Read the two readings and watch the screening, then answer the four questions.


1. Junhow Wei, “Dealing with Reality: Market demands, artistic integrity, and identity work in reality television production” (2012)

2. Tanner Mirrlees “Reality TV’s Low-Wage and No-Wage Work” (2015)

Screening: Unreal, season 1, episode 1 (2015) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jZ47dpVbBHcxtM7L7…

Please respond to the following four questions in full sentences. Each response should be around 100 words. When possible, make specific references to the original text or media object.

1. Discuss the first of the two readings you read. What were its main ideas? What did you find most interesting or otherwise notable about the article?

2. Discuss the second of the two readings you read. What were its main ideas? What did you find most interesting or otherwise notable about the article?

3. The scripted/fictional television series Unreal is about the production of a Bachelor-style reality TV show. What vision of reality TV production does the show present? What surprising or problematic practices does it suggest are happening behind the screen?

4. How does the representation of reality TV production in Unreal compare to the information you read in the articles? Why do you think the show chooses to represent production in this way?

Florida State University Clinical Experience Reflection Paper


 Clinical Experience Reflection Paper

Description: Teachers who reflect on their own teaching practice enhance their delivery of

instruction, and thus improve student-learning outcomes. Reflecting on the teaching practices of

others is equally important and helps with the acquisition and development of instructional


Directions: During your clinical experience placement, observe the cooperating teacher in

working with students with autism spectrum disorders. Write a one-page journal entry reflecting

on the varying types of assessment measures used for evaluating student behavior and learning

performance in the classroom. Be sure to include examples and non-examples in your

reflection. Your reflection paper should address the following statements:

1. Explain the varying types of assessment measures that are implemented during delivery

of instruction and transitions between tasks and settings.

Revised 2011 EEX4232 Master Syllabus/6

2. Describe appropriate methods, strategies, and/or evaluation instruments that the teacher

uses for assessing student levels, needs, performance and learning.

3. Discuss how the teacher adapts and modifies assessment instruments to accommodate

the unique abilities and individual needs of students.

4. Explain how you will use varying types of assessment instruments for future classroom

practice. You should provide specific examples to support your explanation.


Teacher Vision: Assessment and Accommodation


UM-NSU CARD http://www.umcard.org/index.php

US Department of Education: Standards, Assessment, and Accountability


RC The Recommendations Based on The Crisis Model Discussion


Part 1: Read

Consider the following case scenario:

Jeremy is a 23 year old male. He was recently fired from his job after testing positive for THC. For the past month he has been having marital problems and has been cheating on his wife. His wife has discovered his infidelity and today she has announced that she is leaving Jeremy. Jeremy’s parents are also frustrated with him. They are tired of his long-term THC use and have seen first-hand the problems that his THC usage have caused. Jeremy’s wife has asked him to leave, but his parents have declined to permit him live with them. Jeremy calls his wife and says that he’s, “ready to end it all.” The police arrive and transport Jeremy to the local crisis center. You are the Crisis worker assigned to help Jeremy.

Part 2: Reflect

For this part of the assignment, you will use your critical thinking skills and reflect upon the case scenario.

In a minimum of two-pages (not counting the title page and reference page) address the following:

Using a crisis model, describe how you will address Jeremy’s crisis.

Using credible sources, defend your recommendations.

What other models may be effective and why? Be specific. Give examples.

San Diego City College Basic Needs Insecurity in College Discussion


This week you have a choice of either learning about Basic Needs Insecurity in college or The Suspension Project (please do not do BOTH sections).

Your assignment is to link the material and submit a 2-3 page paper seeing it through at least two lenses of the theory that was presented in the lecture. You will end the paper with your personal narrative of the inequalities in education ( we are going away from our tasks this week as I want you all to get more comfortable with theoretical frameworks in sociology)

Food/Housing insecurity in Colleges:

WATCH Hungry to Learn (Links to an external site.) 

Read MiraCosta’s Basic Needs Report (Links to an external site.)

Interactive Map to determine How Family Income Predicts College chances (Links to an external site.)

School to Prison Pipeline: 

Outside Looking In: Suspension as a Form of Exclusion in San Diego County (Links to an external site.)

FrontLine; Prison State/ School to Prison (Links to an external site.) (2:24 minutes)

Students document School to Prison (Links to an external site.)School  to Prison  Pipeline  section:

US The Government of China Decided to Have a 3 Child Policy Case Study


This case study analysis will be related to my previous assignment, a policy brief (attached below), and will discuss the same policy I chose: China’s current three-child policy. I have also attached a Problem Definition Analysis Example paper. Please write accordingly.

Case Study Analysis

Type:                                       Analysis

Due Date:                                 To be submitted by 11:59pm on Wednesday 27 April on Canvas.

Weight:                                    30%

Maximum length:                     1,750 words (excluding bibliography and footnotes)

Task Description: Students will be required to write a 1,750-word policy analysis on the way the problem is presented. PLEASE NOTE: This is a normal essay where you analyse the policy elements outlined below. This is separate and unrelated to the policy brief.  

Task: In order to apply the concepts developed in this course, you will develop a 1,750-word analysis in response to the following question (below). Your answer must draw on relevant policy analysis concepts/ theories/issues in order to demonstrate an understanding of the case.

In the country of your choice, address the SAME issue which got onto the government’s agenda (at the national or sub-national level), identify and examine two key elements:

(a) the way in which the ‘problem’ was defined by public authorities,

(b) and explain why the problem was defined in this way.

American InterContinental University Migration Immigration & Power Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Migration, Immigration, and Power

The movement of people around the world is as old as time, and the United States has experienced this phenomenon for hundreds of years. You will explore and trace the ways in which people have moved to and within the United States and how these movements have affected the social identity, industry, environment, and community development of the United States. Read more about the movement of people west and the impact of Manifest Destiny.

consider the impact that migration and immigration have had on American ideas, beliefs, and values starting with the details of Native American tribes during westward expansion to the current immigration and naturalization difficulties. Compare how the U.S. government’s role and policies influenced immigration and migration during late 1800s to today.

For your Discussion Board post answer the following questions: 

How did the spirit of Manifest Destiny and federal policies guide the outcome of Native American tribes on the Great Plains and west of the Great Plains? 

How do you think immigration policies today facilitate immigration to the United States?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Women Studies Paper



In this module we’ve learned that a condition like PTSD may have effects that range beyond those symptoms exhibited by the affected person and that with any physical or mental health condition our identities play a role in how symptoms manifest and in how amenable we are to treatment.


Using only the material in this module, discuss how at least three different identities or statuses (e.g., sex, veteran, age) might interact to make a condition like PTSD either more complicated or perhaps more navigable (that is, harder or easier to live with and treat) and to affect family and loved ones. You may reference characters in ODAAT or you may think more generally. Your post should include responses to the following prompts in three paragraphs.

  • Identify the three identities/statuses and define each of them.
  • Describe how the three identities/statuses might interact to make a condition like PTSD more complicated or perhaps more navigable for the affected person.
  • Describe how that same interaction of identities/statuses might affect family and loved ones.

Tips for Success

  • For some ideas, go back to the “What We’ll Do in This Module” section and consider the examples I provided related to ODAAT.

Involuntary Commitment Discussion


This discussion board was created to give you an opportunity to share your argumentative rough drafts and get some feedback from the class. I may provide feedback in my private comments if something jumps out at me. I won’t be looking for plagiarism in rough drafts. 

Drafts that are too short, overly broad/vague, off topic or showing no effort to incorporate the readings and worksheets will not receive full credit.

Discussion Prompt

Once you have finished your rough draft of the argumentative paper, you should upload it here. Ideally, it should already include your Works Cited page. I would recommend cutting and pasting the text directly into the text box (as I think you will make things slightly easier for your classmates), but if that (for instance) causes too many formatting issues, feel free to attach it to your comment instead.

If you do not post a rough draft, you will not be able to earn a grade higher than 70% on the final draft, regardless of how good it is.

After people have uploaded their drafts, you are to pick two classmates and comment on their posts–at least one paragraph each giving them feedback about their drafts.