Parable of the Sower Critical Reception

Question Description

I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Read the following reviews of Parable of the Sower:

Download 102 POTS review Science Fiction – The New York Times 1994.pdf

Download 102 Gloria Steinem POTS review 2016.pdf

Download 102 new yorker POTS review 2017.pdf

Discuss one way in which you agree with each review (thoroughly explain why you agree) and one way in which you disagree with each review (again, with thorough explanation of why).

For each review say why you agree and disagree so around three to four sentences per review

Valencia College Philosophy Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


When you reflect on the later Wittgenstein’s notion of the contextuality of meaning (his notion of ‘language games’) and apply this notion to larger ‘systems’, do you think that some of these systems are ‘better’ or ‘more valid’ than others? Is there ‘progress’ of some sort throughout the history of ideas and intellectual inquiry? For instance, does the Scientific Revolution with its emphasis on empirical inquiry constitute progress compared to the focus on faith in the Middle Ages? Or – in a more specific example – do you think that modern empiricist epistemology (from Locke on onward) is ‘superior’ with respect to truth and knowledge, compared to Aristotelian teleology and his ideas of purpose in nature (the problematic notion of ‘final causes’)? Why? Why not? Carefully explain your reasoning. 

  1. Can you think of your own examples of ‘progress’ in intellectual history? Can you think of ways of thinking or systems of thought that are (or have evolved to be) ‘better’ than others? Please make sure to provide concrete examples, and carefully explain your reasoning. 

Sociology Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology Essay


The text discusses “Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology” in Chapter 2. As a student, you sociologically view the world in a particular way. Do you see society as a system where all the various parts work together to keep the system functioning smoothly (structural functionalism), or do you see society as a place where various groups are struggling for power and influence in competition with other groups (conflict theory)? Perhaps you see the world primarily as a place that is about relationships between people and how people understand each other and understand what is expected of them in different situations (symbolic interactionism).

Write an essay that addresses the following:

Explain the three ways to view the world “sociologically.”

Identify which sociological perspective (structural functionalism, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism) most closely represents your view of the world.

  1. Describe the factors that have caused you to view the world through that perspective, such as personal experience in our society, popular culture, media, etc.
  2. Use an example from world events that demonstrates evidence of your theory.
  3. Briefly explain why you did not choose each of the other two perspectives being careful to demonstrate that you understand the other perspectives.

Florida International University Advocacy and Organizing Chapter Discussion


 read Chapter 8 & 9 in Hardina and Chapters 30 and 32 in the CTB (Community Tool Box), and have watched the supplemental materials. You will be bringing in the concepts and ideas from the readings/viewings into your video. Look on page224 of the textbook at item #4. 

If you were to engage in an advocacy effort and to organize the community around the issue you have identified as a problem that needs change in your community (you did this in the asset map from last week), what might you say in a 5-7-minute speech to convince others to help in your efforts.

1. What would be the best strategy for local change? What method would you utilize to make change?

2. Who might be your potential allies? What assets might they contribute to your change effort?

3. What tactic would you recommend as part of the strategic approach?

4.  What role(s) would you play in organizing?

5. According to the supplemental readings about licensure, how would a license help a community organizer?

Chapter 30. Principles of Advocacy | Section 1. Overview: Getting an Advocacy Campaign Off the Ground | Main Section | Community Tool Box (

AAA Occupational Safety Health Administration Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please respond to peer

A competent person is a person that is knowledgeable in safety standards, capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards, is trained in safe work practices, certified to train others, and has the authorization to take corrective measures. A competent person can be a member of leadership, like a supervisor that understands the job and knows how to accomplish the tasks of the workers in a safe manner. This person is necessary at all worksites to conduct safety meetings/stand downs, report/ investigate incidents, provide PPE, and ensure that tasks are completed safely and in compliance with OSHA rules and regs. 

A safety professional is a person with extensive knowledge, training and/or experience with an educational background. This individual overlooks the entire organizations operations by providing advice, support, and develop strategies to lead the organizations safety and health management program. Although, it would be beneficial to have a safety professional at every construction worksite. This might not be feasible since a safety professional might be involved with multiple company projects at once. 

SOCI 3302 TC The Chief Establishments of Contemporary Society Question


Using the readings The Power Elite and Political Power and Power over the Media, where do you believe power comes from, or how is power created? How is this type of power used to maintain an elite status once it is attained?

In your understanding of the reading South Asians in U.S. Television and Film, do you believe the tactics used to create a racial stereotype identity through the media is unique to South Asians, or is it applied to other racial categories as well? What types of racial stereotypes do you believe the media creates for other groups?  

Using the readings Disproportionate Minority Contact and Pathways to Downward Mobility, how can a factor such as race be influential in both the Juvenal Justice system and as a factor in downward mobility? 

What does Patricia Hill Collins suggest is needed for progressive black sexual politics? Do you believe this is possible or necessary?  

In Women’s Perspective as a Radical Critique of Sociology what does Smith claim to be the difficulties in seeing women’s interest represented in sociology? What does she suggest to improve women’s position in the field of sociology?  

Interpersonal Racism and White Privilege Discussion


3.5 Discussion Forum: Race in the Twenty-First Century (GRADED DISCUSSION)

After watching the film clip “Race: The Power of an Illusion,” use one concept from Chapter 1 of the Desmond & Emirbayer to discuss the journey of race formation in the USA.

Think about all the aspects of your identity, other than your race and ethnicity, such as your gender, religion, nationality. What part of your identity is most salient to you? Explore, in a reflexive fashion, why this is, paying close attention to how your multiple identities intersect with one another. 

Consider the list of conditions of White Privilege created by Peggy McIntosh. Which privilege surprised you the most? Explain.

Continuing with White Privilege by McIntosh, pick one privilege you have benefitted from, regardless of your race/ethnicity, and analyze critically. 

What does intersectionality mean to you? Can you think of ways in which you do not identify with some members of your race (or ethnicity, gender, religion, etc.) because of another aspect of your identity? For example, perhaps many members of your racial group fail to tolerate your religious preference, or maybe, some members of your gender just do not understand your sexual orientation.

Personal Experience & Observations Reaction Report


The reaction report should be a minimum of three pages double-spaced. It should be your opinion regarding the points that the writer has made in the assigned article. A minimum amount of summarizing or repeating of the thoughts of the writer is expected. Your task is to identify the conclusions that the writer is reaching, then respond in your own words to his or her perspective. A requirement for each reaction paper is that it includes an application of information found outside of the article. This information can come from a source such as the text, another article, your personal experience or an observation.

The following questions may help you compose the paper.

What is the main point or points made by the author?

What is his/her basis or source of information? Is it credible, logical?

What would be the opposing position to the information presented?

What other information needs to be gathered?

What other information or issues relate to this discussion?

What issues do you have with the content?

Variation over facts and data

Different view of the viability of the process or methods

Conflict over the purpose or priorities

That there are other values, morals, principles that are relevant.

San Diego State University Trail of Broken Treaties Discussion


1) What was the “Trail of Broken Treaties”? What happened during the occupation, and what demands were made? How did the occupation conclude?

2) According to the documentary, what historical events led up to the Occupation of Wounded Knee?

3) Alternatively, what led to the ending of the Occupation of Wounded Knee, according to the documentary?

4) According to the documentary and the article, what is the historical significance/symbolism of the location in which the Occupation of Wounded Knee took place?

5) According to the documentary, what were the protesters at Wounded Knee hoping to achieve through the Occupation? What were the lasting effects?

6) According to the article, why is Wounded Knee considered a “forgotten Civil Rights movement”?

7) Lastly, please share your thoughts and reactions to both this week’s and last week’s discussions on the Occupations of Alcatraz and Wounded Knee, and the American Indian Civil Rights movement overall.


The Trail of Broken Treaties: A March on Washington D.C. 1972Links to an external site.

We Shall Remain: Wounded KneeLinks to an external site.

Occupy Wounded Knee: A 71 Day Siege and a Forgotten Civil Rights MovementLinks to an external site.

The University Of Arizona Political Science Essay


1. Defining Public Administrationthe have mentioned different perspectives and definitions of public administration in Module 1, then how would you define public administration? And why? Do you think that public administration can, or should be separate from politics?

2. Public and Private organization

the lectures and readings have highlighted many of the organizational similarities that exist between public and private organizations, yet we know that institutional differences also exist between public and private organizations. Discuss how the behavioral and motivational theories in Module 4 might work differently in a civil service system than a private firm or corporation.

3. Public Financial Management

Why is government budgeting (i.e. the allocation of public resources) an inherently political process? Describe the political process of budgeting by applying concepts and theories. Use at least an example to illustrate your point.

4. Social Equity & Accountability

The National Academy of Public Administration identifies four dimensions of social equity: procedural equity, distributional equity, quality equity, and outcome equity. Which is the most important dimension(s) from your view? And why? Illustrate your argument by using a specific example. You also need to discuss the desirable role(s) of public administrators in social equity issues.