SPC Code of Ethics at Workplace Discussion


This assignment has two parts. Read both the chapter in the textbook and the above article on Codes of Ethics. 1) List five points that are mentioned in both documents, the chapter and the article. 2). Choose two of these that you consider to be very important to an ethical company and say why. For the article, use the file above.

Summary (400 words minimum total for essay – include word count)

Paragraph 1 – This can be a list or bullets. Be sure to use full sentences, not just a word or two. Say what the concept is in a way the reader will understand.

Paragraph 2 – List again two principles you think are important to an ethical work place. If you have a personal experience, or a story you have heard, use it to describe the principle. Tell why you think this principle is important.

Use your own words. Do not use quotations. Paraphrase the information, and provide in-text citation(s) with page number(s), where appropriate. In the Works Cited, be sure to include the Code of Ethics, properly formatted including its title, date of publication, and link.

WU Humanities Conflict Management, Personality, and Human Services Assessment Discussion


Learning Resources

Human Services Roles and Functions

Schram, B., Mandell, B.R., Dann, P.L., & Peterson, L. (2020). An introduction to human services: Policy and practice (9th ed.). Pearson. Chapter 7, “Working with Diversity” (pp. 160–206)
Chapter 8, “Interviewing” (pp. 207–236)
Chapter 9, “Direct Strategies: Working with People One-on–One” (pp. 237–254)
Chapter 10, “Working with Groups” (255–276)
Chapter 11, “Planning a Human Service Program” (pp. 277–298)
Chapter 12, “Indirect Strategies: Organizing for Change” (pp. 299–322)

Penn, S., & Baartmans, H. (2018). A phenomenological study on meaningful professional experiences for human services professionals. Journal of Human Services, 38(1), 35–44.

To Prepare

Reflect on the results of your conflict management, personality, and human services assessments from the previous weeks.

Based on this information, consider your capacity to serve in a leadership position in which you will be supervising human services practitioners performing the roles you learned about in this course and performing some of the roles yourself.

Use the internet to search for job postings for your two leadership positions of interest to you. Consider what knowledge areas, skills, and abilities you would need to develop to work in these positions.

GC An Unsettling Feeling Resulting in Nervousness and Uneasiness Project


This assignment will require you to observe and identify toddler development.  You will use the film “Babies” as you identify two definitions from each domain of development. Please complete the following outline with the Term, Definition of Term, Source and Observation.

This is the link for the film “Babies”  


Term: What definition of toddler development did you observe.

Definition of Term: What is the definition of the term you are describing.

Source: You may only use the textbook or power point as a source for the definition.

Observation: Be very specific and write exactly what you observed the toddler doing that demonstrated your term.


Biosocial 1:

Term: Fine Motor Skills

Definition of term: Fine motor skills involve small body movements, especially the hand and fingers.

Source: Power point, Ch 5

Observation: Hattie held a banana in her right hand. With her left hand she used her fingers to grab the peel of the banana.  She repeated this until all of the peel was gone, then using her thumb and pointer finger, she removed the strings on the banana.

  • Biosocial 1
    • Term
    • Definition of Term
    • Source
    • Observation
  • Biosocial 2
    • Term
    • Definition of Term
    • Source
    • Observation
  • Cognitive 1
    • Term
    • Definition of Term
    • Source
    • Observation
  • Cognitive 2
    • Term
    • Definition of Term
    • Source
    • Observation
  • Psychosocial 1
    • Term
    • Definition of Term
    • Source
    • Observation
  • Psychosocial 2
    • Term
    • Definition of Term
    • Source
    • Observation

ASSA Many Individuals Take Shortcuts when Performing Personal Duties Discussion


Please respond to Jazmin with 150 words

Last year my brother was renovating his bathroom, he was going to remove the bathtub and getting a shower with sliding glass doors. He was not in compliance with the standards for use of tools. First of all, he had to cut plywood, he had a cutting table but sometimes he was using his knee and the toilet to cut smaller pieces of wood. He had the cutting table set up in backyard, but he was taking shortcuts. He wasn’t wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). When I confronted him about it, he said he was not at work, and he had things under control, but I gave him a pair of safety gloves and glasses before continuing to cut wood. To make the job safer I think he needed some help. He was taking shortcuts because he had to do all that work by himself. He knew what he had to do to be safe, but he was really overwhelmed with all that work. After I offered some help, he started to work safely and using his PPE.

CC Male & Female Skulls Differ Greatly and Have Specific Features Question

Question Description

I’m working on a anthropology practice test / quiz and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Q1- You have excavated a mass grave containing many co-mingled (mixed-up) bones. From the assemblage of bones listed below, calculated the minimum number of individuals (MNI) present:

1 adult skull
1 child skull (determined to be child based on size and sutures)
7 right ribs
2 left ribs
2 adult left femurs
1 adult right femur
1 child right femur

What is the MNI for this assemblage? Your answer should be a number.

Q2- What types of information can forensic anthropology provide about an individual based on their skeletal remains?

Q3- Describe differences in the skull between males and females, making sure to include the following features: general robusticity, supraorbital (brow) ridge, mastoid process, nuchal region, chin.

Q4- Describe differences in the male and female pelvis, making sure to include the following features: ventral arc, ischio-pubic ramus, and subpubic concavity.

Q5- According to forensic anthropologists, can age at death be estimated more accurately for juveniles (individuals under 18) or adults? Explain your answer.

Q6- Which bones and which bone features are most useful in estimating age in adults?

ISU Gender Socialization Essay


The purpose of this assignment is to look at gender socialization throughout the first 12 years of life. Carter (2014) gives one possible explanation of how people develop gender roles. There is much discussion and action regarding gender; some people identify in the traditional sense, but others express gender preferences differently.

The paper’s purpose is not to debate how people identify with gender but to look at how a person is socialized into a gender role. The gender socialization process starts at a very young age, so your paper should look at the influences during infancy, early childhood, and middle childhood. In addition to reviewing and discussing the article provided (Carter, 2014), find and discuss at least two other academic articles written in the past six years (2017 – 2022) to support your paper’s thesis. Address how gender socialization plays a role in family structure, school, sports, religion, etc. The paper should be 4-5 pages, not including the APA 7 title and reference pages. You should not include an abstract.

Carter, M. (2014). Gender Socialization and Identity Theory. Social Sciences, 3(2), 242-263. DOI: 10.3390/socsci3020242

Odessa College Social Media and Privacy Questions


Many people today reveal aspects of their private life to social networking and other

popular websites.

Using the OC Learning Resource Center Super Search visit

https://www.odessa.edu/current-students/Learning-Resources-Center-Library/SuperSearch/index.html. Search ‘Facebook Users Still Fear for Their Privacy’ by Riley Griffin.

Should be the first article. Select HTML Full Text. Read the following article and answer

the Critical Thinking Questions below.

To assist with the reading use the AVID strategy of Rereading to clarify ideas and

comprehend texts. After reading the article, summarize the information by answering

the following questions out loud:

? What are the key points, terms, claims, and/or ideas?

? What is the purpose of this particular article?

? What is the authoring doing in this article?

The answers for the questions above do not need to be added to your assignment. This

is only to assist with comprehension of the text.


Critical Thinking Questions

1) Does Social Media Impact privacy?

2) Do Facebook users care about privacy?

3) Are you personal comfortable using social media?

4) Do you think social media can come back and cause problems for you later in

life? Give 2 detailed examples

5) In what ways have the use of social media changed social lives of people in the

last 20 years?

LAPC Anthropology Largest Movement in US History Question


Critical Analysis: Are demonstrators described as protesters or looters/rioters?

2 articles chosen, to write about: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/07/03/us/…

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/10/12/critics-claim-blm-was-more-violent- than-1960s-civil-rights-protests-thats-just-not-true/

This week you need to write an essay two pages in length (at least 400 words or more) about those articles. Remember to present your argument clearly, support your argument with evidence from the 2 articles, and clearly restate your argument at the end with a brief summary of the evidence that supports it.

The goal of this assignment is to show how the same event (or a similar event) is framed in different ways depending on the point of view of the author of the article.

For this written assignment, please address the following:

How are the participants described? their actions? their behavior?

Who else was involved in this event? Were the authorities (police) present? How are they described? their actions? their behavior?

How does each article tell a different story about the event, even though it is based on the same facts? How the story of the event is told often leads readers to different conclusions about that event, and, therefore, it influences the readers’ attitudes toward protests in general.

Enforcement and Courts Dispositional Plan


Scenario:?You are a juvenile corrections officer?tasked with?making recommendations?to a judge?for?a juvenile’s entire course of treatment. You?can advise on?the?sanctions?they should receive;?the?components of their correctional treatment;?the programs, training, or institutions that should?assist them;?any?alternatives?or?special conditions?to consider;?and?terms for?their?aftercare?and transition back into the community.

Write?a?525- to 700-word?correctional?dispositional plan?for?a juvenile.

Choose?1?of the?following?juveniles?to use as an example?case study?for this week’s?assignment:

  • Donovan from “Second Chance Kids”
  • Rolon from “Second Chance Kids”
  • Shawn from?Juvenile Justice
  • Jose?from?Juvenile Justice
  • Manny?from?Juvenile Justice
  • Marquese?from?Juvenile Justice

Note:?If you choose an example?with a known?correctional plan,?do not propose the same?plan from the original case study.?Make your own recommendations for?a?different?process?for?the juvenile’s?treatment.

Complete?the following in your?recommended plan for the juvenile:

  • Summarize?the outcome of the adjudication process and the disposition in this case.
  • Describe?the treatment of the juvenile in this situation.
  • Explain?how law enforcement?and the courts?might?have?interacted differently with?this person?as a juvenile?than if he?or she?had been an?adult.
  • Explain?the risk factors that need to be considered in the assessment of this juvenile.
  • Explain?how the combination of factors considered in this case was connected and influenced the?original?outcome, if at all.
  • List?any additional information you would like to have?before considering?other?correctional?treatments?for the juvenile.
  • Recommend?2?alternative?correctional strategies for this juvenile:?1?that?includes?a correctional program?that exists in your state?and?1?other?potential?option.
  • Explain?how you could?monitor,?measure,?report, and support the juvenile’s?progress?through treatment.
  • Justify?your?plan?with?evidence?that supports your recommendations.

LDR 5200 RC Organizational Effectiveness Paper



Evaluate leadership practices that support organizational effectiveness.


You are a Senior HR Representative, and your task is to hire a new regional HR manager. You are responsible for conducting the interviews, and you want to know about the candidate’s experience and success as a leader. You want to know their leadership style and how effective they were in previous positions. You have concluded your interview and now must create a hiring report from the interview.


Select a leader you know from personal experience or one that you have researched to serve as your interviewed candidate. Evaluate the candidate for their leadership practices and how effective they were for their organization. Write a hiring report that includes the following:

  • Summarize your leader for your audience (avoid using the first person).
  • Describe their leadership style and how effective their motivational practices were for their organization.
  • Discuss their leadership strategies used in building and maintaining trust in leader-follower relationships.
  • Review any ethical leadership practices that contributed to overall organizational success.
  • Based on your research and analysis, what would be your recommendation for hiring this candidate?
  • Provide attribution for credible sources used in the hiring report