SDSU African Studies The Black Americans Essay


Group 2 = African Americans/ Blacks

To focus on morbidity (illnesses) and mortality (death) issues.

1. What are the patterns of ill health among this group (morbidity)?
2. What are the patterns of mortality (death)?
2. What is the primary health concerns among older adults in this group?
4. How is this being addressed locally?
5. What is San Diego doing to address the future needs of older adults within your group?

The paper will be at least three pages single-spaced with at least five references (approximately 1000 words.). There is no specific format for the paper but be consistent (most students in social sciences follow the APA format.)Sources cited should be primary sources, meaning that you do not cite people that are talking about another study, go to the original study. Sources must also be identified. Especially if you use a quote you have to cite the source and date, as an example (Garrett, 2016). Websites can be used but only from reputable sources, either established newspapers and magazines or government, educational, or established foundations. The more radical a viewpoint the more established the source needs to be.!!

University of Washington African Innovations C1500BCE to C1000CE Whitewater Project


Students will complete a project on an African innovation (Do Iron Working in East Africa) between the time period c.1500BCE to c.1000CE.
The innovation must be connected to a specific region and people group in Africa. For example, it isn’t possible to do the project on iron working in general. It would need to either be on iron working in West Africa or Iron Working in East Africa
but not both. Keep in mind the Old Kingdom of Ancient Kemet (Egypt) is off limits for this topic owing to the time
period restrictions. The intent is to learn about other areas of Africa with this assignment. 

What is the importance of the chosen innovation? What was its causes and consequences?
How or why did Africans pursue the innovation? How did the innovation relate to the local society? Were
their outside forces or pressure that required the innovation? Were there environmental factors?
Did the innovation result in changing relationships between the group that developed it and the people
they came into contact with?
Why should learning about this innovation be important to us?

TCC Music Jazz in The Modern Day Research Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a music writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

With your knowledge of Jazz from its origins to the modern day, where do you see it being used in creative works today?  Aside from music specialists and performers, where does the average person encounter any form of Jazz. In addition to albums and concerts, we do have movies, television, commercials, and others venues.

 explain Jazz in the average modern world. Do you see any other areas where average people encounter jazz in addition to what has been mentioned?

When Jazz is used in art, is it used to create images, such as wealth and desirability. Is it used in movies, such as scenes of suspense. What types are used, and where. Do you see any patterns of racial, cultural, or gender associations?

Compare your findings to the class discussion boards. Do you see any similarities, or trends, such as favoring instruments over voices, certain styles, and performers?

Include 3 examples that help the reader understand your observations, analysis, and point of view about how jazz exists today.

Hillsborough Community College American Yawp Primary Source Analysis Questions


Primary documents are historical artifacts at ground zero of a particular era under investigation. For example, Christopher Columbus’ letter to the Spanish king reporting what he found in the western Atlantic is primary data. Columbus’ ship is also considered primary evidence. Primary documents represent evidence that help historians and students to understand the experiences of people who lived during various historical times. Historians and students examine primary documents to prove a main idea and thesis.

Students will be asked to read primary documents for every required chapter reading from the supplemental primary reader American Yawp (Links to an external site.).  Students will select one primary document and are expected to write a summary and analysis of the primary evidence. To complete the summary and analysis students must address these specific questions.

  1. Who was the author[s], date and/or origins of the primary source?
  2. To whom was document directed?
  3. What was the main idea and/or argument of the primary source?
  4. What was its political, religious, and/or social message? 
  5. How does it relate to the era it originated or what does it teach us about the society where it originated?

San Diego State University Management & Psychology Discussion


In a few sentences, please respond to each of the following questions. Up to 10 points can be earned for a completed assignment, with partial credit available for incomplete responses.

  • Define the following self-presentation tactics: self-promotion; self-verification; ingratiation; self-depreciating. Which of these tactics do you believe would be most ideal when it comes to others forming an impression of us? Support your response.
  • Define the term introspection. What does this term mean to you? Discuss an example of how this process might impact your life, and discuss why it is relevant to the study of social psychology
  • Discuss several variables that might influence our social identity. Do you believe this identity will change over time? Why or why not? Support your response
  • Define the term self-esteem.Discuss the Rosenberg self-esteem scale and how it is used to assess self-esteem.
  • Discuss the benefits of high self-esteem and what discuss what kinds of variables might influence our level of self-esteem
  • If you were responsible for designing a measure of self-esteem, what would it look like and what traits would you focus on for this measuerement? Support your response 

CC Primate Name and Taxonomic Classification in Anthropology Question


Observe a group of primates online at the San Diego Zoo. Navigate to one of the San Diego Zoo’s primate cams. You can choose the Baboon Cam“>Baboon Cam

(Links to an external site.)

(Hamadryas and Gelada baboons) or the Ape Cam“>Ape Cam

(Links to an external site.)

(Orangutans and Siamang apes). Obviously, make sure that animals are actually visible for viewing at the time you are watching; otherwise, come back later and try again. The cams broadcast live during daylight hours; at night they re-broadcast the previous day’s footage.

If anyone is having trouble with the links to the cams, they are pasted below:

(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

Before starting the observation, print out or read on your computer the assignment sheet (below). Follow the directions on the sheet.





ECE 220 GCU The Principles and Behaviors of Children and Infants Presentation


Teachers cannot proactively and effectively plan for instruction unless they have a clear understanding of children’s typical developmental milestones and know what to expect of students at each age. Knowledge about typical developmental milestones is important for families as well so they know when their child is progressing normally or may need help in a specific area.

Select an age/grade, birth to Grade 3, and research 10 important early childhood milestones for that age/grade level. Create a 10-15 slide digital presentation that could be used to inform families during a family informational night.

Include the following in your presentation:

Two milestones for each of the following areas researched: Cognitive, linguistic, emotional, physical, and/or social.

A description of the milestones researched and the typical age range in which they usually occur.

  • A description of the warning signs a family member or professional should look for in deciding if there might be a developmental delay that could require further assistance or consultation with a doctor/specialist.
  • At least 3-5 technology resources for families that informs them of important developmental milestones and strategies to help their children meet these milestones.

FIU Psychology Reserch Paper


Your project should reference a minimum of one (1) course readings in an application of one or more theoretical concepts we have explored this semester to a text, issue, or cultural production of your choice. You should include a minimum of two (2) outside sources on the topic, which can be original data collection or other sources you have found in your own research.   Therefore, the paper will have a total of three (3) sources.  Proper research methods using the FIU library website will be discussed in class.

Examples of possible concepts to consider/integrate: 

the sex/gender binary

birth of the “homosexual”

discursive constructions of sexuality

regulation, power, and knowledge

diagnosis, confession, and “truth”

medical science and sexuality – the construction of “normal”

historical context and its role in definition

  • passing and trans narratives
  • intersectionality – race/class/gender/sexuality
  • recognition/visibility of sexual and gender identities (bisexuality & the closet)
  • queer politics and the policing of “deviant” bodies and sexualities
  • pedophilia, psychosexual development, and polymorphous perversity
  • stereotypes and cultural representation
  • performativity, drag, and gender identity
  • Stonewall and gay liberation
  • queer and trans challenges to the legal system
  • sodomy and marriage laws
  • lesbian feminism, separatism, and trans identities
  • materiality of the body
  • cyberidentities (sexual and gender)

Harvard University African Genocide Essay


The reaction paper requires you to acquire important information about the reading(s), the lecture and documentary before providing and supporting your opinion on the subject under investigation/discussion. You are required to reference the lecture, readings and the documentary in the body of your essay. Every paragraph must have at least a reference. Of course, if there is no assigned reading, you may provide your own readings and reference them.-Thesis statement: you must include a thesis statement or the major points you are reacting to at the beginning of your reaction paper.

-A brief information about the reading and documentary. What the reading and documentary are about.

Format of Reaction Paper/Class Participation Paper:

-The Introduction: provide a brief description of the author(s) and the problems and ideas in the reading (s) and documentary. Immediately after the introduction, please write a thesis statement which is clear and brief.
-The body: this is the main section where you explain all the ideas in your reaction paper.

-The conclusion: touch on the major points and wrap up everything by clarifying your reaction/opinion.

-Please restate/copy the prompt you are writing on.

GCCCD Importance of Masks & Vaccines and Autism Discussions

Question Description

I’m working on a history question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Pick ONE of the following topics to write a sentence about. An opinion on one of these topics MUST be part of your first sentence. 

Do gateway drugs contribute to the use of more powerful drugs?

Do vaccines cause autism?

Is Covid really worse than the flu?

Are eggs bad for you?

Does the California “one year” rule not  allowing teens to drive with friends until they have their license for  one year have any benefit?

  • Does sugar cause hyperactivity in children?

Do masks really help stop the spread of disease?

  • Do seatbelts really matter?
  • Write a topic sentence that answers the question. (This is easier than the video since I gave you the topic). 
  • Support it with TWO facts that are supported. (That means look up two articles or sources that support your opinion. If there are not two (author) in your post, something is wrong.)
  • Feel free to clarify any complexity like I did above (Yes, gateways leads to more drugs early on but later it is not clear)