Language and Thinking Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english project and need a reference to help me learn.

Write three (four) body paragraphs to support your thesis statement/claim. Copy your claim from your outline.

Write 250 words per paragraph.

Use the credible articles with facts, statistics, and opinions of experts. Be specific. Avoid generalizations.

Editing: Avoid using “I, We, You”. Use He, She, They.

Avoid using Indefinite Pronouns, such as everybody, everyone, all, nobody, some, many…

Avoid using “there is, are, were, was”.

Avoid using the linking verb “to be”: am, is, are, was, were. Use the action verbs.

Structure your body paragraph correctly:

write a topic sentence,

summarize the articles (evidence),

write your comments, explaining the main points you are making,

make a discussion,

write a concluding sentences.

It is mandatory to use transitions. TRANSITIONS. Updated.-1.pdf


Acknowledge the authors (names and page numbers).

Create a Works Cited page (three or more articles with the titles, names of the authors, journal titles).

Use the Inductive approach.

Barstow Community College Baroque Era Music Theory Paper


  1. Instrument technology took a large leap forward in the Baroque Era. How did this help to create and popularize instrumental virtuosity? Choose one instrumental work featured in this module (from the list below) and discuss it, addressing the following: The work’s instrumentation, texture, and melody. Finally, do you hear any instrumental virtuosity in your work? How so? Do you feel that virtuosity is necessary for music to be enjoyable? Why or why not? 

Make Sure to Address The Following:

  • How did the technological development of instruments in the Baroque Era popularize instrumental virtuosity?
  • Choose one instrumental work from the list below.
    • Discuss your choice’s instrumentation, texture and melody.
      • What instrument plays the melody?
  • Do you hear any virtuosity in your choice? Why or why not? If so, where? 
  • Do you feel that virtuosity is necessary for instrumental music to be enjoyable? Why or why not? 

Below are the instrumental listening examples referenced in this week’s module:

  • Handel: Suite in D Major from Water Music, Alla hornpipe
  • Vivaldi: Spring, from The Four Seasons, I
  • Bach: Contrapunctus 1, from The Art of Fugue

UCSD Tuesdays with Morrie Movie Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a religion discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Respond to the the following questions (you can focus on the ones you find most meaningful–don’t feel that you have to respond to everything).

1. What do you think is Mitch’s style of connection and empathy changed over the course of the story?
2. Did watching this give you new insights into the process of saying “goodbye” (friends or you moving away, break-ups, deaths)?
3. How does your own personality influence the way you handle/react to loss?
4. Morrie said, “When you know how to die, you know how to live.” Do you agree? How would you connect living and dying? What would the quest to “find the meaning of life” look like for you?

5. In your opinion, what is a good death?
6. Fantasy, hope, and reality. How do you might you keep a balance when interacting with your patients?
7. In what ways you could bring Morrie’s spirit into patient care?

CMSV Inclusive Leadership Essay


Research a topic on workplace diversity. Explain diversity as it relates to your topic and show the importance of inclusive leadership practice in the workplace. All the resources you need, including videos and case studies can be found in the Module Libraries of the course.

Possible Topics:

The multigenerational workplace

Inclusive Leadership styles and theory 

  • Reflective Practice
  • Gender equity issues (domestic or global perspective)
  • Identity and inclusion–challenges
  • Globalization and the borderless workforce: inclusive strategies for international business
  • Diversity and inclusion in the workplace: current research on this
  • Indigenous approaches to leadership
  • LGBTQ issues and inclusive solutions
  • Disability issues and inclusive solutions
  • Pick your own topic—but clear it with your instructor
  • A. Create a Powerpoint of your findings  


10-15 slides 

Reputable sources 

Visually interesting slides with graphics, pictures, charts/graphs/stats

  • Include a video clip no longer than 2 minutes in length (optional)
  • Include a Case Study—make sure to explain how it’s an example of your research findings on your topic
  • Use one slide to explain how leadership styles and strategies relate to your topic
  • Include references/links to any sources you use, including your case study
  • See grading rubric for expectations
  • OR

Webster University School of Education Environmental Art Discussion


  examine the work of numerous artists whose art focuses on environmentally-related issues that explore both the devastation and the beauty of the natural world.

READ: Environmental Art Movement Overview | TheArtStory (Links to an external site.) (main page only)

NOTE: Main points of the movement


6 Innovating Artists of the Environmental Art Movement (Links to an external site.)

7 Environmental Artists Fighting for Change (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)El Anatsui (Links to an external site.)

  1. Artist of Choice
  2. CHOOSE: From the above resources

1 artist whose work focuses on the environment’s natural beauty

  1. 1 artist whose work focuses on the effects of environmental abuse 

Exclude: Chris Jordan whose work you’ve already considered


  1. Brief bio on the artist – age, nationality, medium, where work has shown, etc.

Description of the artist’s work in relation to the environmental issue(s) the artist is addressing

In other words, what is this work about and how does it related to environmental issues? 

Anthropology Question


Article evaluation assignment: Leonard, Benjamin 2022 (Jan/Feb). “At Face Value” Archaeology, pp. 36-41.

Article Evaluation assignments. Your essay should be a critical review (ca. 750-1000words) of the article.Questions to consider:

  • What is the primary argument or thesis of the article?
  • What is the author’s (or authors’) approach to understanding ancient art and/or
  • archaeology?

  • How does this article relate to class discussion and/or other course materials?
  • Did you find the main argument convincing? Why or why not?
  • o Does the author make a clear distinction between what has been

    found and what the author believes must have existed, but hasn’t


    o Does the author make it easy for you to distinguish between data,

    descriptions of data, and interpretations of data?

    o Do you detect any biases and/or stereotypes?

    Support your points by citing specific examples in the article.

    Complete references are essential. For assistance, please consult the How to cite your

    sources document which is really important for grading .

    Your critical review should be concise and direct. You may write in 1st person or 3rd

    person, whichever you prefer

    San Diego State University Cognitive Psychology Questions

    Question Description

    I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

    • Explain what scientists have discovered about social cognition. What are heuristics, and how might they be employed by social psychologists?
    • Distinguish between the following types of heuristics: representative heuristic; availability heuristic; anchoring and adjustment heuristic; status quo heuristic. Explain how each would affect our social thoughts.
    • Explain what schemas are and how they hep social psychologists organize social information. Describe each of the three basic cognitive processes that are influenced by schemas
    • Describe the classic study by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) and its implications to the understanding of a self-fulfilling prophecy
    • Distinguish between the following potential sources of error (biases) in social cognition: optimistic bias; overconfidence barrier; planning fallacy; counterfactual thinking; magical thinking
    • Explain how feelings shape our thoughts and how thoughts shape our feelings. Give several examples to support your response. Provide a personal example of when your thoughts might have been heavily influenced by your mood and what the end result of this interactive process entailed

    Paine College Communication in Covid Pandemic Paper


    This interpretative essay must be well organized and presented in narrative format. Responses should be substantive and reflect college level work/writing. Points will be deducted for failure to conform to appropriate rules of grammatical guidelines (spelling, correct use of upper/lower case, punctuation) and organization (concise introductions and conclusions with logical flow of information). No other outside sources other than our textbook readings are required

    There are many potential obstacles to be navigated when engaging in intercultural and intracultural communication discussed in Chapter 10. How have Covid-19 health precautions of wearing masks and avoiding handshakes/hugs affected our habits of relating to others? Apply Edward Hall’s classic model of Proxemics to this topic of communication patterns. How may this model be altered by the current practice of social distancing? How may our understanding of Haptics be permanently changed? Discuss some potential problems/misunderstandings in communication that may occur when the ground rules for communication change across the globe. Propose solutions that could address these challenges for American culture and around the world.

    KSU History the American Yawp Chapt 13 & 14 Summary

    Question Description

    I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

    Read only the assigned sections from Chapters 13 and 14 of the American Yawp. Do not read other sections in the selected chapters, and do not cite the sources in text nor at the bottom since the source is only one and known. The 2 chapters are attached below as PDFs.

    Then, write a  summary of the text. Be sure to address the full scope of the text, not just a section. It also is important to avoid plagiarism by appropriately and adequately summarizing the key information in your own words

    Be aware of how differences of race, gender, and class shaped the events and developments that culminated with southern secession and the establishment of the Confederate States of America.

    Make sure to include and interact with “race,” “gender,” and “class,” as well as the historical information.

    Chapter 13 sections:


    -Sectionalism in the Early Republic

    -From Sectional Crisis to National Crisis


    Chapter 14 sections:

    -The Election of 1860 and Secession

    PSYC 8315 Walden University Experimental Design with Anti Bullying RFP Program Evaluation Discussion


    This week we are focusing on experimental design and must come up with a response to the questions below utilizing experimental design to test a question relevant to our evaluation. I attached the necessary article for review to answer the questions.

    • Briefly restate the general nature of your team’s RFP’s program (e.g., school anti-bullying program).
    • How might you use an experimental design to test a question that would be relevant to your program evaluation (e.g., compare an outcome for a group that received the program versus one that did not during the same time period, especially if the participants are randomly assigned to be in the program/no program groups)? What is a specific question you could address for your example?
    • Describe the specifics of your design for addressing this question. What is your independent variable? What might be a viable dependent variable to answer the question? What hypothesis would you be testing for the proposed evaluation?
    • What would be one method you might use to reduce threats to internal validity with this design?