John Muir Health Center Whooping Cough Paper


Each student will research the signs and symptoms of one communicable disease. You may use the internet or any other reliable source of information. To complete this activity, respond to the following in your own words reflecting your understanding of the information you found in your research: I will research about “Whooping Cough”

  • Identify the major signs and symptoms or indicators of the disease/illness (focus on observable signs and symptoms and/ or the child’s behavior.
  • What are the early signs of this disease or illness?
  • How is the disease transmitted?
  • What causes the disease (bacterial, viral, fungal infection or?)
  • When and for how long is the child likely to be contagious?
  • How is this disease treated?
  • How long is a child likely to be sick from (and need to be excluded from the program) this disease?
  • What precautions should adults (teachers and parents) take when a child has been diagnosed with this illness to protect the health and well-being of the sick child and the other children enrolled in the program?

WU Humanities Theory of Happiness Question


Directions:  Answer all 3 essay questions. Each essay question response must be at least 1.5  pages in length.  Do not add the questions to your paper. Use 12 font & provide a cover page.

Essay Question One, Chapter 11.  Choose a film, novel, short story, play, or other written work in which a character confronts a moral choice. Explain how the piece solves the moral dilemma. Analyze the work’s outcome according to the classification and/or philosophy that it most closely matches. 

Essay Question Two, Chapter 12:  Based on your observations, explain which theory of happiness would be most helpful to the world we live in today, using examples of what modern problems that theory would address.

Essay Question Three, Chapter 13: Choose a recent representation of modern love from a film, novel, song, or play and discuss what type of love (courtly, eros, agape, platonic) the work of art seems to embody. According to the work, has loved changed or do the same concepts apply? 

Humanities Design Your Own Hell Project

Question Description

I’m working on a humanities question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The “Design Your Own Hell” Project!   Congratulations, you have been granted divine powers to administer cosmic justice (for this week only)!  This task requires you to articulate your own version of Hell, with a list of (at least 9 types of) wrongdoers and the appropriate punishments that you think should be inflicted on them.  This should be your own ‘take’ on these things, and wrongdoing can be defined in any way that you choose (e.g., people who cut you off in traffic, Dodger fans, serial killers, etc.).  You should put (at least) as much effort into this as you would a normal Reaction Paper, but the more specific details the better, and illustrations are esp. welcome.   One good recommendation for this project is to make an organizational hierarchy; that is, make the list of wrongdoers/punishments go from the least serious to the most serious (or vice versa).

Lyme Disease a Vector Borne Disorder Caused by Borrelia Bacterium Discussion


research your disease. You may use the textbook, any medical books, and online sources that end in .org or .gov. to gather information. Your Disease Report will be submitted here in Canvas, and should be 2-3 typed pages. Please explain the disease, causes, symptoms, how it is contracted, duration of the illness, what preventative measures can be taken for prevention, and how the disease is treated once contracted by an individual. This part of the Disease Report is worth 40 points towards your grade for CD 10.

3. Once you have completed your written report, you will go to the Disease Report Discussion in Canvas. There you will list in a post 10 facts that you would want others to know about your disease topic. The Discussion part is worth 10 points towards your grade for CD 10.

You will have Lyme Disease for your Disease Report topic.


Identify and discuss the major demographic and societal trends that will affect supervisors.

Canadian Political Regime Discussion


What is the most important attribute of the Canadian political regime?

What is the most important event that shaped Canadian politics?

  1. What is the most important reform that should be undertaken in Canada

Refrences to be used:


*** Scientific references are credible sources. They have been published by an academic publisher (established or university presses for books; peer-reviewed scientific journals for scientific articles). Sometimes, though, it is relevant to mobilize references that come from daily newspaper articles (e.g. The Winnipeg Free Press, The Star, Toronto Sun, The Globe and Mail, etc.

  1. You better have a proper introductory paragraph:
    • Put the question you are about to answer in its proper context
    • Identify a counter-argument to what you are about to say? (not necessary, but good)
    • Announce the sequence of your arguments (how will you be answering to the question?)

The body of your answer:
• Argument #1
• Argument #2
• (Argument #3…)

The conclusion:
• State clearly, in a concise manner, your answer to the question asked (repeat the ”headline” of
your argument).

UMC Institutional Information Essay


College Leader Project

In groups of 2-3, you will conduct research on a college president regarding their achievements in their role.

College Presidents:

1.Amy Gutmann – University of Pennsylvania

2.Eduardo Padron – Miami Dade College

3.Mark Becker – Georgia State University

4.Shirley Ann Jackson – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

5.Beverly Daniel Tatum – Spelman College

6.Barbara Snyder – Case Western Reserve University

7.John J. DeGioia – Georgetown University

8.Renu Khator – University of Houston System

9.Sandy Shugart – Valencia College

Key Elements for the Presentation and Paper

-Institutional Information

oInstitutional Type

oInstitutional Mission

oStudent Population


oWho are they?

oWhat are their credentials/career highlights before their presidential role?

oWas their presidency successful or unsuccessful?

oWhat are 5-7 notable events, actions, accomplishments, etc. that influenced your assessment?

§How did the community perceive these events?

§How did they respond to these events?

§What accomplishments made their college/university stand out positively or negatively?

§How did they manage or cultivate the team around them to ensure their presidential success?

oDid they create something for their community to propelled it to new heights? Did they remove something from their community that resulted in outroar?

Project Brainstorm Essay


Instructions: This assignment is a pre-writing exercise to get your creative juices flowing as you begin to think about your grant proposal project. At this stage, you should work on identifying a few topic areas that could serve as the focus of your grant proposal. The key here is to think about what topics you are curious about and inspired by in psychology. There are many to choose from! To assist you in your process, there are a few questions below to guide your brainstorm.

The length of this assignment is 2 pages double spaced (with 1-inch margins and 12-point font). APA format.

Suggested Brainstorm Questions:

  • What topics in psychology are of most interest to you?
  • If you could develop a program to address a societal need or problem, what would it beand why?
  • What populations, problems, interventions, and/or theories are you most interested inwithin the field of psychology?
  • If someone gave you 10 million dollars to solve a societal problem, what would youfocus on?

University of London Apple Technology Company Discussion


 write a brief paper using web-based research on a company  of their choice (i.e., any company with a website [i.e., public, private, for/non-profit]).  Requirements and grading  of the WBR are noted below.  The WBR Paper is worth 10% of the total course grade.  •  The primary source of your paper should be the company’s own website for the company of your choice.   A “Google search” about the company is not the same – the objective here is for you to review information that the company shares online to better understand the company’s operations.  This  approach might be something you would likely do if you had the opportunity to interview for a job with  that company, in order to better prepare for an interview.  Research beyond the company website and  our text is not required, and actually not recommended – this is your opportunity to learn critical skills to  align your school work and learnings with application in the “real world.”. 

Effects of Ethnicity on Educational Achievement Discussion


It is a 5 page page literature review about how race affects educational attainment that includes 6 journal reviews about the topic.








For this assignment, you will submit your introduction section and literature review along with an APA formatted title page and reference page.The introduction section to your research proposal should communicate what your research proposal is about. In the introduction section you should describe the purpose of your research, explain the problem or issue, and establish the need for your research to be conducted.

Please note that books, book chapters, dissertations and thesis projects do not count as they have not been subject to the same peer review process as journal articles.W

Describe what the consensus in the field is and explain how your study will add to the body of knowledge on the topic.

?Statement of The Query Analysis


human behavior architecture operational definitions for a Research Query

Write down a set of operational definitionsoperational definitions for a Research Query of your choice (one that can be investigated using social survey methods).

Your definitions should include the following:

1- A clear unambiguous statement of your exact query

2- A clear definition of the population of interest

3- A clear definition of your unit of analysis

4- A logically sound definition and analysis of your research variables, writing down your hypothesis and identifying your dependent variables in case of explanatory research

5- A precise description of the attributes to be tested for those variables, how exactly they will be measured, and the type of measure they fall under.

-Research query: –

====– how MANY employment architecture would normally share like spent his free time learning new skills design in our Architectural Office i?

-population of interest: –

-unit of analysis: –

-Definitions: –

questionnaire Questions aims using social survey methods for main Research query , .

Q1 – ?


Q2 –





Q3 –





Q4 –








Q15 –