LAVC Art Deco Discussion


In a minimum of 150 words, write a brief essay about design movement: Art Deco

  1. Introduce your design movement (Art Deco), including a sentence or two history and key visual or conceptual characteristics that define the movement.
  2. Identify three of the most important traits you find the most valuable /influential and explain why.
  3. Identify one weakness or area for growth in the design movement and explain why you feel it is as such.
  4. Identify one other art movement which you feel is a good juxtaposition. Explain one strength and one weakness/area for growth.
  5. Provide one visual example (artwork or other object designed in the movement) for both your favored design and the counter design. Using at least two visual clues in the works, connect them to why your design movement is the stronger of the two.
  6. Conclude your essay with your own thought about the role of design, art, and craft in the 21st century. Does the design movement you chose impact that role?

MCY 121 University of Miami Hip Hop Concert Concert du Super Bowl Paper


  1. Each student will attend a hip-hop concert (in-person or virtual/recorded live concert on DVD or streaming platform) of your choice THIS SEMESTER. Make sure the event you attend is a concert rather than a passive performance (i.e. lounge act, restaurant band, etc.). Look closely at the events to ensure you’re attending a hip-hop concert. After the concert, write an objective review (1000 – 1500 words) of the concert detailing your experience
  2. The review should include:
    1. The names of the performing groups/artists; the date and location of the performance.
    2. Describe the setting. Is it a large hall or an intimate theater? What type of audience demographic is there? Young or old? How do they respond to the music?
    3. The different styles/genres of songs the artist(s) perform.
    4. Use your notes and experience to describe the different musical elements (i.e. melody, harmony, timbre, technology, form, volume, etc.) you recognize in most (if not all) the songs/pieces.
    5. Be sure to arrive on time to hear the entire concert. 

San Diego State University Psychology Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • What is nonverbal communication? Identify and describe the role that each of the following play: facial expressions; eye contact; bodily movements; touching. In your opinion, which one plays a greater role? Support your response
  • Discuss what social psychologists have uncovered about facial expressions, microexpressions and deception. 
  • Define the term attribution and explain each of the following theories of attribution: theory of corespondent interference; Kelley’s theory of causal attributions; fundamental attribution error; the actor-observer effect; the self-serving bias
  • Discuss several examples of how attribution and the attribution errors might influence feelings of depression. Provide a personal example of when this may have occurred in your life.
  • Define impression formation and provide several examples of variables that tend to influence our formulation of impressions
  • Discuss the tactics for impression management such as self-enhancement and other enhancement. Do you believe these tactics can alter/modify an initial impression? Support your response

JGR 210 SU WK 3 Growth Mindset a Motivational Investment Recommended Essay


In your new role as general manager, you have talked to the Hometown Cars employees one-on-one to see how they feel about their current work environment. These observations will be provided in the document, Week 3 Assignment: Investing in Your Team.


1. Review the Week Three Coach’s Huddle for a refresher on investing in your team.

2. Download the document, Week 3 Assignment: Investing in Your Team [DOCX], which you will use to complete this assignment.

3. In the document, read about these types of investment: growth mindset, job-sculpting, and work flexibility.

4. Assuming the role of General Manager of Hometown Cars, read the employee observations provided in the document. Choose a type of investment for each of the observations, and explain how it will improve the situation at Hometown Cars described in the observation. Explain whether the type of investment recommended leads to intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation. Be sure to include details from your approach to justify your response.

Arizona State University Third Great Awakening Concep Map Essay


For this mind-map you can choose one of the following set of key questions and organizational structures:use APA style for references and citations


McLoughlin argues that the Great Prayer Meeting Revival of 1857-58 and that Dwight L. Moody’s urban revival campaigns do not count as Great Awakenings. for individual movements and for both movements.

  • Identify the criteria he uses to make this argument.


  • Indicate which of the above criteria that you identified are particular to one movement (Great Prayer Meeting Revival & D.L. Moody’s urban revivals) or the other, and which criteria pertain to both.


The various movements within the Third Great Awakening identified different causes of the socio-religious crises of their day…and thereby responded differently to the crisis.

  1. Choose one movement from each set below.
  • Fundamentalists / Billy Sunday
  • Theistic Evolution
  • Progressive Orthodoxy
  • Liberal Protestantism/Modernists
  • Social Gospelers
  • Reform Darwinists
  • Progressives

2. For each of the three movements map:

  1. what they identified as the cause of crisis
  2. their corresponding response to that cause of crisis.

PSY 211 Cuyamaca College Psychology Essay


Below attached is the questions needed to be answered and a sample of how the formatting should be. Minimum 1 paragraph per question

  1. Please clearly separate your answers for each objective so it is clear to which objective you are answering.

  2. For full credit you must reference or cite your information even if pulled from my lecture, my lecture slides, the textbook, posted YouTube videos or any other internet source!

  3. Every question should have at least ONE reference or citation

    • NOTE: It is OK and I expect you to pull the answers from my lecture, the lecture slides, the text and outside internet sources I just need you to reference or cite it! Use APA Style or these simple examples:

      • Example: If you got the information from the text book use the page numbers: (Textbook, pg 84-86)

      • Example: If you got the information from my lecture use slide numbers or approx. time stamps: (Lecture Ch 4, Slide 13) or (Lecture Ch 4, 10:50-12:00)

PSYC 6800 Walden Applied Psychology Research Methods Performance Task Assessment


To complete the Performance Task Assessment:

Based on the comparative or relational research question from Part 1, develop a research analysis of 1–2 pages (not including tables and figures). Add the following sections to the same document that includes your Part 1 submission:

Descriptive Analyses
Analyze the variables using descriptive statistics. Include any tables that display the statistical analyses you conducted on your selected variables.

Compute the measures of central tendency from the variables you have selected.

Compute the measures of variability/dispersion for the continuous variable(s).

Compute the frequencies/percentages (discrete or non-continuous) from the original dataset. Generate visual displays (i.e., table, figures) to illustrate the descriptive characteristics of your selected variables.

  • Inferential Analyses
    Explain which type of inferential analysis is most appropriate for your research question. Describe the hypothesis you developed that stems from the research question.
  • Analyze the variables using inferential analyses and determine statistical significance.
  • Conduct correlation analyses or run t tests as needed to address the research question and test your hypotheses. 

McMaster University American Schools in Crisis Reading Notes

Question Description

I’m working on a cultural studies question and need guidance to help me learn.

Diane Ravitch in “American Schools in Crisis” is claiming that our schools are, in fact, not in crisis. She also is claiming that standardized testing/reforms are not working, and that bad teachers are not the problem. She provides evidence (facts, mostly historical) to support each claim.

So, once she proves to us that none of these common sense, taken-for-granted things are actually true, then she can get to her final claim, what she really wants to convince us of.

What is her final, ultimate claim about American schools and the causes of or fixes for the achievement gap? Use at least one quote from the text. Write a few sentences of your own summarizing more about how Ravitch supports this final claim. Connect this text with one concept from the presentation/PowerPoint/lecture. How does this text relate to our course and/or your final project? 

MDC Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death by Patrick Henry Analysis

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Step 1 Research a speech.

Using your course materials and the internet, research a speech that you feel is particularly effective, then analyze each speaker’s style and language strategies.

Step 2 Answer the questions.

In a one-page (250-word) paper, address the following:

  • Who was the speaker, and what was that speaker’s main topic?
  • What CORE style(s) does the speaker use in his or her speech? Cite the choice of word phrases and other clues from the speech to justify your answer.
  • What you believe is the speech’s specific purpose?
  • What strategies did the speaker use to achieve the specific purpose of the speech?
  • Do you believe the speaker was successful in achieving the specific purpose of the speech?
  • How does style and word choice in this speech impact the effectiveness of the message?
  • How can you incorporate some of these techniques into your own speeches?

Entity Relationship Model Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Question 1

The total quiz points for a student for an entire semester is a(n) ________ attribute.

Select one:









Question 2

Data modeling may be the most important part of the systems development process because:

Select one:


data characteristics are important in the design of programs and other systems components.


the data in a system are generally less complex than processes and play a central role in development.


data are less stable than processes.


it is the easiest.

Question 3

The logical representation of an organization’s data is called a(n):

Select one:


database model.


entity-relationship model.


relationship systems design.


database entity diagram.

Question 4

A business rule should be internally consistent.

Select one:



Question 5

The number of entity types that participate in a Unary relationship is:

Select one:









Question 6

Which of the following criteria should be considered when selecting an identifier?

Select one:


Choose an identifier that is not stable.


Choose a null identifier.


Choose an identifier that doesn’t have large composite attributes.


Choose the most complex identifier possible.