The summary of the case selected with the disability; make an accurate description of what and when the disabling condition interferes with job performance.
Contact information: Name (manager and the company), phone, email, address of location, and work setting of the employer interviewed. Onet Classification of employment.
The length of the interview, date, and time it occurred.
The primary and secondary tasks and duties for the client.
A description of the clients potentially employed at the site.
Appropriate consultation information to facilitate prevention of your clients disability in the workplace
Ways to minimize risk factors of employees and employers
Accessibility and issues related to ADA compliance.
Assistive Technology to consider
Employer practices that affect the employment or return to work of individuals with disabilities and how they utilize those practices to help facilitate successful employment.
Employers work conditioning or work hardening strategies and resources. 15:09:302024-04-05 15:09:30UCF Accommodation of Clients with Disability in the Workplace Discussion
How do you think Marx (or Eagleton) might read Billy Joels Downeaster Alexa?
How does the form of Joels song affect your understanding of its meaning?
Part 2
How does structuralist analysis inform a reading of Saunders The Red Bow?What does Saunders story add to our understanding of the politics of myth?This is one of the rare times where quantity is actually more important than quality. Free writing is a great way to get your creative juices flowing as you prepare to take on a difficult assignment. As you respond, consider how you might deploy textual evidence in support of your readings. 15:09:302024-04-05 15:09:30Clark Atlanta University Downeaster Alexa Analysis Review
Part 1 – Comparing Piaget & Vygotsky’s theories for the first 2 years
Compare Jean Piaget’s ideas of Infant/Toddler Cognitive Development with Lev Vygotsky’s ideas of Infant/Toddler Cognitive Development. When comparing, use a specific example to support each theory – explain using one example for Piaget’s theory & and one example for Vygotsky’s theory about how children learn during the first 2 years. (your examples should be specific to a child in the first 2 years for each theories).
Part 2 – Language Development
Explain at least 3 basic language milestones which are met in the first 2 years.
List and describe 5 important ideas you learned in Module 5 related to language development during infancy. 15:08:392024-04-05 15:08:39Womens Studies Language Development Question
Over the past 4 weeks, you have developed most of the required components of your grant proposal. In this assignment, you develop the remaining components, revise and finalize previously created components, and compile your final grant proposal. Ensure that your grant proposal includes all of the components in the Grant Proposal Assignment Guide, as well as any additional components required by the application of the funding source you have selected.
Note: Once compiled, your entire grant proposal should total 3,0004,000 words.
Complete the remaining components of your grant proposal. It is recommended that you develop the following this week:
Cover Letter
Executive Summary
Any other components not yet completed
Compile all grant components in the following order:
Cover Letter
Executive Summary
Organization Background
Problem Statement
Goals and Objectives
Strategies/Project Management Plan
Budget Narrative
Grant-Specific Items
Appendices (if needed)
Format any references according to APA guidelines. 15:08:392024-04-05 15:08:39Adler University US and Solve Issues with the Criminal Justice System Discussion
At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.
Provide a reflection of at least 450 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 15:07:452024-04-05 15:07:45Chicago University Organizational Behavior Essay
I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Questions:1. Provide an explanation of the conveyer belt phenomenon as illustrated through the Holsteiner al (2016) chapters. Include in your explanation what you have learned about the power imbalances between athletes and decision-makers at the youth, college,and pro levels that shape the pipeline of experiences of pro athletes (i.e., explaininfantilization) how those power imbalances culminate in the issues around athletes transition outof sport (i.e., explain anomie and other transition/retirement issues)*300 word minimum2. Explain the finance structures in professional sport and enrichment through franchiseownership. In other words, explain how owners build and sustain their wealth around a profranchise. Include in your explanation the tax and structural benefits (i.e., monopolistic, monopsonistic, and cartel-like set up of U.S. pro s 15:07:452024-04-05 15:07:45University of London Conveyor Belt Phenomenon Discussion
To prepare for the Discussion, review the policies/laws database of the NSCC website. Select your home state and research its school climate policies and practices using the NSCC documents and Department of Education websites for your respective state. Next, consider federal policy that ultimately handcuffed state policymakers with regard to content standards, assessment, and teacher evaluations.
Post your response to the following:
Analyze the history of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and President Obamas overhaul of the No Child Left Behind Act. Cite specific drawbacks of 2001s No Child Left Behind Act and improvements made with 2015s Every Student Succeeds Act. How will renewed state control of education policy affect students and educators in your state or district? How can education leaders ensure a renewed spirit of parental involvement in the development of education policy? 15:07:452024-04-05 15:07:45EDPD 8043 Walden University Policy Development and Implementation Paper
Based on the principles of design you learned, you’ll find two pieces of visual content — this can be a sign, a poster, an ad (digital is OK!), a billboard, a brochure, a book cover, a painting, etc. You’ll find something you like and something you don’t like. For each piece:
Include a picture or screenshot of the visual piece.
Briefly summarize what the piece is and where you saw it.
Explain what you liked or didn’t like about the piece. Try to explain it in terms of design principles. For example, “the colors are pleasing” or “this layout was confusing and I didn’t know where to start” or “the type was easy to read and felt appropriate to the audience”.
You’ll write a summary for the piece you liked and the piece you didn’t like. 15:06:472024-04-05 15:06:47UCLA Art Principle of Design Internet Pictures Visual Analysis Summary
As a school counselor, you will work with students on their academics through assessments and interventions. Often, school counselors offer small group counseling to assist students with specific academic needs. From sessions on listening skills to helping students build relationships, school counselors perform various types of academic counseling for students.
For this assignment, in 250-500 words, reflect on your experience, paying close attention to academic counseling techniques and services.
Address the following:
Academic counseling techniques and services implemented by the clinical site supervisor during your observations. What types of interventions, academic counseling approaches, and assessments does he or she use?
Academic counseling techniques you used with students. Share the types of interventions, academic approaches, and/or assessments you observed, planned, or administered.
Additional observations or experience you had relating to academic counseling this week, specific to PK-12 education. 15:06:472024-04-05 15:06:47Grand Canyon University Counseling Interventions Reflection Paper