Saint Marys University of Minnesota Nonverbal Communication Discussion


Nonverbal signs and symbols are sometimes very clear and easy to interpret and put into words, sometimes they’re more subtle or ambiguous and we come to understand them after more thought or observation. For this discussion topic, we will spend some time studying and observing portraits for nonverbal messages that symbolize “home” and “family.”

To start, visit this MPR News article on Photographer Scott Streble’s Front Porch Portraits. Spend some time studying the pictures, choose one to focus on, and fill out the following table. Then copy and paste both the photo and the table into a discussion post. Check back to see what your classmates noticed about the pictures and how we show what family and home are in our nonverbal messages.

Nonverbal Symbols of Home & Family

















Personal Presentation & Environment




UCLA Art Principle of Design Internet Pictures Visual Analysis Summary


Based on the principles of design you learned, you’ll find two pieces of visual content — this can be a sign, a poster, an ad (digital is OK!), a billboard, a brochure, a book cover, a painting, etc. You’ll find something you like and something you don’t like. For each piece:

Include a picture or screenshot of the visual piece.

Briefly summarize what the piece is and where you saw it.

  • Explain what you liked or didn’t like about the piece. Try to explain it in terms of design principles. For example, “the colors are pleasing” or “this layout was confusing and I didn’t know where to start” or “the type was easy to read and felt appropriate to the audience”. 
  • You’ll write a summary for the piece you liked and the piece you didn’t like. 

Pose as a Friend Work as a Spy Discussion


Law 9

Win through your Actions, Never through Argument

Any momentary triumph you think gained through argument is really a Pyrrhic victory: The resentment and ill will you stir up is stronger and lasts longer than any momentary change of opinion. It is much more powerful to get others to agree with you through your actions, without saying a word. Demonstrate, do not explicate.

Law 14

Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy

Knowing about your rival is critical. Use spies to gather valuable information that will keep you a step ahead. Better still: Play the spy yourself. In polite social encounters, learn to probe. Ask indirect questions to get people to reveal their weaknesses and intentions. There is no occasion that is not an opportunity for artful spying.

The Government of China Decided to Have a 3 Child Policy 2021 Case Study


This case study analysis will be related to my previous assignment, a policy brief (attached below), and will discuss the same policy I chose: China’s current three-child policy. I have also attached a Problem Definition Analysis Example paper. Please write accordingly.

Task: In order to apply the concepts developed in this course, you will develop a 1,750-word analysis in response to the following question (below). Your answer must draw on relevant policy analysis concepts/ theories/issues in order to demonstrate an understanding of the case.

In the country of your choice, address the SAME issue which got onto the government’s agenda (at the national or sub-national level), identify and examine two key elements:

(a) the way in which the ‘problem’ was defined by public authorities,

(b) and explain why the problem was defined in this way.

LIU History Writting about the Medieval Europe Discussion


1. How ‘tolerant’ was medieval Europe? Argue to what degree medieval European societies were ‘tolerant’ of ethnic and/or religious minorities (or a larger underclass of a different ethnicity or faith). Keep in mind how this concept might have been understood at the time.

2. Was there a ‘commercial revolution’? Argue to what degree, or in what ways, the economy of Europe grew between roughly the eleventh century and the fifteenth. Consider how this was appreciated at the time and the consequences this had on society.

3 How did ‘learning’ impact medieval Europe? Argue how, or in what ways, changes in the perception and transmission of knowledge impacted European society between about the eleventh century century and the fourteenth century. Consider what drove these changes and the effect they had on people’s lives.

UCLA Gender Based Violence Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

On today’s agenda:

Below are two relationship wheels, one based on power and control (abusive relationship) and one based on equality and respect (non-abusive relationship):

Power & Control Wheel

Equality Wheel

For more information about healthy relationships, or to ask questions or get help and support for yourself or someone you know, visit

HS 3370 CAU Impact of Electronic Communication in Personal Interviewing Paper


For this paper, please respond to the following prompt: 

Given the ever-increasing use of electronic communication (email, texting, social media, etc.) in today’s society, think about how this this shift in communication may help us better serve our clients and how it may also create issue for our practice. Discuss what you see as a one potential benefit and one potential social of this trend to the helping professions. 

Reaction Papers should be between two and three full pages in length using standard fonts and double spacing. Your reaction paper should be submitted as file upload via Canvas. Assignments turned in after the specified time will be assessed a late penalty (see syllabus for more info).

The book for reference is “Developing Helping Skills 3rd Edition by Valerie Chang, Carol Decker and Sheryn Scott.

LAVC Why Classroom Observation Tools and Assessments Important Analysis


Article Review: Using Classroom Quality Assessments to Inform Teacher Decisions

Read the article and answer the questions listed. Below are some additional resources to help you understand what the CLASS observation tool is.  

  1. Why are classroom observation tools and assessments important? For example, a classroom observation tool such as the CLASS. 
  2. In the article it  mentions the CLASS Toddler observation tool, how did teachers use the results to benefit their teaching and environments?
  3. What are some key points you can list from the article?  List 3-5 key points and discuss. 

Here is the link to Teachstone and the CLASS tool. You can review and become familiar with the CLASS tool which is used in early childhood classrooms to measure the quality of teacher-child interactions. 

Teachstone for Teachers (Links to an external site.)

SYD 3800 Florida State University Sociology of Sex and Gender Discussion


Attach two photos that you’ve taken to your post. For each photo, you should do the following:

  1. Include a title
  2. Describe what is happening in the photograph.
  1. You may want to include any important details about what was happening before/after/during the captured image, particularly anything that is not included in the picture.
  2. How were you feeling when you took the photo? How do you feel now reflecting back on it? Did anything surprise you or stand out to you when you taking the photo?
  1. Explain how the photograph connects to the course using theory, concepts, readings, statistics, or other materials. Examine if and how your photograph challenges, supports, qualifies, and/or builds upon what you’ve learned in class (Some themes include Homophobia, Gender identity, Sexual orientation, Stigma and social exclusion, Gender variance and fluidity)

The Concept of Ambiguity of Public Opinion and The Facts Discussion


1. You learned about the ambiguities of public opinion. What fact(s) stood out to you most?  In which ways do decline of trust in government and media exacerbate the problem of ambiguity?


2a. What have been trends in U.S. public opinion, and what are the explanations for these trend?  Do you feel these trends describe your own opinions on political issues and/or government, and/or your experience when discussing politics with others?
2b. Why can it be said that the structure of the media market* and the digital media pose threats to democracy?  And, if you like to share, do you have any thoughts on what could be done to counteract the increasing polarization of public opinion?
*Please see lecture to understand what is meant by “the structure of the media market”