NYU Sierra-at-Tahoe Resort Discussion


Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 3: Indonesia and write a 150 word journal about it. Please utilize the listening guides in your textbook for this assignment. Include information about the audio example including the genre or style, instruments and form. What culture creates this music? What behaviors or activities are associated with this music? Also include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example. Do you like it/dislike it? Why did you choose this particular example?

Your Journal should be around 150 words (5 pts), cover all of the topic points (5 pts), and be submitted on time (5 pts). There are 15 points possible for this assignment.

06 Gong Gede Tabuh Empat Pangawak.mp3 This is the audio for the assignment

Southern New Hampshire University Tobacco Free Kids and Environment Discussion



Many after-school programs have a difficult time sustaining involvement from youth beyond the elementary grade levels. Parents still want supervised care but struggle in many cases to convince their pre-teen/ early teen that adult supervision is necessary.

Using what you have read in this lesson as well as previous lessons, outline the design for a MIDDLE SCHOOL-aged participant-led project.

You may use any topic that addresses one of the Key Learning Areas from the previous lessons.   

  • How will you sustain the youths’ involvement in the after school program?
  • How will you include the youth voice in planning, discussions, and project development?
  • How will your project teach acceptance and respect for each other, encouraging feelings of empathy and mutual respect and encouraging youth to communicate and develop positive interpersonal skills.


Grossmont College O J Johnnie Cochran and the Hypothetical Syllogism Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For up to five extra credit points in the Test category, please do the following:

  • View or download this document (the actual assignment is at the bottom of it)
  • Use the text entry box to enter your answer in syllogism form (see reminder/template in the above document)

A full credit response will include the following:

  • Two premises and one conclusion, with the premises numbered and the conclusion indicated by a “C:”
  • Consistency amongst the terms of the syllogism (in this case, the “X” and the “Y”)
  • Some honest effort shown (in other words, don’t just slap your answer together) :

De Anza College Should the US Welcome More Immigrants Now Essay


In a SHORT expository essay, tell what you already know and what your opinion is about contemporary immigration and migration in the 21st century. For instance you might want to write about what’s happening the Mexican American border, the desperate need to immigrate from Afghanistan or Syria, or what’s going on in Ukraine right now, or some other immigration and migration situation.

Interview and Compare your own thoughts with someone you know who might have strong feelings about immigration.  This person doesn’t necessarily need to be someone who supports immigrants or has a lot of information about immigration.  They might be someone who agrees with your own ideas about immigration, or someone who has very different ideas. What did you learn by interviewing this person?  

SOWK 268 CC The Conceptualizing of Multicultural Education Analysis


Good note taking must address, but not be limited to the following categories:

1. Key ideas (theories, concepts, jargon, issues etc.)
? Describe/define the key ideas
? Describe their significance
2. An outline of the information
3. Important quotes of your choice
? Write down the quotes
? Describe why you found these quotes to be significant
4. Your reactions to the key ideas and important quotes
? Present your views and questions related to the key ideas (or broader article
contents) among others.
5. How does the information in this reading “fit” with what you already know or
understand? Is it completely new, vaguely familiar, or something you have been
exposed to in another context or class?
6. Discussion Questions:
What would you like to know/discuss about the materials with peers or as a whole

ITAL 325 Tales of Day Nine Connected to Tales of The Previous Days Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a literature discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Step One

1. Read all of the assigned tales from Day Nine.

2. Please respond to the following prompt with a minimum of 150 words:

“Though no theme is chosen by Emilia, the Queen of the Ninth Day, what patterns do you yourself discern in the tales themselves? Do you notice a trope (defined as a “figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression”) in more than one tale? Or is there a character or city that reappears in more than one tale?

Using textual examples from at least two of the assigned tales, write two paragraphs in which you attempt to understand the reason for a particular pattern you’ve observed.”

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Affirmative Action Discussions


Opponents of affirmative action cite several reasons for opposing it. Affirmative action, they say, is reverse discrimination and, as such, is both illegal and immoral. The people benefiting from affirmative action are less qualified than many of the whites with whom they compete for employment and college admissions. In addition, opponents say, affirmative action implies that the people benefiting from it need extra help and thus are indeed less qualified. This implication stigmatizes the groups benefiting from affirmative action.

Your Tasks

Task 1 – Original Post

Please answer the following questions given the above introduction and what we have learned about affirmative action:

  1. Do you agree with the tenets of affirmative action? Explain why or why not.
  2. What are other ways to promote equity and equality in schools and workplaces? 

GCU Alcohol Abuse and Addiction the Risks and Benefits Analysis


This assignment will demonstrate understanding of substance use from the biopsychosocial model. Create a tri-fold brochure or pamphlet. You may use the available brochure and pamphlet templates in Microsoft Word. Make sure your brochure or pamphlet is visually appealing and can be used as a method to present to clients in various settings.

Address the following in your assignment:

  1. Choose a substance that is used with the potential for abuse (i.e., alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, opioids). Briefly introduce the substance.
  2. Using the Biopsychosocial Model, explain why someone uses this substance.
  3. Address how media influences substance use (i.e., music/concerts, social media, celebrities).
  4. Discuss the health risks, ramifications and/or benefits associated with the substance.
  5. Identify treatments/techniques used to treat addiction associated with the substance. Include an explanation of how these treatments/techniques are implemented.

San Diego State University Emotional Intelligence Discussion



Please contribute something helpful, beneficial and/or interesting that you have found related to the topic of the self. Youtube video links, online articles, and other relevant materials are acceptable. Once you have submitted your post, you will then respond to at least two other posts within the thread. Your original contribution must include a minimum of 50 words and your responses must include a minimum of 25 words.Be sure to include a thorough description of your contribution and explain why you found it relevant or useful. Please be conscientious of your contributions and use appropriate discretion. You can use the included rubric to gauge your point values (click on the 3 small dots to the right of the edit button for an explanation).

USF English Film the Hunger Games Character Analysis


Directions: You will write a Character Analysis essay on the movie The Hunger Games (2012) directed by Gary Ross, in which you will focus on one of the types of characters the author utilizes and the significance their role plays in the story. 

Use the Character Analysis Breakdown for more information, including a guide for paragraph breakdown and definitions of the italicized terms (below).

You may choose between Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne, or President Coriolanus Snow for the assignment.

You must use the italicized words below when addressing the types of characters they are:





Remember that a character’s name, age, gender, social status, physical appearance, speech patters/ dialogue, actions,  thoughts, feelings, and even other character’s words/feelings help in analyzing that character.