Glendale Community College Evidence for Evolution Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a anthropology writing question and need support to help me learn.

There are innumerable pieces of evidence for proving the fact of evolution. You can think about something you’ve always wondered about like, why can’t you hear elephant steps? Why was I born without my wisdom teeth? Why do zebras have stripes?

Utilize the Shatford Libraryto search for an article that discusses an adaptive trait that evolved and proves natural selection has occurred. In your discussion post, define the theory of natural selection in your own words. Describe your article and piece of evidence as an example of natural selection.

GCCD History Global Perspective on the Past Question


Required readings/book :Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, Bentley ANY EDITION !


You will write 2 paragraphs answering the prompt questions. those paragraphs should be well-written and edited. Also, it should be no less than 300 words in length and address all aspects of the prompt.

After reading Chapter 24 . from the book: Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, Bentley ANY EDITION address the following:

PROMPT: How does this video relate to material covered in Chapter 24?

What is Jared Diamond’s Thesis?  Do you agree or disagree with it? 


Ashford University Go for Green Army Paper


The task is to implement a new program in a Warrior Restaurant formally known as Dining Facility in the army. My program is Go for Green Army.  

my position is a food advisor for the army.  SO WRITE IT AS SUCH 

What can you do to implement the GO For Green Army program

What challenges may occur for your facilities as a food advisor implementing this new program?

How can you overcome them?

Written Assignment:

– Write an information paper answering the above questions in regards to your current Warrior Restaurant as a Food Advisor. 

At least 2 full pages

this link is for information

this link is for ideas 

SDSU How Much of A Problem Is Urban Bias and How Should We Engage with It Discussion


Watch the TED Talks “How to Protect Fast-Growing Cities from Failing” and “How to Transform Sinking Cities into Landscapes that Fight Floods

Both focus on more urbanized areas, but they focus on different issues. The former focuses on population issues, while the latter focuses on environmental issues. Write a short essay of about 500 to 600 words in reference to these questions:

1. What is the main point of each talk? This should be a short summary.

2. Given limited resources, should we give priority to population or environmental issues?

3. Both talks focus on urbanized areas, but are these problems unique to urbanized areas?



West Virginia Career and Technical Institute Race Relations Discussion


There are two clips that you should look at in this forum. One is a 10-minute You Tube clip on the Eugenics movement in America.

The other is a brief analysis of the Nazi Nuremberg laws. What do these laws remind you of?

In a paragraph post your thoughts. (You can, of course, choose to go the extra mile by writing more and sharing further information.)

Discuss eugenics within America (I am unable to send the clip)
The second part of the question is provide a summary of what everyone discussed as well as your concluding comments. I will send what everyone discussed afterwards

CUNY Lehman College Humanistic Psychology Discussion


Chose ONE of the questions and write a 4 paragraph essay answering each question. No introduction or conclusion needed.

1.What is Freudian psychology? Who is Anna Freud? Discuss Horney’s rebuttal to Freud’s view of female psychology specifically his gender bias and genitalia envy.

2.What is behavioral psychology? Who is B. F. Skinner? Discuss in detail how B. F. Skinner’s approach to motivation and learning research and how it differed from that of his predecessors such as the Hull–Spence or and others.

3.What is humanistic psychology? Who is Abraham Maslow? Discuss Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and his distinction of the classes of needs.

Arkansas Northeastern College Literature Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a literature writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

compare the acting in the two different hamlet plays. I’ll link both in this post. The purpose of this exercise is to type a one-page paper by comparing these actors and their choices with what Cohen talks about in his book and how they went about achieving their objectives using substitutions, discoveries, the moment before, what their obstacles are, etc. I’ve put the two links below. Pls compare. Only one page of writing. Please back up your opinions with reasoning.

LAVC Sociology Dating Marriage and The Hook Ups Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a literature case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Watch these videos. Write a response to the information in the videos. This means you will find a topic to write about. Use Chapter 4 in the power-points to help you discuss Dating, Marriage, and the Hook-ups.

History of Dating

Millennials & Marriage: We Can’t Afford To Say ‘I Do’

Is “Hook-Up Culture” Real?: “The Science of Us” Episode 12


Watch the three videos with a critical eye. Write a response using the three videos, your textbook, outside sources of information,  and your power-points.

Use these bold headers:




SOCL 4461 LSU Interpersonal Violence Political Crime and Terrorism Questions


  1. Visit the FBI Uniform Crime Data Explorer site and research the most recent national violent crime data for each of the categories discussed in the text. Then, answer the following questions:
    1. How do we measure crime and compare across place? 
    2. Which violent crime occurs most often and which occurs least often at the national level? in Louisiana? 
  2. Log on to the United States Department of Homeland Security website and read about the National Terrorism Advisory System. Then, share your three most important takeaways from what you learned, taking care to make explicit connections to the material discussed in the module. 

ITCC Benefits for Hormone Therapy & Gender Reassignment Surgery Annotated Bibliography


o Benefit coverage for contraception
o Parental consent for Plan B contraception
o Benefits for same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partners
o Benefits for hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery

First, locate five scholarly sources. Write descriptions of each source in paragraph form. You will include a summary of how the source will fit into the body of your paper. This step helps you organize your paper and evaluate how many sources you have/will need in addition to the five required sources for your M06 research paper. Annotated bibliography nformation and examples are available at Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.).