HRMN 495 University of Maryland Global Wk 6 Change Model Based Case Study


the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Operating Officer ask your advice about a change they want to implement to reduce the work week of the employees, change the schedules, plus hire new employees in order to accommodate a 24/7 call center operation. Not only will be current employees compensation be reduced due to working fewer hours but they are also asked to train the new employees.  

You are asked to provide the following:

1.  A plan for what Human Resources can do to help prepare for this change.

After reviewing the chart below and listening carefully to the concerns of the CEO and COO, draw from the literature provided on what needs to be included in your plans for change.

For example, from the literature provided on change management, we know that “People are the ones who implement change in organizations, even if the change is largely technical. The ADKAR model is designed to mitigate the fact that organizations often ignore the individuals involved in making change a success. For a change to be successful, it’s important that all individuals involved understand the need for the change and how to implement it. Each letter of ADKAR represents one of five milestones that an individual involved in a change process must meet: awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement.”

The other literature provided is also relevant to your plan. Be sure to review the information about the reasons why individuals resist change. There are many reasons.

2.  A summary of what we know about change readiness among the employees.

For this you will review the chart that follows below). Most likely you will find it helpful to covert the numerals to percentages to see what percentage of the employees are ready for the change. See if the literature you were given this week provides any guidance on what percentage of positive opinions about change or impressions on personal impact current exists and where it does not.

3.  Suggest 1. at least three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for tracking and 2.  corresponding metrics for each KPI. 

First understand what we mean by the term Key Performance Indicators (the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) provided some important to him) but you may have some that you feel as the HR professional is also important. Also, understand that for each KPI, you will need to collect and tract data – this is what we mean by a metric. Determine what metrics you suggest should be identified that will measure each KPI. Recall that metrics pre and post the implementation of the suggested changes is suggested in the conversation.

You may want to research how to collect metrics around KPIs in order to make informed suggestions. As always, be sure to review all the course material for the week and take the self-assessment in addition to reviewing the mini case study assignment.

Following are the results of the recent survey on change readiness:

Employee Impression of the Change and its Personal Impact



The change will help me progress in my career.



The change will improve my salary and/or benefits.



The change will not affect my hours or schedule.



The change will not hurt my job stability.



The change will benefit my health.



The change will make my work environment more enjoyable.



Employee Impression of Change Readiness at ParlaTech



ParlaTech has a good track record for implementing change successfully.



ParlaTech takes care of employees who experience negative effects from organizational changes.



ParlaTech rewards employees who innovate and support change.



My colleagues are receptive to change.



My management team is receptive to feedback during change efforts.




Creasey, T. (n.d.). When should you use a change management readiness assessment?


Academic title page

Reference list of course material or other sources used in support of information

In-text citations for any sources quoted or used as support of the information

Separate segments with topic headings for the:

Cover Page

1.Introduction/Purpose of the Paper

2.Body of the Report


The Body of the Report (item 2 above) for this assignment includes the following:

1.   Analysis of the survey results and summary of your findings 

2.   Recommendations for a plan for change based on a change model

3.   Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and how you will track each through metrics (share at least one metric per KPI)

You may need to research how to collect metrics around KPIs in order to make informed suggestions. 

RU The Intimate Partner Violence and The Masculine Dominance Discussion



Intimate Partner Violence: What Is It and What Does it Look Like?

  1. With Kids at Home, ER Doctors See More Severe Cases of Child Abuse


Confronting Domestic Violence Abusers Face-To-Face

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across A Lifetime

Think about a person you know or have heard of who has suffered one of the challenges described in the chapter. How did this difficulty change the person’s life? What did you learn from these events?

After posting, return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose at least two (2) classmates and create a post responding to his/her initial post on the Discussion Board. Each response post should be between 100-150 words and must further the discussion by following the RISE Model for meaningful feedback. Review the RISE Model for Peer Feedback and the RISE Model Rubric.

While I was at a spiritual retreat, I heard a woman talking about her life. She shared with the people at the retreat that she was in a violent relationship. According to what she said, the violence she experience relates to the intimate partner violence described in the text. Based on the lecture, “Intimate partner violence is physical and/or emotional abuse by one partner to another” (Lecture 10, Slide 43). This violence is divided into two kinds: patriarchal terrorism and common couple violence. The kind of violence this woman had suffered was patriarchal terrorism which is “violence by men who feel that they must control their women generally, and by any means necessary” (Lecture 10, Slide 44). Based on what this woman said, the situation she was living in changed her life completely. She no longer felt secure at home. She was afraid of her husband, and that was one of the reasons it took her such a long time to end the relationship. She was afraid her husband would do something to her if she left him. One thing I learned about her experience is that when physical or emotional violence is involved in a relationship, the victim should not wait to take action to end the relationship or ask for professional help. I also learned that violence between a husband and wife not only affects the couple but also their children. Children might be present when parents are having disagreements and using physical violence to “solve” their problems. This can negatively affect children in many areas including emotional and social development.

In this chapter, we learned a lot about stress and its causes and effects. The book defines stress as, “the reaction of our mind and bodies to an unusual or substantial demand made on it” (Sawyer Wahlstrom Williams 402). When I was younger I saw a lot of stress on both of my parents when they were getting divorced. There was a lot of stress on both of them and I got to see that firsthand every day. In the book, I learned that this type of stress was based on internal stressors. Internal stressors are defined as, “those events that begin inside the family” (Sawyer Wahlstrom Williams 402). Being able to see these events unfold every day I saw the mood of both my mom and dad change drastically. There was also another stressful time for my family when my mom lost her job. I was very young at the time so I don’t remember a lot, but I know there was a lot of stress put on my mom and dad. My dad would work a lot more hours and a lot of overtime during this time. Although I didn’t make much of it at the time because I was so young, I can look back now and see how much stress my parents were under. While the times were extremely stressful, they never once showed how much stress they were under. They made it seem like everything was fine so my sister and I wouldn’t get scared or nervous.

OSH 3304 CSU Occupational Safety Health and Administration Case Study



Consider the scenario below.

Imagine you are the safety representative on a project with multiple trade activities happening all at once. The project is behind schedule, and the project team is pushing to catch up. There is a concrete pour scheduled for 2:00 AM the next day for the fourth floor in the west wing, and this might help get the project back on track.

West wing : In the west wing, the steel has been set, columns have been poured, and the floors are going in. The subcontractor (Apple) concrete workers are sharing the tower crane with the steel erector subcontractor (Berry) to set the floor decking material, and the rebar crews are busy reinforcing steel to get ready for the next floor pour scheduled for 2:00 AM. The mobile crane is lifting rebar and lumber to the floor. Access to the floor is through an extension ladder, which is moved as the reinforcing steel is completed section by section. There are many piles of scrap lumber, reinforcing steel, and wire on the deck; these will be removed at the end of the day by using a forklift to provide a skid pan (mini-dumpster) to load it all in.

East wing : In the east wing, which is further along, the floors have been poured, and the roofing subcontractor (Cherry) is working to close it in. There is ladder access between the floors, as the stair pans have not been poured yet, and there are no handrails or stair rails in place. The workers, however, keep going under the danger tape to take a shortcut up the stair pans.

Also in the  east wing , the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) subcontractor (Dates) is beginning to install the vertical ductwork, which requires the hole covers in the floors to be removed. The electricians (Elderberry) and plumbers (Figs) are working from ladders to install overhead wires and plumbing lines, and they are sharing whichever ladders are most convenient.

In the portion of the  east wing that has been roofed over, the curtain wall (glass) installers (Guava) have removed the guardrail to install the glass, using an aerial lift. The carpenters who work for the general contractor (Honeydew) have not been notified that the guardrails have been removed.

The masons (Kiwi) are working from a  scaffold to set the brick on the decorative columns that will separate the sections of the building’s face. The roofers (Cherry) are working on the standing seam roof and must traverse the entire roof section.

Site wide : There is also one tower crane onsite that belongs to the steel erectors and one mobile crane that belongs to the concrete subcontractor. The tower crane operator is out sick, and the other crane operator belongs to the concrete crew. He normally uses a mobile crane to lift rebar and lumber to his crew but states he has experience with tower cranes, and he has agreed to lift steel beams to the connectors in the east wing when they need them.

Additionally, there are multiple forklifts moving material around the site, there are some track hoes belonging to the site contractor (Lemon) working on excavations, and there are also dump trucks removing the excavated material from the site.

Workers from all trades are moving throughout the entire site all day. Suddenly, you receive a call from the project manager, who is in the office trailer. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspector has arrived onsite as a result of a complaint. It is not clear who made the complaint; however, it does mention that the roofers have dropped material into the masonry access zone below. The inspector will have to pass through the entire site to reach this area.

Draft a response that answers the questions below.

  • What would your plan consist of for meeting with OSHA?
  • Using the scenario above and OSHA’s multi-employer policy directive, for what types of violations could OSHA cite, and to whom would the citations be issued? Why?
  • After the OSHA inspection, what would be your next course of action to correct these violations? What would your response plan be?

Arkansas Economic Growth Global Inequality is Increasing Over Last Century Discussion


answer this question: Describe the trend in global inequality over the course of the last century.  Based on where we have been and where we are now, predict where the world may be a century from now.  What prediction would modernization theory support?  What about dependency theory?  What do you think will happen?  Why?

include 2 sources please. 

responce 1: The previous century has seen the development in the field of new technologies and inventions; there are different claims as per global equality and inequality in terms of income within the countries and among the countries. It is reported that income inequality is decreasing in developed countries. With the onset of the economic growth, the situation of the common man also changed, previously there were few elite people in the society. The economic growth gave the opportunity to poor people and the world economy became positive -sum game. The growth in one place improves the growth in another place.Internationally, the economic conditions have improved economically that has given rise to urbanization. The world will move ahead from century now because once the progress has started changing the world, with new inventions, the economic growth has increased.The modernization Theory suggests that with little help the less developed countries could be regenerated just like the developed countries but it would mean the poor countries have to pay more to get that technological regeneration. The capitalist version of modernization define that with the development of a nation the economic and social change would lead to democracy, that would be more based on agriculture.Dependency theory suggests that the poor countries would provide the raw material needs of the developed countries but the poor countries would remain poor and the rich countries would become richer through their exploitation. So, in my opinion, rich countries would exploit the poor countries and would exploit them to the core. They would tap all the resources and would leave them dependent. It would also mean that the rich countries would get palpable for the products of the poor countries and would make them dependent even for their food supplies. It would create more inequality than equality among the nations.

response 2:  Since we were young, we were taught the “golden rule”. The golden rule was to treat others the way you want to be treated, which would eventually end up back to equality. Since the beginning of United States history, we have been fighting for equality, whether it was from Britain or to our own government not appreciating our minority communities. The point is, we have always been fighting for equality, we have been fighting for equality even before the Americas were discovered. Unfortunately, those on top will never give up the power they hold to us in the bottom, this is not just a social issue but a global issue. Inequality is not just affecting the United States but is affecting countries we have not even heard of. The question is, where will the world be a century from now? Well… we can end up in a lot of situations, from making new discoveries on how to save lives and cure illnesses to inventing flying cars, the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, I believe that there will still be inequality; it has taken the United States years to start validating women and yet the gender wage pay gap is still a situation that we are fighting. Although there are better laws and organizations helping to better our minorities, we are facing inequality as a global issue and not just a national issue. My predictions for a century from now are that women and other minorities will have more laws helping inequality; unfortunately, the elite will not give up the amount of power they have. I have hope that we will stand up and retaliate for what’s right, everyone deserves a chance at happiness and equality, not just the one percent or the elite. 


Prevent and Reduce Chronic Disease and Improve Health Question


Physical activity is the centerpiece of many strategies to prevent and reduce chronic disease and improve health. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) sets Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans based on the current body of evidence.  Adults are encouraged to engage in 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week; children and adolescents are encouraged to participate in 60 minutes of physical activity daily.

Suppose that we work for HHS, which is interested in understanding how body size and physical activity during different periods in adolescence may impact health. We are tasked with critically evaluating a recent study that examined the association between adolescent body size, physical activity, and risk of breast cancer (Oh et al. Interaction between early life body size and physical activity on risk of breast cancer. Int J Cancer 2015; 137:571-581). 

This investigation was a prospective cohort study of female nurses aged 25-42 who were free of breast cancer at enrollment in 1989. In 1997, participants were asked to report their childhood and adolescent body size (at ages 5, 10, and 20) using a 9-level figure drawing (1 being very thin and 9 being overweight). Participants have been followed-up since 1989 for incidence of breast cancer.

  1. Based on the description in the introductory paragraph, which potential confounding variables were controlled through the use of restriction?
  2. The following table shows some baseline characteristics of the study population according to average childhood body size. The characteristics listed are considered possible risk factor for breast cancer.

Average Body Size at ages 5-10 years







Age (years)






Birth weight >=3.9 kg, %






Age at menarche






Total physical activity at ages 12-17  (MET-hr/wk)






Age at first birth (years)  (among parous women)






Family history of breast cancer, %






State which variables are potential confounders and which variables are not potential confounders according to these data. Give the rationale for your answer.

3- In the multivariate regression, investigators compare participants with body size=1 (index group) to participants with body size ? 4.5 (reference group). Table 1 shows the crude and adjusted risk ratios. The age-adjusted RR controlled only for age. The MV-adjusted (multivariable-adjusted) RR controlled for many potential confounders at the same time.

Crude and adjusted RR for the association between adolescent body size and breast cancer

RR for breast cancer

95% CI










Which of the following is the best interpretation of the crude RR?

  • In these data, women with adolescent body size? 4.5 had 1.79 times the risk of breast cancer compared to those with adolescent body size=1 over the study period.
  • In these data, women with adolescent body size=1 had 1.79 times the risk of breast cancer compared to those with adolescent body size? 4.5 over the study period, adjusting for numerous potential confounders.
  • In these data, women with adolescent body size=1 had 1.79 times the crude risk of breast cancer compared to those with adolescent body size? 4.5 over the study period.

Which of the following is the best interpretation of the age-adjusted RR?

  • In these data, women with adolescent body size=1 had 1.64 times the crude risk of breast cancer compared to those with adolescent body size? 4.5 over the study period.
  • In these data, women with adolescent body size=1 had 1.64 times the risk of breast cancer compared to those with adolescent body size? 4.5 over the study period, adjusting for age.
  • In these data, women with adolescent body size? 4.5 had 1.64 times the risk of breast cancer compared to those with adolescent body size=1 over the study period, adjusting for age.
  • In these data, women with adolescent body size=1 had 1.64 times the risk of breast cancer compared to those with adolescent body size? 4.5 over the study period, adjusting for numerous potential confounders.

State in words your interpretation of the 95% confidence interval for the MV-adjusted RR.

Based on the 95% CI alone, is the MV-adjusted RR statistically significant?

What is the magnitude of confounding by this collection of potential confounders?

Is this collection of potential confounders actually confounding the association between adolescent body size and risk of breast cancer? 

Cal State Northridge Categorical Syllogisms and Inductive Generalizations Questions



1. For the mood and figure below, write out the syllogism it describes. Hint: Start with the figure, and lay out the positions of S, M, and P, then use the mood to fill in the quantifier and copula for that proposition.


2. Put the following syllogism into standard form (remember to put the major premise first), and then identify the mood and figure.

Some promilitary advertisements are not propaganda, because some of them are truthful, and no truthful advertisement is propaganda.

3. Put the following syllogism into standard form, and then identify the mood and figure. Then use the rules for testing to determine whether the argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, state all the rules it violates.

Some countries whose people need AIDS medications have illegitimate governments, and no legitimate government neglects the needs of its poor population. So some countries that neglect the needs of their poor are countries whose people need AIDS medication.

4. For the following syllogism, diagram the premises and the conclusion to determine whether the syllogism is valid. Describe your combined premise Venn diagram & conclusion Venn diagram using the numbered 7 quadrant Venn structure on p. 198.

EXTRA CREDIT: evaluate using the rules too. Do your evaluations agree?

Some M are P

All S are M


Some S are not P

5. Use Venn diagrams to determine whether the following syllogism is valid. Describe your combined premise Venn diagram & conclusion Venn diagram using the numbered 7 quadrant Venn structure on p. 198.

EXTRA CREDIT: evaluate using the rules too. Do your evaluations agree?

No P is M

All S are M


Some S are P

6. Put the following statement into standard form as a categorical proposition, and determine whether the subject and predicate terms are distributed.

Some restaurants that serve liquor do not have a license.


7. Evaluate the following generalization inductively, drawing on your own experience. If you think you don’t know enough to tell whether it is true or false, identify the kind of evidence you would need in order to decide. In each case, indicate how each of the three rules for generalizing would guide your reasoning.

Heroes in tragic drama always have a fatal flaw.

8. Analyze the following inductive argument. First identify the conclusion. Is it positive or negative? Which factor is being said to be (or not to be) the cause of which effect? Then identify the method used to support the conclusion: agreement, difference, or the joint method. Use the standard schema to represent the cases. Finally, look for problems in the use of the methods.

In a controlled study, three cars of different types, of different ages, and from different manufacturers were tested for gas mileage before and after a tune-up. In every case, mileage improved after the tuneup, which shows that a well-tuned engine affects fuel efficiency.

9. Analyze the following inductive argument. First identify the conclusion. Which factor is being said to be the case of which effect? Then determine whether the method used to support the conclusion is concomitant variations or residues.

Scientific data show that the death rate from lung cancer increases with the amount that people smoke. For those who smoke up to a pack a day, the rate is six times that for nonsmokers; for those smoking over a pack a day, the rate is about 12 times higher. Smoking is clearly a cause of lung cancer.

10. Analyze the following inductive argument. First identify the conclusion. Which factor is said to be the case of which effect? Then determine which of the five methods is used to support the conclusion: agreement, difference, joint method, concomitant variations or residues.

It is not true that suicide bombings are always the result of mental illness, despite the seeming insanity of the act. For every suicide bomber who meets the clinical criteria for insanity, there are others who share the same political cause and religious beliefs but are not insane.

Saint Augustine College Equal Parenting Discussion


Let’s imagine that you have been asked to give a mini guest lecture to next year’s S338 class. Your final project assignment is to develop this mini-lecture in a written format. There are two options for this guest lecture.

Option 1. First, you can choose a concept from the list below, which we learned in the class, and explain the concept using two new examples that weren’t used in the lecture (see the “Examples” in the “Required components for your lecture” section). In your paper, you should clearly explain what the concept means, why the concept is important, in what ways your examples illustrate the concept, and how your examples and concept together help us to understand how gender affects us.

Below is the list of concepts you can choose from:

gender binary

gender nonbinary

gender similarities hypothesis

  • doing gender 
  • gender policing
  • doing gender and accountability
  • intersectionality
  • hegemonic masculinity
  • emphasized femininity
  • double bind
  • equal parenting
  • cultural devaluation of femininities
  • second shift
  • greedy institutions
  • ideal worker norm
  • intensive mothering
  • flexibility stigma
  • gender segregation of work
  • motherhood wage penalty
  • glass ceiling
  • gender discrimination at hiring
  • gender bias
  • shadow mothers
  • chilly climate
  • Option 2. Alternatively, you may choose a completely new topic or phenomenon that wasn’t covered in our course (some examples are below) and write a paper that demonstrates how gender shapes our experiences and the way we in which we understand our social world. In so doing, please use at least two concrete examples to illustrate how your topic is relevant to gender (see the “Examples” in the “Required components for your lecture” section). You should also apply at least one concept you learned in our class to explain how the concept helps us to understand the phenomenon you chose to explain for your lecture.
  • Here is a list of some examples of topics that you can choose from. You may also choose a topic that wasn’t listed below. The list below is here just to give you some ideas.
  • Gender in the church

Gender in sports

Gender on campus

Gender in dating

Gender in the music

  • Gender in the election or political world
  • Gender in the pandemic
  • Gender on social media
  • Required Components of Your “Lecture” Paper
  • Regardless whether you chose option 1 or option 2, your lecture paper should include all of the following three components: (1) paper (written lecture), (2) example materials (e.g., video clip, podcast, news article, blog post), (3) A list of discussion questions.
  • Paper: for your lecture, you should write a paper (~5 double spaced pages) that explains the concept or topic that you chose and how gender is relevant to the topic/concept.
  • Examples: In your lecture (paper), please illustrate your concept or topic using at least two video clip, image, or podcast. In your paper, please use these materials and provide an explanation about how the examples from these materials can effectively illustrate your topic/concept. Please also provide these materials at the end of the paper (e.g., link to the video clips/podcast/news article, attach images).
  • Discussion questions: At the end of your lecture paper, please also provide a list of 2-3 discussion questions that you would want to use for your lecture. These questions should be relevant to the topic of your lecture and something your students would be excited to participate in the discussion. Please avoid the questions that have a definite or right or wrong answer. Good discussion questions are “open-ended” in nature and thought provoking and facilitates students critical thinking.

While you’re completing this task, please be mindful about your writing and materials reflecting perspectives and experiences of the diverse groups of people as much as you can. For example, if your paper is about a division of housework, think about whether your lecture largely reflects the perspectives and experiences of heterosexual white middle class couples or adequately reflects those of nonwhite couples, same-sex couples, working class couples, etc. That is, please consider the “intersectionality” approach we discussed in the class. If you think that your lecture is largely based on the dominant group, please be explicit by saying, your topic is “division of housework among white heterosexual couples” rather than leaving unspecified, like “division of housework among couples.”

Cornell University Political Science Questions


Please answer the following questions 

Please respond to six of the eight essay questions posted below. You may choose any six you wish, just please number your responses to indicate which response goes with which question. 


  • Briefly identify and describe two different collective action problems that governments help solve, and provide a specific example of each situation in the real world. Why do societies face this kind of collective action problem? How is government able to help resolve each specific problem you discuss (both generally and in your example)?  Do you believe government’s use of power to resolve this problem of collection was justified and beneficial?  Why or why not?
  • How does the Constitution differ from the Articles of Confederation? (highlight at least three main differences) What problems does the Constitution solve that the Articles of Confederation was susceptible to? How? What problems did the Constitution, as ratified, introduce? Have these been fixed through amendments, or do you believe the US Constitution continues to have significant issues that need reform?
  • The United States is a representative democracy. Why did the Framers view this as necessary? What does Madison say about this in Federalist #10? Does Madison argue for addressing the problem’s causes or effects? Why? How do these mechanisms help limit the problem of faction? In your opinion, do we suffer from the problems of faction today?
  • We have a federal system in the United States. Highlight and explain at least two benefits of a federal system, noting why they are beneficial, as well as at least two drawbacks/problems caused by a federal system. Why are these problems? Drawing on these arguments, do you think a stronger national government would be better or worse? (Be clear about what you mean by “better” or “worse” and why — you might wish to consider the tradeoff between transaction and conformity costs, for example). Feel free to use examples from current American politics, including some of the policy areas we discuss to highlight your argument.
  • The role of the national government (relative to state/local governments) is (somewhat) clear in the constitution. Why has the national government expanded over our nation’s history? Make sure and draw on both historical and logical reasons, and describe particular pieces of the constitution that have aided in this expansion.
  • What were Jim Crow laws, and what were their two primary goals? How were these eventually largely remedied in the 1960s, and what are the Constitutional justifications for these remedies? How/why did federalism delay the extension of civil rights to various groups throughout American history? Despite these delays, how/why were these rights eventually extended? Make sure and note the role the federal government, social movements, and individual state governments have played in doing so. Make sure and note the difference between de facto and de jure segregation in considering the effectiveness of these remedies.
  • Why do we have parties? What roles do they play in a representative democracy? How can these roles be beneficial? How can they be harmful? Why does the US have only two major political parties? Make sure and describe the strategic behavior on the part of voters, politicians, and parties that explains why we typically only have two parties. Under what circumstances could we see a third party have some success? Why?
  • How have parties evolved over American history? Make sure and discuss each of the party systems and their defining characteristics, as well as what leads to the change to the next party system. Through these party systems, how has the face/shape of the party changed? That is, discuss what we mean by the party-in-the-electorate, party-as-organization, and party-in-government, and how power has varied across these groups. In your opinion, which do you believe is most powerful today? Why? Why are the others less powerful? In your opinion, which do you think should be most powerful?

Coronado Bridge Suicide Prevention Sponsored by The Caltrans Agency Essay


current issue in the San Diego region! My current issue will be about the Coronado bridge suicide prevention project sponsored by the Caltrans agency, and design a 6-month participatory process that will identify 3-to-5 short-term actions for immediate implementation.

Course readings (3-5 sources) and the student’s additional research (6-10 sources) will form the literature review. The literature must include general research on: (a.) the current issue and sponsoring agency that will be addressed by the participatory process; and (b)methods and participatory processes that will be included in your participatory process. Research on the sponsoring agency should include at least one (1) phone-based interview with an agency representative (this may be done with group members). Media and news articles should be avoided as a source. The literature review should be approximately 4-to-6 pages in length.

Following is an outline guide for writing CA #1. The paper should generally answer the following the questions (but don’t list the questions in your paper!) in the order listed. The instructions for page length for each section are general – each student may have slightly more or less content for each section. Overall, the literature review should be approximately 4-to-6 pages in length, though slightly longer is also acceptable.

A. Introduction
• Does this section provide an overview of the entire paper? Does it tell you what
the entire paper is going to tell you?
• The introduction should be about one paragraph in length.

B. Issue and Sponsoring Agency Overview
• Are the topic and issue described?
• Are there data provided from one or more credible sources (ideally, the
sponsoring agency) that explains the significance of the issue?
• Is there an explanation of how the issue has consequences and impacts on the
• Is the sponsoring agency that is primarily responsible for addressing the issue
• If applicable, are there one or a few additional agencies described that also have a
role in addressing the issue? Is there an explanation of how their roles are
different and complementary to the sponsoring agency?
• Is the existing plan/project/initiative that is meant to address the issue described?
Does this include a description of its purpose, when it was created, and highlights
of its major outcomes (i.e., what did it do to make progress in solving the issue?)
• Related to the previous point, is the specific outcome that speaks to the students’
proposed participatory process for CA #2 described? (i.e., what does the existing
plan suggest that still needs to be done and that is the basis for the students’
proposed participatory process?)
• This section should be about 2-to-3 pages in length.

C. Methods in the Participatory Process
• Is there an explanation of 3-to-5 key stakeholder groups and their vested interests
that should be engaged in the participatory process?
• Is there an explanation of at least 3 outreach and communication methods that
would be used to reach these stakeholder groups?
• Is there an explanation of one public participation activity that might conducted
early the participation process?
o Does the explanation include a rationale for why it may be effective at that
point in the process for sharing and gathering public input on the subject
matter? What is the value of the activity? What are its characteristics?
o Does the explanation include a rationale for why it may be effective in
reaching one or more of the key stakeholder groups (i.e., why this activity
for these stakeholders?)
• Is there an explanation of one public participation activity that might be
conducted later the participation process? (This should be a different type of
activity from earlier in the process.

o Does the explanation include a rationale for why it may be effective at that
point in the process for sharing and gathering public input on the subject
matter? What is the value of the activity? What are its characteristics?
o Does the explanation include a rationale for why it may be effective in
reaching one or more of the key stakeholder groups (i.e., why this activity
for these stakeholders?)

Lebanese International University Plymouth Plantation Paper


Are you tired of writing just what your instructors say to write? Sick of having to do what

someone else thinks is creative? Do you long to unleash that surge of creativity inside
you just waiting to get out? This is your lucky assignment! This could be one of the few
college papers you write that invites YOUR thoughts and ideas instead of what your
instructor may think or want. Finally, your creative day has come!
Tap into your creative juices to recreate a writing form representative of an author or age
between 1700 and 1880 that fate or the fates select for you from the bag of destiny in
class. For instance, you might create a poem reconfiguring an understanding of nature
like Dickenson. Perhaps you might choose to create a ballad, scene, or short essay.
Whatever you decide, be sure to explain your creative work to your reader to ensure that
your creation will not be lost to posterity. Also, include selecting the book to serve as a
representative model of what you are recreating.
Clearly explain to your audience how your creation fulfills the requirements of a certain
form or style of an author or period. The main thing is that you provide some self-
reflective analysis on what you learned from the re-creative process. You could, of
course, update material. Certainly, our understanding of how to be enlightened today
differs from Bradford’s, but more importantly, the original concept remains based on that
of the Puritans and Native People. Perhaps our modern-day journey to find (or define)
democracy and America might be too contemporary politics or the values of our home
communities instead of what Franklin envisioned.
Disagree, if you so please, with or make a mockery of ANY authority or critic.
Washington Irving certainly did in “Rip Van Winkle.” After all, a critic’s thoughts are
still just one individual perception. Each artistic piece (if meritorious) speaks
metaphorically, in most cases, to readers/viewers across the ages.
To examine what you hear, feel, think, and associate with the style, form, or actual piece
when you begin your creation. Explore the realm of what the work could mean and
consider why you think so. My best advice to you is to enjoy your journey or quest to
become, above all else, an aspiring Renaissance mind! – “I await with great anticipation
to reading your most creative endeavors showing the fluidity of your mind and creativity
from your soul.” MY PARTICULAR PERSON AND CREATIVE PEICE SHOULD CONSULT In William Bradford’s “Plymouth Plantation” he is writing a journal that was written over a period of years to describe the hardship of Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. Of Plymouth Plantation is considered the Puritan “plain style”—the literary style that stresses simple sentence constructions and a relatively small vocabulary. The plain style is a stylistic description of the Puritans’ simple and scattered lifestyle. I will use a journal narrative writing style to describe in deep detail the Christianity of William Bradford and the impact of the Mayflower. He wrote this story to inform the audience of hardships that the settlers had to encounter to reach the new land. Bradford’s tone throughout the story is a tone of faithfulness, It is shown how he speaks about the sailors necessity of God to survive the voyage hoping that they will be shown mercy. I will use William Bradford’s Masculine emotionless faith to compare to Mary Rowlandson’s feminine troubles and restoration. I will use a passionate and persuasive tone to compare and contrast the description between the two God-fearing individuals. I will describe the hardships they both encountered and how they accustomed their situations with their optimistic approach. I will make it my approach for the audience to have a better and easier understanding of these two authors and the reason for their strong faith and beliefs.