GMU Individual CBT and Group CBT in Reducing Stress and Academic Worry Among College Research Paper


Below, you will see links to 3 empirical papers that you can use an example as you are preparing your Methods & Results section. Pick a paper below that has the same research design (correlational vs. experimental) and analysis approach (regression, ANOVA, bivariate correlations, t-test) as your proposal and review how the authors are organizing and presenting information in their Methods & Results section.

Also, please take a look at the sample research proposal to get an idea of what a methods, results, and discussion section look like for the proposal. 

UCSD Psychology Perception and Emotions Essay


Submit ALL of the parts of your final Lit Review as one single document. Note that this final version is worth 30% of your final grade.

Submit this assignment on time so you don’t lose points for late submissions (check the syllabus for details). This is a hard deadline.

Use the Checklist for Complete Lit Review Draft to make sure that you have included all sections and section headings.  Be sure to update your final version with fixes to all of the issues that you received feedback about in your full draft.

SDSU Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a sociology question and need guidance to help me learn.

Listen to the podcast, All the World’s A Stage–Including the Doctors Office, and  then answer the following writing prompt in a 2 paragraph answer:

  • Select a mental illness of your choice and label it clearly at the top of your response.
  • What percentage of that mental illness would you classify as rooted in nature versus what percentage is rooted in culture? Actually give me two numbers that add up to 100%. Clearly indicate which number is which.

BUS 701 Belhaven University Good Citizens of Heaven Discussion


  • The essential Christian political worldview is the citizens of the kingdom of heaven should be the best citizens in the kingdom of the world. Write a 100-175-word response to why the citizens of the kingdom of heaven should be the best citizens in the kingdom of the world. Additionally, you will need to respond to your peers with a 100-word minimum response.
  • Requirements: Initial post 100-175 words, 100-words minimum reply
  • References:
  • Read Chapter 15 Myers, J., & Noebel, D. (2015). Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews. Summitt Ministries.
  • Micah 6:8

SQU Methods of teaching English Summary

Question Description

I’m working on a education & teaching report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Summarize and paraphrase an article that is related to the field of “Methods of teaching English”

1. Choose any article
for example methods of teaching listening or writing or grammar or speaking or reading ( *Choose one only not all of them*) that you interested in from this website

2. You should summarize and paraphrased these sections from the article that you have chosen:

Researched Methods ( how the research will be implemented)

PBSC Career Counselor Interpretation of ONet Interest ProfilerPaper


This week, you will have the opportunity to practice delivering an interpretation of this assessment. To do this, you will complete the O*Net Interest Profiler and post your results for another student to offer an interpretation of your scores. You will then record yourself giving the interpretation of your classmate’s results, and post the recording on the Discussion Board for the student to review.

To Prepare for the Activity

Complete and post your results from the O*Net Interest Profiler The O*Net Interest Profiler can be accessed through O*Net at

SU Experience of A Different Religion Paper


Attached I have also included directions, I will take care of the pictures, but if you could write about an experience of the Catholic religion, that would be great. In addition to this, if you could include the similarities and vast differences between the catholic religion and Christianity religion at some point, that would be awesome. Please be as detailed as possible for this, try to make it seem as if you were really there and experiencing this. I am going to use this report for something in the future.

Sub Culture of The Igbo in Nigeria Presentation



Welcome to your last module of the course! You’ve worked hard, and now you have one final assignment and then you can enjoy some well-deserved time off from your studies. In this module you will create a PowerPoint presentation. You will pick a subculture of any country in the world and present your findings in the presentation. However, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO YOUR OWN COUNTRY and I highly prefer you pick a country that has a culture different from (as opposed to similar to) your own culture. 






LAVC The Rococo Period Originated in France in The 1730s Discussion


Discuss threeartists of any medium (painting, sculpture, literature, music, etc.) and demonstrate how their artistic achievements reflected their respective cultures?  You should select one Rococo, one Neoclassical, and one Romantic artist.  Briefly describe their respective “spirit of the times” and how this influenced the specific works you select to discuss, so as to help support and illustrate your points.  Avoid mere description of the works and/or a history of the artists. 

You might consider how each work is reacting to the tenets, philosophy and institutions of the prior era.

A1 Business & Technical College Use of Social Media and Law Enforcement Essay


Evaluating an Argument Essay 

 read Diagramming and Evaluating Arguments (Links to an external site.).

After reading Diagramming and Evaluating Arguments read “Social Media: Establishing Criteria for Law Enforcement” (Links to an external site.) by Robert D. Stuart.  Write a claim of value response, evaluating the effectiveness of Stuart’s argument.

Write an essay summarizing and responding to the paper by evaluating the effectiveness of Stuart’s argument.

Samuel Forlenza, Ph.D. (2020, January 21). APA Style 7th Edition: Student Paper Formatting [Video]. YouTube.