William Rainey Harper College Art Abstract Expressionism Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Following your reading, recall, write and post two or three paragraphs discussing at least one concrete fact or idea in the reading material that is outstanding to you, or a related personal experience. “Reading/Watching” topics may also be included in the discussion.


Public Private Partnerships in Sub Saharan Africa Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a urban planning question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

It is claimed that economic growth and the goal of the eradication of poverty depend upon the energy and capital of the private sector. It is increasingly thought that effective development strategies must be linked to or informed by the private sector. Describe the pros and cons of public private partnerships in Sub-Saharan Africa. Who are the key actors and stakeholders in successful models?

AU RELB Song of Songs Discussion


  1. After reading Song of Songs, what is your take one this book?
  2. How should we read this book (allegorically or literally)?
  • Allegorical (Jesus – Church/you and I) => a highly spiritual book
  • Literal (Solomon and his Egyptian wife) => an erotic book – sexually explicit
  1. Should this book be in the Bible (Luke 24:27; 2 Tim 3:16-17)?
  • If yes, why is this book in the Bible?
  • If no, why not?
  1. Is Yahweh mentioned in the Song?

=> Tension between what it is and how it functions as a religious book.

ASA L.L.C Social Sciences Discussion


Please repond to Eli with 100 words

Hello, my name is Eliazar , but most people call me Eli. I am a Sophomore at VVC who is looking into a career in business administration. Some of my hobbies are watching anime, playing soccer/watching soccer, listening to music, and going to church. What I hope to learn about this class is to learn more about the business concepts such as the economic importance, social importance, and the importance that businesses have within our community.

CSUN Language Usage Analysis of Data Paper


1. In the document, “Copy of LING Analysis” I need help with doing the findings for “Implied Indirect Form” paragraph. Look for the “FINDINGS (?)” and insert only 3-5 sentence which discusses:

– Describes the findings (“What?”).

– Uses objective language (no opinions or interpretations)

– Highlights the main findings (patterns, trends, etc.).

2. I also need a draft for the overall Conclusion for this research study (a paragraph or so)


– “Sex Differences in Parental Directives to Young Children” pdf


– “2071-5556-1-PB” pdf

Supporting Patients Needs Discussion


Part A:  Human Services professionals are responsible for supporting the needs of clients and acting in each client’s best interest.  In your own words, provide definitions for Informed Consent and Privileged Communication.  Then explain how the service providers in the videos violated those practices. 

Part B: Now discuss how the Social Justice Perspective and Strengths Perspective each support the needs of clients.  Use the cases presented in the videos to explain how a professional can use these perspectives to support their clients.


Hudson County Community College Organ Sales Should Be Legalized Essay


Write an argumentative essay to answer the above question.

The essay should include the elements in the checklist below:

  • An introduction that lays out the essay’s main idea.
  • A thesis that directly answers the question
  • Topic sentences that are reasons that support the thesis
  • Evidence and details that support the topic sentence.
  • A conclusion that summarizes the main point.
  • At least one citation of the assigned reading ( page 157 – 162) at the attached book .
  • Read pages (157- 184 ) in the book about arguing position.

Alliant International University Dialogic Organization Development Handout


Read Bushe, G. and Marshak, R. (2015). Dialogic Organization Development: The theory and practice of transformational change. Oakland CA: Berrett Koehler. Prepare a presentation slide for CHAPTER 4 (13 to 15 slides).

In addition, provide or create handouts and infographic/visual representation, etc.

  • Create a handout (Be creative) Think of this as a presentation to a client asking for information about the subject understanding of Organizational Consulting Skills and Development.
  • Create and use an infographic/visual representation etc. for the proposed client.

Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Laura Ring Ethnography Essay


In 3 pages describe your reaction to Laura Ring’s ethnography, Zenana: Everyday Peace in a Karachi Apartment Building, as well as what someone might learn about South Asia by reading it. Note: as with all writing in this course, try to avoid ethnocentrism and Orientalism. i attached the book just search the title on the search button and you will find the article, please ask me if there is any question. the paper need to be written well.

THEO 216 BSCCC Philosophy the Book of Acts Chapt 15 Question

Question Description

I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Answer JUST ONE of the questions. Please reflect the writing to the fill I upload. Do not write from your own source. Please

Discussion Question 1: How does Acts 1:1-9:31 illustrate the four marks of the Church?

Discussion Question 2: Based on its Old Testament background, how does James’ decision in Acts 15 define the Church in relation to Israel and the Gentiles?