Cuyamaca College North and South India Culture Discussion


India Discussion Board

What are the major differences between North Indian Hindustani culture and South Indian Carnatic culture? Address topics such as musical transmission, instruments and musical practices. Why do these differences exist today? How does religion relate to this cultural gap between North and South India?

Your discussion post should be around 150 words , and be submitted on time (5 pts). You are also required to respond to at least one of your fellow classmate’s posts (5 pts), and give constructive feedback and/or pose questions that are relevant to the discussion topics. There are 20 points possible for this assignment.

Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 2: India and write a 150 word journal about it. Please utilize the listening guides in your textbook for this assignment. Include information about the audio example including the genre or style, instruments and form. What culture creates this music? What behaviors or activities are associated with this music? Also include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example. Do you like it/dislike it? Why did you choose this particular example?

Your Journal should be around 150 words Study Guide: India

1. A major style of North Indian dance is called ______________, and is generally either abstract, called
_______________, or a pantomime of a story, called ____________________________.
2. Indian dancers and drummers speak to each other using a special set of syllables called __________.
3. Sangita, which generally translates as “music” more accurately means the embodiment of:
4. Vilambit lay means _________________________, while drut lay means______________________.
5. __________________ is the major vocal style of Hindustani music, generally starting off very slowly
and ending up very fast, lasting up to ___________________ minutes.
6. Alap is a raga improvisation in ________________ rhythm. It generally starts off in a ____________
range and slowly works higher, setting each pitch in its particular ____________________ to the others.
7. ___________________ is the section of Hindustani instrumental performance that follow alap and
introduces a pulse. The concluding section of improvisation is called ____________________, when the
performer makes lively and fast rhythmic patterns on the drone strings of an instrument.
8. Much of Indian classical music focuses on solo performance accompanied by a ______________ and
the support of a ___________________.
9. What is tihai?
10. The Vedas were the sacred texts of which people?
11. How many varnas are there in Hindu society?
12. What was the purpose of the long and intensive education of the Brahmins?
13. An early treatise on the performing arts, the ________________________, was written sometime
before the fifth century C.E.

14. Music from North India is referred to as ___________________________, while music of South India
is called _____________________________.
15. Divergence in musical culture can be attributed to the political/cultural influence of what group of
16. Who was Tansen?
17. Who was Tyagaraja?
18. What is a devadasi?
19. The classical style of Carnatic dance is called________________________.
20. The major song type of Carnatic music is called ___________________, and is divided into three
1) __________________________, 2) ________________________ and 3) ______________________.
21. The vocalist in Carnatic music is generally accompanied by a _______________ who tries to imitate
the vocal melody.
22. Describe the two different types of improvisation in Carnatic singing:
23. Who is Lata Mangeshkar, and what is her importance in India’s film industry?
24. Listen to the Ghazal audio track. What instruments/sound sources can you hear?
25. Bhangra is a type of _____________________ pop music combining aspects of hip-hop, trance, and
remix techniques with a folk music and dance style from the state of ___________________.

University of London Continuity of Quality and Comfortable Services Response


The fundamental point of customer experience is to make a continuing, purposeful effort to keep consumers happy with the service they have gotten so that continuous improvement becomes an actual process. On the other hand, customer satisfaction has been restricted to binary measurements such as surveys that generate a figure (e.g., 95 percent) and frequently fail to meet the closed-loop criteria of going under the skin of the survey. (ADAMOPOULOS, 2022)

Customers’ internal and subjective responses to any direct or indirect encounter with a firm are customer experience. The consumer most often starts direct contact throughout the purchase, usage, or service process. Unplanned contacts with representations of a company’s products, services, or brands are the most common indirect contact, shaping word-of-mouth recommendations or complaints, advertising, news stories, and reviews. (Schwager & Meyer, 2018)

Customers’ experiences are shaped by successful brands that incorporate the fundamental value proposition in every facet of their goods. “The Ultimate Driving Machine” is more than just a tagline for BMW; it guides its production and design decisions. Mercedes-Benz invented a technology in 2000 that automatically regulates the distance between a Mercedes and the vehicle in front of it. BMW would not contemplate implementing such a function unless it improved the driving experience rather than detracted from it. (Schwager & Meyer, 2018)

Customer satisfaction is a measure of clients’ delight after completing a transaction. Customer satisfaction is a statistic that helps organizations assess how effectively they serve their customers, whether through the customer journey, transaction, engagement with personnel, or service. This measure is generated using customer satisfaction survey software, allowing businesses to run surveys for their customers to obtain feedback and assess how happy they were after completing a transaction. (Kyatham, 2021)

While both measures are equally crucial for organizations, customer experience takes the lead as a more comprehensive statistic for determining consumer views. Customer experience allows organizations to monitor how well customers were served while on the premises and how well they were treated outside of the premises. For example, the marketing for your business that reaches out to customers via messages or emails, the offers one sends them, newsletters, and feedback surveys provide more extensive data than merely customer satisfaction surveys. The quality of the customer experience has a significant impact on customer satisfaction. (Kyatham, 2021)

For merchants to adopt differentiated strategies and gain a sustained competitive advantage, customer experience has become critical. Customers live in an experience economy, which means businesses will get a competitive edge by developing an experience based on products or services to attract customers. Customer experience has also become an integral aspect of merchants’ value generation process. (Pei et al., 2020)

Customer happiness and loyalty may be improved by actively directing and generating an excellent emotional experience during the buying process. It is the only method to gain a long-term competitive edge. Retailers may establish their specialized markets to attract customers and maintain sustained competitive advantages by merging these two marketing channels, especially in the current situation when physical stores and internet shopping coexist. (Pei et al., 2020)

On the other hand, customer satisfaction is vital for a retailer’s success and long-term competitiveness. Customer satisfaction has a significant positive association with retail success indicators and long-term sustainable competitive advantage indicators, including sales volume, profit, customers’ repurchase intention, market share, and word-of-mouth. Customer experience, in particular, is the most important indicator of customer satisfaction. It is the most crucial strategy for retail enterprises to differentiate themselves from existing and future rivals in the current market climate. It is a crucial factor that influences consumer satisfaction. (Pei et al., 2020)


Psychology Discussion


nterview someone you know in middle adulthood (40-65) or late adulthood (65-125) and have a conversation about how parts of their personality have changed or stayed the same over time from childhood until adulthood. Based on the responses, submit a profile of where your interviewee is on each of the Big Five factors of personality, and provide a behavior that illustrates each.

Remember not to use jargon when speaking with you person (e.g. don’t ask “How neurotic are you?”); instead try to get at the ideas that would suggest those factors based on a pattern of feelings and behaviors using everyday language. Try to learn more about the influences that shaped individual behavior.

Upload a Microsoft Word document here with your responses to the following questions. Files with a .doc or .docx will be accepted. Remember to use details to fully explain your responses, showing what you have learned. Paraphrase (rather than quoting class material) by putting ideas into your own words and demonstrating how concepts apply in each case to demonstrate you really understand. In-text citations and reference lists are not required for this assignment.

1. What is the age and gender of your interviewee?

2. (You may change the name of your interviewee to protect his/her/their privacy.) Describe the interviewee’s level of each trait based on your conversation:

a. Describe the interviewee’s level of Neuroticism. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

b. Describe the interviewee’s level of Extraversion based on your conversation. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

c. Describe the interviewee’s level of Openness based on your conversation. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

d. Describe the interviewee’s level of Conscientiousness based on your conversation. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

e. Describe the interviewee’s level of Agreeableness based on your conversation. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

3. Explain how nature and nurture interact over time to influence personality by revealing your understanding of each term separately and illustrating how they work at the same time to impact an individual’s personality development.

4. Do your findings support the idea in the lesson about the stability of personality from early development to later development? Be specific in describing any terminology.


Although you are welcome to discuss ideas with your classmates, please work independently on your assignment.

Strong responses will create a well-written independent argument supported by evidence. Evidence should show a clear understanding of the materials assigned (and, when relevant, the lessons that apply). A single response should use complete sentences in paragraph form and should be edited for clarity. Answers among different questions, however, do not relate to one another, and an essay format is not required.

For the assignments in this course, students are not required to use parenthetical in-text citations or create a reference list of materials already in the module; however, students should make efforts to paraphrase ideas used as evidence by changing words, phrasing, or structure (but not meaning). In addition, students only need the sources provided in the module to complete assignments, unless otherwise specified. Most Homework Assignments will take about 60-90 min to complete well, although we know that every individual is different!

SDSU Embodied Representations of Women of Color Discussion



Please provide the following information at the top left corner of your exam answers: your name and course number. Please number your answers clearly. Your answers should be typed and double-spaced. Write 1 page for each answer. You may use lecture materials, class readings, and films viewed in class to answer the questions. Late exams will not be graded. Answer three of the following questions in a short essay format. For each answer, you must cite at least one book or article we read in class.

  1. We read Maythee Rojas’ book Women of Color and Feminism. Her book focuses on five themes: identities, embodied representations, social struggles, creative expressions and loving selves. Discuss one of the following issues critical to Women of Color Feminism: intersectional identities; embodied representations including the various stereotypes faced by women of color; social struggles faced by women of color; and creative expressions by women of color.
  1. We read Audre Lorde’s book Sister Outsider. We discussed how the book contributed to the Women’s Movement, especially the Second Wave. Explain one of Audre Lorde’s concepts in detail: “mythical norm”; feminism and difference; the power of the erotics; the uses of anger; “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house”; transformation of silence to language and action.
  1. We read bell hooks’ book All About Love: New Visions. In her book, hooks examined: love, self-love, love and right livelihood, divine or spiritual love, love ethics, community and loving communion, and healing love. Explain why it is important to understand, practice and imagine the importance of self-love, political love, communal love, spiritual love, and the power of love to heal in the 21st
  1. We explored various concepts relevant to Women of Color Feminism such as: intersectionality, difference and diversity, race/racism/racialization, whiteness as racial identity and white privilege, and so on. Explain why it is important to comprehend race, racialization and systemic racism, including racial privilege.
  1. In our class, we explored the importance of spirituality, healing, and sacred activism for women of color. Explain how spirituality can play a decolonizing role in creating meanings, inspiring actions and supporting healing and justice for communities of color or marginalized communities.
  1. In our class, we studied the importance of music and music videos in the lives of communities of color, especially women of color. We explored the music videos of Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj and other women of color artists. Explain in details the works of one feminist of color musician who has influenced or contributed to the feminist movement.
  1. We examined the relation between women of color and social media. Discuss the importance of virtual social capital to women of color, hashtag activism and cyber-feminism. From the Occupy Movement, Women’s March, Black Lives Matter, Idle No More, Me Too Movement, the Arab Spring Uprising in Tunisia and Egypt, women of color have utilized social media to bring social awareness and mobilize and organize. Women of color have actively participated in the usage of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snap Chats, YouTube, blogging and so on. Discuss why social media is important to Women of Color Feminism.
  1. We have studied the works of women of color writers by examining poetry, spoken word and literature. Explain how critical and creative writing can offer a kind of ‘spiritual medicine’ for women of color. How might creative writing help women of color arrive at spaces of healing, political resistance, and transformation?
  1. We watched five films: Saving Face, Dolores, The Hate U Give, Knock Down the House, and Under the Same Moon: La Misma Luna. Choose one film and discuss in details two critical themes explored within the film.

De Anza College Chinese Cinema in Global Perspective Discussion


LTEA 120 Chinese Films: Chinese Cinema in Global Perspective
Spring 2022

Session 7: Cinema and the Nation: Literature on Screen

Study and Discussion Questions

1. Read the short story “New Year’s Sacrifice” (1924) and then watch the film New Year’s
Sacrifice (1956). How are these two works connected to each other? How does the film
adapt the story for the screen? What is the message Lu Xun seeks to convey in the
original story, and how is it enhanced in the film? How do both the story and the film
present incisive cultural critique of the entire social and cultural system by focusing
closely on the life and fate of one female protagonist?

2. Consider the two films This Life is Mine and New Year’s Sacrifice within the historical
context in which they were created. How do both of these films reflect contemporary
lived reality while also engaging and conveying ideological messages? How are both of
these films social realist works, albeit in different ways? Explain.

3. Reread and think about Yingjin Zhang’s chapter in Chinese National Cinema What do
you learn about the situation of filmmakers, artists, and intellectuals during the highly
ideological socialist years? How did the power of the nationstate impact filmmaker’s
work? Discuss.

4. Reread and think about Jessica Ka Yee Chan’s text “Literature on Screen: Recasting
Hollywood Narration in Family Melodrama.” How does the family become a microcosm
of the nation in many of the films made during the socialist era, and how do we see this
particularly clearly in the film New Year’s Sacrifice? What is classical Hollywood
narration, and how do we see its impact on the film This Life is Mine?

5. In both films we watched for today, you see the portrayal of absolute villains,
melodrama, and sympathy for the main protagonist? Yet, at the same time, the two films
are very different. Compare and contrast the way we as spectators respond to key
elements of the visual text, and how the films affect us similarly and differently?

6. Think about these two films in relation to films we viewed earlier, particularly the films
made in the 1930’s and 1920’s? How can we see that the earlier films belong to the mode
of “social realism,” whereas these 1950’s films are more strongly ideological “socialist
realist” works. How do the concept of the nation and the power of ideology play a role in
this evolution of film style? Explain.

DEP 3054 University of North Florida Lifespan Developmental Psychology Discussion


Interview someone you know in middle adulthood (40-65) or late adulthood (65-125) and have a conversation about how parts of their personality have changed or stayed the same over time from childhood until adulthood. Based on the responses, submit a profile of where your interviewee is on each of the Big Five factors of personality, and provide a behavior that illustrates each.

Remember not to use jargon when speaking with you person (e.g. don’t ask “How neurotic are you?”); instead try to get at the ideas that would suggest those factors based on a pattern of feelings and behaviors using everyday language. Try to learn more about the influences that shaped individual behavior.

Upload a Microsoft Word document here with your responses to the following questions. Files with a .doc or .docx will be accepted. Remember to use details to fully explain your responses, showing what you have learned. Paraphrase (rather than quoting class material) by putting ideas into your own words and demonstrating how concepts apply in each case to demonstrate you really understand. In-text citations and reference lists are not required for this assignment.

1. What is the age and gender of your interviewee?

2. (You may change the name of your interviewee to protect his/her/their privacy.) Describe the interviewee’s level of each trait based on your conversation:

a. Describe the interviewee’s level of Neuroticism. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

b. Describe the interviewee’s level of Extraversion based on your conversation. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

c. Describe the interviewee’s level of Openness based on your conversation. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

d. Describe the interviewee’s level of Conscientiousness based on your conversation. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

e. Describe the interviewee’s level of Agreeableness based on your conversation. What components make up this trait? Has the trait changed over his/her lifetime? Use at least one specific behavior of the interviewee to illustrate the trait.

3. Explain how nature and nurture interact over time to influence personality by revealing your understanding of each term separately and illustrating how they work at the same time to impact an individual’s personality development.

4. Do your findings support the idea in the lesson about the stability of personality from early development to later development? Be specific in describing any terminology.


Although you are welcome to discuss ideas with your classmates, please work independently on your assignment.

Strong responses will create a well-written independent argument supported by evidence. Evidence should show a clear understanding of the materials assigned (and, when relevant, the lessons that apply). A single response should use complete sentences in paragraph form and should be edited for clarity. Answers among different questions, however, do not relate to one another, and an essay format is not required.

For the assignments in this course, students are not required to use parenthetical in-text citations or create a reference list of materials already in the module; however, students should make efforts to paraphrase ideas used as evidence by changing words, phrasing, or structure (but not meaning). In addition, students only need the sources provided in the module to complete assignments, unless otherwise specified. Most Homework Assignments will take about 60-90 min to complete well, although we know that every individual is different!

MDC Religion Rulings Based on Religious Beliefs Discussion


This essay should be about four to six pages long (without including title page and list of cited references). This essay prompt asks that you engage in a reflection about the course’s contents (no library research is needed; engaging only with the textbook’s contents and other course materials is required). You must:

a] Read the New York Times article, “In Narrow Decision, Supreme Court Sides With Baker Who Turned Away Gay Couple” (see the folder Recent Press Articles of Interest at the Student Resources link). Briefly summarize the case.

b] Read the New York Times article, “British Jury Delivers First Conviction for Female Genital Cutting” (see the folder Recent Press Articles of Interest at the Student Resources link). Briefly summarize the case.

c] Use as many specific concepts and contents (no vague reference accepted) from this course to develop a sophisticated discussion of the significance of these two cases when considered together. Indeed, they contrast meaningfully: the first case is decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of a religious perspective abd belief system at the detriment, perhaps, of “individual sexual rights,” while the second could be seen as promoting individual rights by limiting the reach of religious and cultural traditions–some of which are criminalized by law (female genital cutting). In this section of your essay, you should engage in a discussion of all aspects of the contrast made by the two cases (two NYT articles) and the beliefs in the existence of supernatural forces/beings each are grounded on. You should focus on what you find most relevant in the development of your sophisticated argument, FROM AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE. This means that I am not looking for you to attempt to simply write a summary of the legal arguments presented only. YOUR DISCUSSION MUST ENGAGE WITH COURSE CONTENTS, and as you know, this is not a legal studies course, but a course that could be identified as belonging to the subfield called “the anthropology of religion.” That argument should make as many relevant references to the course’s contents as possible. This section of your essay may not focus on one of the articles only. It must focus instead on the significance of the contrast between both cases.

Your accurate utilization of course contents in the development of a well-constructed argument will be the major criteria used to evaluate your essay.

You must use the Author-Date Chicago Manual of Style (see the Student Resources link) to cite your written sources (including the textbook) and list your references cited at the end of your essay.


Your essay must have a brief introduction, and must end with a list of cited references.

You must submit your essay as a Word file.

This assignment is graded according to your ability to identify and articulate an argument about the central focus of the essay (the significance of the contrast between the two cases referred to in the two NYT articles, marshal evidence from the course’s materials to support the sophisticated argument you develop, as well as to show your ability to follow directions, present accurate information and cite examples from the texts that you paraphrase. Finally, this assignment will be graded on your demonstrated ability to adequately understand anthropological explanations and adhere to the rules of English grammar. For this assignment, I look for whether you have developed a sound argument and whether you have constructed logical paragraphs that explain how the examples you have chosen support your statement about the question’s focus/target.

CSUN Literature fear of Public Speaking Discussion


What is the tip you learned this week that will best help you overcome your fear of Public Speaking?


See-I is a 4-part essay where you will explore one particular concept in depth.The Beginning statement will be listed in the Syllabus and in the Canvas Assignment.

S- Statement. Should be a direct response to the question asked at the top of this assignment. Your statement should be concrete and direct, picking one answer and not offering multiple answers. You can complete each statement in one to two sentences.

This is one sentence, one statement that completes the prompt I asked.

E- Elaboration. The Elaboration section should begin with IN OTHER WORDS. This section should be five to seven sentences long. In this section, you should explain and justify your choice for statement completion.”In other words….” (5-7 sentences)

E-Example. The example section should begin with FOR EXAMPLE. This section is also five to seven sentences long. In this section, you should provide an example of the phenomenon you are explaining in your assignment.

“For example….” (5-7 sentences)

I- Illustration. The illustration section should begin with THIS IS LIKE. This section can be one or two sentences. This should be a metaphoric explanation of the phenomenon in the assignment. IT can also be an analogy. it can even be an image or drawing, you just have to explain how the illustration applies to your position, The illustration is different than an Example do not use the same thing for the Example and Illustration.

SEE-I Sample

What is the most important aspect of Non-Verbal Communication?

S-The most important aspect of non-verbal communication is that it is able to convey the intent of your message even if you mess up your words.

E- In other words, sometimes when we are giving a verbal message we may be explaining something but our audience may not understand. The misunderstanding may occur due to language or knowledge barrier. However, nonverbal communication is fairly universal. There are some exceptions to this and we must be culturally sensitive. However, regardless of the culture we come from we all learn non-verbal communication from an early age. This makes us more fluent in non-verbal communication. Also, sometimes we try to hide things with our words but, we can usually tell the deeper meaning by watching for non-verbal cues.

E-For Example, when out on a date with a new person you might be having easy conversation but you want to know if they are into you. One way to determine whether the conversation is genuine is to examine their body language. If your date is saying that you are very interesting and they love your story they would be leaning in toward you. Their legs might also be crossed toward you and they may use positive affect touches to enforce that they like you. Also, if your date says they think you are funny and is laughing at your jokes you can tell if it is genuine laughter based on their facial expressions. When a smile or laughter is not genuine the person’s eyes don’t move. When we laugh or smile genuinely our eyes glimmer and have wrinkles around them

I-This is like in family reunion photos. You can look and see who is really happy to be there based on the wrinkles around their eyes in the smile. If there are no wrinkles, then no one wants to be in the photo.

University of Miami Sociology sexual exploitation Question


The ‘paper’ is actually two assignments, but I want you to bundle it into one document. It’s not a research paper but an ‘idea’ paper. I would like you to do two things in this document.

Give me five ideas for discussion. I am looking to overhaul the discussion part of this course since we have a new textbook. I would like you to come up with five discussion questions/or topics that I could use in the discussion board. Make these items something that you think you would enjoy discussing yourself or things you think your classmates would relate to. For example, don’t just list Abortion as a topic. You might say:

Doctors who work in abortion clinics have been the target of hate crimes in recent years. How could these crimes be eliminated? Why does there seem to be support for these kinds of actions?

I want you to find five current websites that explore anything we discuss. These can be related to your ‘new’ topics or to anything on the current discussion board. These also could be current ‘event’ sort of websites. As you list the actual link of each website, give me a line or two that tells me about why you think the website is ‘sociological’. What kinds of discussion would these websites prompt?

Your paper format would look like this:

Please NAME your paper: Your Name SOC1040, you can submit it as a .rtf, .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

If at all possible, attach your paper as one of these documents AND cut and paste it right into the comments section of this dropbox. This will allow me to see your submission quickly and get it graded. I will only have to open your document if I cannot read it in the comment box.




Topics for Discussion

1 Describe your topic.

2 Describe your topic.

3 Describe your topic.

4 Describe your topic.

5 Describe your topic.


1 link, description

2 link, description

3 link, description

4 link, description

5 link, description

Each item on this list would be worth 10 points which makes the total assignment worth 100 points. This will help me to gather input for future versions of this course. Thanks!

By submitting this assignment, you are agreeing that I may use your topic within any sociology course I teach or website I design for student use. Let me know if you object? I will not use your name.

Instead of this paper, if you choose you can create another kind of assignment that you think would be an appropriate substitute. Email me for details or make suggestions on this.

Personal Experience Paper

Choose five topics in Sociology. Typically, you choose topics similar to your chapter titles, but you could choose something more specific like bullying. List some personal examples from YOUR life to illustrate these topics.

Your paper would be set up like this:

Topic 1

Two or three paragraphs discussing how this topic is demonstrated by your own life.

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Topic 5

For each topic, explain how your life is related to the topic. If you are not sure about how to approach this, you can email me. If a topic is TOO personal (something you don’t want to share) then choose another topic? Or choose the websites/discussion paper instead.

This is your chance to apply sociology to your own life.

Happiness Lab A Silver Lining Collaborative Annotation



The act of adding notes or commentary to a text. This can take many forms including margin comments, highlighting, and more.

This Perusall assignment will divide the class into two groups. Group members will be able to see each other’s comments and will work together to create a group annotation of “A Silver Lining” from The Happiness Lab with Dr Laurie Santos.

Keep in mind that annotations will appear all together in Perusall, so other group members will be able to see your annotations. This is a collaboration where you will post your own annotations and reply to others as well.

“A Silver Lining” Podcast

Listen to Happiness Lab“A Silver Lining” (Links to an external site.)podcast(Season 1, Episode 3) in which Dr. Laurie Santos argues that happiness can depend on how one frames one’s performance relative to others. Download Silver Lining transcriptalso available for reading.

First Annotation

  1. In Perusall, highlight a passage from “A Silver Lining” (Links to an external site.)that you agree or disagree with by selecting it with your cursor.
  2. Tell us why you agree or disagree with“A Silver Lining” (Links to an external site.).
  3. Support your answer with a specific personal experience example(at least 100 words) from your own life. It should take the form of a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Provide several supporting details. Try to describe the characters in your story, dialogue, actions, locations, background information, and your feelings during the experience.
  4. Illustrate your personal example by attaching a picture or video to your annotation. You can select a picture or video you took or find one on the Internet. See page 3 of this Perusall tutorial for tips on adding pictures or video files to your annotations. (Links to an external site.)
  5. End your first annotation with a question about the passage from “A Silver Lining” (Links to an external site.).

Second Annotation

Add a second comment that replies to one of the other students’ annotation. Possible areas of focus:

  • Answer the other student’s question.
  • Tell a personal experience story of your own that illustrates whether you can relate or not to the other participant’s story.
  • Explain why you agree or disagree with the other participant’s opinion about Plato.
  • Comment on interesting significations of the other person’s picture and / or to what extent it clarifies their opinion on Plato.
  • Point out parts of the other participant’s annotation that you would like to see discussed in more detail, either with more explanation, clarification, or support.
  • Ask the other participant a question about their annotation.

Perusall Student Quick Start Guides: