HUMN 400 Cultural Competency and Cultural Humility Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Describe how broad or narrow your definition and understanding of the term “diversity” was, prior to reviewing the resource materials. Then, compare the concepts of cultural competency and cultural humility. Finally, referencing these materials, explain why cultural humility is important for professionals in your chosen discipline. Provide an example to illustrate the importance.

Miami Dade College City of Gods Textual Analysis


A text analysis paper will focus upon an area of the work that you find interesting, significant, or feel merits discussion. A text analysis paper should be fairly formal and should genuinely attempt to shed light on one or more aspects of the work. You may discuss the significance of character, plot, setting, symbol…whatever catches your fancy. Overall, I am looking for interesting and original insights concerning the reading assignment.

CC Music Discussion


Discuss a contemporary artist (in any genre)who you think has been influenced by what might be considered anunusual source of inspiration (an example may be a country artist who isinfluenced by classical music). Describe—in an original post of 200words minimum—the influence in the particular artist you choose. Ifpossible, include a link to a song by your chosen artists thatexemplifies the influence you describe. My chosen artist is Andrea Bocelli

Sex Trafficking Among Women Paper


– 10-12 pages APA format

Introduction of topic and issue

– Research/ analysis

– Research/ findings must be from 2-3 different countries

– Has to include either Quantative or Qualitative research (depending on which is picked must have charts or pictures)

– How can we try to potentially solve it?

– Conclusion

– References/ citations

LAVC MOD 8 The 5 Steps to Serve and Return an Interaction Game Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a education & teaching discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this discussion, reflect back to the video on the 5 Steps to Serve and Return and answer the following question(s). 

What is the Serve and Return process?

How is it beneficial to use this process when interacting with young children? 

  • Here is the video again, just in case for your reference. 

EDPSYCH 301 Motivation and Attributions Reflection Paper


 Briefly define in your own words the main learning theory related to your topic of choice (e.g. Behaviorism, Creativity, etc.)

  1. Elaboration: Provide a personal story that makes connections from that reading and theory to your own life, either past, present, or future (i.e. tell a story from your life in which the topic is present).

Identity & Culture


  1. Goals & Mindsets

Motivations & Attributions

Transfer & Expertise

Creativity & Problem Solving

Technology in Education

MUO Population, Migration of Kenya Worksheet


  1. Include the current population pyramid for your group country. What does it say about current demographics, and suggest about future growth rates?
  2. Describe the population distribution/geography in your group country, including the relative share of urban and rural.
  3. What are the general trends in global migration, and how does your group country fit into these trends? Put differently, what role does your group country play in contemporary migration flows?

MU Film Analysis Discussion


You have two options for this response. Either select a scene and analyze and explain (with particular attention to the film’s formal elements) how that scene communicates the role of queer sexuality in the space Chiron inhabits, or choose a scene that challenges or re-envisions popular conceptions of gay men and explain and analyze how the film creates this reimagining.

350-500 words, NO PLAIGIRISM

Link to Film:

Southern New Hampshire University Pennsylvania Learning Discussion



* Review Ashcraft’s Best Practices book, from chapters 5-8.

* Review the Pennsylvania Learning Standards

* Review the Florida Core Competencies.

Are there any areas that you feel are not explicitly addressed? What would you add?

How might things like family education level, neighborhood, facility space, socio-economic status, mental health (of participants or family members in the home), and program funding resources be effected by or effect after school programming?

Pitt Community College Child Imagination Discussion Questions


The Prompt: 

Respond to the following prompt(s) for your discussion forum post:

  1. Is it important for children to learn to read? Why or why not?
  2. Why is it important for children to know how to formulate and organize their thoughts?
  3. Why is it important for children to know how to write – as in compose – their thoughts?
  4. Why is it important for children to master basic fine motor skills for future life?