SDSU American Experience Discussion


So far in this course we have discussed several huge developments from the time Europeans landed on the American continents till about 1750. In your estimation, what event was the most impactful, whether for good or ill, in the shaping of what would become the American experience? Each of your posts should be a solid paragraph in length (as always a solid paragraph is roughly 5-7 sentences)

Lebanese International University Monsieur Ibrahim Film Review


REQUIRED FILM: Monsieur Ibrahim et Les Fleurs du Coran

 these are some resources I found.Momo and Ibrahim—‘Thus-and-Otherwise’: A Dialogical Approach to Religious Difference , Ruth IllmanThe Representation ofIslam and Muslims in French Print Media Discourse: Le Monde and Le Figaro as Case Studies1Hello, Hollywood: Your Images Affect Muslims Everywhere AKBAR AHMED

Monsieur Ibrahim – Alexander Street, a ProQuest Company ( do you see when you click on that link

GCU Psychology Discussion


Topic 3 DQ 1

Your textbook provides several examples of how power is established in conversation. Describe one way it is established, and one technique you might use to block that technique from being successful.

Topic 3 DQ 2

As you consider assertive, passive, and aggressive communication, which type is most likely to use overt communication, and which is likely to use covert communication? How effective is each strategy?

University of California Los Angeles Reimagining Masculinity Discussion


For this Lively Conversation, we’re discussing:

Capella University Wk 5 Using Deception to Study College Students Discussion


Read “Case 8 Appendix: Using Deception to Study College Students’ Willingness to Report Threats of Violence Against Female Students” from your textbook located in the Wk 5 Learning Activities folder.

Respond to the following 

Why this is a dilemma?

Provide an argument for 2 methods and justify the ethical resolution process you would take under each method and why each method should be used.

  • Explain the ethical decision-making model used.

CC Psychology Obesity Discussion


The writing assignments you have submitted prior to this have been designed to scaffold you toward
producing this final paper—a portion of a research proposal. In this final assignment, you will write an
integrated review of the articles you selected and revise your research question and hypothesis from
assignment 1 to address a “gap” in the extant literature. MY FIRST PAPER WAS ON OBESITY- ATTACHED BELOW

CCSD ANTH 125 Modern Humans Essay


How Unique are Modern Humans?

We have studied non human primates as well as modern humans. We have learned that non human primates share a great many traits with humans. For this Discussion, students are to describe two traitsthat they feel is uniquely human. Be sure to carefully think this through–non human primates can do many things that we once though were unique to modern humans.

CAU Literature Structuralist analysis of ideology in The Red Bow Essay


For your first reflection of the quarter, please compose a short 2-3 page essay that provides a structuralist analysis of ideology in “The Red Bow.” When crafting your essay, be sure to consider fiction’s capacity to engage theoretical concepts. What does fiction allow us to understand about how myth operates socially?  

Your reflection will be assessed according to the following rubric:

Summary/analysis of “The Red Bow”

Consumes River College Impeachment Process Analysis



  1. What is the reason for the Impeachment inquiry into President Trump?
  2. What does the constitution cite as impeachable behavior?
  3. What is the process (steps) of impeachment in the house?

What happens in the Senate? 

What other presidents have been impeached and why? 

What was the outcome of Trump’s impeachment?  What was the outcome of his trial? 

  1. Do you believe the President’s behavior reaches the threshold for impeachment and removal? 

JCC The Ethics Behind a Segment of The Movie The Dark Knight Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a philosophy multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

(Batman and Harvey Dent): In the final segment, in what way did Batman behave to represent Consequentialist reasoning? What ethical position (theory) does it appear that Harvey Dent affirms in this segment? What does Harvey do/say that makes you think this?