CSULA Literature A Temporary Matter Analysis


Your goal is to closely analyze a particular passage from a short story to then explain something of significance about the story overall. Analyze how the diction, tone, imagery, metaphors, similes, personification, etc. in the passage contribute to its meaning. The goal is to analyze the specific passage and explore how it reflects the larger ideas in the story as a whole.

New York University Art Appreciation Post Modernism and Digital Design Essay


10-12 sentence paragraph

Go over the readings and viewings and watch a video

Analyze the user interface for an app or a website that you use on a regular basis. I want you to explain and defend your design thoughts and ideas. Consider design topics we have covered in this course including physical and visual accessibility issues, international and cultural accessibility and general graphic design/layout.

PSY 312 Cleveland State Univerisity Psychology Worksheet


Please locate a descriptive research article from a peer reviewed psychology journal. The article should use survey methodology as the main way that the data was collected. After locating a journal article that used descriptive research methods, please complete the attached research article assignment template based on the descriptive methods article that you located.

I have a attached the form to be completed.

NYU Politics was Machiavelli Essay


a page per answer, and perhaps one and one-half pages for longer questions that have multiple parts. Please submit typed, double-spaced, with reasonable margins. Any type font is fine. You need not include complete citations, but if you quote or paraphrase, please indicate the source by the last name of the author and the page number, or the speaker and presentation.

Correlational Vs. Experimental Designs Discussion


Week 3 Topic:


You have been tasked to research the relationship between academic performance and studying either alone or in a group.

How would you design the study if you were doing a correlational study?

How would you design the study if you were doing an experimental study?

Between these two designs which one would be the best method in this case? Why?

FIO History Communist Manifesto and Rights Question

Question Description

I’m working on a history writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Based on what you have learned in this course, you will write an 8-page paper comparing and contrasting ideas of the just society as expressed in:

-The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

The Communist Manifesto

-The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

Chocolate Abstract Introduction and Discussion


Below are attached assignment to help write the Abstract, Introduction and Discussion. I have included a rubric that needs to be followed. I have also included the methods and results that were corrected with comments on them to help with writing. Citations must be from a credible source, like JACS. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RUBRIC TO WRITE THE Abstract, Introduction and DiscussiON

Rasmussen College Target Populations Discussion


This module you will be asked to provide information about the target population your agency will serve. Make sure to discuss the following:

What is the primary demographic make-up of your target population?

Will your staff require specialized training or certification to serve this population?

  • How will you address the needs of clients that come for service from differing cultures than the primary demographic?

Cuyamaca College Different Types of Reasoning Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


Let’s learn about different types of reasoning.  


Step 1 Read

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning (Links to an external site.) 

Step 2 Watch 

Step 3 Complete the following activities 

Write a one short paragraph sample of deductive reasoning on any topic of your choice.

LMU Nursing Theory Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a humanities question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Overview: need to pick a theorist and use one of their theories to answer a few questions:Why did I choose my selected nursing theory?Brief summary of the nursing theory I chose including key concepts:How is this nursing theory useful to the nursing profession?