UCF Will Performance Anxiety Have a Positive Effect on Musicians on Stage Case Study


  topic   “performance anxiety”. 

Potential research question: will performance anxiety have a positive effect on musicians on stage? The structure would be: 1 Introduction. 2 Define performance anxiety from a psychology perspective and music performance perspectives. 3 Possible trigger and cause of performance anxiety. 4 How does performance anxiety affects musicians on stage. 5 Possible cues for musicians. 6 Conclusion.


California State University Organization Design Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a humanities multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

f you are a new CEO for a large integrated healthcare system and your organization’s board of directors asked you to outline your plan to promote organization design, coordination, and motivation effectively. What is it, and how are you going to sell it?

Palm Beach State College Death of a Salesman Fences Essay


 read Death of a Salesman and think of 3 thought-provoking questions you can ask your classmates about the play next week. You may get ideas from the Internet.

Death of a Salesman


Also, read my PowerPoint on Dramatic Elements and pick a character from Trifles that you would like to play next week. 

Trifles by Susan Glaspell


MVCC internet Gaming Disorder Article Summary


Based on this information, you will find and summarize a journal article that examines Internet Gaming Disorder. The article must be from a scholarly journal and must focus on Internet Gaming Disorder. Make sure you include the following: Here is a link to A scholarly article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC66780… use this to answer the question shown in the document

UP Sexuality Studies Worksheet


Hello Henry

Below I have attached to zip files the  file that says the moral panic question is the essay part of this assignment and then the other zip file is the resources you need to answer the 3 short answers. I have labeled each resource depending on each question so please use the resource for the proper question. 

GCU public health information Discussion


#1 If you chose the research-based project, share how you will disseminate your project information and recommendations. How will your project impact public health?

#2 Describe why planning is foundational for career planning and seeking employment. Reflect on the development of your proposal. Describe an example of how you will apply what you have learned in your research-based project 

William Rainey Harper College Spiral Iterative Model Discussion


Chapter 12 and 13 cover different models that can be used for the development process. 

Choose a model you would like to implement in a project.

  • Explain why you chose the model you did and what you like about that model’s approach.

What are some disadvantages of using a predictive modeling approach?

  1. What are some disadvantages of using an iterative modeling approach? 

De Anza College Walmart Unethical Issues in A Company Article Discussion



Read the article above, find an example in the media – online or in a magazine/newspaper of an example of unethical practice by a company and describe how using this framework could prevent unethical action, answer the 12 questions in 2-3 sentences each. Make sure to share the link to the company you choose in your response.

Gods of Jade and Shadow Merida Podcast


  • Read Chapters 1-35 in Gods of Jade and Shadow (spark notes okay!)
  • Download the postcards
  • Write a postcard from the cities below to Casiopea’s mother by answering the following questions for each postcard.   Each postcard should be written from Casiopea’s perspective.
    • Who did Casiopea meet? (characters)
    • What did she see? (setting)
    • What did she do? (plot)  Provide specific details from the novel.

University of South Dakota Chinese History in A Core of Human Nature Discussion


Choose a quote or a scene from Saints to discuss. Provide your analysis. How do you feel that the graphic novels help us to understand Catholic Christianity? How do you feel that graphic novels can contribute to our understanding of Religion?

You should have read the box set of Boxers & Saints or know what is it about.