DAC Zoombombing Article Summary and Presentation


Please read the article first: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/01/zoom-reaches-85-mi…

Define the issue you found in this article by using the EDM framework(https://www.pmi.org/-/media/pmi/documents/public/p…

Northern Arizona University Effects of the Self-Complexity Level on Processes of Comparison and Reflection Paper


“How might one’s level of self-complexity affect the processes of comparison and reflection proposed in the self-evaluation maintenance model?”

Critique of IMF and Sovereign Debt Crisis Essay


There is an essay that is done by another group. the assignment is to do a 2 page critique

SABER College Intuition Discussion


Compose a 400 words or less discussion to respond the following:

Discuss what is intuition and how accurate is it?

University of West Alabama Education & Teaching Discussion Question

Question Description

I’m working on a education & teaching question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Atlanta Technical College Physical Development Worksheet


Create a website based on “intelligence”. Put it in a word document and i’ll submit it to my group. 

Columbia College Rise and Fall of The Communist Movement Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Rise of the Nationalist Right Discussion


1. Explain the “Rise of the Nationalist Right” and explain how it is OR is not detrimental to society.

University of South Alabama Psychology Essay


this is a research paper where you are basically summarizing articles that refer to my research topic

University of Toronto Chinese History Essay


base on few readings, answering 12 questions.

all the required and may requeired reading are in this link
