Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Potentiometer with Motor Worksheet


PLEASE USE LIBARY GIVEN (motor.py , ledbar.py ,adc0832.py) I DO NOT accept any library different

2. The DC motor controller should have the following functionality:

a. The push button must control forward and reverse directions of the motor. This is a simple state machine: a push of the button will change the motor direction from forward to reverse. The next push of the button will change the motor direction from reverse to forward.

b. The potentiometer must control the speed of the motor such that with the potentiometer turned completely counterclockwise the motor is off and when turned completely clockwise the motor is operating at full speed.

c. The LED bar graph must show, qualitatively, the speed of the motor. When the motor is completely off, no LEDs are lit. When the motor is at full speed, all LEDs are lit. There shall be a linear relationship between the number of LED’s lit and the RPM of the DC motor. This relationship should hold whether the motor is in reverse or in forward.

Python Question

Question Description

I’m working on a python question and need guidance to help me learn.

Write a program that assigns seats on an airplane. The airplane has 10 seats. The program should ask if the passenger requires a vegetarian meal or a standard meal. There are only 5 vegetarian meals available. The seats should be numbered 1-10 and no double seat should be assigned. If a passenger requires a vegetarian meal but it is not available , the system should give a choice of standard meal or printout “Next flight with a vegetarian option leaves in 4 hours”. The final printout should be the First Name , Last Name (of the all the passengers), seat number, and a V for Vegetarian or S for standard meal. If all the seats are taken, the program should tell the user so and that “Next flight leaves in 4 hours”.

You must use at a minimum two functions.

Honor code applies. Please no cheating!

Python Programming Code


Choose a Business Case (dataset should be large enough for accurate model building) for data analysis and model building for prediction/Classification/ clustering etc.. (you can use

all the ML algorithms). Before doing the analysis, data cleaning steps must be included.

2. You can choose any domain dataset

3. There must be at least 6 – 7 insights/observations taken from the dataset and each observation should have a proper reading/ explanation.

4. You must submit a single notebook file and a dataset file(csv file)

5. (Name, section, etc…) should be included in the jupyter notebook file only

6. mention the problem statement in the heading on .ipynb file

This is how your notebook file is supposed to be:

  1. Give your name,ID
  2. Give a project description at the heading
  3. Problem statement
  4. About the dataset
  5. source of the data
  6. data preparation
  7. Algorithm
  8. What you are expecting from the output/ model
  9. Every graph/ visual should have an insight (mention about it, what you read from the graph), and how you are using it for further analysis.
  10. Model building
  11. model evaluation
  12. Conclusion

American University C++ Programming Language Project


Programming question(Use separate files and Virtual Function whenever it is appropriate)

Design a C+ class  called  Account to manipulate customers bank accounts. The class should have the following characteristics:

The customer name

The customer account number

The customer balance

In, your class develop the following methods: 

– se the account number;

– get  the account number,  

– get the balance, 

– Set the balance

– deposit Money 

– withdraw Money, 

– print account details. 

– Constructor with parameters

Default constructor 

2. Design a child class called savings that is inherited from the class Account.

This class has interest Rate as a data member. A customer with a savings account can receive interest, make deposits and withdraw money. In addition to the functions inherited from the parent class, this class should provide the following operations:  

– set interest rate, 

– get interest rate, 

– withdraw 

– print account information.  

– constructor with parameters

– default constructor. 

3. In the main, create an object from the parent class and an object from the child class  and test your functions

Northern Virginia Community College Image Clustering Worksheet


Part 1:

– Writing and testing your own implementation of k-means on a simple data (IRIS) (Follow the description attached for more details)

Part 2:

– The MNIST data is provided under Test and consists of 10,000 images of handwritten digits (0-9). The images were scanned and scaled into 28×28 pixels. For every digit, each pixel can be represented as an integer in the range [0, 255] where 0 corresponds to the pixel being completely white, and 255 corresponds to the pixel being completely black. This gives us a 28×28 matrix of integers for each digit. We can then flatten each matrix into a 1×784 vector. No labels are provided.

– Use your algorithm from Part 1 to assign each of the instances in the input data to K clusters identified from 1 to K

– The resulting file contains 1 collum of 10,000 rows with int from 1 to 10.

Iris data:


MNIST data: Attachement (testData)

UMGC Polymorphism Overloading and Overriding Paper


Reply to another student’s post. Suggest a different overloading or overriding method. Write the main method to demonstrate the correct functionality of the additions/modifications. As you reply to the other students, try to reply to a post that does not have a reply yet, and if not; try to reply to a post with a fewer number of replies.

Be sure to create a program different from any of the programs already posted by your classmates or the examples in the class materials.

As you answer these questions, use proper Java naming convention (Camel case), name the class, attribute, and method in a meaningful way to represent the business meaning, and add comments to the Java code as applicable.

The deliverables are the Java code and the documentation. The documentation is a single Microsoft Word document, or PDF containing the screenshot of the results obtained by running the code.

Georgia State University Java Mutation Programming Project


For this assignment, you will perform a mutation analysis study for an opensource software project. You will use the PIT mutation framework for Java to perform the mutation analysis.

The project you will analyze is JFreeChart, which has been in this git link https://github.com/Bindu909/jfreechart-mutation-an…

After the execution of PIT is complete, you should submit the following files for this assignment:

(1) The generated file by PIT (this I have already generated)

(2) One written report to describe and analyze your results.

In reporting your results, you should include :

  • The number of all mutants generated
  • The number of mutantscovered by the test suite
  • The number of mutantskilled by the test suite
  • The number of live mutants
  • The overall mutation score of the test suite

Discuss and explain your observed results.

  • For the generated mutants, does killed + live = covered? Why or why not?
  • Do you have any other interesting insights or opinions on the experience

Weatherford College Car Sales Database Design Project


Can be any business other than a bicycle shop (sales/repair)

2 People 38 Tables

(Average 5 Columns per table)

Should be normalized to 3rd Normal Form

1 (per person) instance where 1st, 2nd, or 3rd normal form is violated, give a detailed explanation as to why you designed this violation (you can have more than one, but it must be explained)

Create Select/Insert/Update/Delete statements for each table (other than many-to-many tables)

Create at least 12 business rules, 10 should be built into the design (Per person)

Naming convention – explain the naming convention you used.

Data Dictionary

10 rows of dummy data in each table (where possible)

DDL Scripts for each table, PK, and FK

Using https://app.diagrams.net/ create the ERD using Crow’s Foot Notation (No other Notation will be accepted)

If you are working as a team, make sure it is obvious who created which pieces. Color code the ERD, showing who did what.

CMSC 405 UM Three JS Project Project


Project 3:Project 3 Three js Project Overview In this project you will create a unique 3D animated scene composed of Three.js graphic components. The scene should include animation, lighting and multiple objects. Requirements: 1. Using Three.js create a unique 3D animated scene. The scene has the following specifications: a. Size: minimum of 640×480 b. Includes at least 6 different shapes c. Uses multiple lighting effects d. Includes radio buttons, slider bars or other widgets to turn on or off certain components of the animation. 2. Use Three.js 3. All JavaScript source code should be written using Google JavaScript style guide.( http://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html) 4. Prepare, conduct and document a test plan verifying your application is working as expected. This plan should include a test matrix listing each method you tested, how you tested it, and the results of testing

Text Analysis Using Python NLP Paper


Preparation of the text data      for analysis

Elimination of stop words,       punctuation, digits, lowercase

Identify the 10 most frequently      used words in the text

  • How about the ten least       frequently used words?

How does lemmatization change       the most/least frequent words?

Explain and demonstrate this        topic

  • Generate a world cloud for the      text
  • Demonstrate the generation of      n-grams and part of speech tagging

Create a Topic model of the      text

  • Find the optimal number of       topics

test the accuracy of your       model

Display your results 2       different ways. 1) Print the topics and explain any insights at this       point. 2) Graph the topics and explain any insights at this point.

  • Important: Make sure you provide complete and thorough explanations for all of your analysis. You need to defend your thought processes and reasoning.