Race Discrimination: Literature Review And Application Of Related Theories – An Essay.

Literature reviewOver this period, one of the most significant social issues faced by society and its people was race discrimination. Following the literature, race discrimination refers to treating people based on their race, ethnic origin, and skin colour. In other words, whenever people are being less favourable due to their ethnic origin, skin colour, and race, it is considered a form of race discrimination. According to an article, until …

Essay: Online Vs Traditional Education: Pros, Cons & Considerations.

Introduction to Online and Traditional Classroom EducationThere has been an ongoing debate about which is better between online education and traditional classroom education. With the development in technology, there has been an increase in opportunities for attaining a large of skills through the internet. The traditional method of education includes classroom education where students attend classes physically and get to interact with their t…

A Systematic Review Of Play-Based Interventions For Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Essay.

Play-Based Interventions for ASDAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a intellectual disability of development and learning disability associated with impairments in an individual’s ability to interact and communicate effectively in their surroundings. ASD disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and as a result, also negatively impacts the overall emotional, cognitive, physical and social wellbeing of the individual (Hillman 2018). Th…

The Role Of Nurses In Healthcare: Person-Centred Practices And Decision Making Essay.

Collaborative Practices and Person-Centred CareNurses play an integral role in delivering optimal patient care, improving the quality of health outcomes, and developing relevant procedures and policies. They are responsible for identifying, monitoring and responding to the local needs of the concerned targeted population or patients. The provision of interventions, therapies and care plans by registered nurses intends to assist the health outc…

Essay: Smoking Cessation In Adolescents With Mental Illness – A Proposal.

The proposal is delivered with an aim that is Smoking cessation in adolescent in the mental health unit.
Tobacco-related disorders such as melanoma, cardiovascular illness, and respiratory problems are the primary causes of morbidity and mortality among those who have mental illnesses [1]. People with psychological illnesses may also experience alienation, discrimination, o…

Promoting Health And Well-being Essay.

The Ottawa Charter for Health PromotionRead the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion which can be found at the link below and use it to answer the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of this document?
The purpose of this document is to improve their health and help people have control over their health by the year 2020 and onwards.
1. What are the fundamental …

Nursing Care Plan For Psychotic Disorder – A Case Study Essay.

Understanding Psychotic DisordersIn a nursing care plan, the requirements of a patient availing service through correct identification of the same in encompassed through recognition of the risks of the complication which has been diagnosed. A nursing care plan in mental health nursing helps nurses to communicate efficiently with patients while working in collaboration with other nurses and healthcare workers so that the outcome which is desired …

The Essay On Medical Errors’ Impact On Patient Care And Professional Practice.

Nurses’ Mistakes in Drug Administration
The Several Issues Mentioned With The Nursing Practice In The Video Include The Following
Error in the medical administration, poor communication, lack of skills, poor training, lack of knowledge and unnecessary rushing
Using the video supplied, we will thoroughly examine the mistakes that nurses make when administering a medication that can be fatal to patients and the professional practice

Planning And Controlling The WFH Shift During And Beyond Lockdown Essay.

Managing challenges and issues of WFH during the Covid-19 pandemicThe sudden outbreak and onset of Covid-19 has been sweeping the world and disrupting the global workforce by restricting them to work onsite. This has generated urgency for employers and employees to seek alternative working arrangements and this has led to the demand for remote and Work from Home (WFH) business culture. However, this sudden change and shift in business processe…

Understanding Osteoporosis And The Application Of Bisphosphonates Essay.

Bones Composition and RemodellingBones are living tissues that are broken down constantly and replaced. They have evolved to be strong yet light. The long bines have a stringy outer shell that surrounds a spongier core termed “trabecular bone.” This combination helps in making the bone light and strong. Bones can grow, heal, and respond to the environment, and bone remodelling is an important process (Tu et al., 2020). Daily remodelling i…