Multidisciplinary Team Approach For Comprehensive Care Of Mr. Jagger, An Essay.

Importance of a Multidisciplinary Team for Mr. Jagger’s CareDelivery of comprehensive care of Mr. Jagger, who wants to return home is necessary. A multidisciplinary staff comprises medical specialists who collaborate closely and have expertise in diverse specialties. According to Fitaroni, Bousfield, & Silva (2021), although a multidisciplinary group may engage with many clients, each one obtains personalised support from each member partici…

Understanding Professional Expectations On Nursing Practice | Mental Health Act 2016 Policy | Goal Setting For Health Workers Essay.

Professional Expectations for Nursing PracticeThe following website may assist with this question 
Professional practice as a community worker requires a sound understanding of what professionalism means, the expectations of consumers, employers, the profession and society in general.
Examine a policy as a part of your research and its associated professional expectations. Consider how this policy will impac…

Pathophysiology, Pharmacokinetics, And Patient Education For COPD Essay.

Outline the pathophysiology of COPD1. Outline the pathophysiology of COPD
COPD is one of the most life-threatening diseases which affects the lungs and cause trouble while breathing. COPD occurs when the lungs get exposed to several harmful minor particles and gases that cause abnormal inflammation of the lungs. This type of chronic inflammation plays a vital role in COPD pathophysiology (Zhao et al., 2020). Smoking and some other irritants o…

Anxiety Disorder: Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatment Essay.

Introduction to Psychological DisordersPsychological disorders, frequently called psychiatric disorders or mental disorders are a range of various conditions that impact a person’s behaviour, mood, emotion, perception, or thinking (Malla et al., 2015). These are characterized by varied psychological symptoms that influence numerous areas of a person’s life and can create distress for the person who has this condition. There are …

Culturally Safe Nursing Intervention For Consumers With Hallucinations

Understanding Hallucinations and Nursing InterventionHallucinations could be demarcated as the “perception of a nonexistent object or event” and “sensory involvements which are significantly not triggered by stimulation of the pertinent sensory organs” (Corlett et al., 2019). In simple word, hallucinations as a concept tends to include hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling, , and also savoring aspects that are not for actual. Apart from tha…

Support For Older People With Memory Loss: Observational Report And Recommendations

Introducing the Client: A Case StudyThis assignment presents support for older people. In order to complete this task, memory loss is chosen as the topic. This paper divides into two parts. Part A consists of the observational report where the findings are discussed and recommended some better actions that can improve the client’s quality of life. Part B reflects my practice and experience working in healthcare.
Client profile
A is 68 ye…

Intolerance Of Uncertainty And Its Relationship With Externalizing And Internalizing Psychopathology Among College Students: An Essay.

Intolerance of Uncertainty and Its Impact on Mental HealthIntolerance of uncertainty is related to aggression. The association between intolerance of uncertainty (IU) and externalizing problems or pathology has not been extensively researched. Indirect research has established that IU is correlated with externalizing problems like aggression and drinking. These activities are used as coping strategies with IU. However, less research has analyz…

Breast Cancer In Australia: Burden, Social Determinants Of Health, Mitigation Strategies – Essay.

Reducing tobacco use
Improving access to and the consumption of a healthy diet
Increasing physical activity to reduce obesity
Increasing cancer screening and prevention
Improving immunisation coverage
Reducing alcohol and other drug harm
Promoting and protecting mental health
Burden of Breast Cancer in Australia1. Analyse the burden of this issue in Australia.
Use current statistics, data, demographics (E.g who it affects, age, g…

Impact Of COVID-19 On Irish SMEs Offering Travel Around Europe, Essay.

Factors influencing survival of Irish Small and Medium-Sized Travel Enterprises due to COVID-19Topic:  Impact of COVID-19 on Irish Small and medium-sized travel enterprises offering travel around Europe
Background of the topic
In the year 2020, the Global travel as well as tourism industry has lost almost 121 million human resources (Syriopoulos 2020). Tourism has become the most important factor that has got highly distorted due to t…

Impact Of Covid-19 Lockdown On Mental Health And Well-being Of Individuals With Learning Disabilities – An Essay.

Background and Problem StatementThe research proposal is prepared with the focus on research inquiry and conducting a learning project to improve upon a specific area of practice and thus facilitate collaborative learning. The main focus of conducting this research is to identify and evaluate the impact of lockdown imposed on nations, due to the Covid 19 outbreak on the mental health and wellbeing of the individuals with some sort of learning …