Nurses’ Safety Measures When Administering Medications and EHR System Safety Measures

Students will identify and evaluate nurses’ safety measures when administering medications at a specific healthcare facility. Each student will also evaluate an EHR system’s safety measures at one healthcare facility. Students will prepare a Powerpoint to present details of the assignments in no more than 20-25 minutes. Students should follow the assignment rubric the instructor provided to complete the assignment.
Overview of hospital, bed, capacity and services
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of Safety Measures Used by Nurses When Administering Medications
Description of Safety Measures Used Within an EHR System
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation of Safety Measures Used by Nurses and Within an EHR System
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation/Writing Mechanics and Formatting Guidelines
1. Overview of the Healthcare Facility
An overview of the nurse’s work routine is a must to understand and view the nurses’ safety measures when administering medications and the EHR system safety measures wholly. The nurses at this facility are given patients to manage for specific shifts that include morning shift (7am-2pm), afternoon shift (2pm-9pm), and night shift (9pm-7am). Usually, there will be an average of 6 patients per nurse as our bed capacity is 25. During the mentioned shift times, nurses will have their main jobs such as wound dressings, management of leg ulcers and post-operative wounds, and medication rounds.
The healthcare facility is a general inpatient unit for acute and chronic medical conditions. The bed capacity is 25 beds with 5-6 side rooms. The services that are provided by the facility include dispensing and administering medications, wound care for acute and chronic conditions, and also managing wounds of post-operative patients from general surgical, orthopedic, and colorectal surgery. Other than that, leg ulcer management is also provided by the facility, which includes compression bandaging and ulcer assessment.
1.1. Hospital Description
The current essay is focused on the nurses’ medication safety measures and EHR system to prevent medication errors. Adelaide Hospital is a small community hospital in the south of Australia. Physicians working in the University of Adelaide and Flinders University Adelaide have admitting rights to the hospital. Most of the patients in Adelaide Hospital were referred by the physicians from University Adelaide because it is a teaching hospital. Adelaide Hospital is divided into 6 units. Unit A is the Medical Unit, Unit B and C are Surgical Units, Unit D is the Integrated Maternal and Child Health Unit, Unit E is the Mental Health Unit, and Unit F is the Outpatient Unit. This essay is not only describing the systems or how the nurses can prevent medication errors, but the essay is also providing the specific instructions or steps that the nurses can do to prevent the errors and the EHR system itself. Adelaide Hospital is a teaching hospital with 230 beds. This hospital provides full internet access to the allusion healthcare software, whereas it is the EHR system that creates electronic medication administration record (eMAR) and several clinical information systems. EHR is a secure, interactive, and permanent tool which can make collaboration of healthcare providers easier and efficient for the patient in obtaining the best care. Measures to ensure that patients get the best care provided by nurses who are aware of the needs of the patient, safety, and how to achieve the best care. The error in giving medication to the patient here is something that is undesirable. The hospital is trying to resolve the problems frequent incidents of drug administration to the wrong patient or wrong medication dose for because nurses are less emphasis on patient data recorded in the medical record and less oversight of the doctor to give a prescription.
1.2. Bed Capacity
The facility is composed of several buildings in close proximity and connected by a series of hallways. The East Hospital was constructed in 1994, and has 107 acute care beds. In 2004, the West Hospital was built, and increased total bed capacity to 239 acute care beds. During the past several years, the West Hospital has become home to several clinical areas, to include the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit, Neurology/Neurosurgery/ENT clinics, Ophthalmology, Vascular, and Urology services with plans for further expansions and relocations in the near future.
1.3. Services Provided
Overview of the Healthcare Facility Hospital Description Bed Capacity Services Provided
2. Safety Measures Used by Nurses When Administering Medications
2.1. Medication Verification Process
2.2. Proper Dosage Calculation
2.3. Checking for Allergies and Adverse Reactions
2.4. Monitoring Patient Vital Signs
2.5. Documentation of Medication Administration
3. Safety Measures Used Within an EHR System
3.1. User Authentication and Access Control
3.2. Data Encryption and Security
3.3. Audit Trails for Tracking System Activities
3.4. Error Prevention and Alerts
3.5. Regular System Updates and Maintenance
4. Evaluation of Safety Measures Used by Nurses and Within an EHR System
4.1. Effectiveness of Medication Safety Measures
4.2. Identification of Potential Risks and Hazards
4.3. Comparison of Safety Measures with Industry Standards
4.4. Feedback from Nurses and Healthcare Providers
4.5. Recommendations for Improvement

Chronic Illness Trajectory and its Influence on the Plan of Care


   Describe the chronic illness trajectory for the selected illness based on the patient’s age. 
How does the chronically ill patient’s illness trajectory influence the plan of care?
1. Introduction
Chronic illness can be a life-altering incline of suffering and disability. It can affect every stage of a person’s life, from juvenile to old age, and can lead to a heavy burden on the families and caretakers of those with such illnesses. As chronic illnesses progress, there often comes a time when a patient’s living conditions worsen to the point where a healthcare proxy such as kindred or enduring power of attorney is required to make sure the patient’s wishes are respected. Understanding the disease trajectory for an enduring illness is a precarious part in being able to control the course of both the illness and the patient’s life. There are fixed key factors and patterns that need to be taken into account when looking at disease trajectory. The most perilous step in a patient’s trajectory is putting in writing the degenerative course of a chronic illness. As a disease progresses, new supportions and capabilities need to be discovered, practiced, and shared with others. Each phase of the illness course requires necessary adjustments to be made regarding both the patient’s and the caretaker’s daily routine and activities. This article will discuss what a chronic illness is, how it is characterized, and the physical, psychological, and societal consequences of such movement.
1.1. Definition of Chronic Illness
Chronic illness is a persistent condition that lasts a long time, sometimes for the entire life of the patient. An illness is considered chronic if it is persistent and constantly recurring over time. Examples of chronic illness include osteoporosis, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, obesity, and heart disease. Chronic illness not only causes physical disability but also affects mental and emotional health of the sufferers. The most common factors contributing to chronic health problems are lack of adequate physical activity, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and drinking too much alcohol. They are associated with a number of preventable health risks and result in a dramatic increase in the number of people suffering from chronic illness and death. This type of illness can be very complex to treat. Patients’ daily functions can be affected and this generates any number of issues, from the future to the way people live their lives, and even how they define themselves. For that reason, it is crucial to help patients evolve from a take-it-as-it-comes notion of time to a forward-looking and proactive use of time, which signifies that patients should strive for health regardless of the presence or absence of any symptoms. This transition is exemplified by the mutation in their awareness of their bodies and self, no longer as residents of an indifferent form but as partners which illnesses are not so much suffered as waged over. Such changes in thinking and living will have beneficial effects for how patients understand the meaning of their lives and themselves. This transformation in the patient’s self-understanding is the overarching therapeutic goal in chronic illness care. Adoption of the word “chronic” takes on a remarkable reality for all parties involved, for this is indicative of a historical, progressive, and dynamic form of illness that is now perfected in the present. Every moment that the patient experiences is not just a repetition of the same symptoms but a radical rethinking and revision of the meaning of time and the subject’s place in it. Thus, chronic illness care poses a unique challenge for all those involved. It mandates not only medical attention and therapeutic intervention but also a fundamental redirection in the patient’s sense of time and self, and in that, the patients will find that they are not just living with their illness but leading their lives in health. Because of the imposing and oftentimes overpowering aspects of chronic illness, patients are usually unaware of the external stigmas being associated with their condition. Every year, just around 900,000 individuals encounter untimely death because of a chronic illness. However, the public is more prone to be sympathetic toward diseases such as cancer and acute illness, in comparison to chronic disorders. Public awareness towards chronic ailments is essential to minimize the discrimination that patients with chronicity may experience. Alleviating stigmas would have the effect of allowing the patient to better integrate their life worlds with the environment and foster more meaningful relationships with others.
1.2. Importance of Understanding Illness Trajectory
Chronic illness is a great burden for the patient population, and few patients tolerate chronic illness well. When these patients are admitted to a hospital, they require an effective plan of care that will be able to manage their chronic illnesses as well as the acute exacerbation of their diseases. Understanding the chronic illness trajectory is central to the patient and family-centered plan of care design. As mentioned by Corbin and Strauss (1988), the illness trajectory is defined as “the unique course that the disease or illness takes in each individual; it unfolds over time and is characterized by a series of stages such as onset, acute, stable, unstable, and a return to wellness or a deteriorating process.” If the illness trajectory of a specific chronic illness is unknown, it may be difficult for a nurse to understand why patients make seemingly unexplainable decisions and why their condition changes over time. Moreover, in a situation of unplanned care or chronic illness exacerbation, the prior knowledge of the illness trajectory can help the hospital staff differentiate the temporary and long-term treatment needs. In this respect, integrating the illness trajectory of the specific chronic illness into care planning becomes significant. The knowledge of the illness trajectory can enable the care plan to cope and manage with the chronic illness and also minimize the acute exacerbation of the chronic illness. Also, it has great significance to the palliative care coordination and management. If the symptoms of a chronic illness change and worsen over time, the patient may move into the later stage of the illness. At this stage, the focus of the care shifts from treatment-oriented to comfort-oriented care. The understanding of the illness trajectory can help create a peaceful and comfortable environment for those who are dying of the chronic illness. In the parents of care, the patient and the family members are at the center of the care design according to the Chronic Care Model developed by Wagner et al. (1996). The care should be individualized and mindful of the needs of the patient and his/her family members. So when developing the care plan, the first step is to comprehensively understand the illness trajectory and its link to the patient’s current conditions. The individual experiences of the patient can guide the customization of the care plan as well as the synchronization of the patient’s participation in the care plan. Also, the family members may also be involved in the care planning process and facilitate the care activities because of the comprehensive understanding of the illness trajectory in such a family-centered plan of care (Ferrell & Coyle, 2008).
2. Chronic Illness Trajectory
2.1. Overview of the Illness Trajectory
2.2. Factors Influencing the Trajectory
2.3. Stages of the Illness Trajectory
3. Patient’s Age and Illness Trajectory
3.1. Impact of Age on the Trajectory
3.2. Age-Related Challenges in Managing Chronic Illness
3.3. Variations in Trajectory Based on Age
4. Plan of Care for Chronically Ill Patients
4.1. Importance of Tailored Care Plans
4.2. Assessing the Patient’s Needs and Goals
4.3. Collaborative Approach in Developing the Plan
4.4. Adjusting the Plan as the Trajectory Evolves
5. Integrating the Illness Trajectory into Care
5.1. Monitoring and Managing Symptoms
5.2. Addressing Physical Limitations and Functional Decline
5.3. Emotional and Psychological Support
5.4. Palliative and End-of-Life Care Considerations
6. Enhancing Patient and Family Education
6.1. Providing Information on the Trajectory
6.2. Educating about Self-Management Strategies
6.3. Promoting Health Literacy and Empowerment
7. Interprofessional Collaboration in Care
7.1. Role of Healthcare Professionals in the Plan of Care
7.2. Communication and Coordination among Providers
7.3. Engaging Other Disciplines for Holistic Care
8. Conclusion
8.1. Recap of the Importance of Understanding the Illness Trajectory
8.2. Key Considerations for Effective Care Planning

The Role of Conservation Biology in Protecting Endangered Species and Ecosystems

1. Introduction

The text is an essential read for anyone concerned about the environment. It explores the relationship between conservation biology and the health of our global ecosystems in such a comprehensive and engaging way. This is incredibly relevant in today’s world as we face increasing pressure to address issues like climate change on an international scale. The forward-thinking approach of the writers in assessing the future directions and potential of the science, even going as far as calling for a ‘unity of knowledge’ among research disciplines can give hope that one day humanity will begin to repair the damage we’ve inflicted on the natural world. It also provides an engaging and thought-provoking read on the enormous wealth of biodiversity present around the world today, outlined by the different chapters discussing the prevalence of ‘hotspots’ and the techniques involved in their conservation. This section will be of particular interest with the rise in big-data connected technologies that offer opportunities to enhance the informative power of our science yet is careful to distance itself from the mystifying tendencies of complex scientific theories. I believe that any student of environmental sciences would benefit from reading this text, but the way in which it is able to distill the key concepts and themes means that it will also be a fascinating read for those interested in general scientific developments. I believe that this text has the potential to become a set text for any undergraduate or introductory course in conservation biology. Indeed, the course that I myself lectured on was always searching for up to date and comprehensive material that could be easily accessible and easily understood. This text serves all of these requisites and removes the need to hand out and source dozens of academic papers that can be difficult to read for new students. I believe that, as one of the earliest comprehensive texts in the field, it will provide a strong grounding and context for new researchers as they explore the modern scientific literature and the rest of the course.

1.1 Importance of biodiversity preservation

The preservation of biodiversity is important for several reasons. First, biodiversity is an important part of the normal functioning of ecosystems. Every species plays a role in the ecosystem, and a loss of biodiversity could mean that the ecotoxicity of substances in the environment increases. In technical terms, an ecotoxic substance is something that hurts species within an ecosystem. Normally, the great number of species in an ecosystem means that all harmful substances in an ecosystem are decomposed and converted into less harmful substances. This decomposition takes place at many levels, but at the top are microorganisms which help to break down harmful substances. However, if a harmful substance were to be released into a biological system that was low in biodiversity, there is a higher chance that the substance would be much less decomposed and therefore its harmful effects would be much more likely to remain.

1.2 Threats to endangered species and ecosystems

The rate of extinction, according to the background information, has been rising dramatically since the 20th century due to human activity. Accelerated rates of habitat destruction, hunting, and introduction of alien species have increased the vulnerability of many populations and species, which ultimately endangers ecosystems. These activities are all driven due to a number of reasons like consumption by an ever increasing human population, growth in economic activity and technological advancement. The direct consequences of this is habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and over-exploitation of natural resources, which are the main driving forces of extinction. Hansen, a well respected environmental scientist who has published many works on conserving nature stated in their literature that “human exploitation of the environment led to 999 extinctions over the last four hundred years”. This rise in the rate of extinction is a significant concern as, unlike in previous centuries, the primary cause of extinction is due to activity of one species, humans. This is also stated in the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Extinction of the background information and is supported by the other literature. These different causes of population decline and the synergistic effects they can have on a species, are discussed as the current ‘Threats’ section of the chapter “Population Extinction”. Overall, the background information provides a good analysis into the human factors which effect the population of different species and refers to a variety of sources that have inspired the work of many modern scientists and ecologists, who work to prevent further extinctions. It also gives a basis to develop on a section discussing the ‘History of Extinction’ and the role key events, such as habitat destruction during the industrial revolution, has on the environment today.

1.3 Role of conservation biology in addressing these threats

Conservation biology is a science that provides the tools and knowledge to address the problems of small, declining populations. One way it does this is by increasing the effective population size of a species. The effective population size is a measure of a population’s genetic health. The concept of effective population size takes into account the fact that not all individuals in a population reproduce. It is always smaller than the total number of individuals in a population. However, a very small effective population size is dangerous for the long-term persistence of a population. This is because three important genetic processes work most effectively in large populations. First, large populations are better able to withstand the effects of harmful genes. Second, large populations are better able to adapt to changing environmental conditions through natural selection. Finally, large populations minimize the random changes in gene frequencies that occur in all populations. Such random changes, known as genetic drift, are most powerful in very small populations. By minimizing the random occurrence of harmful, neutral or beneficial genes, large populations increase the probability that a species will be able to produce enough healthy individuals to survive over time. In addition to increasing effective population sizes, conservation biologists strive to connect isolated populations in fragmented habitats. The migration of individuals between these populations, which can occur along corridors of suitable habitat types, assists in maintaining genetic diversity. For many species living in fragmented habitats, the land between habitat areas has been developed for human use. Reconnecting these areas to allow the movement of species, as well as promoting the maintenance of biodiversity hotspots, are areas in which conservation biologists can make a real and lasting impact. Programs that create such corridors are now increasingly recognized as essential tools in conservation biology. Consequently, key concepts that underlie the actions of conservation biologists include: minimizing the further destruction of natural habitats, protecting the genetic diversity of populations, and providing for the continued ability of populations to grow and interact with their environment, of which the maintenance of viable population sizes is a key.

2. Principles of Conservation Biology

2.1 Conservation genetics

2.2 Habitat conservation

2.3 Species reintroduction and translocation

2.4 Population management

3. Practices of Conservation Biology

3.1 Conservation planning and prioritization

3.2 Protected areas and reserves

3.3 Wildlife monitoring and research

3.4 Community-based conservation initiatives

4. Conservation Biology and Endangered Species

4.1 Endangered species classification and criteria

4.2 Conservation strategies for endangered species

4.3 Case studies of successful species recovery

5. Conservation Biology and Ecosystems

5.1 Ecosystem services and their importance

5.2 Threats to ecosystems and their impacts

5.3 Ecosystem restoration and management

6. Conservation Biology and Human Society

6.1 Economic value of biodiversity

6.2 Ethical considerations in conservation

6.3 Education and awareness for conservation

7. Challenges and Future Directions

7.1 Climate change and its implications

7.2 Emerging technologies in conservation biology

7.3 International cooperation for conservation efforts

The Shift Towards Specialization and Advanced Practice

1. Introduction

Specialization refers to the process of becoming an expert in a particular field, instead of focusing on a wide range of tasks. With advancements in science and technology, there has been a growing trend towards specialization in various areas, such as medicine, business, and education. This has also led to the development of specific advanced practice roles in different industries. Advanced practice is a term used to describe a level of practice, rather than a specific role. Such roles are ‘advanced’ as they require higher levels of decision-making and more autonomy. Advanced practice is not just limited to the medical profession. We can see this type of practice in social work, nursing, and other health and social care professions. In recent years, advanced practice roles have been developed in sectors such as paramedics and occupational therapists. The growth of advanced practice roles in the health sector reflects the demand for expert professionals who can support and complement medical services. This has been seen as a way to modernize healthcare systems and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of patient care. Advances in medicine and changes to the workings of the healthcare industry have allowed some medical professionals to move away from traditional, multidisciplinary roles and increase their level of specialization. One of the main reasons for this shift is the recognition that specialists who focus solely on one area are able to develop their expertise and provide a more efficient and high-quality service. As well as improved patient care, the adoption of advanced specialist practitioner roles has been identified as a method to ease demand on more traditional healthcare services. These have additional benefits for the wider healthcare system, including reduced waiting times and better integration between primary and secondary health services. Specialization in medicine is quite advanced. For example, in the field of surgery alone, we have specialists in orthopedic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and neurosurgery. Various medical scientists have made significant contributions in highly specialized areas such as genetics, molecular biology, and the study of abnormal genes found in genetic disorders. This allows for further sub-specialization as well. The law is another area for great specialization. With the increasing globalization and commercialization of today’s world economies, it is inevitable that lawyers have been willing to specialize in a career in international business or trade law. In education, teachers have shown to become better skilled in their subject areas when they are given professional development in a particular area of the curriculum. Resistance to move away from old belief systems. The process of specialization requires individuals to give up the familiarity of general knowledge in a particular area in favor of seeking expertise in a smaller subfield. However, many may be afraid to give up that general knowledge around which their personal identity and professional work revolves. This is especially true when their employment requires versatility, such as a general practitioner in the medical field or a family attorney. Also, there is the understanding that the process of specialization comes with the appeal of prestige, recognition, and even financial incentives. However, it is difficult for individuals to avoid being influenced by these potential benefits and seek specialization even where it may not be necessary or productive.

1.1 Definition of Specialization

Specialization can be better understood by first defining what general practice is. General practice refers to a standard or routine practice and views things in a broad perspective. In medicine, for instance, general practitioners treat all acute and chronic illnesses, and provide preventive care and health education for all ages and both sexes. On the other hand, specialists focus on a specific disease and treatment, such as cardiologists who only treat heart-related illnesses, and provide a high level of patient care. Advanced practice nurses, as mentioned, are more specialized in a certain area. They should have the expertise in research and theory, and clinical and technical knowledge in their specialized area of practice such as psychiatric, adult health, oncology, pediatrics, or family health. Any nurses who want to gain specialization in a certain area need to acquire accredited post-basic programs for the specialty and pass the examination recognized by their respective professional groups. Such programs will train students to become specialists and to supervise nursing activities in both hospitals and the community and also to consult in their area of specialization. Ongoing clinical management by authority and continuous supervision to practice are required to ensure graduates’ safe practice. Specialized nurses are capable of performing many more complicated diagnostic and invasive procedures than a general nurse. For example, a nurse specialized in oncology – the study of cancer – can not only provide day-to-day care but also can perform a range of cancer treatments including chemotherapy. Advanced practice nurses can work as primary care providers and assist them in domestic health and health promotion, disease prevention, and management of chronic diseases. Focusing on the patient being “at the center of care” is the key to the success of nurses in advanced practice. By doing so, the patient can get the most personalized, comprehensive, and cost-effective care. By providing greater access to advanced practice nurses, a wealth of opportunity exists in contributing to patient-centered care in a range of professional specialties. The shift from physician-centered to patient-centered care also allows advanced practice nurses to practice a fuller scope of care and allows them to demonstrate “evidence-based practice” and “professional performance and quality” set by the respective accrediting body. With the concern about healthcare cost on the rise, the cost-effective nature of advanced practice nursing for specialized care is a genuine solution for sustainable quality healthcare provision. The emphasis and effect imparted by advanced practice nurses to the healthcare system would be enhanced further if the rest of the patient population could take advantage of having advanced practice nurses as primary care providers on a periodic basis. The impact of technology and globalization might have brought about the overall complexity of today’s healthcare environment, but this is allowing nurses to integrate different innovative discoveries in their specialized practices for the benefits of not only the patient but as well as the nurses themselves. However, it would be a greater transformation for nurses in advanced practice to take on and fully utilize the tremendous synergistic opportunities presented nowadays in healthcare transformation.

1.2 Importance of Advanced Practice

With the change in the healthcare system and progress in medical education, we have an opportunity now and the expectation of making greater improvements with further support for clinical educators’ specialty practice.

On July 23, 2015, the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry (ACTPCMD) approved a set of recommendations for increasing flexibility in faculty work effort at medical education programs, focused on building sustainable residency training “capacity in community-based ambulatory settings.” This is proposed “to improve access to comprehensive, coordinated, and longitudinal care for patients and communities,” per the ACTPCMD letter to the then Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The importance of clinical educators’ focus on specialty clinical practice has been recognized for the third educational objective – increased faculty flexibilities in work effort allocation. Such a general focus has been a common theme during the feedback from various national organizations over the past years as well. For example, in 2005, the Institute of Medicine identified the need for a “reproved focus on patients and their ability to access the healthcare system and its resources.” It was suggested in the report that medical education programs and teaching hospitals should adopt a more “candidate-centered approach that focuses on patients’ needs, expectations, and preferences” in order to advance the quality of medical education and patient care.The fourth important educational objective is to give clinical educators the time and resources necessary to become experts in their areas of specialization, often through advanced degrees in health-related fields. This would create an environment where all members of the healthcare team, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other professionals, would benefit from more highly specialized clinical educators who would have the time and opportunity to provide even greater levels of clinical education. In turn, students and residents in these programs would be exposed to higher levels of expertise in a cycle of continuous improvement of clinical education and patient care.

1.3 Evolution of Specialization in Various Fields

The trend of advanced practice roles and specialization has already been shaped and implemented in many countries and across a variety of industries. It is clear that the support for new and ever-changing fields and specialties, with additional uptake in the near future, will provide these industries with the tools and knowledge they need to excel and to contribute to economical and social reform.

With the advance of technology and globalization, education has also witnessed the influence of specialization in various career options. Special education teachers may receive specific training in emotionally disturbed, developmentally delayed, or autistic students. In higher education, deans and academic administrators are primarily responsible for managing and leading the institution and they play a critical role in successfully advancing the organization. However, a dean will need to have an in-depth knowledge of a large range of subjects including course provisions, students affairs, faculties, and finance.

In the field of law, the American Bar Association recognizes not only specific legal specialties such as admiralty law and intellectual property law, but also non-legal careers such as education and business that law graduates may elect to pursue. The accreditation process for law schools and bar examinations are consistent with the adequate preparation requirement for profession expectations.

In engineering, the transition from a master builder model to multidisciplinary design teams has created new fields such as aerospace engineering, computer engineering, and biotechnology. Aerospace engineering focuses on the design, manufacture, and testing of aircraft and spacecraft, as well as satellites and missiles. Computer engineering emphasizes the development of computer hardware and software. Biotechnology is a broad field of biology and technology, encompassing biomedical research and innovative medical processes.

2. Benefits of Specialization

2.1 Enhanced Expertise and Knowledge

2.2 Improved Quality of Services

2.3 Increased Efficiency and Productivity

2.4 Better Patient Outcomes

3. Challenges in Specialization

3.1 Narrow Focus and Limited Scope

3.2 Potential for Professional Isolation

3.3 Continuous Learning and Skill Development

3.4 Balancing Specialization with General Practice

4. Advanced Practice Roles

4.1 Nurse Practitioners

4.2 Physician Assistants

4.3 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

4.4 Clinical Nurse Specialists

4.5 Pharmacists with Prescriptive Authority

5. Specialization in Medicine

5.1 Surgeons and Surgical Specialties

5.2 Cardiologists and Cardiovascular Specialties

5.3 Oncologists and Cancer Specialties

5.4 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Specialties

5.5 Dermatologists and Skin Specialties

6. Specialization in Law

6.1 Criminal Law Specialists

6.2 Corporate Lawyers and Business Specialties

6.3 Intellectual Property Attorneys

6.4 Family Law and Divorce Specialists

6.5 Environmental Lawyers and Sustainability Specialties

7. Specialization in Education

7.1 Special Education Teachers

7.2 Early Childhood Education Specialists

7.3 Educational Psychologists

7.4 Curriculum and Instruction Specialists

7.5 Higher Education Administrators

TOPIC:  “The Unexpected Political Power of Dentists”, by Mary Jordan published in the Washington Post on July 1, 2017.

Find this article and then summarize it; follow the routine guidelines used for submission of an article via p.6 of Course Syllabus; and/or see rubric below.

APA FORMATHealth Information Technology Articles – these articles must be about Computer Applications in Healthcare (technology related articles in healthcare). 2. Typed paper – 500 word (count) summary of the article (paraphrased); double spaced; Times Roman 12pt. font; typed in Microsoft Word or saved in a Rich Text File (rtf); 1 inch margins. 3. Article summary and a copy of the original article must be submitted in a PDF file together as one attachment. Locate articles that are already in a PDF format. If you do not have this type of software, you can copy the article in a word document and save. If you copy the article in a word document, please delete all of the symbols etc. that are attached when you copy information from the InternetanswerThe Unexpected Political Power of DentistsIntroductionThe first section of the essay explores the political power of dentists and provides an overview of the article. It introduces the unexpected influence of dentists in politics and their successful engagement in the political process. The essay aims to provide an in-depth analysis of this topic with a focus on three interlinked research questions. First, why are dentists increasingly engaged in politics and what caused their political awakening? Second, how do dentists exercise political power and what strategies do they use to influence the political agenda? And third, what are the implications of dentists’ political power for oral health politics? By exploring these questions, this essay seeks not only to uncover the reasons behind the political power of dentists, but also to offer original insights into the democratic dimension of interest group politics in oral health. As such, this article will be of particular interest to policymakers, academics, and stakeholders in the field of oral health politics. Finally, the scope of the article is explained. The essay will examine both the electoral and the non-electoral mechanisms that dentists use to access the political decision-making process. In doing so, the study will first provide an overview of the political power among dentists and place it in the context of the current healthcare politics in the United States. Then, it will primarily focus on the non-electoral aspects of interest group politics in oral health. By analyzing the organizational structures and political activities of dentists’ professional associations, the article aims to reveal the complicated and dynamic networks of power relations. The study will also draw on empirical evidence from a series of case studies to illustrate how dentists have successfully shaped healthcare policy and influenced politicians. Furthermore, it will explore dentists’ political donations and their economic and social contributions to local communities. Through these multifaceted examinations of the political power of dentists, this essay hopes to provide new insights into the relationship between experts, interest groups, and democratic government.

1.1 Background information

The origins of dentistry can be traced back thousands of years; however, the modern profession of dentistry—particularly its education, political power, and scope of practice—has been developed in the United States since the early 19th century. Dental education in America began with informal apprenticeships and a focus on extracting teeth, a limited approach to oral health treatment called “empiricist” dentistry. With the advent of anesthesia and the acceptance of germ theory in the mid-1800s, more complex treatments were developed and dental care became an established medical practice. As modern dentistry grew and dentists and dental schools proliferated, so did the political activity and ambition of the profession. This period—from the late 1880s through to the early 20th century—saw the first large-scale efforts to formalize dental schooling and establish the profession’s regulatory and political identity. The professional and social status of a dentist started to evolve alongside changes, such as the development of nonprofit dental organizations and influential academic titles. By providing formal education in the arts and sciences of dentistry in a university setting, majorly inspired by the findings of the “Flexner report”—which was written by a staff member of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 1910, demonstrating the necessity of standardizing higher education and shown that dental education needed access to, in his words, “academic freedom and financial independence”—these distinct trends firmly aligned dental professionals with the “health and well-being of the public”. In the 20th century, the political momentum of the profession accelerated further. The consumer rights and feminist movements of the 1960s and 1970s were especially influential in changing the organizational dynamics and clinical leadership of the profession. It was “the only profession that offered parenteral formulations”. The article explores the influence and impact that dentists have in the political arena. The article begins with an introduction that provides background information and outlines the purpose and scope of the article.

1.2 Purpose of the article

As we already established in the summary, the paper will deal with the strength and impact that dentists have in the political environment. When the author says “purpose,” he/she is referring to the reason for the paper. He needs to explain what the reader should expect in each part of the essay. Secondly, he has to explain what the paper is aiming to accomplish and then he has to explain the importance of choosing this subject. Finally, in this section, one has to explain the logic (methods, materials, techniques) and the layout of the paper. As per the summary given by the student, we can understand that the writer has explained in the introduction that dentists have an impact on the government. Since the writer has given a hint, the “purpose of this paper” part should be connected with the introduction part. By doing this, the writer can keep the readers’ attention to the paper and make sure that the readers can understand the logic of the paper. The writer should also be able to catch the readers’ eyes so that he/she can have faster attention to the introduction part. He can also use a quote or a fact to keep readers’ attention on the paper. If I were to propose a change in the introduction to make it better, I would improve the hook of the introduction. The purpose of this paper is to describe the unexpected political power of dentists in detail, what kind of dentists have the power, and how they use their power. In my personal opinion, legislations and politicians should be more cautious in doing things related to the health fields. Because when healthcare professionals, including dentists, have the power to influence government policy, it means that they are going against private interest and the patients’ well-being by misusing their power. With a project such as “The Unexpected Political Power of Dentists,” we can have a process to prevent injustice health policy and even discover other potential relationships between healthcare professionals and the government.

1.3 Scope of the article

The article will first provide a brief overview of the current political climate and the frustration existing among voters in the direction the country is taking regarding its elected leaders. The article will give specific examples such as recent political poll data and the overwhelming public response to the Occupy Movement that proves people in the country are fed up and are ready for a change. Subsequently, the article will provide a profile of the dental profession and the vast number of men and women employed in it nationwide. This will help draw a comparison between the dental profession and other professionals such as medical doctors (MDs) that traditionally have been major forces in the medical profession and in national healthcare reform policies. There will also be a contrast and comparison drawn with other healthcare professions such as nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants, optometrists and pharmacists that are fighting for some degree of professional sovereignty and independence from the stronghold of MDs. The scope of the research will then detail the two main facets the article will center on: 1. the impact dentists have in healthcare politics and 2. the success of dentists in political campaigns and office seeking. These two focal areas will ensure a thorough analysis of the political power of dentists and open pathways to introduce future directions this unexpected trend in political intervention may lead.The Influence of Dentists in Politics

2.1 Dentists as political donors

2.2 Dentists as lobbyists

2.3 Dentists’ role in shaping healthcare policy

The Financial Power of Dentists

3.1 Income of dentists

3.2 Dentists’ contributions to the economy

3.3 Dentists’ impact on local communities

Dentists’ Professional Associations

4.1 Overview of dental associations

4.2 Political activities of dental associations

4.3 Influence of dental associations on policy decisions

Case Studies: Dentists’ Political Success

5.1 Dentists elected to public office

5.2 Dentists’ involvement in political campaigns

5.3 Dentists’ advocacy for dental-related legislation

The Future of Dentists in Politics

6.1 Potential for increased political influence

6.2 Challenges and obstacles facing dentists’ political power

6.3 Opportunities for dentists to expand their political reach


7.1 Summary of dentists’ unexpected political power

7.2 Implications for healthcare policy and politics

7.3 Recommendations for further research

What is Family? Family Definition Essay

1. Introduction

The concept of family has always been one of the most important ideas in the human experience. Why? Because family has a significant and lasting impact on human life and well-being. It is one of, if not the most, influential variables that will shape a person’s development, and thus it becomes the most important factor that determines how a person will turn out. Family is the main catalyst for social, emotional and cognitive development. This is due both to the proximity of family relationships and the longevity, or stability, of these relationships. The fact that the impact of family on individual development is so strong raises the importance of defining family in terms of its makeup, function and how it contributes to the development of an individual. However, family today can be a confusing idea to pin down, to define in general, or even to see in a standard way. This is because family may be a relatively unexplored topic in a contemporary context, but it has long been a major social institution affecting our lives. More often than not, family is described as a social group made up of parents and their children, and this is what is covered by the definition provided in the Oxford English Dictionary. However, it is so easy to see many other results of human interactions with each other nature that all sway the definition a different way – in essence, it is society that defines what a family is. Even beyond our own experiences and opinions, there is opportunity to explore and make distinctions as to what is family in a global context including in comparison to family in other cultures. This broad concept of family according to Mendes, is categorized into a nuclear family and an extended family. The former consists of a married couple, and their own children as well, if there are any, met by occasional visits by close relatives, whereas the latter comprises three generations living in the same place and meet each other on a daily basis. This many possible variables now create division in how people define the family and thus, it might be a very general, outdated, or wrong kind of understanding to assume a terminological specificity. The purpose of this essay, therefore, is to explore and highlight the various underlying meanings of the much debated concept of family – providing a brief and broad explanation and evaluation of this complex topic that so many people and scholars have had so much to say about.

1.1. Definition of Family

Family is a fundamental social group in society and the child’s first introduction to the world. Not only is it the first and most natural society, but it is also the most significant cell of social life. Shepherding is another part of family because it is natural from the parent to our parents and then give the love to our child. However, this view highlights the positive power of family, but it can be argued that the positive and negative effects of family are not equal. Marriage is the foundation of family because the three of the children can be reduced the potential to have social problems, and the society can maintain stability as well. If marriage does not exist, the three may lead to the problem and it causes some changes in the structure of the society such as a descending trend on the birth rate, increasing the proportion of single parents, or decreasing the number of children per family. On the other hand, some people who are offered a different concept believe that individualism is more important for our life. The parents should give their children more freedom instead of waiting for the chance to give love. Most of the time, we are hearing the news of family abuse or the problem of family life. For example, the husband who is jobless might use alcoholism to release his tension and make him habitual of abusing, and the child who will have an insecure life. The recently available statistics about the number of women who die from the violence of family are increasing. The data, which has been taken from the police record, suggested that 62% of all violent arguments happen in the family. Every domestic argument will increase the potential for damage. It clearly shows that the problems of family affect the society in some ways. Every family is unique with different personalities, and they often refer to the conventional nuclear family. It consists of a married man and woman with a child or children. However, the important thing is that this traditional nuclear family enables the next generation to continue the tradition. Over time, different kinds of family forms have developed. It includes the extended family, such as the boy will live with his wife, his parents, and even his parents’ parents. The size of the family has reduced and fear of exposure of privacy. And there is a single-parent family, which consists of the parent and the child. It is because divorce has recently become the fashion in the modern world. Families are often the ones that are most subjected to the violence problem. The following paragraph will help us discuss the factors that lead to the problems of family.

1.2. Importance of Family

The phrase “Family is love” is a very good definition of what family is. Those words are from an enormous sensation that we experience when we bond with someone. We live with our parents and siblings from birth to death. If they smile, we smile. If they feel sad, we get sad. This is the magical touch of our parents and siblings. We want to see the next generation more productive and strong in physical and mental manners. If we develop a strong sense of commitment towards our responsibility, then it is 100% sure that we can easily transfer our problems to happiness. We learn from education how to become an energetic person in life, and there is a lot of education for children on how they are supposed to maintain their relationship with parents and other family members. When family is around us, it’s the happiest moment in our life because we are so close to people who love us and care for us. Our family encourages us to tackle and solve problems in life in the right way. When we see that our parents are always trying to bring happiness to us, then we feel relaxed and enjoy our life. When family provides good support, it can be easily seen how we relate to other things. For example, if we have a certain mindset and we know that our family is always on our side, then it is very easy to express our feelings. Our parents and family are a good way to learn about behavior because we do not spend most of our time with the most influential people in society. As far as health is concerned, we know very well that if our bond with family is strong, then in the case of illness, our family will provide maximum support. Our parents really play a very important role during our growing age, especially in our cognitive development through mutual conversation, playing, and reading. Family is important to every single human in the world. Every person needs someone in life whom they could trust and with whom they could share problems and express their feelings. The happiest moment in our life is when we give a smile to others, and it is so amazing when we see that the other person is smiling because of us. Family is love and a key to joy. Every individual is bonded with some family, and we learn about love, sacrifice, and helping others from our family. Whether it is our hobbies, work, sports, or games, we do them with more confident and satisfactory joy when done in isolation. When family provides support, it is a lot easier to chase our dreams because we know that our loved ones will never leave us alone in times of need.

2. Types of Family Structures

2.1. Nuclear Family

2.2. Extended Family

2.3. Blended Family

2.4. Single-Parent Family

2.5. Same-Sex Family

3. Roles and Responsibilities in a Family

3.1. Parental Roles

3.2. Sibling Relationships

3.3. Grandparent Roles

4. Family Traditions and Customs

4.1. Cultural Traditions

4.2. Holiday Celebrations

4.3. Family Rituals

5. Communication in the Family

5.1. Effective Communication Skills

5.2. Conflict Resolution

5.3. Active Listening

6. Family Dynamics and Relationships

6.1. Parent-Child Relationship

6.2. Sibling Dynamics

6.3. Intergenerational Relationships

7. Challenges and Issues in Families

7.1. Divorce and Separation

7.2. Parenting Challenges

7.3. Financial Struggles

8. Support Systems for Families

8.1. Community Resources

8.2. Counseling and Therapy

8.3. Support Groups

9. Family Values and Beliefs

9.1. Cultural and Religious Influences

9.2. Moral and Ethical Values

9.3. Passing on Family Values

10. Changing Notions of Family

10.1. Modern Family Structures

10.2. LGBTQ+ Families

10.3. Adoption and Surrogacy

11. The Future of Family

11.1. Evolving Definitions

11.2. Technology’s Impact on Family Life

11.3. Balancing Work and Family

The Impact of Nurse Burnout on Patient Safety and Quality of Care

1. Organizational Factors Contributing to Nurse Burnout

Research has shown that many work environments in the healthcare industry have not adapted to the rapidly changing healthcare system, thus nurses are often faced with higher work demands and longer hours without appropriate staffing and resources. First, the authors claimed that high patient-to-nurse ratios is a major organizational factor contributing to nurse burnout. Studies have consistently linked higher patient-to-nurse ratios with increased nurse emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lower personal accomplishment. A possible explanation is that as a nurse has to attend to more patients, she has less time and energy to devote to each patient, and as a result will feel less efficacious or successful. Inadequate staffing levels, as stated in this article, also have significant impact on the nursing profession. Not only inadequate staffing contributes to high turnover rates, absenteeism, and visible nurse dissatisfaction, it also has a negative effect on patient experiences. In addition, the feeling of not having sufficient resources and support may induce emotional distress to nurses. As described in the article, lack of support from management and limited job control were reported to be experienced by almost half of the nurses in the study. The authors found that lack of “opportunity to make decisions about scheduling” and having “little or no” opportunity to decide how one’s own work was to be done” were significantly predictive of nurse burnout. Not surprisingly, having control and discretion over duty has been a consistent finding in the nursing literature in terms of preventing burnout. Finally, the literature review indicates that having sufficient resources and equipment may have stress-buffering potential. For example, an article found that nurses who have to work with outdated medications and equipment experienced higher level of burnout. Also research has demonstrated that an efficient work environment may contribute to effective emotional regulation and reduce emotional exhaustion.

1.1. High patient-to-nurse ratios

Providers’ inadequate diagnosis methods often force nurses to “practice guesswork in lieu of nursing” (Mark, 2002, p. 325). Although data from the U.S. and other countries have reported that high patient-to-nurse ratio is significantly positively associated with nurse burnout and job dissatisfaction, alternative researchers like Professor Linda Aikan and her colleagues suggest that the hospital’s environment and inadequate non-professionally trained nurse’s shortages are the bigger problems than high patient-to-nurse ratio (Linda, 2002). On the other hand, other studies have found that new nursing graduates are at a higher risk for job dissatisfaction and burnout if they work in an environment where they have “less professional control and more quantitative workload” (Aikan et al., 2002, p. 90). With so many information being introduced, there are no doubts that in conjunction with other organizational factors (Inadequate staffing levels, Lack support from management, Limited control over work schedules, and Insufficient resources and equipment), nursing staffing levels and patient-to-nurse ratios have become one of the most effective predictors in nurse burnout and job dissatisfaction (Heather, 2002). In addition, nurse burnout and job dissatisfaction does not only have a significant negative impact on each individual nurse’s quality of work, but it also has serious implications to the profession and the healthcare field in general. For example, international nursing pioneer Ms. Christine Hancock states that “our health service will struggle to recruit new nurses” and the result is “a cycle that is weakening patient care across the NHS” (Nature, 2002).

1.2. Inadequate staffing levels

Research has proven what nurses already know: when healthcare institutions are short-staffed, patient outcomes are worse and nurses are more likely to burn out. The most common sources of inadequate staffing are cost-saving measures and hospital underfunding. When hospitals reduce the numbers of nurses on staff, there are fewer people to help with patient care. However, many institutions still expect the same amount of work to get done which means that nurses have more responsibility and are more likely to make an error. In fact, a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that for each additional patient a nurse must juggle in the average intensive care unit, the odds of a hospital-acquired infection in their patients increase by 1 percent. On a different hospital unit, for each additional patient above four that a nurse must attend to, the risks of hospital-acquired pneumonia and sepsis in their patients rise by about 1 percent and 2 percent, respectively. This increase in infections is due to inadequate staffing and the increased workload it brings, highlighting how nurses, hospital staffing, and patient care are linked. These figures make it clear that we have a responsibility to address inadequate staffing levels because they negatively affect not only nurses, but the safety and well-being of the patients in their care. It’s important to recognize that because of inadequate staffing, nurses are not only more likely to burn out but also more likely to leave their job. For hospitals, high turnover rates increase recruitment and training costs and reduce the overall level of experience and continuity of care found in nursing teams, all of which have direct negative impacts on patient care. On the other hand, because nurses in the United Kingdom are contractually required to give a minimum of one month’s notice before leaving their position, it offers the potential for some much-needed time and stability for both staff members and patients when faced with high staff turnover. However, during this notice period, patients are at increased risk due to the current healthcare system’s inability to manage the effects of inadequate staffing effectively and ensure that patients receive consistent and safe levels of care. This means that not only is patient care under threat because of the current state of nurse staffing, it continues to be threatened even as more and more hospitals attempt to recruit more nurses, as high turnover rates will always be an obstacle to providing safe and continuous nursing care whilst the healthcare sector remains provided insufficient funding and guidance.

1.3. Lack of support from management

In addition to high patient-to-nurse ratios and inadequate staffing levels, organizational factors contributing to nurse burnout include a lack of support from management. Nurse burnout happens when nurses have long, intensive hours and have to make challenging decisions. But when in addition to this, a nurse feels unsupported, uncared for, and that there might be little in the way of professional development to come, the days become even longer and the decisions become even more challenging. Nurse burnout can happen on account of patients, when a lack of optimal care weighs heavy on a nurse’s mind. But when it happens on account of a nurse feeling unsupported, undervalued and unequipped, nurse burnout has the potential to contribute to a life or death situation for a patient. And when staff are burned out and no support is offered, experienced or valued nurses may well decide to leave the profession, due to a seemingly uncaring system, leaving ward and service leads to bemoan the lack of consistent, experienced staff to really make the improvements and headway in patient care that they wish to. And so the situation can perpetuate, as the lack of support fuels fire to the burnout and drives yet more staff to be drained of their vocation and love for their job. As well as the immediate risks of error and poor patient treatment, nurse burnout can have an immensely negative impact on the quality of work from nursing staff. It is not unusual for staff to begin to cut corners, either intentionally due to lack of motivation or unintentionally due to fatigue, which can lead to errors and problems that may go unnoticed until after the fact. Such instances can have a real impact on the reputation of a ward or care facility and ultimately the funding and desirability of a place to be treated in, and the lack of concerted resource and effort to solving burnout is an indicator of the lack of systemic support and regard for staff in the wider NHS or other health approaches.

1.4. Limited control over work schedule

Furthermore, burnout among nurses may also be attributed to lack of control over work schedule and increased overtime, as found by the Journal of Nursing Administration. Especially in hospitals which provide around-the-clock service, nurses working irregular or extended shifts are common. A study by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) suggested that long work hours and lack of rest between shifts may lead to higher risk of medical errors and diminished cognitive performance. This is consistent with the finding of my previous research study that nurses working irregular or extended shifts experience more medical errors. Treating a patient is an extremely delicate task and any small mistake may lead to perilous outcome. By requiring nurses to work mandatory overtime due to short staffing, healthcare industries are simply disregarding the safety and well-being of both the nurses and the patients. It is understandable that controlling the work schedule for all the nurses can be a very difficult task because there are simply too many of them and they need to be organized in such a way that all the shifts are taken care of. However, healthcare policy makers should step in and assess the need for reform in nurse scheduling. In fact, one of the conclusions in the research on this topic suggests implementing effective methods to measure nurse staffing and using staffing information for better changes in workload and in management process. It is also important to protect nurses from retaliatory actions such as termination, suspension, harassment, or change of working hours when they reported violations of scheduling regulations. On top of that, healthcare industries could adopt the practice of employee involvement programs where nurses are allowed to participate in the decision-making process of their work schedule through designated committees. This can make a significant impact on decreasing nurses’ burnout and drastically increasing the standard and safety of patient care.

1.5. Insufficient resources and equipment

Nurse job description, resources for nurses, and medical tools for nurses are three things that are very important for the nursing industry. Without those three things, nurses are going to have a hard time performing their job and treating their patients. Insufficient staffing levels and high workload, nurses often have to work long hours and provide care for many patients at a time, leaving them physically and mentally exhausted. Moreover, not having support from the management can make a difference in job satisfaction for nurses. Nurses who feel like they are making an impact, although they are overloaded, are still likely to be more satisfied with their job than those who feel that their duties are menial and their expertise is overridden by management. Similarly, nurses with little control over their work schedules and free time are more likely to suffer from burnout and chronic fatigue. Nurse practitioners are often required to work a quota of weekends in a month. However, things are changing in the digital era. With electronic health records on the rise and a push to modernize the healthcare system in America, we see more improvements created by the introduction of better and smarter tools. Whether it be online platforms that connect clinicians to millions of medical equipment, medical tools have greatly increased the productivity of the United States healthcare system. Ergonomics, which is a body of knowledge to design a work system that fits the person, has recently started helping to make nurses’ work easier and reduce the possibility of fatigue and nursing errors. Errors and oversights are a common experience in the medical and nursing industry. Medication errors can have huge consequences, and every year, more than 300,000 preventable deaths occur as a result of medication errors. Not only do these errors end up in productivity losses for hospitals and nursing homes, but the toll on people’s lives is immeasurable. From a nursing perspective, job satisfaction and errors seem to be indirectly related. Not only can lack of job satisfaction cause emotional and mental pain to nurses who are underperforming but unhappy, from a practical standpoint, unhappy nurses are more likely to make patient errors as a result of the discomfort or stress they are feeling at work.

2. Workload Pressures Leading to Nurse Burnout

2.1. Long working hours

2.2. Heavy workloads and multitasking

2.3. Emotional demands and patient suffering

2.4. High levels of stress and job demands

2.5. Lack of autonomy and decision-making authority

3. Impact of Nurse Burnout on Patient Safety

3.1. Increased medication errors

3.2. Higher rates of patient falls and injuries

3.3. Reduced adherence to infection control protocols

3.4. Communication breakdowns and errors in handoffs

3.5. Decreased patient satisfaction and trust

4. Impact of Nurse Burnout on Quality of Care

4.1. Decreased overall quality ratings

4.2. Lower compliance with evidence-based practices

4.3. Poorer patient outcomes and increased mortality rates

4.4. Higher rates of hospital readmissions

4.5. Increased healthcare costs

5. Designing Interventions to Prevent Nurse Burnout

5.1. Implementing nurse-to-patient ratio regulations

5.2. Providing adequate staffing levels and workload management

5.3. Offering supportive leadership and mentorship programs

5.4. Enhancing nurses’ control over their work schedules

5.5. Improving access to resources and equipment

6. Promoting Well-being and Improving Patient Safety

6.1. Implementing stress management and resilience training

6.2. Fostering a positive work environment and culture

6.3. Encouraging work-life balance and self-care practices

6.4. Recognizing and addressing signs of burnout early on

6.5. Supporting career development and professional growth

7. Conclusion

The Impact of the Black Death on Europe: Society and Medicine

1. Introduction

The Black Death is one of the most deadly pandemics in history. People were aware of the term Black Death long before scientists discovered the real cause, but the exact origin never seemed to be a focal point. There are, however, many contemporary accounts that define the period we now refer to as the Black Death. Many of the accounts discuss the symptoms that the people suffered and the procession of the disease. Indeed, some of the records are meticulous in the level of detail they provide about the spread of the disease. The Black Death is thought to have wiped out about 40% of the population of Europe. There is still much debate as to whether the cause of Black Death was natural (for example, a strain of bubonic plague) or a man-made disease such as anthrax. Some scientists expect the Black Death to be in modern day terms an airborne related disease. The aim of this report is to explain the nature of the Black Death and discuss the impact of the Black Death upon medicine. However, it concluded that it is in fact likely that the cause of the Black Death came from a number of different sources including the climate, some of the existing medical conditions and most importantly it was widespread due to the extreme unhygienic living conditions. The real impact of the cause of the Black Death has less to do with what caused it and “more to do with the faults of human societies, which failed to prevent the spread of the Black Death at the time”.

1.1 Definition and Origins of the Black Death

First, the essay will provide an overview of the Black Death, including its definition and origins. This will involve discussing what the Black Death actually was and the different forms it took, as well as framing it in its proper historical context. Then, there will be a focus on the specific origins of the epidemic that first struck Europe in 1347. This will involve a discussion of where and how the Black Death originated and the different routes it took to reach Europe. It may be useful to discuss recent scientific findings in this part of the essay, as researchers continue to debate the different origins and routes of the epidemic. A focus on the historical origins should include a discussion of where and when the Black Death first struck in Europe, as well as the swiftness and devastating impact of the initial outbreak. This part of the essay should make it clear that the Black Death saw many recurrences during the latter half of the 14th century, with an overall impact that varied from place to place. The essay will also note that modern researchers have identified the specific bacterium responsible for the Black Death – Yersinia pestis – and some scientists’ ongoing research into the genetic evolution of this bacterium.

1.2 Spread and Mortality Rates

Yorkshire and the Black Death. Medieval field system near Grassington. Image from the book “Atlas of the Black Death.” Geno and Persac – “The Black Death in the Middle East.” The Black Death proved lethal up until the 18th century. It resurfaced in the 1360s in England where a particularly deadly outbreak occurred in East Anglia and Lincolnshire in 1362 and 1368. The period 1361-2 saw unique protective measures, including a writing down of the medieval version of our national anthem “Aegrotantium” and in York, the recording of a song about Death’s visit to the city in 1361 called “Eboracum.” The song, which describes the plague’s impact on a prominently Jewish quarter, became a symbol of the anti-Semitism that was rife in that period. The last outbreak in England occurred in the early 1670s, where York, London, and many towns in East England were ravaged. This instance infected only 6000 people, but the profundity of such a deadly outbreak after many years of silence points not only to the continuity of the Black Death within English living agendas but also to the realization that in such a series of pandemics, any particular outbreak could potentially be the one that surpassed all others.Spain and the plague. Campus Cerdanya. Image from the book “Atlas of the Black Death.” The Black Death spread very rapidly, with recorded pandemic outbreaks in several instances. It is likely that the pandemic initially spread from Asia, moving westward with armies and trade routes. It reached the Crimea in 1346 and alighted in Sicily, Genoa, and Venice in the same year. A year later, it had made its way through France and southwest England and was even recorded in Norway. 1348 saw the arrival of Black Death in Spain, and the plague lasted until 1380, claiming over 6 million lives – as much as 60% of the population in that time.

2. Devastating Impact on Europe

2.1 Economic Consequences

2.2 Social Disruption

2.3 Political Instability

3. Reshaping of Society

3.1 Decline of Feudalism

3.2 Labor Shortages and Peasant Revolts

3.3 Shift in Power Dynamics

4. Reshaping of Medicine

4.1 Traditional Medical Practices

4.2 Emergence of Plague Treatments

4.3 Influence on Medical Education

5. Long-Term Effects

5.1 Population Decline and Demographic Changes

5.2 Psychological Impact and Cultural Shifts

5.3 Legacy of the Black Death

6. Conclusion

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Economies and Societies

1. Introduction

The Industrial Revolution (1750-1900) had a profound impact on the world. The U.S. economy grew an average of 4% per year between 1790 and 1860, and increased to 6.8% from 1860 to 1900. The revolution introduced us to new machines, new ways of producing goods, new ways of organizing human labor. The revolution gave the world a new form of energy. It took the world from being agrarian and handicraft to a world of industry and machine. It reorganized work and caused far-reaching social and political changes. The circumstances that created the revolution were the availability of natural resources, growth of the population, military, political and economic needs, and technological innovations. The resources that made the revolution feasible and productive were demand, labor, raw materials and capital (money). Without sufficient resources, it would be impossible to succeed in industrializing a nation. The revolution began in England because they had the right resources: – Coal, which provided power for the machines. – Iron because it was used to construct machines and buildings. – Rivers for transportation and source of water for the factory. – Harbors to use a port for ships in trade. – The wool and cotton provided the staple in the trading and manufacturing industries. The introduction of steam power and machinery had a huge impact on the quality of life of the entire world. For the first time in history, the masses started to have a sustained improvement in their standard of living. And it created the first worldwide gap between the industrialized and non-industrialized countries. There were some negative consequences, but in the long run, the invention and improvement of the machines during the revolution is the most important event in history. It is referred to as a revolution because the changes were great and turning. Factories were built, and the way people produced goods changed. Instead of things being hand made in cottages, as had been the case for centuries, now there were machines and factories.

2. Economic Transformations

2.1. Growth of Factory System

2.2. Expansion of Global Trade

2.3. Emergence of Capitalism

2.4. Formation of Labor Unions

3. Social Changes

3.1. Urbanization and Migration

3.2. Rise of the Middle Class

3.3. Working Conditions and Child Labor

3.4. Gender Roles and Women’s Rights

4. Technological Advancements

4.1. Steam Power and Machinery

4.2. Transportation and Communication

4.3. Development of Infrastructure

5. Positive Consequences

5.1. Increased Productivity and Efficiency

5.2. Improved Standard of Living for Some

5.3. Technological Innovations and Inventions

5.4. Expansion of Education and Knowledge

6. Negative Consequences

6.1. Exploitation of Workers

6.2. Environmental Degradation

6.3. Wealth Inequality and Social Disparities

6.4. Disruption of Traditional Industries and Ways of Life

7. Conclusion

Psychologist Heather Butler studied the importance that critical thinking plays in our everyday lives

In 2012, Psychologist Heather Butler studied the importance that critical thinking plays in our everyday lives. “Critical thinking is not just the new buzzword in education. Critical thinking involves real outcomes that can be measured, predicted, and—perhaps for the negative life events—avoided” (Butler, 2012, p. 725).In 2013, studies by Grossmann, Varnum, Kitayama, and Nisbett concluded that wise reasoning, rather than intelligence, was a predictor of well-being. In 2017, Dr. Butler and her colleagues, referencing the Grossmann study and based on their own research, determined that the ability to think critically was a better predictor of effective life decisions than was intelligence (Butler, Pentoney, & Bong, 2017).Initial Post InstructionsFor the initial post, address the following:Do you agree that wisdom/critical thinking is a better predictor of well-being than intelligence? To answer, you will have to define what the following terms mean for you:Critical thinkingWisdomIntelligenceWell-being

Reflect on what you read in the text this week. Think of the people you know.

Are the good people smart?Are the smart people good?How do you define “good”? How do you define “smart”?Can we use our intelligence to become “good”? If yes, how? If no, why not?Follow-Up Post InstructionsRespond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Look at your peers’ definitions. Do you agree with them? If yes, why, if no, why not?Writing RequirementsMinimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)APA format for in-text citations and list of referencesGradingThis activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:Course OutcomesCO 1: Define critical reasoning for application to personal and professional problem-solving.CO 7: Create a fallacy-free argument that incorporates principles of ethical decision-making.Due Date

Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT Recommended by Wednesday

Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

Posts must be on two separate days.ReferencesButler,H.A. (2012, Sep/Oct). Halpern critical thinking assessment predicts real-world outcomes of critical thinking. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(5), 721-729. 10.1002/acp.2851Butler, H.A., Pentoney, C., & Bong, M. P. (2017). Predicting real-world outcomes: Critical thinking ability is a better predictor of life decisions than intelligence. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 25, 38-46., I., Na, J., Varnum, M.E.W., Kitayama, S., & Nisbett, R.E. (2013). A route to well-being: intelligence versus wise reasoning. Journal of Experiential Psychology: General, 142(3), 944–953. Importance of Critical Thinking in Everyday Life

1. Introduction

Critical thinking refers to the capacity for an individual to actively apply a set of internal, guiding principles in a thoughtful manner before acting. It is a form of deliberate decision making that focuses on judgments based on criteria, logical reasoning, and prediction. It is not to be confused with simply feeling incredulous or playing the ‘devil’s advocate’. Critical thinking combines the three types of thinking, which include creative thinking, analytical thinking, and research-based thinking. People use critical thinking in a multitude of different ways in everyday life and it is not always consciously used. The true scale of critical thinking is not known as this is not something that is measured. This review will be considering the many times when critical thinking is used and its importance in daily environments. The significance of critical thinking is important due to personal experience that can be improved and lead to solutions to problems not only in the workplace but also on a more personal level that can have positive and negative outcomes to the decisions made. Critical thinking is not confined to the solution of given problems; it is more concerned with the overarching principle and purpose of the thinking itself. The analytical tools and the efficient language help to create conditions that enable critical thinking: the place and space to provisionally explore given topics, conditions that enable the shift of thought and the use of alternative thinking. It is quite commonly seen that students reference the material available at a given time of writing without considering the worth of the data itself. This is a fundamental barrier to the development of the critical thinking skills that are required by modern information researchers and can ruin both research and lateral thinking, such as thinking beyond finding an answer to a given immediate question.

1.1 Definition of Critical Thinking

“Analytical thinking is the process of making a reliable and precise and observable conclusion from the evidence.” Critical thinking involves both cognitive skills and dispositions. These dispositions, which can be seen as attitudes or habits of mind, include open- and fair-mindedness, inquisitiveness with the desire to gain knowledge to solve problems, and the good judgment that helps in the situation of choosing the correct treatment. Other definitions have underscored what critical thinking means.Critically, it is…Additional relevant definitions of critical thinking:Critical thinking is a rich concept that has been developing throughout the past 2500 years. The term “critical thinking” has its roots in the mid-late 20th century. Below are a few of the well-known meanings of critical thinking. Because critical thinking is important in all careers, students are most likely to write essays on critical thinking. The importance of critical thinking has received many researches by many researchers. After these researches, different scientists have defined critical thinking in their paper from their point of views. However, there are many descriptions of critical thinking, or at least aspects of critical thinking and many field-specific. According to Harvey Siegel, professor of philosophy at the University of Miami, critical thinking in the classroom is taught in the following ways: It is taught directly. It is taught explicitly. It is taught by giving facts and evidence. It is taught by providing training. According to Martin Scriven, CEO of the Health Education England, critical thinking is not just being critical.

1.2 Significance of Critical Thinking

Since basic reasoning is significant in for all intents and purposes all professions, understudies are never again being trained powerful basic reasoning aptitudes. This is one purpose behind the absence of basic intuition in regular daily existence. Since the present understudies are not being shown aptitudes to make them better future residents. The significance of basic intuition has throughout the years worked its way into numerous meanings of study hall practice. Be that as it may, more critically, addressing exchanging with the right explanations is upheld by straightforward deduction practice.Basic speculation about fantasizing truly includes individuals to always remember about their observation. Individuals utilizing basic reasoning will in general take a gander at their presumptions cautiously. At times, they will in general inspect their reality. The State of Critical Thinking Today expresses that basic speculation encourages better choices, progressively proficient critical thinking, inventive innovativeness and better correspondence. Everyone can profit by basic speculation coming up and in the working environment.When confronted with an issue, you have to have the option to figure out what kind of issue you are managing. What’s more, you need to likewise examine the profundity of the issue to know how a lot further you have to go. As indicated by investigate, basic reasoning in basic reasoning article has to do with the capacity for the person to think normally and unmistakably. This implies the individual can manufacture things utilizing their own understanding.It is fundamental to comprehend the significance of basic thinking in regular daily existence and in certain business fields. Without the correct aptitudes for basic reasoning, you can’t settle on viable choices. Basic reasoning includes exhibiting both examination and assessment. Therefore, you can settle on insightful choices that can prompt a specific result. This is particularly significant in the event that you work in a field that requires imaginative critical thinking.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The aim of the present study is to analyze the impact of critical thinking on life decisions. The study focuses on the various aspects of critical thinking. First, the research will try to identify and analyze critical thinking strategies. This is crucial in establishing the efficacy of the general process in making good decisions. Second, the study will analyze the influence of critical thinking on decision-making. Such an analysis will require a comprehensive review of the current literature on the subject as well as empirical research. This is geared towards helping in understanding of the relevant input in decision-making. This will also help in creating a deeper understanding of the mechanism through which critical thinking affects decisions. Third, the study seeks to establish the potential benefits of critical thinking. It is believed that critical thinking can not only help in decision-making but many studies have also suggested that a good critical thinking can provide a creative and productive contribution to one’s workplace. The use of critical thinking has become popular in teaching so that students are able to acquire practical knowledge of the real world critical thinking. The study will address the various benefits related to critical thinking as proposed in the literature. By looking at it in the ‘decision making’ point of view, the last part of the study analyses the impact and benefits of decision making and good choices in our social lives. We will carry that if people can make systematic choices in some decision problems, wise choices be made and further improvements on the social welfare. It is proposed that if people teach critical thinking or at least share their views and ideas, communities can be more organised and well-structured. So, teaching good critical thinking skills should also be an end in sight in social network and community of learners. The research is valuable because it identifies the various agents of knowledge that contribute to better decisions and shows the potential of critical thinking in benefiting the greater good of public. From the essay, it is clear that the use of critical thinking as a means to resolve problems and make strategic decisions in either a personal or a professional environment can positively affect the successful outcome of any given goals or targets relative to the said environment. This has been proven by literature and is echoed in practice. On the whole, the research seeks to produce a series of comprehensive analysis on the aspects of critical thinking and its role in decision making process and debates.

2. The Role of Critical Thinking in Education

2.1 Integration of Critical Thinking in Curriculum

2.2 Benefits of Critical Thinking in Education

2.3 Challenges in Promoting Critical Thinking in Education

3. Measuring Critical Thinking

3.1 Methods for Assessing Critical Thinking Skills

3.2 Importance of Measuring Critical Thinking

3.3 Predictive Power of Critical Thinking

4. Critical Thinking and Well-being

4.1 Relationship between Wise Reasoning and Well-being

4.2 Comparison of Intelligence and Wise Reasoning

4.3 Implications for Personal Well-being

5. Critical Thinking and Effective Life Decisions

5.1 Link between Critical Thinking and Decision Making

5.2 Comparison of Critical Thinking and Intelligence in Decision Making

5.3 Practical Applications of Critical Thinking in Decision Making

6. Conclusion

6.1 Summary of Findings

6.2 Implications for Individuals and Society

6.3 Future Research Directions