NOAMC Airport Management Paper


Aviation is a very dynamic field that includes everything from  flying, to maintenance, to airport management, to aerospace engineering,  to corporate aviation, to gliding and crop dusting.

For this assignment, please find an aviation current event/article  that interests you.  It can be about anything aviation related and you  may use any source as long as it is an aviation article.  Please read  the article and write a 1/2 – 1 page synopsis of the current  event/article.  Please include the following for full credit:

ASU Coronavirus Issue in Fire EMS Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Write a 2-3 page APA paper covering the coronavirus issue as it affects fire/EMS.Discuss strategies and operational procedures that can be changed orimplemented by fire/EMS departments to reduce exposure risk andtransmission concerns for responders and persons being encounteredduring responses or other department services to the public. If you area member of a fire department, discuss your department’s plan andstrategy to deal with this evolving situation.

West Coast University Disorganized Essay English Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This week, we are going to approach the question of how to organize essays from a slightly different perspective. For your initial post, come up with three to five strategies you would use if you were deliberately trying to create a disorganized essay, and then explain why these strategies would lead to disorganization and what the overall effect would be on your paper.  

Messiah College 10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation Discussion


Discussion Board:

Please watch the Ted Talk, “10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation” by journalist Celeste Headlee.


DB Directions:

1. In your DB posts make a numbered list of Headlee’s 10 tips from the video.

2. Which of the 10 tips do you think are the most important and which do you think you need to improve on the most. Please keep this in mind as you watch. I’m looking for a minimum of 200 words in your answer.

University of Alabama Music Video Discussion


  1. Recall the works of Holt, Brackett, and Negus on genre. Which insights did you find most helpful for understanding genre? Which insights did you find unhelpful or confusing? Why? What is to be gained by thinking about genre in the terms they establish? What is missing from their conceptualization?
  2. How did the music video impact the cultural meaning of music when it rose to prominence in the 1980s? How does it continue to influence the cultural meaning and significance of music today?

El Camino College Philosophical Causal Statements Research Essay


Main topic: first, explain in your own words what ordinary causal statements (statements about cause and effect) purport to say.

Next, tell us why Hume rejects this understanding of causal statements.

Finally, what, according to Hume is the right way to understand causal statements?

For extra topic: Can Hume distinguish between an accidental correlation of events and a causal relation? Explain the difference between these using an example, and discuss why you think Hume’s theory of causation can or cannot account for the difference.

Wallace Community College Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Scott Joplin Composer Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a art writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Create a composer essay that  cover these two areas –

– Composer’s Life

– Composer’s Music

Use only ONE on-line source for your work. It MUST be cited at the end of your essay.

Choose one of the following composers –

Franz Schubert                                         Claude Debussy

Robert Schumann                                     William Still Grant

Frederic Chopin                                         Aaron Copland

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel                      Scott Joplin

Stephen Foster                                          George Gershwin

Johannas Brahms                                      Leonard Bernstein

John Williams

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky                            Tan Dun

LIU Duke Ellington and His Crew Essay


I can provide a list of videos for this paper, but it is a live report from a concert. One from a live jazz concert, and the other rock (another Jazz is okay too)

attached is an example paper and instructions

The worksheet attachment is optional. It will just help with the writing.

These are some links that can be used if you haven’t attended a recent performance

Jazz Performances for LPR – YouTube

MUSIC 187 Rock & Other Videos for LPR – YouTube

TU Functions of Measurement in ABA Discussion


In this unit, you have learned about the functions of measurement in ABA. For this discussion, post a substantive response to the following:

  • Describe three scenarios in which measurement is crucial in identifying the effectiveness of a program, product, skill set, system, or similar.
  • Explain why measurement is crucial and describe what would happen if effectiveness was not measured.
  • According to the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts, identify and discuss the relevant ethics code(s) pertaining to the importance of measuring behavior.

Reflection on Cultural Mapping Video Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please provide a reflection on Erin’s talk. What did you learn that was surprising? What aspect of the culture map have you seen in your work? What does this talk say about the global workforce? Of her points, which resonated with you the most and why? Your response should be at least 150-200 words.

Video link :