Trine University Communications of Sales Question


Write an appropriate proposal—internal, solicited sales, or unsolicited sales—based on the information contained in one of the following two articles (in the textbook). Assume that your or your prospective customer’s company or community faces a problem similar to one discussed in one of these articles. Use as much of the information in the article as you need, and add any details of your own that you think are necessary. This exercise can be done as an individual or a collaborative assignment.

Learning and Disorders Reflection Paper


third entries will be made throughout the course and will
describe your knowledge gained, as well as your reactions to the text readings,
materials on D2L, and content in required Richard Lavoie videos (see course syllabus
schedule). Reflective writing assignments are worth 25 points each for a total of 75
points toward your final grade. These papers will be graded on grammatical
correctness and reflective content. These writings will be turned in via a drop box on
D2L. See Course Schedule for Due Dates and Writing Rubric.

The Effects of The Recent Coronavirus Pandemic Discussion


The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic changed many things that we were used to. From social gatherings, family events, school and work. Read the attached article and answer the questions with the courses 3 standard page format. The most thought out answers will receive the max points for the assignment.

From your experiences over the last 18 months answer:

Is hybrid work sustainable?
How has work changed in your opinion?
How has the pandemic influenced the jobs you will look for in the future?

Auburn University The Presidential Glass Ceiling Article Key Points


Each group will prepare up to 10 discussion questions that will allow the class as a whole to do the following:

• Understand the key terms and concepts presented in the article

• Identify and understand the thesis and primary findings of the article

• Identify the rhetorical features discussed in the article and understand their means of persuasion

• Speculate on how those features might function in other context

All I need is those 10 questions and some of the main points of the article.

SEU Computer Systems Security Question


As a security architect, submit an assignment that addresses the questions below. Be sure to explain the process and steps you would use, as appropriate.

How would you minimize users clicking on links without considering the risks of their actions?

How would you address Web page addresses that are disguised or take you to an unexpected site?

  • How would you ensure that third-party software has a mechanism for receiving security updates?
  • How would you ensure users know how to configure their web browsers securely?

Walden University Benefits of Peer Assessment Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.

Using your own words, answer each of the following questions:

What is peer assessment, and why do we use it at University of the People?

What are the benefits of peer assessment?

What are the challenges of giving peer feedback in peer assessment?

What are the challenges of receiving peer feedback in peer assessment?

What strategies will you use to peer assess written assignments? How will you assess discussion assignments?

Young Goodman Brown Discussion


Hi there. This assignment is a comprehensive and analysis paper between the two stories provided in the pdf I will attach below. It must be 750 words minimum and double spaced. (There is no need for citation for this assignment.)

What you must cover:

– What you know about the stories (read the summaries online for help)

– Identify 4-5 different main aspects you see in the passage (simple/character development/ narrative devices/interaction )

-What significant issues and theme will be presented in the story.

ADHD Affects a Child Self Esteem in Social Settings Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

It is important to distinguish between your perspective and other perspectives regarding your commentary topic. What are some of the other perspectives you see? Summarize them briefly. Next, summarize your own perspective. In what ways does your perspective differ from other perspectives? Why is your perspective different?
The perspective it is referring to comes from the essay I attached.
at least 150 words; apa format

DAC A Project with Diverse Opportunities in The Scottish Coastline Reflection

Question Description

I’m working on a social science writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

The struggle between the people of Balmadie (in Aberdeenshire) is a modern-day epic battle between David and Goliath.  This story is told superbly in the documentary You’ve Been Trumped.  In your original post, please tell me who you think won the battle: Trump, the local elites, both, or nobody?  Explain your answer by drawing in empirical evidence from the documentary.… 

Grantham University Theories on Culture and Human Societies Paper


Summarize and explain the three major theoretical approaches that were introduced in this chapter – Durkheim and human consciousness, Benedict and Patterns of Culture, and Bourdieu and the principles of culture. (750-1250 words)

Which theoretical position seems clearest to you?

What evidence do you have for this theory in your own society?

Where have you potentially seen this exhibited? BOOK INFORMATION

Stockard, J.E., & Blackwood, E. (2018). Mapping Cultures Across Space and Time, 1st ed. Cengage Learning.