Grantham University Theories on Culture and Human Societies Paper


Summarize and explain the three major theoretical approaches that were introduced in this chapter – Durkheim and human consciousness, Benedict and Patterns of Culture, and Bourdieu and the principles of culture. (750-1250 words)

Which theoretical position seems clearest to you?

What evidence do you have for this theory in your own society?

Where have you potentially seen this exhibited? BOOK INFORMATION

Stockard, J.E., & Blackwood, E. (2018). Mapping Cultures Across Space and Time, 1st ed. Cengage Learning.

HU Editing Worksheet


Students are provided with a piece of prose and a style sheet. Students apply the house style to the

piece and write a short letter to the author, explaining their editing choices.

You will put into practice the editing skills you’ve gained in the first half of the subject by copyediting a

short piece of prose in this open-book and home-based test. The piece to edit will be made available

through Canvas and you will have until the end of week 8 to

GC Quote Analysis Discussion


In your reader on page 35 there are many quotes from famous people. You are to find one famous person’s quote on your own that will be substituted for one that is already there. Identify why they are famous (writer, singer, etc.). You are allowed to use 1st person. Then write a long paragraph explaining why I should take out the quote you have identified for removal and put in your quote. MLA format (pg. 37 in the reader).

Palm Beach State College Small Group Dynamics Chapter Discussion


 read the chapter sections fully from the textbook first, and follow the instructions for each question carefully for each reading before submitting your responses. Please include the highlighted terms and concepts mentioned in question from the chapter to demonstrate that you have read the chapter and understand the concepts. 

Instructions: Please read the instructions carefully and answer the following prompt. 

First, read Chapter 13.3: Small Group Dynamics



VSU A Cover Letter Essay


a cover letter (limited to 400 words), detailing why they are interested inobtaining this training, your ability to participate in full time study for the dates ofthe program, and your goals for employment. I need someone to help me write this it is quick and easy. It is a cover letter trying to enter a cyber security program. You just jave to talk about wanting to get into the program and wanting to learn things for the future.

Santa Monica College Phyllida Barlows Art 21 Video Discussion


Watch Phyllida Barlow’s Art21“London” (Harici bir siteye ba?lant?lar.)

Write a reflection on the following questions:

    • What did you think of Phyllida’s work? (5 pts)
    • What was challenging for you to understand? (5 pts)
    • What was the most inventive part of the process? (5 pts)
    • Did seeing her work through the video encourage you to see her show that is currently up in LA for extra credit? (5pts)

Religion Should Be Taught in Schools Paper


Troy Wk 2 Function Based versus Topography Based Definitions of Behavior Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Compare and contrast function-based versus topography-based definitions of behavior.

Provide an example of how you would use a function-based definition in the field.

  • Provide an example of use of a topography-based definition in the field.
  • Explain in your own words how these two definitions differ.
  • According to the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts, discuss how client rights play a part in defining target behaviors.

Orange Coast College Geography Discussion


1. Identify the four types of lifting and describe the processes and geographic distribution for each.

2. Explain the changes in atmospheric and oceanic conditions from normal to El Nino.

3. List and explain the processes that are required for a tornado to form.

4. Compare and contrast the characteristics, distribution and controls of Cfa and Csa/b climates.

5. List and describe 5 adaptations of desert plants to their climate.

Write a short answer (1-2 Paragraphs) for each question.

Palm Beach State Collage Chapter 13 Small Group Development Discussion


Recall a previous or current small group to which you belonged/belong. Trace the group’s development using the five stages discussed in this section. Did you experience all the stages? In what order? Did you stay in some stages more than others?

  • During the norming stage of group development, interaction patterns and group expectations solidify. Recall a current or former group. What were some of the norms for the group? What were some rules? How did you become aware of each?