The Harvard Case-Defending the Students Case Study



How is collaboration often treated inside and outside of academia?

  1. Why does Manjoo believe that we should praise the students?

Do you agree with Manjoo that the distinction between “online collaboration” and “collaboration among students” makes no sense? Please justify your answer.

  1. After reading both texts, which sides are you inclined to suport more: the students’ or the university’s side?

GC The Science of Addiction Discussion


  1. In the opening sentences, give the author’s full name and “Essay Title” in a complete sentence.
  2. Give your reactions, opinions, and thoughts about the material.
  3. You need not mention the author again unless you quote or summarize the material.
  4. If you give the author’s name again, use last name only.
  5. If you use the author’s words (quote) or ideas (summary), cite both in text and bibliographically. 
  6. Remember to give a title of your own creation

Minneapolis Community and Technical College Experience with Food Essay


Topic. Write a five-or six-page essay in which you show your experience with food, family, (or friends) and your family culture, and highlight how food has affected you beyond its obvious role as a basic necessity of life. 1. present your experience with food through a memorable event or two, and 2. through showing your personal food experience,explore the influences and importance of food on you and those around you.

MIT Personal Statement for A Masters Program in Cyber Security Essay


Am applying for a masters in cyber security and I would like you to write a personal statement in 2 pages. I have 3 years experience in cyber security specifically in penetration testing. Pease include things like why you want to study a Masters and how will it benefit you. How the course fits your skill set and What you aspiring to be or do in your future career

Kierkegaard Philosophy Discussion


In a one-page, single-spaced, 12-point serif-font paper, no more than 500 words please tell me your understanding of the three spheres of living and how we might use Aristotle’s idea of Eudaemonia as a secular telos as a counter to Kierkegaard telos of Christianity to reach the third sphere. Be sure to clearly name the spheres and the necessary suspension of “what” we need to reach the final sphere.

Kean University Business Report References List Task

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

AS Description: Create a list of the References that you think you will use for your business report (Business / Marketing / Fashion merchandising). See the lecture, books and resources for guidance. You can modify this References list by adding or subtracting sources as you continue to work on your business report. 

SWOT Analysis Business Paper



The paper should be in essay format, 8-10 pages, double-s[aced, Times New Roman or Arial, contain 5 academic sources and be in compliance with APA’s current edition.

Visit a major hotel. Conduct a SWAT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) of the organization.

It would be nice if you take four seasons or Waldorf Astoria but I am ok with everything you think you can write the best APA style paper

GOV 260 Grand Canyon University Analyzing Taxes Worksheet


Former Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall once stated, “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” The power to tax, the principle of taxation, and the effect taxes have on citizens has existed since the inception of America itself. However, much of it is misunderstood.

Use the sample property tax bill, pay stub, utility bill, and sales tax receipt provided below to complete the Analyzing Tax Worksheet.

Homosexuality Essay


Please summarize and analyze the 6 paragraphs (I attached 3 photos – please read in the order of “part 1,” “part 2,” then “part 3.” It must be at least 250 words.

The purpose of this post is not just to list facts you’ve learned, but to reflect on what you’ve learned.
– Make certain to use your own words, and write clearly and with specific examples.

RU Deliverable Occurrence of Accidents in the Real World Essay


Apply APA documentation techniques correctly in research. instructions: Using the Rasmussen college library (online database) for all resources, find a topic you feel is suitable (real-world, everyday life) for a brief 2-3 pages research paper, and compose an annotated bibliography (not the entire Paper) of 100-word annotations from a minimum of five resources from credible academic databases or eBooks. BE sure to employ the APA method of documentation.