HCC The Corona Virus an Ongoing Pandemic Worldwide Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Select a topic and/or platform, and draft a one-page minimum draft. Writings may be poems, fictional works, political and/or opinion pieces; topics may relate to social issues or current affairs, etc..; some suggestions include the “I wish I were” paper; the unlikely workplace lunch thief that you observe in action, etc.;

Nights of Cabiria and Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner Films Discussion


1.Nights of Cabiria:

Describe Cabiria’s character journey. How do you interpret the ending of the film after dissecting her journey? Is there something bigger at play here? Some bigger meaning outside of her story? 

2.Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner:(not learnt in class yet, but its the last one so I post together)

How has this movie stood the test of time? How has it not stood the test of time? 

MTSU Antigone Discussion


you can find the story in “The Norton Introduction to Literature” Antigone 1211-1247; 13th edition 1005-37

To be eligible for full credit, your answer should be about 150 words each , include one direct quote for each asnwer, and be grammatically sound. Answers that look like text messages will not receive credit. Please be sure to cite any sources you use.

questions are submitted in the following file:

Jacksonville State University Principles of Marketing Essay


I need to answer 2 questions in APA format. Each question will require a full page (300 words) written. I will need atleast 2 references from the fnu library (LIRN/Library and Information Resources) in the text to support the answer.

Describe a value delivery network. How does it differ from a supply chain? Explain. 

List and describe the functions wholesalers perform that add value to both retailers and consumers. 

FIN Biology Discussion


1: Research some medications that claim to minimize viral infections once the diseases have started.

Provide an example of one of these medications

Discuss the claims for these medications

Include whether or not there is any evidence to support these claims  

Assignment Expectations for Grading:  

1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability to connect and apply the material 

2. Comprehensiveness and completeness of your responses 

3. Adherence to the written instructions 

GCU Importance of Stakeholders in the Facility Discussion


Assessment Description

Stakeholder support is necessary for a successful project implementation. Consider your internal stakeholders, such as the facility, unit, or health care setting where the change proposal is being considered, and your external stakeholders, like an individual or group outside the health care setting. Why is their support necessary to the success of your change proposal, and how you will go about securing that support?

ENG 101 Westchester Community College Death of Actor Joan Rivers Discussion



  • Using a minimum of two scholarly, credible sources, research the events surrounding the death of actor Joan Rivers. Identify the dates and times of (at minimum) 6 key turning points in the order they occurred. (I like to use index cards for this type of research). Create and number a written timeline;  below each incident, your pick, write 1-2 sentences on why you picked that moment. 

REA 617 BU Content Area Literacy Thematic Unit Discussion


This is the assignment requirements for my final project. 

4-Day Content Area Literacy Thematic Unit Plan (400 points)

  • See Appendix B for full instructions and required documents

Be sure to check the rubric before uploading your document to verify that you have addressed all parts of the assignment.

For example, don’t forget to complete the daily grid of activities, one for each day’s instruction, and the four (4) synthesis questions.

Houston Community College Software as a Service Research Paper


Pick a SaaS  (Software as a Service) and introduce 10 features of this software in details.

  At least 5.000 words Use MLA document format.

(For MLA document detailed information : https://guide.unwsp.edu/c.php?g=696804&p=4942885)

 Upload as docx (MS Word) file extension. 


Some SaaS applications to give you idea. Please do your own research.




UK Professional & Professionalism Are Common Terms in Management Analysis


Find an article which discusses the definition of a true professional. Write two page paper that discusses how professionalism relates to supervision and management. The term professional is thrown around quite a bit these days, perhaps too much. I do it myself. But what exactly does it mean to be a professional? As we move through the 10 items, consider how you compare with each trait.