UK Professional & Professionalism Are Common Terms in Management Analysis


Find an article which discusses the definition of a true professional. Write two page paper that discusses how professionalism relates to supervision and management. The term professional is thrown around quite a bit these days, perhaps too much. I do it myself. But what exactly does it mean to be a professional? As we move through the 10 items, consider how you compare with each trait.

New York University Impacts of Product on Society & Environment Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Student research , plan and write a persuasive essay analyzing how a product impacts society and /environment .This essay should be at least 200 words and include at least 4 reliable sources.Use APA style referencing and include an a cover page (times new Roman ,12point font,and double spaced)

Comparison and Contrast Discussion


  • Think  about classes that you have taken in which the subject matter required  you to compare and contrast two or more things based on their  similarities or differences. For example, you may have studied different  theories or disorders in your psychology course, or you might have  studied different works of art in art history.
  • Discuss the purpose of a comparison and contrast essay in organizing information.

Indiana State University Literature Essay


spell out numbers; refer to authors/people by last names; try to shift the focus more towards analysis. Need a literary analysis about the documentary with in depth thoughts about the most important things in the documentary. It needs to be 6 pages with 3 cited sources, APA format, and a works cited page. Dont just summarize the documentary, have more in depth thought about it.

Cuyamaca College Writing Task Rhetorical Precis Task


Writing Task: Rhetorical Precis


Step 1: Read

Read Lumen Writing 102: Rhetorical Precis (Links to an external site.) to prepare for your Writing Task 

Step 2: View the following Videos

Step 3: Read the following handout.

Download Sample Rhetorical Précis.docx

Step 4: Read write a precis

Select two artifacts you have chosen to analyze in Essay 3 and write a one paragraph precis of each. 

PSY 312 Belhaven University Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Prompt: Describe the benefits and disadvantages of medication treatment versus nonmedication treatments for ADHD. Make sure to include discussion of the medications and therapy procedures used in the treatment of this disorder. Focus only on scientific research; this is not an opinion or personal experience paper.

Miami Dade College Ethical Dilemma Discussion


The nurse knows the nursing assistant did not take vital signs on several patients but has fabricated them and is documenting these false vital signs on patients’ charts.  (Answer the following questions)

1. What is the ethical dilemma in this situation?
2. What potential legal issues can arise in this situation ?

3. Who would be held responsible if a legal case results from this negligent care?

Arizona State University Rap Race and Reality Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

In the two readings I have provided, I want you to read and correlate what it has to do with the Black community. What influence does it have? From what knowledge you received while reading the articles, how does that reflect on the black culture and community. 

TWU Information Technology Impact on Business Performance Case


Submit Part 1 of your case analysis report by presenting and supporting your 3- to 4-page rationale for the following:

Part 1: Information Technology and Business Performance

  • Analyze how information technology affects business performance.
  • Assess the implications and economic impact to the company due to frequent system outages.
  • Analyze the relationship between business and information technology strategy.
  • Analyze the cost of misalignment between information technology and business strategy.

The Traffic Accidents Have Been Highly Problematic Analysis


The most appropriate applicable law for damages arising out of traffic accidents is the law of the place where the damage occured: yes vs. No

Take into account the Convention of 4 May 1971 on the Law Applicable to Traffic Accidents

Also The Rome II Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations

Analyze other legislation in the middle east and the conflicts of laws on the issues.